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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 500x500, goulash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16706507 No.16706507 [Reply] [Original]

dear proppa sloppa enthusiasts, what is your favourite proppa sloppa? and what makes it the best sloppa?

for me, it is goulash

>overly spiced to fuck with paprika
>cheapest cuts of the cow
>lazily cut vegetables
>slow cooked all day, leaving good sloppa to look forward too after a hard day's work

>> No.16706510
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For me it's every Indian dish

>> No.16706511

i like it extra sloppa if you get what im saying

>> No.16706526

a get what yous is saying, one big sloppa comin up

>> No.16706622
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asking what is your favourite sloppa is like asking what your favourite child is. ao i just gonna tell a good sloppa
Lentils with Spartzle
>soup vegetables (celery, carrots, leek)
>small diced bacon
do you guys have spaetzle in your supermarket fridges? if not and you are to lazy to make spaetzle then buy those that need 20min cooking time.

>> No.16706642

Any good goulash recipe?

>> No.16706661

Get a shitty cut of beef, some kind of braising steak that takes hours to cook, coat it in flour and give em a good ol sear but not cook all the way

Then dice up all ya usual veg like potatoes, carrots and onions (essential)

Maybe some bell peppers and tomatoes if you feel like it

Fry the onions a good bit where you fried the beef, and get ready to throw it all in one big pot/slow cooker

Throw in some good ass beef stock

Prepare your spices, remember, Paprika is the main ingredient so don't go shy on it, put it VERY GENEROUS amounts of paprika, i'm talking a fuck tonne. Then salt, pepper, bay leafs.

I wouldn't go too adventurous with the spices, Hungarians fucking love paprika, and it's the main player in the dish.

Then slow cook it all for a good few hours until the beef is just falling apart, then take the lid off and reduce the water content to make it as thick as you want

Oh, and ofcourse serve it with something like mash potatoes/rice to soak up excess sloppa

And boil some cabbage up, it goes brilliantly Goulash

always good to have a hunk of some good nice bread to wipe down the plate afterwards and nice cold beers to wash it all down

Not the most precise recipe, but cooking's about having a good time, not reading some book

>> No.16707449
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I fuckin love sloppa food. Chilli with beans is my go to.

>> No.16707454

What the fuck is with this retarded "sloppa" horseshit you guys have been doing lately?

>> No.16707511
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Lately? Sloppa is fairly old all things considered.

Here is my last sloppa, bœuf bourguignon

>> No.16707641

it's the kino of food you wretch

>> No.16707645


>> No.16708466

what makes goulash? the paprika? is it just overreduced stew?

>> No.16708482
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chili, especially when it starts to get colder.

>> No.16708511

curry of any sort

>> No.16708643

That sounds really good.

>> No.16708652

The macaroni

>> No.16708678

don't forget the sour cream

>> No.16708687

Paprika is the king of goulash, ridiculous amounts of it

Otherwise, general root vegetables along with the beef and it's basically just a smokey peppery stew

Usually served with sour cream and some kind of carb and cabbage

>> No.16708767

the Spätzle you have with it

>> No.16708839

For me its gonna be butter chicken. I'll post my sloppa if the thread is still here when I get around to making it

>> No.16709048
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any sloppa by this king

>> No.16709919

gumbo is my sloppa of choice

>> No.16710031

Why does it have to be so expensive bros

>> No.16710066

can I put diced canned tomatoes in or does that make me a pleb

>> No.16710069

embarrassing desu

>> No.16710104

aldi's got the dry spaetzle. It's okay in a pinch but it doesnt compare to fresh made.

>> No.16710189
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Alright lads heres my personal favorite sloppa, sorry about the pic, its the only one I have but its the shredded chicken bit in the bottom right.
>sear some skin on, bone in chicken thigh in a Dutch oven or braising pan
>remove, then toss in some chopped onion and saute until onions are getting caramelized
>toss in chopped poblano and saute for a bit, followed by some garlic if you'd like
>pour in some white wine to deglaze if there's anything left on the bottom, then place chicken in, and fill with stock of your choice until chicken is covered
>add spices of your choosing
I like it simple with black pepper and salt, maybe a little cumin, but its really up to you
>braise until chicken is tender, remove and shred with forks, place all meat back into pot
>eat the leftover meat on the bone like the animal you are
>reduce liquid to thickness of your liking, add a splash of lemon or lime juice and an optional pat of butter

Wala, delicious, easy, relatively healthy dish that reheats well and is super versatile. Have it over rice, have it in a wrap, eat it by itself, it doesn't matter, get creative. Also super easy to customize to your own taste

>> No.16710629

Beef stew with red wine, roux, and heavy cream. Unfathomably decadent to add a bit of heavy cream in with the roux at the end.

