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16713901 No.16713901 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that some people heat water in the microwave?

>> No.16713910

No I don't like processed foods

>> No.16713927

some do, some dont

>> No.16713930

Well it's true that some men prefer men because you're one of them.

>> No.16713986
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Tbh, I only do it if i'm using teabags.

>> No.16713995

...do city slickers really?

>> No.16714001

If the mug is cold, I microwave water in the coffee mug to warm the mug up before filling it with hot coffee.

>> No.16714007

Based Ford Madox Ford poster

>> No.16714014

The hot coffee is already hot and will heat the mug you tard.

>> No.16714052

Pouring hot coffee into a cold mug.
You pour cold beer into a hot glass too, cuz "Herp dee derp. The cold beer will chill the glass".

>> No.16714066

I do this with my espresso cups. I don't leave the machine on long enough to heat the cups up conventionally.

>> No.16714072

It's a common mistake to make.

>> No.16714096

Me too. The warmer takes way too long.

>> No.16714104

actually it's eksperrehsou.
it's not an easy word to get right.

>> No.16714120

Yes, I do it daily for instant coffee.

>> No.16714149

My mug gets so hot I don't touch anything but the handle for minutes. I don't know what you're doing wrong but I suggest you consult a specialist.

>> No.16714253

Using the cheapest coffe mugs available from the Salvation Army store.
Awwww poorfag. Where can I donate?

>> No.16714355

Oof. I see your mistake: Your coffee's near 212 F. It SHOULD be about 180 F. Try making coffee properly. Thank me later.

>> No.16714380

What is wrong with using the microwave to boil water?

>> No.16714395
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This confuses and enrages Americans. My ex was from Boregon and when she made coffee, she started boiling it in a pot on the stove because she didn't know what a kettle was.

Is it just west coasties that are tard-hards?

>> No.16714413

Only reason kettles are popular in bongland is because you are all addicted to tea anda re too retarded to use an automatic tea maker for some reason. Most americans only boil water for food, meaning we are going to use that pot for more than just boiling water.

>> No.16714418

I also make eggs in the microwave and I just ate some microwaved potatoes earlier tonight

>> No.16714421

>This confuses and enrages Americans.
Most of us have stovetop kettles, particularly in the Pacific northwest. Electric kettles aren't unknown and are a staple in small apartments. Your claim is about as bullshit as ever.

>> No.16714422

electric kettles are pretty based though. I use mine all the time to make tea and stuff like miso soup

>> No.16714445

>implying I'm a bong
Don't be so sensitive, i'm just sharing my experience with Americans.

>> No.16714449
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>Awwww poorfag. Where can I donate?

>> No.16714555

Learning that Americans didn’t have kettles and microwaved their water was honestly a surprise for me. Sort of like when I heard how most Americans have garburators (or “garbage disposal units” in their parlance).

What’s next, they vote for a reality star as their president and base their views of infectious diseases on political stance?

>> No.16714659

The reason kettles are popular in bongland is because their electrical system is 230V, so an electric kettle can boil water way faster than we can on 120V.

>> No.16714819

Touche. Well played. Well played.

>> No.16714828

My dad told me a story about someone who microwaved a mug of water for too long and when he took the mug out the water looked still, but when he put a spoon into it the water EXPLODED in his face because it was superheated and it scalded and melted his face. Apparently when water is heated beyond the boiling point it remains still until something breaks the surface tension at which point it explodes.l and sends insanely hot water everywhere.

I never bothered to look into whether or not that is remotely possible, but as a result I refuse to boil water in a microwave.

>> No.16714863

Yes, of course. Why the fuck would you dirty a pot or buy a unitasker electric kettle like a dirty bong?

>> No.16715266
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>dirtying a pot by heating water
just american tap water things.

>> No.16715278

>stovetop kettles
Cavemen could do better

>> No.16715308

Your water is already processed.

>> No.16715571

There must be a mythbusters episode about this

>> No.16715577

it's easier to pour the hot coffee in a cold mug so you don't have to wait so long for the coffee to cool

>> No.16715586

It’s true.
It happens often.

>> No.16715653
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>at work
>no water boiling aparatus just a microwave
>want me some tea or coffee
>microwave me some water ina cup next to my food
Senpai it just works, why not :)

>> No.16715661

>Mother starts living in small house with tiny ktichen
>Starts heating water in the microwave for her tea/coffee

>> No.16715685

People is a strong word, but Americans generally do

>> No.16715822

is it true that kettles don't exist in America?

>> No.16715843

They have a cuckold 110v electrical system. It takes ages for an electric kettle to boil.

