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File: 251 KB, 2000x1334, c81604-splendid-table-lard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16793873 No.16793873 [Reply] [Original]

Is lard the best cooking fat?

>> No.16793880

I need to try it sometime. Ghee has become my new favorite fat for cooking but I keep hearing good things about lard.

>> No.16793884

looks like manchago.

>> No.16793887

If you're obese, yes

>> No.16793888

I prefer ghee

>> No.16793900

I have never used lard before,but Ive harvested pork fat from bacon and slow roasted pork like shoulder. Its delicious, but it contains spices, strong meaty flavor, and the bacon grease has a salty smokey flavor.
What to expect from lard? Bacon grease without any flavor?

>> No.16793903
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I like the flavor of Walnut oil . It’s expensive , but I’m worth it .

>> No.16793910

Doesn't taste like anything.

>> No.16793919

>Bacon grease without any flavor?
Bacon grease has no flavor either aside from salt. I've spread it on toast before and was disappointed. Butter has a stronger flavor than bacon fat.

It's fine, but lard doesn't taste like anything. No different from canola oil in terms of flavor. Butter is basically the same shit and actually adds something to the food.

>> No.16793927

I've heard tallow is better but its way too expensive

>> No.16793943

maybe it needs to be salted. cant confirm but I imagine unsalted butter doesn't taste like anything.

>> No.16793947

Have you ever fried an egg in butter? Tastes completely different from one fried in a neutral oil. Especially if you let the butter brown.

>> No.16793955

I haven’t tasted butter in three months . Your post really painted a picture in my imagination .

>> No.16793960

true enough. and now that you mention it, even ghee has a taste despite being unsalted.

>> No.16793962

lard is god-tier for deep fat frying. The best fries I've ever had are from my hometown and they fry them in lard instead of oil

>> No.16793965

You have stopped consuming seed oils, haven't you anon?

>> No.16793982

McDonalds used to use beef tallow to fry with . The fries never tasted the same after they switched to vegetable oil .

>> No.16793985

Real talk: Any east yuros/slavs care to chime in on making salo/slalina/etc? You know, that thing where you have a salted piece of lard and use as a spread on bread.

I've always wanted to make it, but all the recipes you find online are bullshit "cover with salt, wrap and put in fridge for 3 days wa la" and that's pure garbage, afaik it's supposed to be salt with herbs and berries like juniper, then left to cure for a long time.

So yeah, if someone could chime in with some authetntic recipes for salo that would be great.
Like, what rub, how long, and do you smoke it? That sorta stuff

>> No.16793988

There are lots of compounds in the bacon and pork shoulder that are fat soluble. My harvested grease is always red because of the red pepper I use. It also picks up flavors of onion and garlic because its there when I'm roasting the meat. Pour off the juices into a measuring cup, and the fat floats up. Stick in the fridge and you have "flavored lard" solidified at the top.
This is the only basis of comparison that I have. Purified lard from the store is going to be lacking all that, but for some uses I guess that's preferred. I know solid fat is needed for flaky dough, but I dont bake much. Nobody has really said why I should go out and buy lard on purpose. Whats the appeal?

>> No.16793994

ask me how I can tell you're a fat unmarried 40 something year old unwashed dweller

>> No.16793996

that's peasant food for the poorest of the poor you dumb pretentious wannabe faggot. want to taste poor people food for yourself? get some lard, spread it on bread and have your gay little larp

>> No.16793997

>There are lots of compounds in the bacon and pork shoulder that are fat soluble. My harvested grease...
Yeah I gotcha. I'm just saying that fat rendered from bacon (just bacon, even smoked bacon) doesn't taste nearly as much like bacon as you think it would when you use it for cooking other meals.

>> No.16794001

>it's supposed to be salt with herbs and berries like juniper, then left to cure for a long time
then do that, it's that simple
>what rub
salt and garlic, paprika too if you'd like
>do you smoke it?
if you'd like.
want some advice? stop overthinking it you tard. it's just fat and salt, if it's stored correctly you won't have to worry about fucking it up

>> No.16794008

I’m past my 40s . I’m married . I’m well washed . And I’ve lost 55 pounds in three months .

>> No.16794014

I know who you are now

>> No.16794016
File: 117 KB, 720x499, 20211005_201420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try argan oil, anon. Also has a nutty flavor. May not hold up as well in heat, but I just use it where extra virgin olive oil is applicable so it doesn't matter. Pick up some persian blue diamond salt while you're splurging on yourself too. Very light lemony flavor that is super nice. Both are comparably expensive.

>> No.16794021

Really , because one of those was a lie .

>> No.16794033

Clearly the 55 lbs. was a life.

>> No.16794036

No that part is true .

