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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 664 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210902-075402_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16666609 No.16666609 [Reply] [Original]

He's not wrong here. I remember in college I was broke as fuck and as a result about 80% of my diet for about 6 months was duck eggs and potatoes done various ways. It was a bit bland but it was fine.

>> No.16666612

>eceleb shit
kill yourself

>> No.16666614

Isn't that the guy with the 600-pound wife?

>> No.16666619

>he's not wrong
>i had eggs though so i didn't do what he said anyway
most people want to do more than just survive without deficiencies. you're not going to be in optimal health eating nothing but potatoes.

>> No.16666682

he should tell his obese gf that

>> No.16666713

Who cares what some loser streamer says about whatever. If you've ever seen a picture of him his body speaks for itself. Don't listen to grifters

>> No.16666731

All Vaush eats is french fries.


>> No.16666748

Potatoes are likely the most satiating food of all time. However, they have almost no micronutrients, fat, or protein. Eating nothing but potatoes will make you feel full, but you will be mentally and physically weak. Exactly why communists want you eating potatoes.

>> No.16666752

Kill yourseflf asap.

>> No.16666757

Exactly why the capital is feeding everyone empty carbs right this moment.

>> No.16666769

They contain carbs and vitamins - add eggs for protein and fat and you have a pretty balanced diet

>> No.16666774

that's what ketchup is for

>> No.16666775

Why? Why make a Vaush thread in /ck/ you fucking schizo?
We only let Ragusea live rent free in this place

>> No.16666794

Why are fat people so bad at cooking? They say never trust a skinny chef but imo most fat people eat garbage and have terrible taste.

>> No.16666814

I'm not going to take nutrition advice from somebody who calls himself a "libertarian socialist"

>> No.16666876

Potatoes, onions, beets, etc. are absolutely core dining.

I can speak to this though, eventually you'll want real fat and protein. Drinking whole milk is almost cheating if you're on a budget, but I found that eating a real, hearty meal once a week made me feel way better. Buy a chicken and learn how to break it down, save the wings and legs and use the thighs and breasts for four servings. Make stock with the bones. You can eat very well on VERY little money. If you budget dilligently it also becomes easier to reward yourself. I ate a LOT of relatively shitty meals, essentially potatoes and onion with whatever else I had. I was under a dollar for pretty much every meal, and sometimes under fifty cents. But, every once in a while, every other month or so, I'd be having a beautifully marbled ribeye, with bearnaise, potatoes, honey glazed carrots, asparagus, and a nice bordeaux.

>> No.16666954

Sure no reason other than that you'll die from nutritional deficiencies because potatoes don't supply vital amino acids like B12.

>local child pornography advocate has objectively wrong nutritional knowledge
What a surprise.

>> No.16666962

>Exactly why communists want you eating potatoes.

>> No.16667003

>vitamin b12
Is abundant in eggs. That's why you could objectively live on eggs and potatoes for as long as you need to.

>> No.16667031

Idk who this guy is so I Googled him. Turns out he triggers the fuck out of reddit which is cool but he also supports child porn or something so that's pretty fucked

>> No.16667043

/pol/ have been seething about him for years. The mention of his name is enough to derail entire threads.

>> No.16667123

Ok but that was something that faggot op said and I was responding to vaush's comment

>> No.16667164

That subreddit is ridiculous and I literally laughed out loud when I read the thread talking about how they'll solve scarcity for acquiring non-essential items like telescopes and Playstation 5s once capitalism is abolished with "labor vouchers" or just giving it away for free. These people are insane and watch too much star trek lmao

>> No.16667167

Also, to solve the problem of people stockpiling and trading their property after acquiring it: "arrest them, seize it and redistribute"


>> No.16667177
File: 85 KB, 869x1132, type3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we need to bring back bullying. People like this need to be shown where their place is on the human hierarchy.

>> No.16667181

Labor vouchers have already been successfully implemented in anarchist Catalonia.

