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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16607300 No.16607300 [Reply] [Original]

Will you eat it /ck/?

>> No.16607306

No. Fuck off, twittertranny itoddler.

>> No.16607307

If it is actually indistinguishable, then sure.

>> No.16607310

I will eat the cultured meat
I will eat the bugs
I will eat the yeast extracts
I will live in the pods
And I will do it for free while enjoying it

>> No.16607314

imagine not phoneposting in 2020 lmaooo. retard

>> No.16607315
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But how can they make flesh indistinguishable and the same nutrients?

>> No.16607321

>bloomberg opinion
I really like that totally fake photo that I see attached to every piece of media about this as if some scientist grew a perfect circular steak in a petri dish. You can tell it is a real scientist, too because gloves.

I probably will never eat it. I don't really have any interest participating in any science experiments. That's why I refuse to get vaccinated, as well.

>> No.16607323

Must be difficult being a brainlet. Always following the biggest mouth, always living in fear, never comprehending, never questioning, unable to differentiate bullshit from facts. It's a pity, really. I hope one day a cure will be found.

>> No.16607333
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>> No.16607334

They had me until moral burden. Fucking grow up, you can't get more natural and healthy than killing other creatures to eat their meat.

>> No.16607342

>as nutritious
By what fucking metric? Even the same kind of animal is different nutritionally based on their diet and living conditions.

>> No.16607343

Looking at industrialised meat farms, I can proudly say I'll take the cultured meat over abused chickens, cows, pigs and other delicious herbivores specifically bred to feed us.
Now the added bonus is that this meat should be cheaper but likely won't be.

>> No.16607353

Industrial meat farms are still pretty bad but that's solely because of the environmental side of things. Birds aren't as bad, but cows and pigs farmed the way we do now is just atrocious for the environment.

>> No.16607357

I actually believe that not eating animals is immoral. Domesticated species can no longer live in nature, and if humans did not raise them for meat, it would result in the extinction of their species.

Save the cows from extinction and eat a burger everyone. It is the moral thing to do.

>> No.16607361

Buying pre-killed, cleaned, chopped up and packaged meat is very natural. You're an apex predator anon!

>> No.16607378

lab grown meat will probably always be inferior to meat from a real cow because they wont be able to mimic all the distinct cuts you get out of a cow's gigantic body.

>> No.16607394

White people mental illness. Why the fuck would I ever want to eat that crap when real meat is cheap as fuck and widely available ?

>> No.16607418

real beef is not cheap as fuck. Where do you live?

>> No.16607423

No. I will eat the bugs, I will rent the bike, I will even live in the pods that are all funded by the government. But I will not eat GMO meats that will ruin my health and give me cancer.

>> No.16607427
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>moral burden

>> No.16607430

>t-the meat industry is not natural!!
>proceeds to eat veggie burger made out of GMO soy, vegetable oils, MSG, food dyes, xanthan and carrageenan gum
>gobbles down fermented s0i drink
>wears synthetic materials
>gets the vaxx
>hurr durr i'm da gaia man!

>> No.16607446
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>> No.16607450

In the dumpster behind McDonalds

>> No.16607452

>without the moral burdens
If meat is murder, then simulated meat is simulated murder
I wouldn't eat real humans, or simulated humans
Anyone who thinks there's no dilemma with fake meat hasn't thought about their stance hard enough

Just fucking eat meat like every other meat eating animal on the planet
I'm convinced they all do it for attention

>> No.16607471

France. And better meat is even cheaper in the US. In the west, never saw expensive meat. And by expensive I mean something I couldn't afford everyday.

>> No.16607476

I live in washington and a fucking single ribeye is $18. A pound of shitty ground beef is $11.

>> No.16607515

I can get beef mince for $13.50kg (cheapest in town) or risk getting an underweight 2kg for 19.99

>> No.16607518

Sure, if it is:
>actually indistinguishable
>easily available
Otherwise no, go to hell. It is not morally wrong to eat animals and consumers are not responsible for what producers do to make their products.