>> No.16794051

I tried walnut oil because I read that it’s healthy . Really like the flavor , however I’ll definitely be trying new oils .

kuchisabishii , why don’t we have an English word like that ?

>> No.16794053

You're not married. After all, you're on 4chan

>> No.16794058

I stopped eating grains , potatoes and sugar . I also limited the amount of fat and oil I eat . It’s been surprising how easy it’s been to lose weight .

>> No.16794061
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argan oil also has a lot of health benefits. it's normally used for lotion and skincare type stuff.

>> No.16794062

I’ve been married for over 25 years , that’s why in on 4chan .

>> No.16794066

That tile pattern hurts me deep inside my brain .

>> No.16794080

Lard's smoke point is supposed to be below 375F so it might be limited in that regard.

>> No.16794535

They still use beef tallow last I heard.

>> No.16794565

You could also try different Schmalz recipes from Germany. Pork fat often with Grieben (solids like meat scraps, skin etc. that have been fried in the fat and got crispy), onions and apples. Seasoning is often marjoram and thyme but especially in the northern parts also juniper, allspice and bay leaves.
Can also be made with goose fat (Gänseschmalz).

>> No.16794583

Lard is surprisingly neutral flavored. I wasn't expecting this when I made lard rolls.

My favorite cooking oil is peanut oil. Cheap, stores well, and also very neutral tasting (surprisingly). The taste that it does give to stuff makes everything taste like fried chicken, which is awesome

>> No.16794602

It has an interesting, neutral yet biscuity kind of flavour. Great for baking for this reason. Oftentimes it's hardly noticeable though really. If you render out your own it can depend on a few factors like the amount of heat, whether you scorch the hard fat a little, etc. If you salt and spice it, it actually makes for a really nice condiment on its own. For cooking, I'll use it for chilli and a few different non-Ashkenazi Eastern European dishes, schnitzel, etc. Anything where olive oil, butter or ghee aren't quite ideal. Like all of those, lard (and most animal fats) are perfectly healthy in moderation and far better than canola, sunflower or any other refined vegetable oil.

>> No.16794647

Sadly not. Julia Child went hard on them for exactly this reason - "the NUTRITIONISTS"


>> No.16794840

Ive tried both. I like lard better. It doesnt add much flavor but it seems to enhance the flavor of the actual food. Refried beans in lard are way better than tallow. The texture is creamier. The guy from bbq scientist did experiments cooking several types of brisket and wrapping them in different fats including wagyu tallow. He said the lard one was the best.

>> No.16794886

Tallow (or suet) are incredibly good for roast potatoes - as good as goose or duck fat, but not the same. Less rich, but more robust; sort of nutty and savoury.

>> No.16794891

Julia Child is the only tranny I respect.

>> No.16794893

imagine heating this up and then ingesting it

>> No.16794914

She's awesome. Never seemed to give much of a shit about the fact that she was this weird lumbering giant of a woman - she just loved great food and unashamedly spruiked that fact.

>> No.16794923

What’s wrong with it ?

>> No.16794929

it's chock-full of PUFAs

>> No.16794946

No. Unhealthy shit.

>> No.16794960

depends what you're using it for i imagine
like if you're making eggs, if you use anything other than butter you're an idiot

>> No.16794968

i get a lot of fat after roasting chicken carcasses for stock
is chicken fat a good cooking fat? its liquid at room temp and tastes pretty good

>> No.16794972

unhealthy in what way?

>> No.16794976

To my understanding, walnut oil is really volatile and goes rancid quickly at room-temperature. It doesn't hold up to heat well and has a low 'smoke point' (basically jargon for how quickly oxidation begins under exposure to heat, so the flavour and potentially its health impacts are negatively affected). Most people here - including myself - aren't dieticians or scientists, and there are a lot of views out there on HOW significant the impact on human health due to this actually is. Generally I'm inclined to use oils like that quickly after purchase and under low-heat conditions (finishing, dressing) so that the potential impact of oxidation/burning on flavour and health are minimised. I can say from experience that some oils just aren't suited for cooking with under high temperatures, but ultimately it's your choice and the science is open to interpretation. So, if you like it, go ahead.

>> No.16794987

whats wrong with oxidation?
yes im a bit retarded

>> No.16794996

I dunno man. Eggs fried in lighter (non-virgin) olive oil can be really nice if you steam them slightly and use them as a topper for vegetable dishes. Similarly, peanut oil is awesome for getting crispy-bottomed eggs for pairing with rice or dry noodles.

>> No.16795004

It has a high ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 oil . The advice on oil nutrition is all over the place so I just use it in moderation .

>> No.16795036
File: 969 KB, 2160x1620, 21F40D29-B3C5-4A82-A70B-0E002620CC15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only use walnut oil with moderate heat . I use avocado oil for high heat .

