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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.20 MB, 1381x1381, Ho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16624366 No.16624366[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you eat none of this. right, anon?

>> No.16624374

I exclusively eat your mom's pussy

>> No.16624375

I like Starbucks and hummus. Fucking despise avocado.

>> No.16624376

I eat some of them. Go back to /pol/ or /r9k/ with this shit-tier 'discussion', you dull cunt. You are not special for negating popular things. You seek validation for your ostensible dislike, and try to form an identity around that because you're an anti-social loser.
In short, have sex

>> No.16624378


>> No.16624380

>have sex
after you stop grooming kids on your tranny discord

>> No.16624383


>> No.16624384

I fail to see how starbucks could possibly be for hipster liberals

It's an offensively mainstream hyper corporation
what do you think liberal hipsters even are ?

>> No.16624386
File: 204 KB, 1613x1874, NINTCHDBPICT000510882478-e1564909113562[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after you stop grooming kids on your tranny discord

>> No.16624391

How are sweet potato fries and tacos libtard memes?

>> No.16624393

They are people who consume mainstream things, but think they are quirky and unique things.

>> No.16624395

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.
It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.
Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).
You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.
The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.

>> No.16624402

they're not (obviously), OP is just a low-tier bait poster who is trying to make people insecure about liking mainstream foods by associating them with hipsters


>> No.16624403

I have a good definition for it. Someone overly concerned with who/what is or isn't authentic.

>> No.16624408

I am trying to grow some sweet potatoes. Idk if I'd turn them into fries.

Soy is a pain to grow, tried to grow it last year but it was loved by pests so i just let them eat it and not touch the rest of my garden.

I have eaten mealworms before, they were raised and prepared by a close friend. I'm not the biggest fan, the exoskeleton has an unpleasant gritty texture. It mostly tasted like the seasonings. I would never be so retarded as to actually pay money for insects for me to eat.

Also fuck avacado

>> No.16624410

So OP?

>> No.16624413

it's the fried crickets inside of them

>> No.16624414

avocado is good as a smooshed and indistinct layer in a complex sandwich.
it just adds fat basically, which means deliciousness
the flavour of it isn't that nice and it doesn't eat well alone but it ups your sandwich game and it's extremely good for you

>> No.16624420


I would LOVE to see 5 images of food that OP thinks represents themselves

>> No.16624421

I eat none of these, tried avocado once but I did not like it
Also what type of fries are those?

>> No.16624428

For me, OP here, it's steak (rare), a gun, whiskey, no green shit, and the American fucking flag. That's authenticity. That's not cultural images I'm consuming

>> No.16624429
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>> No.16624432

all these hipsters running around thinking their avocados, tacos, tofu and hummus are authentic. lol give me a break

>> No.16624442

define authenticity, retard

>> No.16624447
File: 1.23 MB, 1126x1126, AMERICA, AMERICA, GOD SHED HIS GRACE ON THEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16624454
File: 84 KB, 870x570, Billie-Jean-SXM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah. Love steak and whiskey.

>> No.16624458

>Gun and a flag is food
What kind of Tarrarre motherfucker are you

>> No.16624470
File: 203 KB, 750x541, 1589801755068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They opened a starbucks or as I call it, star KEKS in my town a few years ago. As expected the hipsters all lined up to be seen buying a $3 mochachaca la cucaracha gluten free cultural marxism drinks. I thought about yelling "1776" to trigger them but I realized they mean nothing to me because I do not think about them at all even though I live rent free in their TDS liberal brains. No idea if it's still there. I made sure to completely avoid that collegecucked hipster street since it opened, because I'm a strong self reliant patriot who isn't triggered by the littlest "micro aggression" like some liberal snowflake.

To be honest I don't know what the rest of those things are but it looks like it would give me explosive volcano shits. I don't like explosive volcano shits, sorry not sorry if that makes me WAYCISSSSS but I ain't afraid of your cancel culture. Awwww, is libtard offended? If you don't like it you can go back to Mexico and take your Soyota Mazda Datsun with you, we drive American trucks and eat normal American food here. Steak, whisky, done. Put some hair on your chest kid.

>> No.16624477

If this isn't a pasta, I appreciate the effort

>> No.16624481

>gun is food

>> No.16624482
File: 479 KB, 700x922, 5d36bc715287d-cringeworthy-badass-tshirts-designs-7-5d30767bb6725__700[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw, here's a pic of me that'll show you what I'm all about.

>> No.16624489

trump lost

>> No.16624494
File: 27 KB, 642x130, i see what you're saying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16624499

What’s wrong with feta cheese or sweet potatoes?