>> No.16607522

That’s an appeal to nature and doesn’t address anything dummy

>> No.16607541
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Ground beef 11$/kilo

>> No.16607542
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Ribeye 23$/kilo

>> No.16607544

fuck big food, they only think of money

>> No.16607556

Ok what is going to happen to me after I took the vax? I got it in June and I've been fine ever since. I feel like an idiot because nobody on 4chan has ever said anything good about it

>> No.16607565

You'll most likely be fine. Some people can develop heart inflammation from it though, and it can cause miscarriages in pregnant women.

>> No.16607567

>indistinguishable from animal mean on a cellular level
They had to specify this, which means that it is very, very distinguishable at the on-your-fork level.

>> No.16607584

Lame, can they do this for endangered or extinct species though?

>> No.16607596

>and as nutritious
I doubt that, unless a lot has changed within the past few years. I'd like some proof that it's actually nutritionally identical to high quality meat first. The last time I looked into it, it was lacking multiple things that real meat had like fat and iron and they tried to say those were bad anyway so it doesn't need it. I really like the idea of having meat without having to kill for it. I know it's natural but I don't think it's inherently a good thing that shouldn't be stopped if possible. But trying to replace it with something a lot less nutritious should be very concerning.

>> No.16607921

pretty much this. prove its as nutritious as the real thing and i'm probably on board provided its a reasonable price

>> No.16607929

>I hope one day a cure will be found.
It’s called covid-22. All these mouth breathers will die when the new and improved expansion pack is released

>> No.16608093

>pink slime is indistinguishable from chicken meat on a cellular level
just eat the pink slime anon

>> No.16608099

yah if you cut that up like steak tartare, a little quail egg on top perhaps? oh, i'd crush it

>> No.16608232

No because it still involves killing animals.

>> No.16608335

The fuck is wrong or "burdensome" about killing animals?

>> No.16608341

the huge tracts of land needed to feed and keep them in.

>> No.16608346

vs the huge tracks of land for vegetarians?

>> No.16608349

Absolutely not. Cloning meat is demonic.

>> No.16608359

Nigga are you retarded? Most of the cash crops, an thus land, are used to feed fuckin cattle.

>> No.16608364

Honestly we won't know for sure for years. FDA cert is a good sign, but arthritis medication that can literally kill you with side effects also gets FDA cert.

>> No.16608551

Yes, assuming
>it is safe
>it is nutritious
>it doesn't taste totally awful

>> No.16608553

needs to be a 4chan logo on one to represent screencap threads (aka cancer)

>> No.16608555

Oh nooooo, not a chicken nugget! Horrifying!

>> No.16608562

>using "natural" as an inherently positive adjective

>> No.16608564

>fake fillets
what did they mean by this?

>> No.16608569

How well can they replicate wagyu?

>> No.16608571

Bu... but what if I kill, clean, and butcher my own animals?

>> No.16608573

I think this is scrap meat fused together with enzymes

>> No.16608582

which vaccine causes miscarriages? astrazenaca?

>> No.16608618

>If meat is murder, then simulated meat is simulated murder
do you think that makes them equal? it should be pretty obvious that they're different when one actually results in the death of an animal and the other potentially doesn't.

>> No.16608623
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I WILL live in the pod

>> No.16608626

If it tastes the same, is nutritionally identical or similar, and costs as much or less - sure.

>> No.16608633
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You think you will get a fantasy world pod. Pic related is the real world pod you will get.

>> No.16609263

If it truly were as nutritious as real meat sure but I doubt it will be.

>> No.16609277

sure, as soon as it's cheaper than regular beef and just as tasty.

>> No.16609282

I'd give it a go but i'm very skeptical about it being indistinguishable. Like thats obviously a pic of real meat in a petri dish. How would they get the grain and marbling if it's just a blob of cultured cells?

>> No.16609284

Make it cheaper than real meat and I'll give it a shot. But I'm not gonna pay MORE money for something that, as they say, is the same.

