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[ERROR] No.16735951 [Reply] [Original]

Fancy edition

>> No.16735984
File: 403 KB, 1280x960, 9F309CC2-BDAB-4F46-BBF9-B477226A892A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KO Kipper Snacks are nasty. In fact, King Oscar has gone to total shit ever since the degenerate Thai king’s sovereign wealth fund bought the brand.

>> No.16735986


>> No.16735996

Vegan tranny getting toasty!

>> No.16736001
File: 60 KB, 460x360, millionaire-sardines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, personally, to be quite honest, it's Millionaires

>> No.16736007

fish she is very small

>> No.16736034
File: 158 KB, 1500x852, 9600B4A4-39E6-4BAC-84E4-C0F2A3D4E465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside plebs, the true king has arrived.

>> No.16736037

deenz nutz

>> No.16736047

What's the best way to eat kippers? I tried em on pumpernickel with butter and it was kinda gross

>> No.16736052

>Thai king’s sovereign wealth fund bought the brand

lmao what

>> No.16736062

on buckwheat or rice

>> No.16736064

>Fried with poached eggs and toast
>on toasted bread with brown mustard

>> No.16736107
File: 95 KB, 982x726, thai-crown-prince-2-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't know? Shame on you.

>> No.16736151

Visited that rainbow tomato garden place in PA dude sells massive variety of deenz and other fish. Had nuri and Patagonia brand, tonight cracking open a tin of Ramon pena

>> No.16736157


>> No.16736510
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any love for these sardinhas? Haven't tried yet; I usually stick with wild planet or KO but I've wanted to try Portuguese brands for a while.

>> No.16736520

Woah, this guy used all caps, I have to read his post

>> No.16736877
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>> No.16736891

They blow KO's morocco packed sardines out of the water.
Wish I could find somewhere to buy them in bulk

>> No.16736899

redpill me on kippers
how do they differ from deenz and herring

>> No.16736902

for me it's
bela > KO >>> wild planet
but honestly the KO ones that are little and there's a lot in the can (i forget what that type is called), those are the absolute tops
riga spratz is similar to the KO type i'm talking about
shit is fucking cash making me wet rn

>> No.16736904

yeah what this faggot said
kippers any better than other canned fish? had others and i don't like it

>> No.16737003

>this assblasted faggot

>> No.16737014
File: 232 KB, 1200x899, 715pfbbdC-L._SL1200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ate the hot jalapeno king oscars today
they were so hot i dont even know how they can legally sell something that hot

>> No.16737037

I also enjoy canned smoked octopus.

>> No.16737038

Yayyyyy, I LOVE when companies betting on widespread mercury poisoning make shill threads! :)

>> No.16737045
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you will not sell me Deenz sardines again, fisherman. I have tried them time and time again, but cannot enjoy them.

What else do you serve? I was thinking about trying the mackerel bc i love getting that on sushi.

>> No.16737151

i thought deenz sucked until I realized i was getting king oscar's
seriously that brand sucks ass

>> No.16737163

Yeah they USED to be good but they sold out.

>> No.16737177

Heavy metal poisoning comes from biomagnification of toxins, but it's only really an issue in larger species of predatory fish higher on the food chain (tuna, king mackerel, swordfish, etc.)

>> No.16737198

No. The ocean is fucking full of mercury and the bottom feeders are chock full of it.

>> No.16737199

Yeah, I was talking about Mediterranean sardines, not sprats/brislings.
I find the riga ones just as good or better than KO' s tiny tots for much cheaper.
KO really has a fat head, their cans are way too expensive for the quality at this point
I've never had wild planet because I don't eat thai packed fish

>> No.16737225

I'm going to break it down for you: you are the tuna. You are bioaccumulating by eating hundreds of little mercury laden fish.

>> No.16737247
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Why are leaf deenz so based? These guys are great, brunzdeenz slap ass (and are super cheap), club de millionnaires is better than KO arguably

>> No.16737298
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Who else here smoked oysters

>> No.16737306

smoked oysters are tasty but they are almost universally farmed in gookwater, so I have zero faith in their quality, especially as oysters are filter feeders. You're eating concentrated insectoid ocean runoff. Tasty tho

>> No.16737320
File: 49 KB, 512x319, unnamed-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to love them as a kid but at some point the only ones you could find became disgusting, gritty chink ones.
It was about the same time they stopped selling Campbell's oyster stew because sourcing oysters that weren't practically toxic became too expensive.
Kill all chinks

>> No.16737367

Tinned mackerel in tomato sauce is objectively better in my humble opinion

>> No.16737399

Bela is super good, great on toast with some hot sauce

>> No.16737407

Was it worth it?

>> No.16737474

Cruise control for cool