>> No.16710638

Lurk the fuck moar, anon. Sloppa has been here way before you have

>> No.16711172

do it, its your goulash

just don't let any hungarians see

>> No.16711175

onions are more important than the paprika tbcaahwy

>> No.16711241

it's not goulash without paprika

>> No.16711558

Some dude was spamming it constantly and was constantly banned for it. Seems like he has returned.

>> No.16711704


>> No.16711754

Importing a bunch of ingredients from south asia will always bump the costs, anon.

>> No.16711765

>overreduced stew
No such thing. If the stew liquid isn't thick enough to serve as gravy on a bed of mashed potatoes, it's not stew. It's soup.

>> No.16712312


>> No.16712329

Minced beef, potatoes, carrots, green beans, bell peppers, sieved tomatoes, stock
Tomato paste, salt, pepper, smoked paprika, paprika, bay leaves, parsley
Add Schmand to your plate for an extra 5 flavor points

>> No.16712373

The term is less than five years old, and up until late last year was only used as a throwaway insult.

>> No.16712376

This simply isn't true at all.

>> No.16712386

You're wrong. I don't know if you're lying or misinformed, but I do know you're wrong.

>> No.16712389

Well i've been here for over a decade, but sure. I'm wrong

>> No.16712395

Yes, you are very wrong. Must have been drunk through all of it.

>> No.16712399

Unlikely since I don't really drink

>> No.16712400

You've annoyed me to the point that I had to go waste my time.
Get fucked, poser.

>> No.16712418

For me, it's Mexican picadillo

Take some shitty ground beef and fry it up, then fry some dice onions in beef fat. Add beef stock, tomato puree, and a can of chipotle peppers. Add peas, carrots, green beans and peeled potatoes. Simmer that shit for a couple hours and wa la enjoy the smoky sloppa as tacos or with some Mexican rice

>> No.16712419
File: 79 KB, 553x640, Pathetic Retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are these tourists coming from that thinks that forced meme is /ck/ board culture?

>> No.16712423
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>less than 5 years old
lol fucking retards

Also, Warosu isn't always online continuously, and I don't think /ck/ was one of the boards they originally started archiving. So at MOST it probably only covers /ck/ back to maybe 2014.

>> No.16712464

Yup, Waruso added /ck/ in late november/early December 2013.

So 2014+ is really all it covers, and even then it's gone offline for periods during that time as well, so there are chunks it won't have.

>> No.16712472
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Rest of what I made on friday.

>> No.16712478

Mysteriously missing all the organic discussion of sloppa every single time.
>warosu's asleep, post your sloppas

>> No.16712481

Yeah, because it makes searching for super old shit retardedly difficult.

Again, to imply sloppa is something from the last year or two is just fucking retarded-tier.

>> No.16712834

thanks anon asking it rn. had some stewing beef lying around and took a comfy bike ride to buy some onions.

>> No.16712916

>overly spiced with paprika
but paprika has no taste. you can eat a can of paprika and it's not overly spiced with paprika

>> No.16712954

>in before but muh smoked paprika
no shit it tastes like smoke

>> No.16712978

Fuck you, newfag. I was passive about big sloppa shit becoming people showing off their "sloppa," but thanks to you I'm going to shit up every one of these threads from now on. Fucking fake bitch.

>> No.16712988

>sloppa is only from the last 5 years at most
>gets shown a sloppa post from 6+ years ago

fuck off

>> No.16714466

Mmmmmm, based sloppa

>> No.16714471

That retard didn't like sloppa, true sloppa chads know that sloppa rules

>> No.16714483

Paprika has no flavor, it's a pointless spice

>> No.16714504

I made this today. Simmered it for maybe 5 hours or so and it’s pretty good. Added some rosemary, thyme and bay from the garden but otherwise followed the recipe. Nice chance from my usual stew but not mind blowing or anything. Pretty plain fare but enjoyable on this cool rainy day.

>> No.16714515

Based. I was going to do chili but I ended up doing the stew mentioned above. Will definitely do chili next weekend. Didn’t have much luck with my peppers this year so none of my ghost, habanero, cayenne or scotch bonnets are ripe unfortunately.

>> No.16714542

Braindead lying stupid piece of shit fucker cunt asshole spamming moron.