>> No.16609299

id give it a try, but they said that plant based meat tastes the same as real meat and that was a flat out lie so i have my doubts
if it can be guaranteed to be safe healthy and tasty then ill eat anything

>> No.16609320

Science journalists are the dumbest motherfuckers on the face of the planet. If it were possible to grow perfect animal flesh, why would replacement human body parts not be a thing yet?

>> No.16609321

Yeah I've got similar concerns. How will they account for the collagen, interlaced fats and bones that help give meat it's flavor and texture? Will they attempt to re-create the flavors/textures of both things? Otherwise it's just going to be meat discs of muscle, which would just be shoe leather.

>> No.16609415

apparently the nips are on it, and leading the world currently in synthmeat

>> No.16609420

making a muscle to grill and eat and making an organ to work in a human body are two monumentally different tasks

>> No.16609427

It is almost certainly not.

>> No.16609451

>some muscle and body cells in a dish
>a complex organism, raised from birth with a brain, senses, nervous system, etc etc
do you also mourn every skin cell that falls off your body? fucking idiot

>> No.16609484

>huge tracts of non arable lands that have nothing but grass and rocks
most of what cows eat is literal garbage that humans cant digest

>> No.16609488

I'm not gonna lie, the only thing I see that's bad about living in a pod is no full sized kitchen

>> No.16609490

Indistinguishable ON A CELLULAR LEVEL
That means if you look at individual cells you won't notice, but i can for sure guarantee that they have major issues with creating heterogeneity in their cultured meat: muscle cells and fat cells in the perfect ratio etc.
They probably can only make a really dry mess of myofibril

>> No.16609519

I think it's a piece of the shoulder

>> No.16609531

>>huge tracts of non arable lands that have nothing but grass and rocks
70% of beef in the United States is factory farmed. Stop pretending like all cows are out grazing on fields of grass.
Of that the the predominant feed is corn. Cows do eat cruft from food harvesting, but again, that is not the predominant feed

>> No.16609532

Nope, only because we live in a world run by jews trying to kill you though

>> No.16609539

> I don't really have any interest participating in any science experiments. That's why I refuse to get vaccinated, as well.

You are apart of the science experiment whether you like it or not. What do you think the "Control Group" is?

>> No.16609559

factory farms aren't "huge tracts of land" compared to anything else
and over 80% of all the shit cows eat across the entire world is non human edible

>> No.16609562

Fake picture, they cant produce fat.

>> No.16609571
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>> No.16609600

I'll try it for the sake of it. I tried beyond meat a while ago and while i thought it was decent it only really felt like i was eating something ultra processed.
If i like it and it's cheaper i'll buy it.

>> No.16609640

I enjoy the meat I currently buy in the supermarket. If the taste is the same, and its price is competitive with real meat, I have no issues. I haven't tried the beyond or impossible stuff yet because it is too expensive for something I may not enjoy, so I see no value in purchasing it.

>> No.16609675

Nobody knows what will happen anon, which is sort of a problem with a vaccine.
Get checkups for cancer occasionally, mRNA vaccines have failed several times due to such effects

>> No.16609677

Yeah probably

>> No.16609767

>factory farms aren't "huge tracts of land" compared to anything else
You are literally retarded. No shit factory farms aren't huge tracts of land. But the food required to feed the cattle do require huge tracts of land.
Regardless if it's human-edible or not, feed corn takes up huges fucking swaths of land which could otherwise be used to grow food for human consumption

>> No.16609789

how about you tell that to the indians or the brazillians, ie the places where it would actually matter, and not the land of plenty US
actually why dont you tell all the people who grow luxury shit like fruits and nuts and tobacco to grow something more sustainable instead?
there is room for cattle farming to be more efficient but youre arguing a nonissue here

>> No.16609800

why do you even think that feed corn is the primary feed for cattle?
over 50% of what american cattle eat is hay or silage, so I'd say thats "the predominant feed" not corn

>> No.16609801

>how about you tell that to the indians or the brazillians,
*chinese and brazillians
I talk shit about them too. And I talk shit about almonds too. California as a whole is so fucking retarded with what it chooses to grow.
I'm cool with pasture raised beef. I'm happy to pay a premium for it and I believe it's the only sustainable way to consume beef. But there is literally not enough grazing land in the entire world to meet the current beef consumption demands. So I continually argue that consumption should be reduced if we collectively refuse to move away from factory farming.

