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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16759311 No.16759311 [Reply] [Original]

I'm used to skip breakfast but now that I went back to college I tend to get hungry during classes by 10 am.

What's an easy breakfast that will fill me until noon without making me bloated?

Alternatively, what could I eat in the so I can skip lunch altogether?

>> No.16759316

>skip lunch altogether?
i was going to post helpful things but fuck you retard

>> No.16759319


>> No.16759323

unironically Soylent, especially the coffee one

>> No.16759324
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>what do i eat
shut up

>> No.16759326

4 scrambled eggs

>> No.16759337

I like to boil a bunch of eggs at once and just keep them in the fridge so I can grab one whenever I want.

>> No.16759470

toast with peanut butter is my go to

>> No.16759494

>fried egg
>black coffee

>> No.16759506

Some days classes are in two different building and my lunch break is basically getting to one place to the other. I can manage to it but too quickly for my liking, I'd rather skip it and get my revenge at dinner

>> No.16759526

I like this idea a lot

Solid advice, I take note


What about meat? Is eating red meat for breakky cringe or based?
Or maybe cured white meat or smoked salmon I was thinking.

>> No.16761354


>> No.16761554

>What about meat? Is eating red meat for breakky cringe or based?
pretty dumb idea if you're looking for someone that won't make you feel bloated. Admittedly cured white meat/ salmon is better than something like bacon, but still
I would recommend making or buying ANZAC biscuits, they're like oat biscuits, popular in Australia

>> No.16761573

overnight oats

>> No.16762803

Protein shakes, OP.

2x scoops Chocolate whey with oat milk is the best I've found

>> No.16762822

frogcancer bye bye

>> No.16762833

I'm also a breakfast skipper who very rarely gets hunger pangs in the early hours
when I do get them a banana usually tides me over well after noon

>> No.16762838 [DELETED] 

Newfag, that Doesnt really work when youre posting in their thread. They still get a notification.

>> No.16762852

You can eat a sandwich on the way and prepare it ahead of time, don't binge eat later because you missed a meal that's fucking terrible for you

>> No.16762867

Like lox? Yeah but don't overdo it that's a shit load of salt and it won't make you feel good sitting in classes unless you have something physical in the morning where you are sweating it out. Red meat in the morning will give you the blost followed by gas (I put ground beef in my eggs often but I work from home so I can stink up the place as much as I want)

>> No.16762890 [DELETED] 

Shut up and eat your granola faggot

>> No.16763229

I mean half of them aren't actually about food so fair, but someone's clearly being a bit trigger-happy.

>> No.16763789

>(you) denial
The fact that you think this actually means something to other people speaks very poorly of what kind of person you are.