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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 133 KB, 1200x900, curry and chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16721733 No.16721733 [Reply] [Original]

>"that'll be £4.29 please, lad"

>> No.16721752

i fucking hate chippies
the parasite of the working classes, dragging them down one box of chips and curry sauce at a time

>> No.16721758

>fell for the working class meme

>> No.16721766

I'd pay that amount of money for that pile of slob if I had it in front of me right now
I'm starving

>> No.16721776

do londoners really

>> No.16721782

What's that symbol you guys are using before the 4?

>> No.16721790


>Oi m8, you got any of them scraps I could have as a side?

During highschool I used to know a lad who ask his local chippy for scraps (leftover batter and bits from the deep-fryer - apparently they'd give them for free if you just ask). He was a from a single mother poorfag family though.

>> No.16721793

It's the logo for the chinese yen currency

>> No.16721800

Oh, I see.
England sure is in a sorry state, huh?

>> No.16721805

Gimme that without the slop of brown sauce and sum mayonnaise instead and we got a deal

>> No.16721815

>soggy pommes Pont-Neuf in curry corn syrup
Yep, that's ingurland.

>> No.16721818

t. flemish belgian

>> No.16721822

He didn't ask fried in beef fat.

>> No.16721855
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>> No.16721865
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>> No.16721867

I'm merely stating facts. Down with chippies.
Same except in uni and it was a single dad family

>> No.16721873

plus tip and tax and a kiss on the lips

>> No.16721931

>tax not included in price

do Americans even

>> No.16722009

Go to the norf and it's a menu item. They call it "bits".

>> No.16722011

I'm Canadian

>> No.16722016

What the fuck chippie are you going to? Even in London a box like that is usually not more than 3 quid.

>> No.16722097


>> No.16722266

There's a place near me that fries everything in beef drippings, and the fat neckbeard behind the counter took great please in telling me that not only did they not sell vegeburgers, but that everything was fried in the aforementioned remnants of cow carcasses.
Now I just create a new google account once every week to leave them a new 1 star review.

>> No.16722477

What is that, like a child's portion or something? If I went to a chippy and paid more than a quid for something like that, I'd be livid.

I get a large and split it between 3 people.

>> No.16722483

Nothing wrong with batter bits, lad. I get them every time, they add a bit of crunch, and they're happy to get rid of them, they only go in the bin anyway.

>> No.16722586


I could get 4x that at my local chippy for less than £3. Mate, you are being ripped off. Also, it's better to get your chips wrapped in paper. More traditional.

>> No.16722623

Same thing, muttstuff

>> No.16723547


>drunk food tier that just makes your shit going smoother after a weekend booze bender.

Nah mate, i prefer a hefty pile of bare chips or fries that I'll sprinkle with salt and pepper at home and1 if I'm feeling cheeky I'll ask for that curry sauce in a separate container.

Having a Sri Lankan Christian family that has a corner shop and a chippy ad friends is the place to be (i was even a guest at their new-born being baptized

>> No.16723617

It's a country, actually.

>> No.16723633

Imagine being English.

>> No.16723655

>go to chippy
>dirtyman behind the counter

>> No.16723659

Yes, boss man forced you to fork out big money on sub-standard sloppa.

>> No.16724459

>"living" in londistan

that would be 2 quid in real england

>> No.16724477

>that would be 2 quid in real england

U wot m8. Potatoes and cooking oil are as alien to this isle as curry and tea. We real English eat boiled turnips with mud gravy.

>> No.16724528

Criss d''stie

>> No.16724792

That would be £1.50 at the absolute MOST.

>> No.16724842

i prefer cabbage slices deep fried in pig grease

>> No.16724848

What is it with the English and curry sauce at chippies? Its not great guys.

>> No.16724988

>eternally assmad

>> No.16724990
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>> No.16724993
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>> No.16724995

Ireland doesn"t have states dude

>> No.16725027

literally nothing wrong with scraps on your chips soufmong

>> No.16725132

t. mad vegetarian

>> No.16725206

Haven't been able to go to my local chippy since that fat Norf guy conquered it

>> No.16725222

norf fc here, anyone who calls them "bits" instead of scraps is gonna get battered like a fish

>> No.16725229

Hey, I just say it as I see it. Don't stab me m8.

>> No.16725273

Ireland is a state

>> No.16725337

Nah mate, my chippie is £1.50 for a small but get a decent amount with it

>> No.16725382
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>ordering a small portion of food

>> No.16725386

>There's a place near me

>> No.16725392

>Its not great guys.
100% incorrect. Chip shop curry sauce is manna.

>> No.16725396

Is an underground symbol that only the homosexual community recognizes if you see that symbol anywhere it means that the person is gay

>> No.16725464

Near me, obviously.

>> No.16725503

£1.50 for a small near me and it's enough for 2 people... or an appetiser for an American.

>> No.16725518
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>being an amerifat

>> No.16725524

Where's that, so I can avoid please veggie brother?

>> No.16726143

Alright will some bong please enlighten me
Are mushy peas a side dish or a condiment/dip?
Do they taste like regular peas just mashed up?