>> No.16609805

it wouldn't even matter because we throw away half of what we grow anyways.

And we'd still grow the corn because of ethanol.

>> No.16609811

40% of all food grown goes to the trash. Of that, 50% of all is thrown away in home. If people weren't so fucking stupid we could eliminate that and 20% loss isn't that wild.
The next biggest culprits are grocery stores and restaurants.

>> No.16609834

>which could otherwise be used to grow food for human consumption
You mean more corn?
I'd rather have beef than corn.

>> No.16609842

>You mean more corn?
No. Get rid of retarded farm subsidies too. Fuck ethanol

>> No.16609850

I think he means sweet corn not dent corn, but nobody grows that anyway

>> No.16609861

how many animals have you killed and butchered recently? Eat your McDoubles like a good goy.

>> No.16609907

If it tastes and costs like meat, I don't care.

>> No.16609920

Not going to eat that cancerous tumour fake meat. I will eat more meat from now on, every day the antichrist tries to encourage us to do this I will eat even more farmed meat.

>> No.16609945

I was all in on the vggan/vegetarian train years ago. But now I just see it this way. Animals are gonna die no matter what. If people arent gonna eat them someone else will. Namely other critters.
So I dont think its right to have animals in a cagey all life and then slaughtering them.
But have them live a whole life in a sizeable open space and then eating them at the end of life
I will eat cultured meat just fine but I will do it only if it's cheaper and not for le ethical reasons cause I no longer understand those reasons

>> No.16609947

Based. Basically my take except I haven't been vegetarian, just rarely eat meat

>> No.16609950

>If people arent gonna eat them someone else will. Namely other critters.
huh? Why can Meatheads never give coherent arguments? Just admit you don't give a shit. That is more respectable than trying to justify you actions morally with retard logic.

>> No.16609955

>you know that meat is linked to cancer right

>> No.16609961

Like 0.00000001 percent increase in risk which they lie about to make people into vegan withered skinwalkers or halal slaves.

>> No.16609966
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>farmed meat.
he's literally too poor to afford beef that isn't fed literal chicken shit

>> No.16609970

are you retarded?

>> No.16609979

Trannies are distinguishable on a cellular level but we don't talk about that

>> No.16609983

I get meat from my local butcher which is grass fed beef for example.

>> No.16609987

I guess I'm one of those weird vegetarians that never gave a shit about the ethical debate, I just think eating something that so closely resembles our biology is disgusting and don't even bother with fake meat substitutes because of the association.

>> No.16609991

I personally am scared of Marek's syndrome, or as the actual vaccine manuals list as a possible symptom: Vaccine Associated Enhanced Disease.

'Leaky' vaccines mean that you are still contagious if infected; the Marek's vax was leaky and it spread so much that it mutated to be much deadlier. Essentially if you don't have your chickens vaccinated now, they will die.


>> No.16610055

I give a shit. That's why I came to this conclusion. The way animals are treated before hitting supermarkets is not right and should be highly regulated and overseen and suported by the state.
But the act of eating meat is itself not wrong. Imo.
The way people treat animals is what's wrong

>> No.16610204

In what way?

>> No.16610208

Do you think every person in pre-agricultural societies killed their own animals for food? Fucking retard.

>> No.16610239

>is wrong
Thats subjective though, you can go fuck yourself.

>> No.16610240

hell yeah i would. i've been waiting for this stuff to blow up four about 10+ years now.

it'd probably be hard to replicate steaks, etc. but cultured meat is perfect for processed foods, like chicken nuggets, ground beef products, chili, etc.

