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16749098 No.16749098 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any liquid that hydrates better than water? I'm drinking a gallon a day, I purchased a humidifer and increased the temperature on my air conditioner. I've also purchased chapstick and three different kinds of mouthwash for dry mouth.

Yet every day I wake up with blisters on my tongue, a chapped lower lip, crust on either side of my mouth, crust over my eyes and my lips stuck together. On alternating days I take claritan, benadryl and nyquil for allergies as well in case that's what's causing it.

>> No.16749105

Hydrate = hydro = water

Hydratation literally means absorbing water, there is no better drink to hydrate yourself than literal water.

>> No.16749109

beyond one of those electrolyte drinks, not really

>> No.16749114

Drink Gatorade but you need to exercise rigorously daily.

>> No.16749118

Chug ~1 gallon of water right before going to bed, that's what I do and it helps with dry mouth/chapped lips
>oh but then I'll need to wake up and piss in the middle of the night
Take 1 or 2 sleep-aids whenever you drink the water before bed, you will sleep right through the pissing event(s)
>oh but I don't want to piss in my bed
Fuck off

>> No.16749125

George Porte George of the Jungle WATCH OUT FOR DAT TREE !! Georg eoporge of the Jungle Shit Fuck Stinky Pee Pee !!!

Pipette hot cream down my rectum and stuff my ass with maraschino cherries while you tell me how bad I've been lately, you fucking twat.

>> No.16749130

Bad genetics

>> No.16749139

this can be dangerous and dehydrate you even more if the cause of your dehydration is electrolyte imbalance. are you sure you dont have something wrong with your health?

>> No.16749142

Based bed wetter

>> No.16749149

describe your diet

>> No.16749150

But only recently has this become a problem for me. Within the last three years. I always feel dehydrated. Also I'm constantly gagging because it feels like there's phlegm stuck in my throat.

>> No.16749152

Tha could be diabetus anon

>> No.16749157
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Eh-hehe... Well that is um... *cough* that really seems rather irrelevant...

>> No.16749163

put a humidifier in your bedroom. your skin is drying out overnight.

>> No.16749168

I wake up on piss soaked sheets every other morning, but at least my lips are moist and my throat isn't dry, so no I don't think there's anything wrong with my health

>> No.16749190

Okay, but you guys are just going to be really mean... I can already hear the insults and calls to change my lifestyle. It's not diabetes, I've had tests done multiple times. My mother was nagging me with this idea to the point that I was having bloodwork done monthly at one point so she'd get the fuck off my back and they've told me my cholesterol and blood sugar are totally normal along with my weight and I don't have diabetes or pre-diabetes or hypoglycemia or any of that shit.

But, all through my youth I was drinking an insane amount of gatorade. Then I realized "Oh shit, this swill is why I'm constantly sweating." So I dropped the gatorade cold turkey, but I still like sugary beverages so I replaced it with soda. I probably drink two liters of soda every single day.

>Why don't you-
If you're about to suggest tea, fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. FUCK YOU. Fuck you, and fuck you. I fucking despise tea. It sickens me. It makes me want to throw up. Fuck tea and everyone who drinks it. No thank you. No. I do not want your fermenting leaf juice.

If instead you were about to suggest an artificial sweetener, fuck you even harder. I hate all of that. I hate stevia, I hate that shit they get out of cactuses, I hate every single sugar substitute. I'm okay with corn syrup, but I prefer actual sugar.

I drink a shitload of water to compensate.

>> No.16749211

Dude go to a fucking doctor

>> No.16749228

i drink a gallon before bed like you but i can always wake up before i piss myself. >>16749190
anon im sorry but that sounds really unhealthy. i had a soda addiction like that too, but i could drink diet. have you ever tried flavored water enhancers?

>> No.16749251

very nice

>> No.16749272

There's a humidifier directly above my head. It's reduced the issue -my eyes aren't in horrible pain and crusted over in the mornings and I don't have dry crusts actually cracking my skin on the edges of my eyes anymore, though I still do wake up with a little crust and it doesn't seem to have improved my dry mouth at all.

>> No.16749301

it's those antihistamines you're taking. if your piss is clear you're hydrated, and if you have to take your drugs keep the claritin and lose the others. diphenhydramine has antimuscarinic properties and causes things like dry mouth

>> No.16749331

sounds like you know exactly what the problem is and have no desire to fix it.
fuck off and die, or stop drinking soda, it's really that easy.

>> No.16749342

Fuck off and die, sugarnigger

>> No.16749348


>> No.16749353

Sounds like you need to talk to a doctor.