>> No.16726150

Swiss francs

>> No.16726440

they straddle the border between side dish and condiment, with something like fish and chips they are probably more like a condiment although they could easily be subbed in as a side with anything where you'd normally have peas
they are marrowfat peas, which taste more like split peas you'd use in soup rather than garden peas or petit pois or whatever the fuck variety you normally get frozen in a big bag
you can jazz them up with butter, herbs, vinegar etc. but in most chip shops and households they will be heated up straight out of the can and onto the plate

>> No.16726470

>buying food at a sporting event

>> No.16726499

>northern chippy

>> No.16726510

Where's the cheese curds?

>> No.16726967

No they don't faggot. It's scraps

>> No.16727024

you mad that they're not eating their bugs and soyulent like they're supposed to leftycuck?

>> No.16727039

You can't even read English.

>> No.16727082

he's living rent free inside your head libtard

>> No.16727843

our restaurant staff are actually paid why would you

>> No.16728693

Why do people put shit directly on their fries? Why wouldn't you just get a side of curry sauce? Fucking disgusting.

>> No.16728949

Yeah because I'm not a fucking fat retard like you that needs a big bowl of potatoes as a snack.

>> No.16729012
File: 95 KB, 620x350, t4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Jagmeet Singh's "Punjabi Poutine". Sweet Potatoes fried in coconut oil, tomato, garlic, ginger gravy with indian spices, fresh squeaky cheese curds from St. Alberts.

>> No.16729017


lol you just outed yourself, you yank pooftah.

>> No.16729026

Britons are so fucking LAZY they'll give pakis money

>> No.16729031

I'd eat it without the cheese curds. Sounds delicious.

>> No.16729038

Americans live rent free in your head. I'm from Manchester you southern wanker

>> No.16729053

I miss Canadian poutine and this sounds like it’s even better.

>> No.16729150

Because they know they want the side on their food anyway, and carrying around 2 containers is awkward for take out you're probably eating while walking along the beach?

>> No.16729209

Sure you are boy. Even if true, that's nothing to be proud of.

>> No.16729286

If a state doesn't have its own minimum wage employers can pay tipped employees $2.13 an hour as long as their tips allow them to make at least $7.25, the federal minimum. Ain't that a trip?

>> No.16729301

Big Bazza's Big Battered Bass Special .jpeg

>> No.16729315

It comes with a side of 600,000 untrained immigrants per year and no electoral reform.

>> No.16729581

scraps for me

>> No.16729709

that's the symbol for Deutsche Marks anon, German currency

>> No.16730194
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>> No.16730245
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>> No.16730254

> curry sauce
Do bongs really? Just use gravy lads

>> No.16730268
File: 130 KB, 1200x900, Munchie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europeans really criticize american food when this is a thing

>> No.16730528
File: 215 KB, 1217x1512, BD437118-D318-4ECD-B7C2-959D65CE7D74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’ll be £7

>> No.16730537

why is she putting guacamole on fried fish?

>> No.16730545

manchester is barely northern

>> No.16731019

Fack off cunt munchie boxes are GOAT too bad they're strictly a scottish thing and dont exist in London

>> No.16731206


>> No.16732742

do americans really.....

>> No.16732787
File: 70 KB, 308x482, Mitani-chicken-salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You poms are really missing out on the GOAT salt

>> No.16732864

>almost $5 for that

>> No.16732933

A buddy of mine in Australia swears by this stuff, is there a particular brand you recommend?

>> No.16732955

Arf the chippies are run by Polacks/Balkan mystery meat now, it's over

>> No.16732967

where are the pizza and burgers? do bongs really just batter and deep fry those too?

>> No.16732971

Europoors are obsessed with Indian curry. I don't get it.
I like getting curry dishes at Indian restaurants, but europoors take their own established dishes and put curry sauce in/on them. Curry fish and chips. Currywurst. Curry scotch eggs. Curry meat pies. Curry spatzle. Curry bolognese. Curri cicchetti.
It would be like Americans making curry burgers, curry pizza, etc.

>> No.16733141

it's mostly asians of all stripes desu
chinese chippies are the best tbqh

>> No.16733153


>> No.16733332
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jog on
give me the extra large and don't stop the pints until it comes home

>> No.16733393

>mistaking those soggy pieces of shit fries as anything other than Bongistanish

>> No.16733468




>> No.16733473

29? Fuck off mate. Fuck right off.

>> No.16733525

Ngl but this looks good.
I think the description is off though.
And yes if you look at the top it looks like two pizza slices battered and deep fried.
Two burger patties are in the middle also battered and fried.
Everything is battered and deep fried and put on a bed of chips.
If I'm ever in Scotland and near that chippie I'm definitely getting one of these

>> No.16733531

What am I looking at here?
The fries in the bottom left are obvious.
Is that tandoori chicken on the bottom left.
Top left is some sort of stir fry?
What's that on the top right?

>> No.16734639

As a German I can assure that this looks even by German crappy fast food standards pretty darn horrible.

>> No.16735057

top left just salad
top right is doner kebab

>> No.16735100

GBP (Good Boy Points)

>> No.16735137
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For me it's 50:50 fried/boiled rice so that the boiled soaks up the grease from the fried.

Some of that and egg or chicken.

>> No.16735330

pedophiles use that symbol to communicate between themselves.

>> No.16735355
File: 1.17 MB, 1642x1407, 1578226968874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pedophiles use that symbol to communicate between themselves.

>> No.16735411

I'm not your lad, mate.

>> No.16735426

it's like the dollar but in europe

>> No.16735441

anon, there will be potatoes and starch sauce long after your masters have cut off meat access