>> No.16667182

I agree that you COULD. But if you have other options why WOULD you ever live like that? I spend maybe 250 to 400€ on groceries every month just for myself and that is excluding alcohol and eating out.

I do that because cooking and eating are among the highlights of my days. Why would I deprive myself of that?

>> No.16667195

The beat lefty threads are the ones on sex work/prostitution. Some argue prostitutes won't exist because everyone will be satisfied by muh free love/polygamy. Others say prostitution will be "free" as a service to the community. Literally legalizing rape and calling it communism lmao.

>> No.16667204

>But if you have other options
Obviously because you don't. Even then, there's plenty of worthwhile potato based dishes. Part of it is also people who don't have much money not understanding nutrition and cost of simple food. Potatoes are a good tasty way to save money, and you can cook them a bunch of ways. Even if you have 400 a month to spend on food, you're not free from opportunity cost. Everything you buy is something else you're not. If you have great meals cheap, it's a benefit no matter what. You're not eating at three star restaurants every month, so why not save money? You can just spend it again on better / rarer ingredients, or high cost items like alcohol and cheese.

>> No.16667214

Jesus christ...

>> No.16667216

How the fuck did we end up talking about Vaush and anarchist Catalonia in the food and cooking board? Also anarchist Catalonia wasn't in any way successful - it got assfucked by Franco and incorporated into Based Fascist Spain. Also Vaush is a midwit and a fraud.

>> No.16667230

>Anarchist Catalonia wasn't successful because fascist apes chimped out lest the world sees how you can have a functioning society without being a cuck for the bourgeois and the state
Ah, yes, the classic goalpost moving.

>> No.16667234

not that guy but your faggy limp wristed commie vernacular sticks out like a sore thumb and i hope you change your way of thinking or die

>> No.16667251

>Vaush holds left-wing views and identifies as a libertarian market socialist.
That doesn't even make sense. Sounds like he's just a manchild with a big mouth and a platform that lets him get away with saying stupid shit

>> No.16667260

everyone eats like shit in uni. getting a nutritional deficiency, permanent hangover and STD is part of the experience

>> No.16667267

OP had to go back to 2020 to find a tangential mention of food on his favourite e-celebs twatter and then rubbed his hands in anticipation at being able to post a technically not off-topic off-topic lefty/pol/ shitpost

>> No.16667279

Not the guy you're talking to and idk who this Vaush guy is but libertarianism was created by socialists centuries before right-wingers just coopted the term. Market socialism was Yugoslavia's system. Market libertarian socialism was the system they had in Anarchist Catalonia or in the Ukrainian Free Territory.

>> No.16667350

Annnd nobody gives a fuck come back when you want to talk about food and cooking faggot


>> No.16667352

vitamin a.

>> No.16667371

It's almost definately Vaush himself who posted this shit thread. Fuck off Vaush, nobody cares what you think of potatoes.

>> No.16667373
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>All Vaush eats are french fries
>All Hasan eats are chicken nuggies prepared by his mom (or else he will literally die)
Together, the intellectual leaders of leftist thought have the taste preferences of one whole toddler. I'm shocked that people who want to rule the world as dictators over the pathetic pleb proletariat, that pay for their meals and mansions, have the same palate and food preferences as a literal child. They wouldnt even make it to the Lysenkoist famines of their own dreams; these two big brains would die of starvation the second the grocery store stops stocking frozen fishie fingies and dinsosaur nuggs. It's solace to know that, after the glorious people's revolution, any random person could usurp total control of the entirety of the neo communist regime with a Mc Donald's dollar menu and a hecking poggerino Happy Meal toy.

>> No.16667374

I love potatoes but this would kill your bowels

>> No.16667375

/pol/ is always leaking

>> No.16667383

>disliking commies is pol

>> No.16667386

I'm sure glad this thread didn't fail like it did last time.