>> No.16749358

Fish oil. Seems like you get enough water but have nothing to keep it there like the protective layer of oil for your eyes for instance

Drinking insane amounts of water will also dehydrate you. If you're sweating it all out also look into the fodmap diet. Fixes a ton of random garbage and wish I would've hopped on it years ago. That said, it's hard and if you're like me you'll plug your ears to it at first

Those medications also cause dry eye wouldn't be a stretch to say they could cause the rest. My eyes had their oil glands plugged and have to massage them during a shower to get it flowing

>> No.16749387

You have fucked yourself all up with too much sugar, water and allergy pills. Try gatorade zero. Ir doesnt have sugar

>> No.16749391


>> No.16749412

You need to eat regularly for nutrition. The body needs several kinds of salts in order to help your body retain water otherwise you just shit and piss it all out or worse, get bloated with an edema. Drink coconut water I'd you really need to supplement. Just eat regularly and drink water you sperg.

>> No.16749480

salt water

>> No.16749485

Nigga you're getting
A) too much salt
B) not enough salt

and also
1) too much sugar
2) not enough sugar

>> No.16749498

>Drinks 2 liters of sugar liquid a day
>Ew tea yucky
Fucking kill yourself you sound like a fucking bitchy woman or stupid child.

>> No.16749523

It sounds like a mouth breather. Mouth breathing at night is drying out your mouth.

>> No.16749530
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>> No.16749600

Fuck YOU

>> No.16749622

>2l soda per day
Lmao l wonder what the problem is. That's more than I drink in a year.

>> No.16749712

I can't believe that nobody has mentioned pedialyte. No one can hydrate on pure H20 without the correct salts.
If you want to make it yourself, use Morton's no-salt (potassium) with magnesium citrate and sugar (helps absorption), basically the 1800's cure for dysentery where you shit your guts out to death.

>> No.16749761

Iced water
There is literally nothing on planet earth that feels better to drink than iced fucking water, at least in terms of rejuvenation
The reason is that it not only satisfies your body's need to hydrate, it also satisfies your body's need to feel refreshed and active

>> No.16749820

Do you eat a lot of salty food? I used to and I'd drink over a gallon a day sometimes. Since I cut back on the salt I'm having about half a gallon and my skin isn't as dry.

>> No.16749826


you need salt

>> No.16750033

Based on some of the replies in this thread, plenty is being mined as we speak.

>> No.16750479

>2 liters of soda everyday
Well, we all know that OP is a dumb lying nigger. You're definitely obese. There's your problem you fat fuck.

>> No.16750651
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>I drink a half gallon of regular soda every day
>why am I experiencing these health issues?

>> No.16750846

Coconut water is the absolute best liquid to hydrate yourself. Beats even sport drinks when you got diarrhea.

>> No.16750855

Sparkling mineral water. It gets in you small intestines faster than still water and keeps your electrolytes balanced along the way. Electrolyte balance is just as important as drinking enough water.

>> No.16750870


>> No.16750875

too much salt will make you thirsty and dehydrate you though

>> No.16751135

Do you have any argument, fatass?

>> No.16751187

You know I've seen this going around for a long time but all my personal experience tells me it's either bullshit or varies greatly from person to person. I can drink gatorade all day and barely piss, but the second I drink half a can of mtn dew I'm pissing every 10 minutes.

>> No.16751193

Mountain Dew has caffeine which is a diuretic.

>> No.16751334

How old is your house, OP? If its old and/or has something like a mold problem or some other sort of airborne shit, that could be causing the weird shit in the morning. The increased moisture and heat may only be worsening it.

>> No.16751586

Dude go to a fucking doctor, why are you asking a bunch of retards on 4chan holy shit? Could be diabetus, could be lupus, go see a doctor.

>> No.16751616

Coconut water, its the only thing that really qeunched my thirst. I also felt like no matter what I drank nothing satiated me, not soda, water or milk.

>> No.16752102


>> No.16752121
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>> No.16752128


>> No.16752129
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>> No.16752140


>> No.16752163

Gatorade works for me for a hangover

>> No.16752178

Pocari Sweat

>> No.16752215

Yeah nah, try drinking only distilled water and you'll fuck yourself up

>> No.16752243

> Though
Go back

>> No.16752248

why though?

>> No.16752256

I do, it's fine.

