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[ERROR] No.16539243 [Reply] [Original]

is ramen truly as terrible as I've heard it is from this board?

>> No.16539248


>> No.16539251

>believing /ck/

>> No.16539261

Most takes like noodles on brine because manufacturers dont give a fucking damn.
Its actually better if you ate the noodles while they’re dry as if they were a cookie

>> No.16539264

its bland and shitty

>> No.16539385

take shredded carrots and chopped onion. boil with some water. add garlic +garlic powder. add ginger powder or some thin strips of ginger if you got it. when its all softened, add ramen and packet and water to cover.
while ramen boils cook a chicken or fish filet in another pan with some sesame oil. by the time that's done, you're ramen should definitely be done. throw meat into ramen.
good food. just wouldnt have it more than 3 times a week

>> No.16539418
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Ramen is a wonderful thing. For me it's Toybox.

>> No.16539422

Ramen is just soup with noodles. It can be great, it can suck.

>> No.16539447

Tonkatsu ramen, which I believe is the gold standard of ramen, does not taste good to me at all. I've tried it at authentic restaurants and it's either underwhelming, or there's something about it that just tastes "off" to me, like it's rotten or something. Miso broths can be nice though, especially with lots of toppings.
I like to buy instant ramen from asian grocery stores once in a while. Recently I bought one at random and the broth was absolutely disgusting. Ever walk into a sketchy gas station bathroom? Or a crowded bathroom at a public beach? You know that familiar sewage smell in these facilities? That's what this ramen broth smelled, and tasted like.
Kinda turned me off from being adventurous about ramen.
Man just give me the shitty $0.25 maruchan beef flavor and I'm happy.

>> No.16539448

Ramen made in the method 90% youtubers and people living outside of japan use, ie: make a broth and throw some shit into it along with dried or refrigerated noodles. Trash.
Versus ramen made with tare in the traditional style and served with a seasoned egg and fresh made noodles. Kino. Just that this method takes several days and benefits massively from being made/served in bulk is not worth it to most home cooks, especially when if you have good traditional ramen nearby, it isn't in any way worth the effort. Much like alot of japanese food. Also benefits massively from proper ingredients like good freshly made dashi are hard to source for most people. I live in a city with a fairly decent japanese population but it's still a pain in the ass to get ahold of konbu alone, let alone all the other shit you need to make a good tare. This is without even beginning to talk about proper noodle making technique.

tldr just go fucking buy a bowl from a place run by japanese people and not koreans.

>> No.16539495

it's a meme to shit on Japanese food here, ramen is just overhyped by weebs, it's not bad, but it isn't the best noodle soup dish from Asia

>> No.16539506

Nah it's fine. I've only ever had basic maruchan ramen though so I can only vouch for that.

>> No.16539520

Pepperoni pizza, which I believe is the gold standard of pizza, does not taste good to me at all. I've tried it at authentic restaurants and it's either underwhelming, or there's something about it that just tastes "off" to me, like it's rotten or something. Pizzas with white sauce can be nice though, especially with lots of toppings.
I like to buy frozen pizza from white grocery stores once in a while. Recently I bought one at random and the sauce was absolutely disgusting. Ever walk into a sketchy gas station bathroom? Or a crowded bathroom at a public beach? You know that familiar sewage smell in these facilities? That's what this pizza sauce smelled, and tasted like.
Kinda turned me off from being adventurous about pizza.
Man just give me the shitty $3.97 Tombstone five-cheese flavor and I'm happy.

>> No.16539522

Instant Ramen is poor fag food.
Americans have never had real, fresh ramen noodles.

>> No.16539535

>It's another "white person thinks nonwhites are sorcerers that magically make better food just by being nonwhite" episode
Tired of these reruns

>> No.16539542

You could say the same thing about rice or bread. The point of them is to be a filler/vessel for the stuff that tastes good.

>> No.16539555

I don't necessarily like all the extras they put into authentic ramen, and I don't want to seem like a chump asking them to leave those out. Pho is easier to order in this regard for me.

>> No.16539570

Real ramen from a proper sit down restaurant is disappointing as fuck. It tastes like motor oil and is full of things I don't want to eat. Great, a foul fermented egg, a wormlike strip of mystery fat and a processed fishcake, thanks so much.

Instant ramen isn't good either but you won't be disappointed at least, and never feel ripped off

>> No.16539585

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.16539587


>> No.16539593

sorry anon I haven't been 18 for quite a few years now, I guess I need to stop posting

>> No.16539601

>ramen tastes like motor oil
Enough. Take a lap. Hit the showers. You're done kid.

>> No.16539628
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d-do you wanna watch

>> No.16540793
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Why do ramen noodles cost more than $10 in countries other than Japan?

>> No.16540993

just make it without dashi if you don't want a fishy crotchy flavor.

>> No.16541016

We're talking about ramen, not instant noodles, poverty fag

>> No.16541056

>Pepperoni pizza
>Gold Standard
Thats not how you spell Regina anon

>> No.16541092
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Ironically, the Chinese make better noodle soups with even less effort than it takes to make ramen.
The secret ingredient is Knorr soup stock

>> No.16541131

for that portion size? damn, that's expensive
it's about $5 here in our local restaurant

>> No.16541184
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I think $5 is cheap enough.
In Japan, the average price is about $6.8 a bowl.

>> No.16541299
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that's about right, $5 looks like this