>> No.16714548
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best sloppa

>> No.16714558

t. paprikalets

>> No.16714569

If the pretentious and self-important food nazis known as the italians use canned tomatoes, I doubt it will matter

>> No.16714577

Would smoked paprika work? I'd imagine it would hinder the flavor.

>> No.16714578

And it's not a proper stew period without onions.

>> No.16714579

Stew vs soup is about the cooking time, you can have runny stews and thick soups.

>> No.16714608
File: 1.03 MB, 1200x1798, sancocho-dominicano-recipe-CG-14327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want a fucking sloppa? I'll give you a fuckin sloppa.
Dominican Sancocho, the meat stew of gods:

1 ½ lbs Beef Ribs
1 ½ lbs Chuck Steak
1 ½ lbs Chicken
1 lbs Smoked Pork Chops
1 ½ lbs Pork Chops
1 Yautia Blanca
1 Yautia Amarilla
1 Ñame
2 Yuca
2 Platanos
2 ½ lbs Auyama
1 Onion
1 Green Pepper
1 Head of Garlic
4 Sprigs of Thyme
2 tbs DR Orégano
Black Pepper to Taste
3 ½ tbs Sopita- Chicken Bouillon Cube
1 cup Sour Oranges
Olive Oil
2 tbs Sopita- Chicken Bouillon Cube
2 Onions
1 Green Pepper
½ Orange Pepper *optional
1 Cup Recao
6 Sprigs of Fresh Thyme

Brown the meat, add water and the rest of the shit, boil for 6 hours, serve with avocado and rice on the side.
It will cure colds, chink flu, depression, and hunger and tastes like something beautiful out of your childhood.

>> No.16714849
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Jok, a Thai breakfast rice porridge style dish similar to congee. Usually has minced pork, liver, and soft boiled egg and is garnished and seasoned to taste with ginger, soy sauce, vinegar, green onions, and both pickled and dried chilis.

>> No.16714877

For me, it's bone-in pork chops baked in cream of mushroom soup. Eaten with rice.

+10 comfy
+10 delicious
+400 carb fattening

>> No.16714891


>> No.16714918
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For me it's macaroni with ground beef and ketchup. Literally peak sloppa

>> No.16715249

Depends on how ya like it, i'd do a mix desu, so that it doesn't take out all the other flavours

>> No.16715315
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For me, it's my great-aunt Ruth's jambalaya with a few modifiers. Chicken, Andouille sausage, shrimps and crawfish tail meat (if Wal-Mart has it frozen, I'm in upper midwest.
All it needs with it is a bottle of hot sauce and those red lobster cheddar biscuits you buy in a mix.

>> No.16715327

Chef John has a solid one that I liked, but it goes more into the proper recipe territory rather than comfy homecooked meal that your mom would make.

>> No.16715797
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>> No.16716192

I've been on 4chan for almost 15 years and
>for me
is still funny to me

>> No.16716486

what's your favorite meat source for sloppa stews?

>> No.16716527

Sounds good

>> No.16717408

DGAF about weight sloppa:
>https://www.foodrepublic.com/recipes/dale-taldes-short-rib-kare-kare/ without the peanut butter and served over those hong kong crispy fried chow mein noodles, garnished with roasted coconut and chopped roasted peanuts
Cozy healthy sloppa:
>sautee ground turkey, onions, carrot
>add 1 can kidney beans, 1 can whole roasted tomatoes, bay leaf
>add beef stock
>add worstershire sauce, soy sauce, fish sauce, parsley to taste
>add 1/2 diced cabbage
>simmer until it's done
>add black pepper to taste
Vegan sloppa:
>rehydrate and chop shiitake shrooms
>simmer crumbled tempeh in chiankiang vinegar, soy sauce, water for 20 mins, drain
>vaguely follow this recipe https://omnivorescookbook.com/authentic-mapo-tofu/ but with the tempeh instead of meat and rehydrated shiitake broth, add maple syrup if you want
>serve over straight ramen noodles

>> No.16718210

It's some moron who can't handle the word "stew" like a human with a reading age over 5.

>> No.16718727

Not all sloppas are stews you moron of the millennium. You can't just substitute the word stew for sloppa!

>> No.16718958
File: 3.65 MB, 3792x4262, DSC_0387~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight's sloppa. Alubias rojas con sacramentos

>> No.16718961

I would eat the sloppa Big Papa Sloppa!

>> No.16719790

delicious sloppa!