>> No.16667391
File: 2.70 MB, 4032x3024, 4AF362FD-BCD7-46E8-964E-3C979A5871C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Libertarian market socialism is technically a thing but Vaush’s ideology is just a gross behemoth-like amalgam of the opposite of whoever made him mad on Twitter thinks. The thing most /pol/niggers miss is that almost left-wing people and socialist/communist types hate his guts, he’s really only popular with anarchist children or demsoc types. One time a small time ML YouTuber got into a debate with him about the Soviet Union (essentially he was saying that Stalin’s regime was bad but you can’t define almost 100 years of Soviet history based on one man and things got a lot better) and Vaush couldn’t answer basic questions like “what’s a market” and “what’s a commodity.”
>tl dr Vaush is a fat retard that no one, not even left wingers, likes
Obligatory mods don’t ban me food tidbit:
I made meringue cookies

>> No.16667395

Bringing them up randomly as if there’s some secret plot to make you eat potatoes and as if they hold literally any sway in the modern west is schizophrenic /pol/ behavior. Socialist and communist movements are insanely neutered and filled with glowies and have been for decades.

>> No.16667407

more like kill them, kill their family, and kill the entire village like communism usually does.
absolute subhuman ideology.

>> No.16667411

>entering a vaush twitter screencap thread and expecting it not to be about his political views
is it just in your nature to be perpetually disingenuous or are you truly ignorant on who this person is?

>> No.16667424

Well Vaush isn’t a communist so

>> No.16667442

He is Irish, they love potatoes

>> No.16667444
File: 223 KB, 750x709, 0E1F6F14-1799-4675-9622-61A4AB095568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftist eceleb psued with a literal 500+ pound wife giving ANYONE else dietary advice

>> No.16667450
File: 93 KB, 981x785, 1631121397526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very possible but more likely it's one of his brainwashed zoomer fans who shill for him for free all over this fucking site. They do it for free!
Being disingenuous is Vaush's stated modus operandi. He has openly admitted that he lies constantly to his audience because lying is useful to achieve the revolution.
I'm now curious if Vaush has his ogress gf make him the french fries or if he's capable of putting them in the oven on his own, because if it's the later then that actually puts him miles ahead of Hasan Piker's culinary ability, because according to Hasan he needed to buy a 3 million dollar mansion in Hollywood so his mom could live with him to make him tendies on demand because, again according to him, if he goes even a few minutes without access to his nugs he will literally fucking die.

>> No.16667465


>> No.16667468

The only thing anarchist Catalonia was successful at was getting their asshole gaped by Stalin and the tankies

Actually, the ancom retards got massacred by Stalin’s forces before Franco even got to them. If there’s one thing leftists excel at, it’s wasting energy fighting each other.

Go back to the CHAZ tranny. Even tankies knew how to deal with you lot.

>> No.16667469

If the e-celeb isn’t even related to cooking in the slightest please go back to /pol/

>> No.16667472

That's not communism's modus operandi at all. They mostly killed political opponents. Murdering innocent family members or entire villages is a right-wing thing. You'd be hard pressed to find something like the Oradour-sur-Glane massacre or the May Lai village thing that you could pin on communists. Maybe thr Russian Royal family killings but not much else.

>> No.16667482

You can find papers detailing how production increased and unemployment was solved in anarchist Catalonia through a cooperatives and labor vouchers system. You can suck up to corporations as much as you want but the historical records are out there.

>> No.16667483

Year Zero Pol Pot

>> No.16667489

what is holodomor?

>> No.16667508

You can find evidence that the USSR increased production vs the Tsar regime and China increased production vs the Qing dynasty.

I guess authoritarian chads win again.

> can suck up to corporations as much as you want

It’s funny because every ancom I’ve talked to has sounded like an angry little despot when describing how order would be maintain within and between workers communes.

>> No.16667514

Muslims and Tibetans in China

>> No.16667518

No, you don't understand, all those women and children were CIA plants that were trying to undermine the flawless and very effective communist system.

