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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 350 KB, 1400x788, spam-wall.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16692235 No.16692235 [Reply] [Original]

red pill me on spam, why do old people like it?

>> No.16692252

Stockholm syndrome. Has to be. That shit is way too salty and has this slimy sheen all over it. I can actually dismiss the slime - it would be halfway tolerable if only the sodium in classic spam didn't end up drying out my colon every time I cram it up my ass.

>> No.16692265

I dunno I’ve made some grilled cheese with crispy spam sandwiches and kids seem to like them. It’s just salty canned meat

>> No.16692270

Routine. If you or your parents or anyone you ever knew was born into the working class and progressed out of it you'll recognise the distinct reluctance to step out of those boundaries. It is not helped by the fact that between the working class and good food is an asteroid belt of capitalistic opportunism selling dog food as high society - it lends humility to spam.

>> No.16692287

Because it tastes good when you fry or heat it. Cold or room temperature it's too salty in my opinion. Anyway it's just pork shoulder and ham blended together and put in a can. There's nothing special about it. It's basically "fancy" baloney.

>hurr working class durr capitalism hurr durr
Shut up fag.

>> No.16692293
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The low sodium and flavored versions are better for anything other than lasting, they have half the shelf life because they aren't 75% salt.
Garlic or black pepper is my favorite

>> No.16692297

Doesn't posting stale copypasta get old? I mean, do you giggle yourself to tears every time you do it? It seems like such a waste. Why not do something original, or have you no personality of your own?

>> No.16692298

Spam is good. Just gotta fry it. It is rather expensive and you can buy fresh ham for cheaper. But if you want something shelf stable its good

>> No.16692300

It doesn't really taste bad, it just tastes like any other overly salted canned ham
Why would anyone buy it? Most likely just nostalgia or as >>16692270 said

>> No.16692326
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You can find it cheap on sale or at grocery surplus stores since it's a slow seller.
My local grocery outlet almost always has overstock asian market spam for $ 1.50 a can.

>> No.16692327


>> No.16692343

I should check the Grocery Outlet by me. Shit, with prices such as they are in this Biden timeline as long as a can of Spam is less than $4.00 you're not overpaying for shoulder + ham. Uncooked pork shoulder might be $3.50/lb at the store, but once you actually cook it it's more like $3.50/10 oz. since it loses 30-40% of its weight once it's cooked.

>> No.16692357
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Not bad prices at shartmart either

>> No.16692359

>this guy eats spam

Please refer me to the original source for my nonsense so I can have some sick deja vu

>> No.16692364

>this guy thinks he's too good for spam
You aren't, but fine; I'm not interested in trying to change your mind and ruining your illusion that you are high-class and/or a member of the globalist elite.

>> No.16692563

It is salty when you hear it up as well. What are you on about?

>> No.16692703

Tastes good. I almost prefer it to bacon for breakfast stuff

>> No.16692723

Tastes like non-tangy Taylor Ham. Its not bad as long as you cook it, I can't imagine eating it cold

>> No.16693032
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I never liked spam until I had BoodaeJjigae. Koreans took hotdogs and spam and did their magic on it. Also musubi is delicious.

>> No.16693039

Why would I eat spam if I wasn't poor or Hawaiian?

>> No.16693071

>red pill me on spam, why do old people like it?
Because it's not Scrapple. If you've ever had Scrapple, Spam seems great by comparison.

>> No.16693104
File: 157 KB, 1200x787, 27E0D932-BBE3-4A8F-BDB5-2AD126CC447E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old people
I’m in my twenties and I regularly buy spam lite. It’s got 54 grams of protein per can so it makes great bulking food. Also goes great in scrambled eggs, soup or with teriyaki sauce (use low sodium soÿ sauce when making or you will have to drink a small lake ti counter the salt)
I wish I got to try pic related but it was just a temporary thing and sold out immediately.

>> No.16693117

>I didn't like this all-american luncheon meat until some faggot gooks made it trendy and exotic
kill yourself

>> No.16693313

Maybe this song can explain it for you:


>> No.16693515

Scrapple is really good though.

>> No.16693531


>> No.16693532

Cuz it's yummy

>> No.16693621

>trendy and exotic
full retard

>> No.16693634

Don't knock it. It's got it's own key.