>> No.16715866

what's wrong with that?
it's what a microwave oven does, heating stuff.
it's faster than boiling water on a stove

>> No.16716142

I made instant mashed potatoes and it said to boil 2 cups of water by putting it in the microwave for 4 minutes. Next time I need to make instant noodles I'll try 4 minutes too.

>> No.16716148

Am*ricans do, but I'm not sure if they count as people

>> No.16716568

True, but it changes the way the coffee tastes, like pouring cold beer into a hot glass or pouring iced champagne into a warm flute. You gotta do you, but I'm going to nuke a mug of water for 2 minutes, while I do something else, so I can enjoy my coffee at it's best.

>> No.16716589

They do, but not common. Most kettles I've seen here are the stovetop variety.

>> No.16716592

no why would I want to drink irradiated water?

>> No.16716607 [DELETED] 

This is only possible if the pressure at the surface of the water gets high enough to prevent the water from boiling. Surface tension won't do that. If the story was true, he must've put something on top of the cup, allowing for the steam to create a pressure buildup.

>> No.16716619

Put a goldfish in the water first and witness the danger of microwaves.

>> No.16716641


>> No.16716729

Water is an ideal load for a microwave

>> No.16716747

Genuine question, is there anything actually wrong with it? Or do people just get upset because it's "the wrong way to do it"?

>> No.16716766

I put 2 ice cubes in my coffee because I when it's really hot you cant even drink it

>> No.16716803

I'm American and I drink tea almost daily and I usually microwave the water in the mug. It's just easiest. Plus it beeps when it's ready and I just put my tea bag in it. Then I steep for 3 minutes and add my 2 equals then i drink

>> No.16716864

Why don't Americans just admit kettles are fucking useful for everything, not just tea, and sort out their voltage or whatever so they can properly use them
Imagine having to wait forever for your water to heat up just to make pasta or boil an egg

>> No.16716876

I don't get the point of using it for pasta. So you pour the boiling water from the kettle into the pot with the pasta? Why not just boil it in the same pot? With the lid on water doesn't take that long to boil. I'm not using another device just to boil water to pour into something else that's asinine.

>> No.16716881

Because it takes five minutes less time anon. Kettles are fucking fast.

>> No.16716889

It just seems absurd to people who come from kettle cultures. How do you know when it's boiled? Doesn't the mug get super fucking hot too? It's just a weird workaround when the answer seems obvious to us. It's not just the US which does it btw, plenty of European countries do it too.

>> No.16716996

i do sometimes. who cares

>> No.16717502

I see no use for hot water other than making tea.
t. has an espresso machine that will shit out 99C water at a press of a button but never uses it for anything but tea

>> No.16717577
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>heat water
>heat milk
>melt or soften butter
>can keep any of those things inside the measuring cup for additional convenience
>no scorching

Why do bongs hate microwaves again? Do they think microwaves make the water radioactive or something? I knew education was bad over there but damn.
Like, if they want to warm up milk, do they fill up a pot and sit there stirring while it slowly heats up like a cuck

>> No.16717663


It takes like 5 minutes for water to boil on the stove.

>> No.16717702

That sounds pretty gay desu
I heat the water to the 80-90c, pop in the coffee, drop in 22% volume chilled milk/water to even it out and slam it in an insulated mug. Using a microwave is unnecessary desu.

>> No.16717716

depends. If you have gas or new electric, then yes. If you have an old stye electral coil, forget it

>> No.16717720

Kettles are okay for boiling general purpose water for cleaning shit etc but beyond that I still use a kettle with a thermometer on my induction top. Just as good but I can set a timer/wattage and get my water to any temperature I want easily. I'm a bong btw, outside of cleaning I only ever use water above 95c for black tea once in a blue moon.

>> No.16717746

>It takes like 5 minutes for water to boil on the stove.
It's pretty fast on induction, I can get it in around 2 minutes if I want. Hell I'll go test it before I post.
>500ml @ 2kW 20c - 100c
>1:20 - 60c
>1:48 80c
>2:01 90c
>2:10 100c
ez boil, kettle's about the same probably.

>> No.16718104

Its true.
The way around this is to put a wooden spoon or skewer in the water to act as a nucleation point for the boil to start from.

>> No.16719193

And it takes thirty seconds in a kettle. Maybe a minute or two if you fill it up all the way.
Just use an adjustable temp kettle, that's what I have.
Induction is fucking fast tbf

>> No.16720195



>> No.16720200

So you can't cook. At all.

>> No.16720448

Whereas the UK's electrical grid is designed to withstand 1 million kettles all being boiled at the same time and near constant kettle usage