And, sure, Mao did 3-4 Holocausts worth of civilian causalties, but it was an ACCIDENT. You wouldn't hold an honest mistake against him right? What's 50 million dead chinese between friends huh? And 10 million dead eastern europeans. Okay, and 3 million dead Cambodians. And a quarter of a million dead Vietnamese. Listen, it was the CIA okay, they did it all. Listen, Castro executed BARELY 5,000 Cubans, he's a sweet little angel in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.16667522

Pol Pot doesn’t count he was so fucked up the Vietnamese kicked him out

>> No.16667526
File: 235 KB, 569x518, 1631122671295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Political opponents" is anyone who could challenge the authority of the regime in any way and that's a lot of fucking people. When the Soviets slaughtered 22 thousand Poles in the Katyn massacre they used that excuse too, but conveniently defined political opponents as any soldiers and officers, sure but also, "intelligence agents, gendarmes, landowners, saboteurs, factory owners, lawyers, officials, and priests". Oh, you own a chicken farm? That's the people's nuggie factory now and it's off the the mass grave for you, you greedy Nuggie hoarding capitalist pig.
>"mass killings are a right wing thing"
Funny, that's exactly what the Soviets maintained for 50 years after the Nazis found their mass graves in Katyn and were appalled - it appalled the fucking Nazis - and continued to lie about and blame it on the krauts until the communist state fell apart and they were forced to admit "yeah, we did kinda slaughter thousands of civilians like dogs because we thought they might not fall in line, our bad"

Don't submit your nuggies to dictators.

>> No.16667527

>Mao did 3-4 Holocausts
You have to be incredibly fucking loose with the facts to even come close to this conclusion. You don’t need to exaggerate how bad the cultural Revolution was.

>> No.16667538

No true communist huh?

Listen, to be kind, I'll drop it to 30 million dead chinese, does that make you feel better?

>> No.16667539

It's missing all the other beneficial stuff that all the other foods contain.

>> No.16667550

>No true communist huh
I mean if you’re so atrocious that another communist country invaded to kick you out I’d argue it was a nominal ideology only.
Also, do a bit of digging on how many bombs were dropped on Cambodia by the good ol US of A because it’s eye opening.

>> No.16667552

>30 million
That’s even bigger than the fake as shit black book numbers

>> No.16667559

This nigga grew up rich in Beverly Hills. Why are all commies like this?

>> No.16667560

What about Central Asians under the USSR? The USSR was dominated by Russia from start to finish, and even though the Cerntal Asian Socialist Republics were nominally a part - they did get shit on, violently repressed, and have villages depopulated.

Shit look at what the Soviets did to the Chechens. It’s why Chechens hate Russians to this day.

>In February 1944, under the direct command of Lavrentiy Beria, almost half a million Chechens and Ingush were removed from their homes and forcibly settled in Central Asia in an act of ethnic cleansing. They were put in forced labor camps in Kazakhstan and Kirghizia. Estimates on casualties range from 170,000 up to 200,000, some evidence also indicates that 400,000 people perished, the victims perished mostly due to hypothermia(freezing to death) and starvation, although massacres were not uncommon. The most notable of the massacres during the deportation was the Khaibakh massacre, in which an estimated 700 Chechen children, elderly and women were locked in a barn and burned alive, reportedly due to problems with their transportation.

>> No.16667565
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Same problem, same solution. .308

>> No.16667572

>trading vouchers for labor

Damn, that’s crazy ancoms invented a way to represent value with paper, truly the most advanced political theory. brb reading the conquest of bread and hopping on gender hormones ASAP

>> No.16667574

I am not going to defend the domestic policies and relocation actions of Stalin.

>> No.16667584

That’s fair. Thank God I’m not talking to a deranged tankie.

>> No.16667593
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Anon, all commie leaders are power-mad narcissistic cunts, as is pretty much anyone involved in politics. Politics is for assholes. That's what Vaush is too; a man desperate to be a despot. They dont care about anything but power and having as much of it as possible over the plebs. You think this is about "from each according to his ability to deep fry, to each according to his need for nuggies"? Hell no. It's all about power- Vaush cops to that shit straight up in a rare instance of telling the truth.