>> No.16693657

what is that link supposed to prove, you didn't care for it till it got gooked up

>> No.16693662

I’ve never had spam before. Does it just taste like lunch meat ham or bologna, but in a loaf form? Is it even worth trying once or should I pass?

>> No.16693663

Spam musubi is decent enough, try it sometime.

>> No.16693674

i volunteered at a soup kitchen once. This is what they were serving. Only time i ate it. I had to choke it down because i didmt want to spit it out in front of the hobos that were happy to have it.

>> No.16693677

Yeah pretty much. I guess if you see it cheap you can try it but you're not missing out on a big culinary sensation. It does look unappealing straight out of the case, I recommend cutting slices and frying it up crisp in a pan, then you can have it with rice or eggs.

>> No.16693679

When it's unheated the saltines is more apparent because it's the only major flavor. Once you heat it the fattiness and pork actually stand out.

>> No.16693756

It's over salted pork blend. Its good to people who have burned out taste buds. Thus good to old folks. Pretty much the main reason, is something they can actually taste. personally I like to use it in place of sausage sometimes for breakfast.

>> No.16693793
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>> No.16693798

AKA Island filet mignon. They'll cut you for a can of that on any pacific island.

>> No.16694178

Go back to eating tendies cause mommy never made you eat anything ‘exotic’ cause it’s too spooky.

>> No.16694179

I really like the carmelization it gets when fried

>> No.16694205

they literally lock cans of spam up behind display cases or hold them behind the register with the cigarettes in Hawaii, because it gets stolen so often

>> No.16694254

i bet you used to eat jap food when weeb culture was in and now you've moved onto korean fag shit.

>> No.16694263
File: 357 KB, 1600x1333, Island spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Island niggers use that shit in everything, and they make it taste really, REALLY fucking good.

>> No.16694299

i feel like this makes a lot of sense right now

>> No.16694314

the bacon version is pretty good

>> No.16694328

It's just a solid preserved canned meat, i don't really understand how it obtains this mythical standard of badness by zoomies.

t- someone who doesn't even like the stuff

>> No.16694346

Just like canned fish or Corned Beef, it's considered old people food. Zoomers grew up with Avocado Toast. However, if things continue like they do economically, all this GI Generation food will have a huge come-back.

>> No.16694355

>muh zoomies zoom zoom zoomers
Stfu retard spam has been the butt of jokes longer than you've been alive

>> No.16694384

because boomers are the worst people to ever grace the earth
have you seen what people actually ate during the 70s? theres a lot of bad things to be said for modern food but plastic microwave meals were invented them

>> No.16694405

you get me every time man. seriously its been like 10 threads now

>> No.16694425

you can say soy here

>> No.16694457

Nice chud response. Why would you come to ck and shit on non American food, did you drink too much American empire koolaid? I guess you’re bored and looking for a lot of (You)s.

I like aspects of Korean food, it always looks like shit and slop and also always looks the same but it can also be delicious. I think burgers and pizza in Korea suck ass, so I’m not a Koreaboo who wants their rims licked by their oppa. I just appreciate what other countries can take and learn from other countries and make it their own. They took spam and made it delicious, where they took pizza and made it shit.

Have fun scarfing down spam sandwiches and telling yourself “Ah yes, I’m such a good American boy! Uncle Sam would be proud!”

>> No.16694497
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>> No.16695351
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>> No.16695371

There is nothing exotic about that soup, retarded subhuman

>> No.16695443 [DELETED] 

I am wealthy and I eat spam. It's great. Musabi is good too.

>> No.16695668

very porky and salty spiced ham

>> No.16695709

what fucking joke? Other than monty python doing surreal jokes. It wasn't even a joke about spam itself and could have been about any product.

>> No.16695757
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The thing I love about Spam is how they always seem to give me solid stools

>> No.16695852

Tough day in junior high, champ?

>> No.16695874
File: 1.41 MB, 4160x1938, faux SPAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer HEB's SPOM

>> No.16696662

I like regular spam because it lasts forever. Cut into thin slices and served with rice, it can easily feed 2 or 3 people per can.

>> No.16697095

Millionaires eating supermarket food brings me so much joy because I know for a fact that I objective eat and thereby at least partly live so much better than those dumb fucks. Money can't buy good taste.