>> No.16795041

Yeah potatoes are really good on potatoes especially fried but tallow is too expensive to deep fry in. I usually render my own pork fat a couple times a year. Make like 60 quarts and keep it in a huge pot. Lard is surprisingly stable ive kept it at room temp for more than 6 months. Of course occasionally use it to make carnitas and chicharron so the lard gets put through a heating cooling cycle, i dunno if that helps to keep the lard from going rancid.

>> No.16795045

Nah you aren't. Insofar as health impacts are concerned this all comes down to what various studies have to say on the subject and frankly my own understanding is not academic (I'm a lawyer lol) and therefore not reliable (this is an anime imageboard ffs). If you actually care and are interested I'd encourage you to seek out actual non-corporate funded scientific studies on the subject. Some studies show lower oxidative stability can have a negative impact on things like heart health and cell regeneration but HOW bad that is, who knows??

>> No.16795055

Damn that's awesome. Would love to render my own lard or tallow but have never gotten around to it. What do you use for rendering/how do you source it?

>> No.16795056

thanks anon, ill look into it

>> No.16795085

Back fat, pork jowl, belly. Before covid i was pretty busy saturdays and some sundays selling carnitas to people who were going to have parties. Very cool because all i had to do was cook the meat pack it in trays and wait for pick up.

>> No.16795086

Envying your neat organisation there anon. I've never used avocado oil before, does it have much flavour on its own?

>> No.16795093

Fuck yeah. Hope it picks up post-pandemic. That sounds comfy af. Will look into picking up some back or jowl for that reason.

>> No.16795108

I think it tastes neutral but definitely has more flavor than the more highly processed oils

>> No.16795110

Tastes way better in butter

>> No.16795111

Lard used to be THE cooking fat of choice before modern vegetable oils, people in the past weren't all fat fucks.

>> No.16795147

That and they didn’t carb load at every meal of their life .

>> No.16795157

free radicals n shiiieet

>> No.16795174

This. You look at so many old school recipes besides those which are for more rural "peasant" foods in Europe, and they consist largely of a seasoned protein with a seasonal vegetable side. Or JUST one or the other. Bread and/or noodles, grains, were generally an offside element to a meal.

>> No.16795180

It wont unless meat prices drop. Pre pandemic i could get pork shoulder $1.26-1.75/lb now its almost $3.00/lb

>> No.16795185

Also lots of sauces based on fats and/or alcohol, maybe with some flour as a binding medium or something to provide a coating to meat and such.

>> No.16795193

I lost 25lb by cutting out carbs in about 6 weeks.the weight loss has slowed down the past 3 weeks but its still 1.5-3lb a week.

>> No.16795210

Shitty. Assume US? Has agriculture been hit hard by lockdowns? Come to Australia - we have big swathes of land for livestock farming and prices have not been terribly affected by plague.

>> No.16795221

King. Awesome man.

>> No.16795228

>prices have not been terribly affected by plague.
cause they were expensive as fuck to begin with. its amazing to be to hear of yanks picking up meats for literal dollars per pound

>> No.16795234

Yes. and in the worst lockdown state. I do love westholme australian wagyu. I prefer it to japanese a5 wagyu because its less rich and you can eat more than two bites but still has great flavor.

>> No.16795240

True, but looking at the meat they get in supermarkets in the US and Europe I'm pretty fucking happy to pay what we do here for the quality we get. You get a decent local butcher and it's even better. Crazy shit.

>> No.16795252

Sorry to hear. Glad you enjoy the product though. The secret is that most of our arable land is good enough for livestock grazing but NOT good enough for grains or horticultural production, which means we can graze herds over MASSIVE tracts of land before finishing in feedlots which yields amazing quality meat in beef and sheep with decent fat content.

>> No.16795260

And by massive, I mean there are multiple land parcels out there the size of entire countries.

>> No.16795265

It depends supermarket have poor quality even ones that claim to sell prime meat. But i can get good quality prime beef sirloin cap or flap steak for $13/lb post pandemic. Pre pandemic it was $9.99. The australian is more expensive $18/lb how much you guys pay for the above mentioned cuts per kilo?

>> No.16795269

It has a distinctive flavor that you may or may not like. I didn't like it at first tb h.

>> No.16795270

Is australia pretty flat (specifically the cattle raising lands)?

>> No.16795308

Couldn't tell you with any reliability for specific cuts because it varies WILDY across states and regions. In my area you're looking at around USD$9.50-10 per pound or AUD$30-35 per kilogram per kilo of sirloin cap. Like I said there's a lot of variation based on producer and region of import but generally it's really good quality and almost entirely grass-fed but for finishing.

>> No.16795323
File: 134 KB, 1024x683, australia-beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inland, more or less. Geologically stable for millions of years, iron rich soil and massive aquifers up North (which the current Government keep trying to fuck with gas fracking). Much of it looks like pic related with some more verdant areas near the coastal areas and enormous estates and feedlots further inland.