>> No.16610250

FPBP and /thread.

>> No.16610255

>look, it's a soulless bugman from china
listen here chang, we know life of all forms there is worthless, but that doesn't mean it's like that in developed countries

>> No.16610289

Thats the thing, real beef is getting more expensive. First covid fucking with the supply chain, next the "environmental beef taxes" are going to come. Eventually beef will be far too expensive for any joe blow to buy, being reserved for the rich while we plebians are fed soy and artificial feed and told to be happy.

>> No.16610302

This is a good thing. No one needs to eat meat every day to survive.

>> No.16610323

nothing is created from nothing, so what is this meat created from?

>> No.16610330

If it's cheaper, sure

>> No.16610333

Meat cells multiplying, just not attached to an animal

>> No.16610335

Of course I would fuckin eat it. Who gives a shit as long as it's meat on a cellular level? It better be fucking cheaper then otherwise I'm not buying it.

>> No.16610336
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>> No.16610338

why bro why

>> No.16610342

Hey Gayko. Like calling you keiko except even gayer.

>> No.16610350

Can you imagine how poor quality this stuff would be though? With a cow, even though the conditions are shit there is a baseline required to maintain it's life. With cultured meat, that baseline is much lower. I wouldn't be surprised if they feed these things big vats of petroleum.

The cost effectiveness of industry will ensure that cultured meat is atrocious compared to a happy cow. Just buy better meat.

>> No.16610351

cells don't mutltiply if they don't have the energy from it so there is still expenditure for it so it still "harms" some part of nature. why this simps think they can ever escape the natural laws is beyond me. nothing can exist for long if it does not cause necessary suffering at least to some level.
are you implying they will farm bacteria for meat like they farm them for some drugs? that sounds easy on paper but i call bullshit for now.
This thread needs to be wrapped up, this won't be norm in our lifetime, so question itself is nonsensical. nobody post after me.

>> No.16610359

>so it still "harms" some part of nature.
The point of lab meat isn't to somehow generate energyless meat. Are you retarded?

>> No.16610361
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>It sounds easy on paper, but capitalism will fuck it up somehow

>> No.16610362

Ok chud

>> No.16610369

Do you not know what agar is?

>> No.16610376

Shut up bitch

>> No.16610398

I feel like it's going to go the way of gemstones where dumb people buy the natural version while smart people buy the lab grown option

>> No.16610411

twitter post mentions moral burden. so it is ok to kill algae but not cow? either its ok to kill all edible animals for food or it is not ok there is no moral middleground, because it always involves taking the life.

>> No.16610417

I'd give it a try. If the government wants to poison me they can just do it, they don't need some elaborate plan like cultured meat. If its good I'd eat it more. Sounds expensive though.

>> No.16610425

they don't poison you out of malice (most of the time) retard. they poison you out of not caring or not knowing.

>> No.16610433
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>> No.16610439

Yes, algae do not have a nervous system that allows them to feel pain and suffering like a cow. Algae harvesting also is a much smaller strain on the environment. Morally, it is better to farm algae for meat than cows

>> No.16610469

It's cheaper than Beyond beef

>> No.16610483

>there is no moral middleground
there is no moral middleground if you have the brain capacity of an infant*

>> No.16610495

>And better meat is even cheaper in the US.
Most american meat is grain fed garbage

>> No.16610510


>> No.16610573

same. it's legitimately immoral the way we mistreat our livestock. if you want to take down a deer with your own skill and cunning that's one thing, but the mechanized mass slaughter of living things is just repugnant

>> No.16610738

>Get rid of retarded farm subsidies too.
Ask me how I know that you voted for Biden.

>> No.16610752

>fed on corn
Which humans can't fucking eat, you simpleton

>> No.16610754

do you have a scale of suffering? what makes you think a being can only suffer through pain receptors?

>> No.16610756

Fuck of, libertarian. Go turn in your laptop.

>> No.16610761

Fuck off, Bill Gates.

