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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 54 KB, 640x480, web1_20180515_120933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16658362 No.16658362 [Reply] [Original]

why tf would any adult choose to eat here

>> No.16658371

There is only just one reason, and it isn't the McChicken. It is the steak, egg and cheese bagel breakfast sandwich. (Add bacon)

>> No.16658379

do they expect the general public to help them demolish the building?

>> No.16658388

the same reason they would eat unclean meat anywhere else...but their monies help to stimulate the economy so why close it down

>> No.16658397


>> No.16658403

my only drugs in life are gluttony and porn

>> No.16658416

Cheap, tastes good, relatively filling and quick. Why do pretentious jack offs get so caught up on this

>> No.16658422

>tastes good
It doesn't.

>> No.16658423

Because they can and you should mind your own fucking business. Caring about what other people do is fucking embarrassing

>> No.16658431

where is that even available?

>> No.16658440

Everywhere around me? I guess they are bringing it back in stages or something?

>> No.16658715

why? The McRib.
And it's still too early to be thinking about it, but all the same, I'm getting a bit excited.

>> No.16658755

sausage mcmuffin with egg and hash browns.

>> No.16660416

Years of brainwashing designed to normalize shitty behaviors.

>> No.16660424

This. I wonder now, (((who))) could be encouraging you to eat shitty fast food? After all if enough people become obese, they can force all of us to eat bugs and the redditors and tiwtteres of the world will cheer and clap.

>> No.16660441

I really like their breakfast sandwiches. I get one every time I start off on a road trip. You can also get a quart of black coffee that is pretty good actually.

>> No.16660450

my 90 year old grandparents act like its the premier place to eat

>> No.16660459

people dont, thats why they've been slowly going broke.
their only customers at this point are literal 2am drunks and crackheads.

>> No.16660464

there are people on this board who are fine with the idea of eating bugs as long as they taste good. the brainwashing is definitely working

>> No.16660483

It's relatively tasty and consistent. Consistency is the key factor here. And it's fast.

It's actually in my top 3 fast food restaurants.

>> No.16661631

This is their best sandwich.

>> No.16661664

I'm depressed

>> No.16661683

Everyone knows that Mickey D's food is trash. I don't go because we think the food is good or even food. I sometimes go because it's late, I'm hungry, I don't want to make food when I get home, and there's literally nothing else open. For me, the situation would need all these to happen at once to go there.

>> No.16661868

No its not

>> No.16661876

between the service always being shit, forgetting stuff off your order, it 100% being cold and the coke never being mixed right, I have proudly not eaten a mcdonalds in 3 years
absolute dogshit

>> No.16661877

It’s consistently tasty. Cheeseburger in Chicago tastes the same in Miami. I also do it to own the libs and snobs, everyone loses your mind when you tell them you ate McDonald’s. Also it’s really convenient, I woke up the other week and had to go somewhere and I had a raging headache cause of my hunger, made a stop at McDonald’s and ate five cheeseburgers and drank a cherry slushie and I was feeling amazing.

>> No.16662163

Fuck dude, I didn't expect to get hit this hard in the morning. Could not be more down today, going back to work after a long weekend is brutal.

>> No.16662173

depends where you live. if i understand correctly you can buy ridiculous amount of food for a few dollars in the US. In the EU, you can probably eat at a canteen/pub/tavern for the price of a bicmac menu.

>> No.16662198

In the US a dozen eggs is like 3 dollars. Compared to what. 2 burgs off the value menu? That's expensive af
Even if we only mean convenience food that's prepped already we can get a whole rotisserie chicken for 5 bucks.
Fast food being cheap is a meme. I'm guessing spread by the companies themselves to brainwash poors to subsist on the shit all the while pretending they have to cause they're so poor.

>> No.16662224

their nuggies are yummy

>> No.16662251

No, they're shit. You've just been convinced they're good because you've never tried to make your own.

>> No.16662489

I go to McDonald's with the nugs, the mcchicken, the $1 mcdouble, and the breakfast food

You can get a day's worth of food for a few bucks if you want

>> No.16662660

It's the cheapest fast food option where I live

>> No.16662675
File: 271 KB, 1200x1200, McD_Big_Mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the Big Mac is not one of the greatest sandwiches in the world

>> No.16662678

ask how I know you're fat

>> No.16662723

has you even had a quarter pounder with cheese before, fool? its fuckin yummers.

>> No.16662726

Last time I ate there was the BTS meal because the chili sauce was good, haven't eaten there since.

>> No.16662837

>relatively filling
Relative to what? Water?

>> No.16663292

I only end up there after going to clubs with friends and getting drunk as fuck.
Other than that I'm never there.

>> No.16663517

I got it for my gf because she was really sick and wanted "trash food" in her words. Before that, I can't honestly remember the last time I went to a McDolans. Maybe twelve years ago?

>> No.16663569

It is though? For $4 here you can get 2 burgers, a drink, and fries and you can get it in under 5 minutes.
It's easy, convenient, and everywhere. Why do people buy pre-cooked food when they can make their own? Time and convenience

>> No.16663600

Ok shlomo

>> No.16663621

Where do you live where a dozen eggs is that much? It's 99 cents here, sometimes cheaper, and I don't even live in a state with a lot of farmland

>> No.16663641

I pay $7-8 for a dozen eggs

>> No.16663656

>tastes good
Lol no

>> No.16663661

you’re a retard

>> No.16663744

I like their hot coffee and McDoubles.

>> No.16663802

I get a double pack of eggs (a total of 36) for $4.

>> No.16663848

1: Drunk
2: Hungover
drive-in only

>> No.16663927

The real answer is time.

>> No.16664013

>in the us a dozen eggs is like 3 dollars
when will cali retards stop projecting the horrible conditions of their shitty state onto everyone else? not everyone lives in the 3rd world like you. I pay less than a dollar for a dozen eggs.