>> No.16697260

frying it gives it such a nice crust you have to work for with normal meat. but I like it for a few bites and hate every second afterward

>> No.16697273

That is literally the opposite of true. Back when Spam was cheap as fuck right after the war no one wanted to eat it. It was viewed as a poverty food they associated with war time rationing. That continued well on into my childhood in the 70s and 80s. It was what the poors ate and all the old people shunned it. Now that Spam costs more than fresh meat people are treating it as the salty delicious treat it is.

How rich were you raised motherfucker? Cause I can guaran-damn-tee you weren't raised poor and desperate to hide the fact.

Faggot ass larping millennial

>> No.16697282

very salty lunch meat ham, you could almost describe it as ham concentrate. gets a nice crust when fried. worth a try id say. any more than a few slices and youll probably be sick of it before you;re done, though. eat it with some eggs. and I;d recommend the low sodium version, its still salty as shit, nothing to do with health concerns over sodium

>> No.16697291

so many mentions of musubi ITT, but why? I cant really see rice and seaweed adding much of a dimension to it. always avoided it at hawaiian restaurants because it has the most ridiculous markup of any restaurant food ive ever seen

>> No.16697295

Extremely salty, very concentrated flavor. It is amazing fried up crunchy and served in a sandwich, or with the flavor diluted such as in the case of spam musabi.

My grandma had a recipe she used to make as a special treat when we were in hard times called sunnycakes. She would make pancake batter, dip spam in the batter, and then fry it. The oil from the spam would cook into the batter and create this amazing crispy shell that was fried inside and out with a meaty treat in the center.

>> No.16697306

Spam has a lot of salt and fat, but it doesn't have the glutamate or inosine that make umami. Using seaweed adds intense umami, while the rice dulls the heaviness of the fats. It balances out into an incredibly savory dish that hits just about every note on your palate with a variety of textures in complicated overlapping waves in each bite.

>> No.16697347

spam is really salty and the rice helps with that, it also makes it a more filling snack. seaweed is just there so you dont have to touch the sticky sushi rice with your bare hands. how much is the musubis at the restaurants. I wouldnt pay more than 1.50 considering you can get a whole can for just a little over twice that cost.

>> No.16697359

Idk, I like it when I fry a slice of it on the pan along with some eggs.

>> No.16697365

Retard communist. Fresh produce is cheaper and more filling than the “opportunistic dog food”. Poor people buy TV dinners because they’re lazy shits incapable of long or sometimes even medium-term planning; that’s why they’re poor in the first place. They make the choice to eat that garbage. Same reason niggers use their EBT to buy boatloads of doritos and pepsi.

>> No.16697366

>I have never eaten Spam
It ain't filet mignon or anything, but the stuff 8s really good at times.

>> No.16697370

idk what lunchmeat you guys eat, but spam never tasted like that too me. Baloni kind of. But its more toothy.

>> No.16697376

>I wouldnt pay more than 1.50
it looks to be about double that price on average, but it can even be more expensive

>> No.16697388

I imagine someone's told you to do this but have you tried cooking it? It is meat, after all. I suggest finishing it off with a bit of teriyaki sauce if you're having it with rice and egg :)

>> No.16697396

dont even need much to make it taste good. little bit of olive oil in a panand cook it until it has a nice brown crispyness and it smells really good with some of the fat melted.

>> No.16697420

Spam is actually best when steamed. When it gets to that gray coloration, you can slice it open easily and have a soft, meat slice like pate.

>> No.16697434

do you think i can replicate it well enough by cubing some spam, and thrwoing it in rice with bonito flakes?

>> No.16697543

It's salt & meat in a convenient package. Not the kind of thing you should eat all the time but it keeps forever, I bought a case a while ago and its expiry date is in 2024 and it'll probably still be good for a while after that. I have a very pleasant memory of being in middle school and playing Gauntlet Dark Legacy on my GC in my underwear during summer when my dad tells me to come downstairs and get some spam & eggs.

>> No.16697551

they can't cook
alternatively they're hawaiiam

>> No.16697568
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Little bits can be used to grease a pan like bacon. It's nice

>> No.16697612

I like it fried with scrambled eggs and cheese

>> No.16697615

Pan fried spam also goes well in tortillas and quisadillas

>> No.16697651

Pen freed spom alse gose wall ni tortillos end quisadilles

>> No.16698632

At that point you might as well just make spam fried rice

>> No.16699913