>> No.16624502

>to retarded to read through 5 lines of text

>> No.16624512
File: 103 KB, 500x375, strawman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, nine strawmen?
No wonder you hate "libtards", they're a product of your own hateful imagination.

>> No.16624514


I hate asian fusion tacos so much.

>> No.16624516

it's call redpill, tranny. Arguments and reading are for reddit soyboys, real men just deflect opposition views by calling the cucks 'trannies' and posting a new nigger/woman hate thread.

>> No.16624518

>muh poolitics
kys friend

>> No.16624521

if you can't detect the sarcasm based on what I listed and what I'm replying to, then what is authentic is your retardation

>> No.16624522

you're laying it on way too thick anon, it's too stupid to be fun

>> No.16624524

I like everything there except starbucks

>> No.16624527

Yeah, the post I quoted responded to the 5 foods that would represent themselves and they included no green shit, a gun and the American flag. All of which are not food.
Again, what kind of metal stomached motherfucker are we dealing with here?

>> No.16624530

>when eating food is political
kill yourself

>> No.16624531

>a gun isn't food
spotted the librel

>> No.16624533

Are those bug tacos?

>> No.16624556

Only if I'm traveling or need a place to sit and twiddle my thumb for a few hours (like if I'm getting my car checked out by a mechanic) It's a waste of money, just make coffee at home and put it in a thermos.
I'll eat it if it's served to me, but I honestly find it frustrating to buy because they seem to ripen at random, then there's a 24 hour period where they're good, and sometimes the texture still sucks. It's a hassle.
Tried them, they were nasty. Like dust and fingernails.
>sweet potato fries
Generally if I want fries I get potato, the sweet potato gets too limp.
I don't buy Sabra for sure, but I'll make my own every once in a while. I love beans.
I like spicy sauced tofu or those big fried chunks. Never tried cooking with it myself.

>> No.16624566

Why do conservatives have to make everything political? Can't like hummus???

>> No.16624574
File: 120 KB, 1200x800, sabra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>political? Can't like hummus???
One of the most prominent brands sends a great deal of proceeds directly to the IDF despite running as an "American" company.
Make your own, it's easy, fun, and cheap.

>> No.16624577
File: 26 KB, 415x233, 7ZCVSJQZEJDEFCTCO5WC46UTXM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conservatism is rooted in emotions. Specifically, fear of new and different things. What could inspire more revulsion in a picky spoiled man-child than a food that he didn't encounter growing up in a scared mayo household?

It must be confusing and terrifying to be a conservative reading modern media. The food section is about immigrant food. The style section is about immigrant food. The most successful "small businesses" (fetish of the right) are creating or distributing immigrant food.

No wonder so many of them are bug chasers.

>> No.16624595
File: 90 KB, 522x720, 3VB3YcG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right?

>> No.16624602

>sends a great deal of proceeds directly to the IDF
That would make most American conservatives happy, not mad.

>> No.16624612


>> No.16624627

We have an avocado tree in front of the house.
Avocado is based since it give us fifteen to twenty five sacks per year.

>> No.16624637

how are chickpeas hipster?
only in thai curries or noodles, alongside meat
great condiment

I could care less about the rest, also >>16624374

>> No.16624646

Nothing wrong with any of those. Now if that pic had cauliflower wings and similar shit I'd agree, whoever thought it was a good idea to ruin good cauliflower by making a "wing" of it deserves to die of cancer. Most meat substitute dishes are good enough but that shit is just stupid

>> No.16624657

>likes cauliflower
>doesn't like the same cauliflower battered, fried, and served in hot sauce
For me it's cauliflower rice that ruins cauliflower- like the texture is one of my favorite parts of cauliflower.

>> No.16624694
File: 585 KB, 706x911, 0r0txI0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a picky eater, but cauliflower is one of my few "no-go" foods.
Honestly, I'll eat it, but I don't enjoy it.

>> No.16624707


>> No.16624708

>Sabra recalls some of its Classic Hummus due to salmonella risk
So that's why I couldn't find that shit anymore.
>Sabra was bought by an Israeli company-
And I regret ever buying it. God, I'm a fucking idiot.

>> No.16624727

They also fucking petitioned to have a legal definition of "hummus" as requiring chickpea and tahini so nobody would be able to sell black bean "hummus" and shit.
Real longnose hours.

>> No.16624732

is this pasta? if not you are retarded

>> No.16624741

>They also fucking petitioned to have a legal definition of "hummus" as requiring chickpea and tahini so nobody would be able to sell black bean "hummus" and shit.
totally fair

>> No.16624747

black beans, tahini, lime and jalapeno is spic hummus, and it's good.

