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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16723561 No.16723561 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get my dad to stop taking pictures of his food and posting it on Facebook?

>> No.16723572

Low quality post

>> No.16723579
File: 14 KB, 329x345, 1625533343607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my question is more universally relevant to food culture than the butter burger shitpost

>> No.16723591

once he turns 18 he'll stop

and it's past your bedtime

>> No.16723599

>my question is more universally relevant
Prove ur *dad* is posting to facebook

>> No.16723602

You should take it as a chance to help him take better pictures or plate things better.
That way you two can bond and he won't be as disappointed in you.

>> No.16723605

Unironically communication. Just talk to your dad and explain your viewpoint.

>> No.16723607

>old people posting stuff on Facebook
You can't stop 'em bro

>> No.16723608

how about you stop posting micro images of a steak and a burned onion then

>> No.16723621

>he won't be as disappointed in you
Dads are a disappointment u brainwashed fucking retard

>> No.16723625

>mom know this lady from some social group
>lady is obsessed with cats and feeding raccoons in her backyard
>spends hours a day popping into entirely unrelated Facebook threads they're called to post updates on her cats and the raccoons
It's hilarious, but it's also kind of sad because I think Facebook is her only social outlet.

>> No.16723634

Yeah, he should post gay penis so that you can enjoy his timeline more.

>> No.16723636

(the social group shut down years ago, possibly because this lady pissed everyone off so much)

>> No.16723639

stop taking pictures of your food and posting it on 4chan.org/ck/

>> No.16723652

One of my cousins relatives kept posting lol in a facebook post about someone dying. Come to find out lol doesn't mean lots of love. Lmfaooooooo

>> No.16723824

You’re dad sounds absolutely based and truly boomer-pilled. Let him do what he wants to do.

>> No.16723834
File: 3.22 MB, 491x704, 1615363949779.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is extremely based and boomer pilled

>> No.16724602
File: 181 KB, 1600x1067, Wendys-Introduces-Unforgettable-Flavor-Packed-Pretzel-Bacon-Pub-Cheeseburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 4chan i remember would have used the metadata from the picture to doxx op and his father and let his dad know how shitty of a son he has that talks shit behind his back, but alas, that day and age is completely gone, so here, have a picture of a fucking fast food sandwich instead you feel better? i do

>> No.16724607

Why does it matter? Only old people and businesses too cheap to make a website use Facebook anymore.

>> No.16724612

You didn't have to use metadata. Facebook used to include the account number in its filenames.

>> No.16724620

bring a pan of water to boiling over high heat
add a teaspoon of salt
drop his phone in there and let it cook for ten minutes

>> No.16724956