>> No.16610763

what you are saying is equivalent of killing mice for food is ok but cows not but onna different scale. you retatds either accept that one species bound to make others suffer or die of hunger. this lab shit is a fairytale in regards to making "suffering" go away. because that is impossible

>> No.16610764

Vegans and fakemeat retards are literally domesticated people. They're just obeying their masters will. It's really not their fault.

>> No.16610778

(pssst, the subsidies go to the giant agro jew farmers who make purely ethanol and soy to sell to the chinese)

>> No.16610784

Hit me up when you find consciousness in algae that can perceive pain and suffering

>> No.16610802

I have no doubts because I’m not an idiot. I know how cultures work.

>> No.16610809

>simulated murder
>simulated humans
so like videogames retard?

>> No.16610939

is it easily mass produced by the tons?
is it cheaper than regular beef?
was it exercised through electrical stimuli to build the stronger fibers that give beef its pleasant texture instead of being a mush?
does it have a good marbling with grass tasting fat?

>> No.16610948

not yet?

>> No.16611481

Yeah absolutely, nothing wrong with it, but they'll probably charge out the ass for it.

>> No.16611516

Posting Twitter posts should be a bannable offense

>> No.16611540

Probably not. I have a substantial distrust of anything that gets artificial hype from fucking journalists.
If you can show me that the two are truly indistinguishable (not cellularly) but truly indistinguishable in texture, taste, and price, then I'll revisit the issue.
As it stands, I have no motivation to assuage my "moral burden" when it comes to consuming other animals.
I don't have faith in our scientists creating anything more than a subpar substitute like all modern meat stand-ins.
If I kill a pheasant I know where it came from. I can split its gizzard and know what it eats, I can be sure no minimum wage minority came in contact with it in a factory filled with god knows what.
If you want to appeal to the public, make your process transparent from the last mouthful of cud to the dinner plate.
Lab grown meat doesn't appeal to the consumer base and it never will. It doesn't seem like it'll ever make sense financially and throwing resources at it is a waste of time and money.
If you insist on unshouldering your "moral burden" because some faggot journalist in New York told you so, then be a vegan and shut the fuck up.
Leave the rest of us alone and stay in your lane, urbanite.

>> No.16611553

>starting a paragraph with the word but in a situation where that word is not part of a subordinate clause
fuck, no

>> No.16611559

this will be meat for the poor.

>> No.16611568
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This is what they actually mean.

>> No.16611608

If it really and truly tasted like real beef, and there was no chemical fuckery that's gonna give me cancer or make my dick shrivel up in a few years, then I would be ok with using it for dishes that need ground beef. But if I'm gonna eat a steak or something, it's gonna be a real fucking steak.

>> No.16611611


>> No.16611628

Can I get an ice cream cone that tastes like meat? I can't even tell if I like that idea or not.

>> No.16611684
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>you should drink this radium laced water anon, its healthy for you!
>this snake oil made my dick grow by 5 inches!
>you should get the Mrs. some thalidomide anon, it’ll help clear those pregnancy woes up in no time!
How many fucking times do we have to go through this exact song and dance

>> No.16611722

Until you can eliminate the prospect of profitability there will always be shysters and merchants.
In every case you will find the motivation of these webspinners and grifters when you follow the money.
Who benefits from people buying into lab-grown meat?
Who is doling out money for the research? Who receives those grants?
Neck and neck with exercise science, food and supplement research is one of the most dismal, brackish mires of conflicting results, misinterpreted and bad data, and special interest groups.
Humans will always look for the silver bullet and there will always be some kike willing to shoot them in the head for his 30 pieces.
Iscariot to his fellow man for profit, he washes his hands of culpability with his mantra; "There's a sucker born every day".
You either eliminate the sucker, or the blood-sucker. Until then you'll find the rigmarole circular ad infinitum.

>> No.16611732

If they ever replicate wagyu they're gonna get merked by the yakuza.