>> No.16752508

How the fuck is tea more hydrating than water? It's literally a diuretic

>> No.16752516

be honest, man. are you an alcoholic? snoring with your mouth open will dry it right the fuck out.

not that i know that from personal experience, teehee

>> No.16752522

Are you sure you bought a humidifer and not a dehumidifer

>> No.16752577
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this is you

>> No.16752689

>every day I wake up with blisters on my tongue, a chapped lower lip, crust on either side of my mouth, crust over my eyes and my lips stuck together
>I probably drink two liters of soda every single day.
Yeah you probably just need more allergy medicine, that'll be it.

>> No.16752698
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>> No.16752717

The irony is that Gatorade is a better option than soda. Not quite as much sugar, and at least had a bit of electrolytes.

>> No.16752723

>the better the fluid is retained in the body
Retard, this chart simply tells you how long certain drinks will be kept in your body. Obviously some things will stay longer in your body depending on the additives in it.
The question this chart and study did not answer is if drinking 1L of coke is a better way to hydrate yourself than drinking 1L of water, which it is not. Your body simply needs more time to break down all of the different parts of that fluid, it doesn't mean you get better hydration from it.

>> No.16752725

drink heavy water to build muscle mass.
no bullshit it just works.

>> No.16752730

have you tried artificial sweeteners IN the tea

>> No.16752823


>> No.16752871

Could be acid reflux. I have acid reflux and I wake up just like you describe when I sleep on a flat bed. I have wedges under my bed so I sleep at like a 5 degree angle and I sleep like a baby.

>> No.16752955

>Your body simply needs more time to break down all of the different parts of that fluid
That's precisely what makes those beverages more hydrating, you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.16753027

>when my body needs more time to break down sugar it means I'm getting more hydrated
alright kid, maybe try to pay attention in biology class when they talk about how your body processes things.

>> No.16753032

eat more fruits and vegetables, that "2lts of water a day" isn't just chugging a bottle like a retard you have to eat it

>> No.16753037

ayran or kefir

>> No.16753046

This is literally false retard

>> No.16753049

Just drink water. Do not try substituting a bunch of Gatorade, Gatorade has a fuckton of sugar and is not good for you. Water is the way to go

>> No.16753062

>wtf I can't virtue-signal about doing something as basic as drinking water anymore :(
Keep crying, lardass faggot.

>> No.16753076

I know how to fix it because i had the same issue but im not going to tell you OP

>> No.16753080

Does he need to? Keep drinking your coke, OJ, and milk, fatty

>> No.16753084
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>> No.16753086

Guys, just add salt to your water.
The salt will keep the water trapped inside your body, reducing the amount of urine you will produce. That is literally how the hydration index measures "hydration"

>> No.16753089 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16753092

It's because of the shitty first generation antihistamines, you fucking fuck. Change them to third generation ones and you won't feel thirsty.

>> No.16753093

>drinking a beverage means you drink it in amounts that induce a caloric surplus
Needing to cut out drinks entirely because you can't into moderation like a normal human is a lardass trait. You literally can't imagine drinking a beverage that's 80 kcal per cup without going into a caloric surplus, this is how obese you are.
And yes, considering that the chart is based on actual studies, he does need arguments to debunk it.

>> No.16753105 [DELETED] 

Cutting out beverages entirely because you can't into moderation like a normal human is a lardass trait. Athletes with six packs drink those beverages as well.
And yes, you need arguments to debunk things that are backed by science.

>> No.16753106

>And yes, considering that the chart is based on actual studies, he does need arguments to debunk it.
"Essentially, the index compares how much of a drink is retained 2 hours after consumption compared to the same amount of water. The higher the index the more fluid is retained in the body. The full paper is available online, but in brief, they compared 13 beverages. Seventy two volunteers consumed 1 liter of each of these drinks. For the next 2 hours urine was collected."

Have you actually read the study yourself?
You seem like the type of guy that believes ingesting soy (estrogen) through your foods is the same as getting estrogen injections or even pills. I bet you're one of those fags that take testosterone supplements because you're way too fucking stupid to understand what free flowing testosterone actually does on your body.

>> No.16753222

>crust on either side of my mouth, crust over my eyes and my lips stuck together

Anon do you have a brother or a male roommate?

>> No.16753227

Do you know how much fucking salt is in soda you retard same thing with sugar both of those dehydrates you here's your problem right here you may not have diabetes now but in 2 years you will

>> No.16753233

OP is a nigger
He's what his kind calls "ashy mfer"
Many such cases

>> No.16753358

stop doing meth/adderall
problem solved

>> No.16753516

That's a symptom of diabetes, you better get checked

>> No.16753522

Humic and fulvic acids will help drive the water into cells.

>> No.16753540

anyone who believes this will believe in anything with a chart

>> No.16753543

positively based