It's a key component of communist thought that communism doesnt work if it's not global, which is a great fucking excuse for one commie dictator to go knock over another, because they weren't "doing it right" and are "stalin' the progress towards a United communist utopia". Dictators dont care about ideology, fren, they only care about power. If someone is trying to sell you an ideology where you give them everything and they promise to give it back, that person is not gonna give your tendies back. He might share a little so you make him more nuggies, but if you get uppity, well now you have no nuggies and will starve.

>> No.16667678
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I thought he was a polack? Although come to think of it he does look like a mick...

>> No.16667699

His handle used to be "IrishLaddie" despite being an American from Beverly Hills. He's a plastic paddy, of course he's obsessed with potatoes. He probably drinks green IPA microbrews on St Patrick's day and everything.

>> No.16667717

>duck eggs and potatoes for about 80% of my diet
Sounds like my typical winter.

>> No.16667788

It's pretty based if you aren't an idiot when it comes to seasoning. Can get a bit backed up when you eventually need to take a crap though.

>> No.16667850

As far as stalin is concerned I think it has to be approached with nuance. His industrialization policies long term helped bring the Soviet Union up as a world player, but his paranoia and relocations were often brutal and unneeded. The important takeaway is you have decades of Soviet history before and after Stalin and he did not define the entire nation.

>> No.16667851

some Harry Potter dude?

>> No.16667854

Why do you retards always use babyspeak gobbledegook

>> No.16667867

How can you rant about him without mentioning he is a literally pedophile?

>> No.16667876
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting a Vaush thread with tenuous connection to food on /ck/ to bait the retards here into arguing about politics
You're not as clever as you think you are, faggot. Now fuck off back to your containment board or I'm gonna start spamming Ragusea threads all over /pol/.

>> No.16667896
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>Get some friends

>> No.16667898
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Because he unironically isn't? He asked why we see child slavery as any more morally acceptable than child pornography. His take was that they are both wrong, but /pol/tards deliberately misinterpretted what he was saying to paint it that he thinks both morally acceptable. They can seethe about Vaush all they want but anyone who isn't a retard or arguing dishonestly can see what he meant here.

>> No.16667902
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Why do you give a shit about her weight? Obviously Vaush has decent enough character to love her regardless of the fact that she is fat. Should be good enough for you. I bet you're also one of those weirdos who think that idubbbz and Anisa shouldn't be together because she shares bikini pics online. Get a life.

>> No.16667909
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K anon

>> No.16667919

That anon here, he absolutely is but I assumed that went without saying

>> No.16667921
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>> No.16667959

>"from each according to his ability to deep fry, to each according to his need for nuggies"
I need this on a shirt with Apu in a kommisar outfit, immediately

>> No.16667964

Of course it "worked". It's different from money/physical currency in name only.

>anarchist Catalonia
as we all know one of the tenets of anarchism is forced labor camps

>> No.16667976
File: 90 KB, 900x467, if_modern_anarchists_fought_in_spain__part_1__by_rednblacksalamander_d7irpe5-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern "anarchists" have almost nothing in common with the real anarchists who fought in Catalonia back in the 30's.

>> No.16667986

>before Stalin

The Bolshevik’s were brutal before Stalin took command

>> No.16667987

young innocent vaush is forgetting the lessons of the irish potato famine

>> No.16667997

>nooo not my precious /pol/ my favorite board

Go ahead and spam faggot, one day you’ll realize that not everyone who disagrees with your ancom pedo ideology is a raid from le boogeyboard

>> No.16668005

Yeah but they didn't kill people for the sake of it - Lenin was a ruthless revolutionary and leader but Stalin was a full blown psychopath.