>> No.16795346

Importantly it's also REALLY prone to seasonality and rainfall. The past decade we've basically been fucked with drought until this particularly good La Nina which has brought on some big rains and actually flooding in some areas. Australia is a motherfucker of a country when it comes to dependence on rainfall for agriculture.

>> No.16795423

>Is australia pretty flat
yes, our tallest mountain is a 2km high rolling hill.

>> No.16795428

nice lard knife, bro

>> No.16795434

Well uh, because... shut up.

>> No.16795529

I used some lamb fat the other day. Pretty good.

>> No.16795555

Here in Denmark our highest point is about 170 meters.

>> No.16795595

When even the Dutch have a point twice as tall.

>> No.16795661
File: 205 KB, 1280x853, Mount_Kosciuszko_Summit_walk,_Kosciuszko_National_Park_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's our highest summit bro

>> No.16795676

I heard coconut oil is very stable, but leaves a flavor some people might not like.

>> No.16795777

>potatoes are really good on potatoes

>> No.16795846

>rural "peasant" foods in Europe
Mothafucka must be joking. We have less than half a bread and whole house is in panic mode.
Not to mention everybody believes you need to eat bread with everything.
Especially meat. And if not bread than potatoes.

>> No.16795997

Depends what you're doing.

Good for frying chicken.

Good for seasoning a pan.

Good for chinese food (not sure if this is common in China, but it works well with a lot of chinese recipes).

Good for biscuits / other baked goods

Good for roast vegetables (preferably freshly rendered from a pork roast)

Bad for salads.

Taste doesn't work with everything. and can be quite noticeable.

>> No.16796015

Based central or eastern Europe bro.

>> No.16796232

Lol. Meant beef tallow

>> No.16796711

It's the most neutral tasting to me, vegetable oils all have a far more distinct smell and flavor.

>> No.16796824

t. had jar of kraut with half a jar of lard.

>> No.16797905

Tastes good ngl

>> No.16799434

Fantastic for all but very high temperatures. Beef drippings can take a higher heat.

>> No.16799489

This is complete ketotard nonsense. The basic foods in old Europe were gruel and bread. Most meals had no animal proteins. Peasants were eating considerably more carbs than now. Think for a moment why the lord's prayer refers to the "daily bread" or why Marie Antoinette's "let them eat cake" was such a big deal.

>> No.16799773

Eating carbs with your meal and carb loading are not the same thing . It’s a problem of portion size .

>> No.16799783

> The findings demonstrated that stews (or pottages) of meat (beef and mutton) and vegetables such as cabbage and leek, were the mainstay of the medieval peasant diet.

>> No.16799791

Doesn’t lard have a low smoke point? Seems like itd be hard to cook with?

>> No.16799796

It was changed due to people screeching about health as well as vegetarians throwing a bitch tantrum about the “hidden” meat in the fries even though McDonald’s wasn’t hiding anything.
So they started parcooking the fries with a non-meat beef flavoring before freezing them, as an attempt to retain the “original flavor”.

>> No.16799849

Yeah 6’2” is really tall for a woman, and completely fucking insane for a woman born in 1912.
I like the story about how she had her kitchen counters built several inches taller than standard so she could use them more comfortably.

>> No.16800081
File: 397 KB, 1316x1195, FFB24F59-DCD8-4F38-B2DE-DEC22B2E8312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I constantly raise the temp on lard to 400f to deep fry pork it doesnt seem to degrade it even though it does smoke past 375f. I use it outside so the smoke isnt a problem.

>> No.16801006

>Cooking pots contained stew
Oh wow. Meanwhile every other historical record is clear on the fact that medieval people ate massive amounts of grain - probably mostly bread in that case, if the pots didn't contain gruel.

>> No.16801976

Those chicharrones look good m8

>> No.16802058

I buy pork rinds at the Portuguese deli. I love this stuff. I eat it cold in yogurt or kefir.

>> No.16802116

It's okay taste-wise, but smell-wise it smells like my dad, and not in a good way. Quite off-putting.

>> No.16802121
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can't you just run a solar-powered water purifier from the ocean like in Rust?

>> No.16802122

>ignores source
breads were eaten with stews you brainlet. Every peasant was a farmer so they all ate some meat though sparingly. Bread was given to the poorest of the poor because grains is fast and cheap calorie source. Not because they are healthy or good. They aren't. They keep the peasants alive and too weak to revolt. That's why the upper classes ate meat and vegetables. Faggot.

>> No.16802127

>source: trust me bro
delusion retard lmao

>> No.16802234

Those arent pork rinds. Rinds are just skin. This is pork belly with the skin on.