>> No.16624751

going to eat some hummus right now as a reaction to that pic

>> No.16624752

Fuck, you got me. Guess I'll just go chug a gallon of soylent

>> No.16624757

I worked at Whole Foods for a year and a half and didn't fall into eating any of this trendy libtard food.

Though I did learn that black beans and pinto beans are fuckin' delicious, especially making black bean tacos.

>> No.16624759
File: 53 KB, 644x308, chocolate mpx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16624784

T. Pajeet

>> No.16624793
File: 3.54 MB, 249x311, hungry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of childish faggot doesn't eat any and all available foods? I bet you failed abortions can't OHP even half your body weight lmao. Gotta eat big to get big COME ON.

>> No.16624811

I enjoy hummus, tacos with bugs, and avocados. If that makes me a libtard in your beady incel eyes then you can choke on my engorged libtard cock.

>> No.16624818

There is absolutely nothing wrong with hummus and avocados.

>> No.16624821

yea, keep eating bugs and soi while pretending to be a tough guy

>> No.16624827

I sometimes like avocados and sometimes I don't. I love making guacamole, though. I like hummus okay but it's not my favorite dip. I don't care about Starbucks but I do enjoy McDonald's coffee.

>> No.16624834

>t. 145 lb prematurely balding 'adult' 'male'

>> No.16624841
File: 1.61 MB, 1267x676, Cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>negating popular things

Bug filled tacos

>> No.16624874

I eat hummus because I live around arabs
I didn't even know that it was a trendy food
bet they don't eat it for breakfast for the authentic experience

>> No.16624877

my favorite arab dip is babaganoush, but it's not shelf stable so it can't become a hipster meme.

>> No.16624881

yeah, you need someone who knows how to make it. desu I have no idea what's in it
They like their dip foods a lot

>> No.16624883

I don't eat bugs or Starbucks but I like everything else in that image and you can eat my ass if that bothers you.

>> No.16624899

it's actually easier to make than hummus, It's roasted eggplants, garlic, tahini, lemon, salt, olive oil, and a generous portion of smoke paprika.
>They like their dip foods a lot
Unleavened bread.

>> No.16624902

it's just grilled/boiled eggplant
garnish/season to taste

>> No.16625089

Hummus and sweet potato fries are good, avocados are a little overpriced and not really great in anything other than salads the rest is absolute trash.

>> No.16625099

guys is eating food communism

>> No.16625121

I don't think most conservatives are afraid of ethnic food dude, they just either don't care about it or just don't live in a multiethnic diverse urbanite haven where you have mongolian ethiopian fusion restaurants.

>> No.16625137

Cauliflower is a bland health food. If you're OK with eating something battered and fried in oil, you may as well do it with something tasty.

>> No.16625148

It's got a neat texture.

>> No.16625154

I don't drink starbucks and I don't know what the top right thing is, but the other stuff is delicious (tofu when prepared correctly).

Surely you wouldn't let the fact that something is popular keep you from eating it, OP? You have more integrity than that of course.

>> No.16625177

I eat all of these except I don't buy my coffee at starbucks. Whats the problem exactly?

>> No.16625192

You eat cockroach tacos?

Fucking kek

>> No.16625203

So you're saying I eat Sabra and Palestinians get schmeckeled?

Can I buy stock in this company?

>> No.16625210

lol, I thought that were fucking dried tomatoes. Nah, miss me with that shit. I will definitely try a proper dish made with insects one day but for now I'm fine wit beef.

>> No.16625229

I eat lots of mashed taters French fries and tacos. I also have no idea how that relates to politics.

>> No.16625235

I quoted your quote to subtlety reference suicide.

>> No.16625241

It's the opposite. Liberals act different for its own sake, despite (more accurately: because of) the detriment to themselves, their family, and their community. It's a self loathing, acidic spite, a passive attempt at revenge against their upper middle class parents who gave them everything they wanted but it still wasn't enough. Dad bought me an iPhone 4 instead of an iPhone 5, now I'm going to bring gluten free vegan tacos to the annual family barbecue so I can feel self righteous for hating his guts.

>> No.16625255

yeah half of the picture is just shaggy's

>> No.16625279

>coffee, sweet potatoes, and hummus
>not enjoying good food because someone else does
This is just picky eating with extra steps.

>> No.16625289


w-what's wrong with tofu sometimes?

>> No.16625303

Not him but you betcha I'm gonna eat bugs and worms and whatever the fuck I want. Top of the food chain faggot plus it's funny to see my nephews cringe

>> No.16625309

>Sweet potato fries
Yes, had no idea this was supposed to be a hipster thing though. They're all over the place

>> No.16625316

2subtle4me anon. I missed the joke

>> No.16625339

for me the texture suffers from deep frying and hot sauce just doesnt work with it, but it's possible i've only had bad cauliflower wings