>> No.16668010

Pedo internet defense force out in full force

PS: if you love someone you don’t let them kill themselves by being obese

>> No.16668064

Either atrocious samefagging or Vaush is reading this thread, that he himself or one of his fans probably started, on his gay stream because he is that much of a narcissist. Also, I agree with the point about CP in that I understand what Vaush meant but worded to so horribly that he opened himself up to being called a pedophile forever as short-hand criticism for his million other retard takes.
Do it, faggot. You would improve the average quality of the board.
Because this is the cooking board and we're supposed to talk about cooking, but we're talking about Vaush, so I out everything into chicken nugget metaphors.

>> No.16668069

Obese people don't deserve opinions

>> No.16668081

When Lenin murders 200,000 political opponents, priests and blue collar workers he was actually just a tough leader who wasn't so bad compared to Stalin. But when Hitler does the same thing with a death toll of a few hundred it's not ok.

Red scum.

>> No.16668128

Just gonna gloss over the Catalonian anarchists having forced labor camps for political opponents, huh?

>> No.16668424

Post recipes for dirt poor potato based meals?

>> No.16668489

>Obviously Vaush has decent enough character
As usual, marxists tell the most obvious lies.

>> No.16668517
File: 26 KB, 400x462, 1617911192540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe /pol/ would seethe about Vaush less if literally any rightist could beat him in a debate. Also this thread is about 80% not about food. Fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.16668602

Vaush gets blown out constantly by the right, even Sargon did it as a centrist fence sitter

>> No.16668604

Potatoes have a ton of micros. It's the macros that they're lacking. They're mostly just carbs.

>> No.16668623

How the fuck did a Vaush shitpost in /ck/ of all places get >100 fucking posts?
Fuck all shills.

>> No.16668638

>blue collar workers
That wasn’t a thing that existed in the economic system of 1917 Russia dumbass

>> No.16668644

Vaush can’t even win an argument against other left wingers, he constantly punches to his left anyway.
>Sargon did it as a centrist fence sitter
Sargon is mor of just a straight up retard which makes it more embarrassing

>> No.16668654
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>"people didn't work in factories and manufacturing until the october revolution"
>being this much of a retard

>> No.16668657
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Right, I'm sure it was all just taken out of context.

>> No.16668711

"Blue collar" is a blanket term for people whose job is performing manual labor. Even if they didn't call it that, they existed.

The point is that Lenin arrested and executed workers who went on strike because Bolsheviks had privileges and were given larger food rations. His secret police tortured citizens, forced them to dig their own graves and in some cases allegedly crucified victims in the street. He's no different than Stalin or any other tyrant or despot.

>> No.16668771 [DELETED] 

I mean, he's right. The age of consent should be lowered to 16 in general and 21 in the case of power imbalances (teachers, bosses, etc). But it should never be lowered below 14, that'd be absurd.

>> No.16668773

>thread about meat slaughter gets pruned
>this one is still up
Nice job jannies

>> No.16668777

This is your brain on burger education

>> No.16668782

The economy of Russia was still largely agrarian and there was no such thing as “blue collar” you obstinante cur

>> No.16668797

>haha the Cheka wasn't real you dumb kulak!
Commies really are the dumbest motherfuckers. Though it shouldn't surprise me because people who know how to read are usually among the first to get rounded up and executed.

>> No.16668810

>a full blown Vaush thread was allowed to exist and thrive in /ck/
I hope you faggots are happy with yourselves. This place has hit a new low.

>> No.16669157

4chan was never good, melodramatic cuck

>> No.16669201

yeah, suck this guys dick you fag

>> No.16669213

look hes copying destinys food takes too

>> No.16669216

>I bet you're also one of those weirdos who think that idubbbz and Anisa shouldn't be together because she shares bikini pics online
I'm sure most of us actually have zero opinion on anything related to these eceleb fags, fuck off back to twitter you underaged cunt.

>> No.16669220

only good post in this thread

>> No.16669232

>literally pilpuling on “blue collar” being used to say “manual labor”
go back to your synagogue

>> No.16669248
File: 36 KB, 720x713, 1626816773069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Marxists have a pathological hatred of food?