>> No.16719794
File: 3.25 MB, 4032x3024, 20210920_113727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my sloppa?

>> No.16719806

a sloppa so proper i can't even figure out what it is

>> No.16719818

Based it on this, but added more spices to the lamb shanks, and added dried fruit to the couscous.

It was actually delicious.

>> No.16719821

that looks really, really nice. would slop in a bowl/10

>> No.16719892

i wasn't making fun of it man, definitely would eat

>> No.16719893

Oh i didn't think so friend, i just like sharing

>> No.16719901

I need to make a good sloppa in honor of my dog who just passed. Jumbalaya?

>> No.16719908

hot dogs?

>> No.16720357

sloppa as fuck

>> No.16720360

Hot dogs are not usually sloppa unless you make really wild chili cheese dogs or something

>> No.16720364

my mum's beef stew is my favourite sloppa.

>> No.16720500

based and mums cooking pilled

>> No.16720502


>> No.16720512

Do you have a spatzel maker? I tried with a colander and they came out shit.

>> No.16720518
File: 643 KB, 1536x2048, F2C0E9EF-07C0-4D3E-95F8-AE18EB174AC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sloppa lamb hearts in red wine with mash.

It’s fascinating how these threads are always the most supportive on the board. Cosy shit.

>> No.16720526

Damn, looks good anon. What is that bread?

>> No.16720541

Cute dish

>> No.16720565

sloppa is unpretentious because it's hard to attract ostentatious displays of excess luxury and because a typical homecooked meal is like the peak of accessibility. it's hard to make "throw bunch of shit in pot and slow cook" more complicated than it needs to be

>> No.16720569

I think it's because sloppa is the least pretentious dish there is. It doesn't try to look good, but it's the best.

>> No.16720577

Looks great. Where do you get your lamb hearts?

>> No.16720677

Coles (Australia). I'm in a pseudo-rural area so there's occasionally good-quality cheap cuts in major supermarkets for crazy low prices. It's lush. Australian lamb is really good too, from what I understand.

A real treat for the missus on Valentine's.

That tracks. I feel like it's also really at the heart of why people rave about "peasant food" - anyone can do it with a little care and attention and eat like a king. It's a spit in the eye to bourgeoise food snobs.

>> No.16720688
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Incidentally, I did lamb (ribs) again tonight with disgustingly cheap cab sav, shallots and some chimichurri I made to use up some parsley a few days ago.

>> No.16720692
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end product

>> No.16720953

>Australian lamb is really good too, from what I understand.
The goat meat I get at Walmart is imported from Australia. It's good for slowcooked sloppas.

>> No.16721419
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>> No.16721435

Looks good. Whats that?

>> No.16721556

guessing it's just mince/gravy/carrots, basic sloppa britbong scran

>> No.16721577

very comfy, i was probably fed that exact sloppa at least once a week growing up. my mum once put worcestershire sauce in it and my dad with his based uncultured anglo palette complained it tasted like curry

>> No.16721938
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thanks. the bread is some leftover empanada dough i rolled out real thin and fried up. the recipe is pic related but cut in half.

>> No.16722207

Retards who try too hard to fit in

>> No.16722215

those are some spicy looking potatoes

>> No.16722226

Fridge-cleaning variations on dhansak - it's rich without being too rich, sweet without being too sweet, filling, and a great way to use all the stuff in the fridge that's going to go bad in the next few days.

>> No.16722239
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Random tikka masala style chucken sloppa.

>> No.16722241
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My favorite sloppa is japanese curry

>simple ingredients
>tender beef
>filling and served over rice
>doesn't take all day to make

>> No.16722861

food bank sloppa (savory bread pudding edition)
>stale ass bread, torn to bits, bottom of a casserole pan
>powdered eggs and milk, reconstituted
>min in can o' veg
>mix in can o' mystery meat
>pour over bread layer
>while mixture is soaking in, top with layer of shredded government cheese
>bake that shit
>eat it
>freeze and reheat in microwave like it's pizza, corners hold up better

food bank sloppa (cream of pasta soup edition)
>spill your spaghetti into a pot and boil it until it just bends
>can o' mystery soup, add powdered milk, now it's cream of mystery soup
>can o' veg and/or meat
>add parboiled pasta
>simmer until pasta is done
>eat it
>freeze leftovers

I hate being poor

>> No.16722885

>frybread detected
Damn anon can I wife you up?

>> No.16722958

that looks excellent and tasty at the same time. would eat.