>> No.16611735

>Must be difficult being a Q-tard. Always following the biggest mouth, always living in fear, never comprehending, never questioning, unable to differentiate bullshit from facts. It's a pity, really. I hope one day a cure will be found.

>> No.16611739

It'll get vegans to shut up so yes.

>> No.16611752

The sort of person who wants to shame their fellow man to fulfill a need for social power will quickly find something else to bitch about.
You're leaving one room for another equally grating room.

>> No.16611795

Ground up and liquified trim and other scraps used to make a low-cost and flexible protein source aka "pink slime" that is cellularly indistinguishable from whole cuts of meat
>Angry soyjak.jpg
Unnatural DUDE I LOVE SCIENCE cloned meat made in literal Jewish laboratories at extremely high cost that "is indistinguishable" from meat

>> No.16611822

>implying that it won't create two brand new subsets of vegan faggotry: one that thinks this is great because "now I can eat meat guilt-free without having to worry about animal suffering"; with the other becoming even more radically militarized and complaining about other "fake vegans" and how cringe they are for not actually giving up animal products in every form because even meat cloned from an animal requires the it to be imprisoned and exploited
Very naive of you, friend.

>> No.16611839

sure, only if they're cheaper though
If I'm making a sacrifice, the companies have to do it too, fuck this american cattle mindset

>> No.16611915

continual erosion of your civil liberties (if you don't oppose forced vaccination)

>> No.16611917


>> No.16611968

I'd rather just eat tofu and other soy bean products than eat some frankenstein meat

>> No.16612022

>The next biggest culprits are grocery stores and restaurants.
Pretty much. Which is why I grow my own food. Only been at it for a couple years and now on average I eat 60% of what I produce. I could easily up it to 100% once I get a dairy cow and bees.

>> No.16612060

I’m well aware so long as (((they))) are alright there will always be some shilled new product designed solely to nickle and dime the average spud, but its still infuriating how even in the information age hundreds of millions still fall for this kind of shit.

>> No.16612155


>> No.16612348

Yeah, probably.
Soyfaggotry non-meat failed because it didn't taste or feel the same unless you charred it to a crisp, and because it wasn't priced to compete with real meat.
If this stuff tastes acceptable and is more affordable (even ground), I will buy it.

>> No.16612495

you just admitted to being a greasy fat fuck hunched over in front of his computer and I just typed this reply while waiting at a red light

>> No.16612888

Herbivores will do this when they are either lacking in certain nutrients or are very hungry.

>> No.16613005

You could use this argument of any facet of human development
>you wear plant tissue plucked and shaped into threads and forced through a machine into a garmet? How unmatural

>> No.16613054

no, i won't eat any kike shit

>> No.16613057

ok dwight schrute

>> No.16613244

Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance

>> No.16613281

If it's actually indistinguishable, and possibly just as importantly if it's CHEAPER, then absolutely.

But it won't be either. It'll never be cheaper than raising cattle, and there's no fucking way it'll be indistinguishable.

>> No.16613288

It won't taste the same, but if they can manage to make it cheaper and it's clean (no fucking weird chemicals or fillers) then I'll use it for dishes where ground beef would have sufficed.
I do worry the end result will be that quality beef ends up more expensive as it relies on an economy of scale that will collapse if people start adopting synthetic beef, so getting a quality steak will go from say $20 to $50 as the number of cattle drop.

>> No.16613292

I always love the retarded moral absolutism in these threads. If you actually genuinely held these viewpoints you'd be a Breatharian (and dead, by now) rather than dare to MURDER that innocent head of lettuce that had a family (and you destroyed the entire environment doing it)

>> No.16613293


>> No.16613299

>Listening to the Zionist run anti white lugenpresse in 2021


>> No.16613540

>hi there little yellow fren
I'm a faggot and I suck dicks for breakfast 11/9 was an inside job

>> No.16613553

If it's edible, I will try it at least once.

>> No.16613626
File: 10 KB, 408x286, 1430169652278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it feed my soul tho?