>> No.16669264

Poor as hell right now so most of my dinners are donburi

>> No.16669330

Vaush lost to fucking Count Dankula. The guy is the definition of arguing in bad faith. He's an embarrassment to leftists all across the world.

>> No.16669348
File: 80 KB, 639x734, ERp5ly3U4AARSTb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh the ironing
I bet in 10 minutes you'll be crying about meanie leftists "subverting" and "infiltrating" academia (i.e. right wing apes being too dumb for college)

>> No.16669655

heh, i like

>> No.16669681

>Catalonia invented money
Goddamn you are fucking stupid

>> No.16669725 [DELETED] 

Labour vouchers are not money, you moronic right wing piece of shit. They cannot be traded or accumulated.

>> No.16669747

Labour vouchers are not money, you right wing moron. They cannot be traded or accumulated.

>> No.16669758

Oh look it's another screenshot Twitter thread.

>> No.16670547
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guys please i avoid pol because im so tired of seeing this shit. dont ruin my comfy boards too i cant keep living like this

>> No.16670584

Stop mystifying the nature of labor and the changes it has underwent you fag

>> No.16670640

You have the grammar of a common negro

>> No.16670916

4Chan was never comfy

>> No.16671023

absolutely assblasted

>> No.16671081

Notice how they completely scroll over this post on purpose and make sure it doesn't get responses. He's a pedophile plain and simple.

>> No.16671129

>"maybe child slavery should be as socially unacceptable as child pornography"
>nooooo you have an iPhone so that must mean you think consuming CP is acceptable
Low iq take

>> No.16671140

Notice how this poster never once attempted to defend what was posted in that anons image, where the fat fuck is completely serious about fucking children, and instead attempts to deflect in a naive and obfuscated fashion away from the core content of that post to make sure that nobody actually goes back and sees his commie hero say he's going to fuck children. The entire transcript of the discord chats are available to read, it isn't some fucking ironic take or meta discussion, it's a completely serious diatribe of posts vaush made where he intently and seriously wants to fuck children. The entire chatlog is an eye opener into the plateau of the iq limitation found in his circle.

4channel in general is raided and patrolled by bunkertards daily who can't have their beloved fat degenerate get shit on for his shitty behavior. I am not going to respond to this dirt bag poster again, I merely want those who are deluded and those who are lurking to witness the derailment going on in these threads. Buh bye :)

>> No.16671144
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>> No.16671147
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>> No.16671180

Incel chuds btfo

>> No.16671204

Imagine caring about some literally who eceleb enough to write this diatribe - ON A FUCKING COOKING BOARD.
Meds, take them. Then let's have a conversation about food rather than Vaush.

>> No.16671476

Who cares what Vaush eats?

>> No.16671502

Put a hole in his neck real pistol toter
My bitch outta Shrek shawty an ogre

>> No.16671509

It’s the past tense of undergo you mong

>> No.16671517

>fat ass
>tits suitable for tittyjobs
>swallows automatically
there's no downsides here

>> No.16671537

>some secret plot to make you eat potatoes
Plot is not secret, there is incentive to feed you dead carbohydrates, but as everything it is about money.
Easiest to mass produce.

>> No.16671927

I don’t take culinary advice from commies

>> No.16671995

>The Jews are the reason people eat potatoes, rice and bread
>The Jew feeds the white man french fries to dull his mind and weaken his spirit
Shut up idiot.

>> No.16672343

Who said anything about Jews? It’s Big Agriculture that wants to sell you cheap carbs, not Jews.
>inb4 but Big Ag IS the Jews

>> No.16672353

Fat people are a disgusting drain on society and should be in a mass grave. What I'm saying is, nuke every inch of the US.

>> No.16672449

>Agreed if you count steak as a seasoning.