>> No.16723534

Mmm, Indian sloppa

>> No.16723553

for my sloppa I enjoy some good ole tatortot cassarole, otherwise known as hotdish, just ground beef with a can or 2 of condensed mushroom soup, green beans, topped with tots and then some easy to melt cheese, generally velveeta type.

>> No.16723573
File: 842 KB, 2885x2632, 9-18 Rajma Masala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Papa Sloppa here, I made some Indian sloppa the other day. Rajma masala. It's beans (traditionally kidney, I used red beans because I was out of kidney) pureed onions and tomatoes, peppers, ginger, garlic, turmeric, garam masala, kashmir chili powder, coriander powder, and kasuri methi. There might be some ingredients I forgot too. I topped with cilantro and squeezed in some lemon to give it some extra flavor.

Based and Minnesota pilled

>> No.16723580

actually I am from Ohio, no one from either side of the family is from Minnesota either, though I got some from Iowa.

>> No.16723584

>getting mad about sloppa threads which are one of the few places people actually share what they've cooked
If anything we don't have enough sloppa threads.

>> No.16723587

so is sloppa just another word for stew?

>> No.16723593

nevermind i should have actually read the threa

>> No.16723596

Iowa here, I've only heard Minnesotans say hot dish. We always called those kind of sloppas casseroles when I was growing up.

No, it's a word for any sloppy dishes. Something like https://www.visitrochester.com/blog/post/rochester-garbage-plate/ would be a sloppa and it's just a bunch of stuff thrown together.

>> No.16725280

Based Coles shopper.

>> No.16725306

Just had veal shank i used for a fond and drowned in in sauce tortue so it' was less dry and flavourless. Seriously looked like dog food similar to ropa vieja. Should have used it for the latter one so it would at least had some vegetables in it.

>> No.16725943

Beef stew with biscuits

>> No.16727195
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Today's sloppa

>> No.16727218


In that order. As you become an older working single loser, making dishes that last for a week on a single day's worth of meal prep gets increasingly attractive.

>> No.16727439

>muh 5 year old jar of MuhCormick papa reeka aint got no flavor
buy Hungarian or die

>> No.16727470
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Sloppa chicken with rice

>> No.16727519

Chicken marengo

>> No.16728272

Pretty good recipe so far but a few items my Austrian grandmother would add are
Dill seeds
Carroway seeds
Fennel seeds
Coriander seed
Mustard seed
Tomato paste
And I add beer

After you browned the meat add the onions then garlic then right at the end all the seeds and let them infuse the oil like 30-60 seconds then add a small amount of tomato paste and beef base and let it caramelize then deglaze with a dark beer bonus points I'd it's German or eastern European.

Now at the end right before serving add a bag of thawed frozen peas and simmer for like 5 min.

Serve in a bowl with a big dollop of sour cream top with fresh herbs like dill parsley and chives or scallions

>> No.16728286
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thanks anons, i like playing around with braising various things.

Doesn't always end up perfect, but usually pretty good.

>> No.16728419
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Alright sloppabros check out my shitslopp chili

>brown beef of any variety at medium heat
>drain if necessary
>add undrained red/black/combo beans, undrained diced tomatoes, base spices, then stir
>turn down mixture to a high simmer for 8 minutes
>cut green onions and add them along with extra spices to the mix at the 8min mark (I randomly picked cinnamon, paprika, and cayenne pepper off the shelf)
>turn off heat and let the mixture warm itself with the heat from the stove for 2min

pic related, good shit

>> No.16728438
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I add rice and cheese to fill out the palette but those are optional. As is the preferred strategy of eating the chili using tortilla chips.
Redpilled chiliposter. I see yours is much less chunky than mine, did you use refried beans or paste in yours?
Because sloppa is based and leftovers of your own cooking is even more based.

>> No.16728873
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I need to braise more. Teach us your ways.

>> No.16728875

looks tasty. needs cornbread with honey and butter.

>> No.16728918
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postin some past sloppas. this one's ash reshteh

>> No.16728930
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shakshouka and stale bagel stew

>> No.16728933
File: 1.76 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16728937
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomato soup with orzo

>> No.16729662

Based and sloppa pilled

>> No.16730596

Get a good initial sear, and at the end take the lid off and turn your oven temp up so you can crisp up the top right at the end.

Besides that it's all really basic shit, basically, no real cooking ability is required. I just season by eye/smell and check final salt levels right at the end and adjust if needed.

The two dishes I posted are almost identical recipes actually.

For chicken you use white wine instead of red wine like with the beef, that's basically the only difference between the two.