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16595975 No.16595975 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, now this is epic! I booked my flight and bought my ticket.
Any other anons going to make the pilgrimage???

>> No.16595981
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>> No.16595982
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You should book an appointment with your cardiologist instead.

>> No.16595983


>> No.16596009

>t. tranny intimidated by peak masculinity
Dilate before it closes up, disease vector.

>> No.16596013
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It's not ironic shitposting.

>> No.16596025

>t. the overly masculine fat guy
Enjoy the early death from heart disease, friendo

>> No.16597007
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Wait, so is covid over again? Or is this something to cause another spike so retards can blame republicans on not being allegiant enough to the ruling regime?

>> No.16597097


>> No.16597115

indistinguishable from Pride

>> No.16597169
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Trump literally got booed at his last rally for telling people to get vaccinated like he has been, and current gop members and shitting on Pence for implying Phizer getting fda approval was a good thing

>> No.16597224
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Because the Democrat myth of Trump supporters being a 'cult' blindly following a demogogue is just something they tell themselves to dissociate from the fact that Trump's success was derived purely from him being the only one to deny and challenge their neo-colonialist insanity. Once he stops, his support does too. Vast portions of the population absolutely hate this left wing cultural imperialism, and the dissent will not be dissolving any time soon, no matter how much political and media tyranny the Democrats smack down on the populace.

>> No.16597241
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Let's not try and memoryhole the fact that Democrats allowed this pandemic to get a foothold in their own country for sociaopathic political gain.

>> No.16597281

I would rather die than go to a chicago festival.
>t. lived in chicago for most of my life, never went to a single festive despite having a large social circle.

>> No.16597286

Will there be a truck of peace?

>> No.16597290

yes just like are how we going to memory hole how particular members of the gop stood against measure to slow the spread and took up stances on how vaccines were bad. This isn't a party A vs party B thing there are specific individuals taking active roles in encouraging stupidly for something that is more infectious than the flu and lays people out if it doesn't fuck them up or kill them. I erred in using a that Trump pic because it triggered you into a "my party/ your party" defense.

>> No.16597303

You lived in a suburb. You are subhuman

>> No.16597313

Nope, you just can't discuss anything vegan without a bunch of mentally ill people crawling out of the woodworks to shriek about how you're annoying them. Always the same childish behaviors, never changing.
Anyway last night I set up a Mississippi pot roast, one of my favorites, and the strong smell of meat made me feel sick. Barely managed to choke down the stuff. I'm not planning to go full-on vegan personally but since this is going to be the official seethe at vegans thread, does anyone here have any good vegetarian or vegan recipes that might feel similarly indulgent without requiring I eat a half a pound of partially-melted fatty pig muscle? Hoping to knock a few gluttonous meals out of my repertoire.

>> No.16597319
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>stood against measure to slow the spread
CNN misinformation, you'll call any of your suppressive actions a means to "slow the spread" even if you know it's hot air with ulterior motives. Don't cry when it gets shot down.
>how vaccines were bad
The way they were rushed is a huge concern. This is not inherently a stance of 'pro-covid propagation'. You are doing what I mentioned above, demanding complete allegiance to your whims under the paper-thin guise of "helping slow the spread".

>taking active roles in encouraging stupidity [sic]

If you want to actually do some good to alleviate this disease, stop acting like a short-sighted petty tyrant. The mind virus of covid hysteria has been far worse for the world than the actually virus.

>> No.16597332

Outdoor events have been considered safe for months now dude. You just gotta wear a mask when getting close to people.

>> No.16597343
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Masks have always only worked when you continue to follow social distancing. If you don't, the mask does absolutely nothing.
You are worse than covid deniers with this bartering stupidity.

>> No.16597386
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I press my lips to my mask when I breathe, making a pog face. Keeps it sealed and ensures the cloth does as decent of a job as it can. It even passes the vape test.
Also to be clear, I still think people going to gatherings are idiots, that's just the generally accepted rule.

>> No.16597397
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>I press my lips to my mask when I breathe, making a pog face.

>> No.16597425

>let me just straw man some arguments to debate against
really? the promotion of gatherings due by both side of American political system was stupid, Saying that a vaccine being approved from the fda is a bad thing is also stupid. if you're so offended that I pointed out that members of the gop contributed to retardation involving covid consider this "debate" over. You win and I'll fuck off now.

>> No.16597446

Hey, bud. Rightards have been pushed by endless questionable media campaigns by MSM to stir FUD in any policy or vaccine against covid.
The goal was to get the dumbest and least subservient portion of the population to ignore social distancing and getting the vaccine in order to fucking kill you all with their upgraded delta variant.
No doubt you all will reject the booster shots, and when covid22 comes out you’ll all be the first to die. It’s all going according to plan
Cull the herd of any free thinking sheep and control the rest

>> No.16597486

>straw man
Do you know what a strawman is? I was replying directly to your comments. It's like you're mentally shutting down and falling back on baby tactics.

>Saying that a vaccine being approved from the fda is a bad thing is also stupid
Not when the medical community and it's organizations have demonstrated that their politics are more important than medicine. If you tank your own reputation and trustworthiness in the eyes of the public, you lose all claim to being an authority.
> if you're so offended that I pointed out that members of the gop contributed to retardation involving covid
Yeah, you started with this. I countered by demonstrating that it pales in comparison to the actions of those in actual power who are rabidly taking the stance of fueling hysteria to dispense dishonest oppressive "solutions" that instead are merely means to consolidate their power. You said you "regretted" this approach, then just continued to "b-b-but >muh GOP" because riposting the valid concerns over Democrat authoritarianism is psychologically easier than absorbing the points. Fuck the GOP, btw, but that's not really relevant here unless you need to tow a narrative to ease your cognitive dissonance.

>consider this "debate" over. You win and I'll fuck off now.
Not really. You'll walk away and rationalize away this conversation. You'll never take a look into your internal mirror and learn something.
I do hope I'm wrong about that though.

>> No.16597501
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Science has debunked this.

>> No.16597504

hes going to be president again isn't he

>> No.16597513

That’s based on the current variant, retard. They push these numbers to keep the dumbest and least subservient portions of the population unvaccinated so when they release gen 3 or 4 it’ll decimate as many people as possible
I sincerely cannot believe you’d fall for such obvious FUD. This is 4-D chess now, not checkers

>> No.16597514

Nope, lived in the city. I guess it wouldn't count because there was only maybe 20-30 percent niggers in my neighborhood.

>> No.16597517

im vaxxed and everything (3x) but are you implying subservient = smart?

>> No.16597529

Vaccination status doesn't matter when it comes to new variants. That's why they're new. Vaccines for older variants will not protect you at all from contracting evolved variants.

>> No.16597537

Are you going to post pics of the food when you get back?