>> No.16672553

>Of every 100 people in the US, 36 of then are obese
>Of every 100 people in any country that isn't Japan, India, part of the African continent, or destitute Asian countries 19-29 of them are obese
yuropoors getting cocky

>> No.16672650
File: 301 KB, 3194x1677, potatoes and eggs_nutrition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Only eat potatoes
Get ~0: Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B12, Dietary Fat
Get insufficient: Vitamin K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Zinc, Selenium
Get barely enough: Iron, Copper, Protein (Won't get enough if you don't absorb it efficiently)

> Only eat potatoes and eggs (Need 700-800 grams of eggs, to get enough vitamin A, ~1295 calories)
Get insufficient: Vitamin K, Calcium, Copper, Vitamin E, (Insufficient B12 with chicken eggs)
Get barely enough: Zinc, Magnesium, Thiamin (with duck eggs, insufficient Thiamin with chicken) (Won't get enough if you don't absorb it efficiently)

It's just not an optimal diet. You wouldn't die immediately, but you'd be deficient in a lot of stuff. If your body needs more of a micro nutrient than average, you'll be deficient in that too.
Also, look at all of these faggots only talking about Vaush, instead of talking about the /ck/ related topic. I don't even know who this guy is, besides that gif of his fat wife.

>> No.16673095
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>caring about what this smoothbrain has to say
>using twitter

>> No.16673517

>Others say prostitution will be "free" as a service to the community
Is this saying that whores will be converted into easy sluts?
Sounds like modern society.

>> No.16673547

Food bills through the roof

>> No.16673702

The optimal diet is rice and beans.

>> No.16673866

Who the fuck cares what Vaush thinks about anything? WHY is this thread still up in /ck/?

>> No.16673879

>the only worthwhile post in this thread

>> No.16673899

This. He's a grifter and a dangerous one with no allegiance to anyone or any ideology except his own.
The biggest issue is that he's very disconnected from his own beliefs and does not practice what he preaches.

>> No.16675252

potatoes are cheap

>> No.16675364

>no alliegence to any ideology but his own
Wait what? Why would anyone have any alliegence to an ideology that isn't theirs?

>> No.16675430

True and based. /pol/fags seething.

>> No.16675434

>He has openly admitted that he lies constantly to his audience because lying is useful to achieve the revolution

>> No.16675438


rickets, anemia, scurvy, beriberi, pellagra, etc

>> No.16675440

Sargon got btfo so hard he swore off debating commies. Cope

>> No.16675826

You dont get that fat by only eating potatoes

>> No.16676005

They are pretty fattening if you don't watch your other macros. Pure carbs

>> No.16676015

I'm saying he's not joined to any collective ideology but a mishmash of ideas and he definitely sees himself as a leader.

>> No.16676116

kek, pretty good bait

>> No.16676143

that sounds like fucking company scrip lmao. bravo socialists, you managed to invent something that your side fought to make illegal like 100 years ago.

>> No.16676419

>Murdering innocent family members or entire villages is a right-wing thing.
North Korea would like a word

>> No.16676930

>North Korea is left-wing
It's defacto a totalitarian monarchy - right or left don't really come into it, it's closer to a death cult that a functional State. They don't even allow the publication of Marx there because they believe that Juche shit supplanted it (also likely because whatever Marx was advocating for, North Korea isn't it).

>> No.16676947

Should probably tell his obese wife that

>> No.16676961

kek the classic "B-BUT THAT WASN'T REAL SOCIALISM" """""""argument"""""""

>> No.16677022
File: 156 KB, 1080x1073, d3rlkuiykks61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has the Vaush spam cancer migrated here?

>> No.16677033

Theres no good reason why america needs to support isreal

>> No.16677047

/tv/ has too many mods so faggots just post whatever here.

>> No.16677322
File: 872 KB, 640x640, 1624182137893.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's American, they love worshipping and sucking black cock

>> No.16677637

>It's a key component of communist thought that communism doesnt work if it's not global
Except for all the communists who believed in the "socialism in one country" meme, including Stalin. There is no one "communist thought," and if you think about it that way you will fail to understand it.

>> No.16677658

>legalizing rape and calling it communism
What? How does this follow from the rest of your post?

>> No.16677724
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