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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16534056 [Reply] [Original]

My friends are all swearing off meat one by one
>I'm getting a grilled cheese instead of a burger because the beef industry causes so many emissions, but dairy is fine
>I won't get pork toppings on my ramen because pig farming is unethical, but I will drink the pork bone broth
>No more red meat for me because after 20 years I've finally accepted the dietary restrictions from my heritage, but none of the religion or culture
>I won't eat beef, pork, or poultry for environmentalist reasons but I'm okay with eating seafood

Am I missing something? I can understand something like boycotting a specific company or protecting endangered species but why is everyone suddenly taking it into their own hands to quietly stop meat consumption at an individual level, and acting like they're ashamed to admit it? Wouldn't a monthly $100 donation to the WWF or some sustainable food charity contribute more to the cause than changing my entire diet? Or even just buying the expensive organic shit at the market instead of the cheaper stuff?

>> No.16534062

Your friends are fags
Simple as

>> No.16534070

they'll be eating bugs soon and telling you all the great reasons why

>> No.16534071

People want to show off but not commit.

>> No.16534085

Pretty much this. Stop making friends off grindr.

>> No.16534086

I love vegetarians, I don't have to share my meat with them

>> No.16534099

The zoomers don't call people gay or retarded in case a gay retard who isn't present internalizes systemic hate and feels bad.
They're, for a lack of a better word, retardedly gay.

>> No.16534102

Dunno. This is internet age anyway, meatspace friends are obsolete.

>> No.16534104

If this were the case I'd believe in their activism but I don't think any of them care to tell others about it. It's more like they're internally guilty but also don't want to alert others to the unethical conditions of the industries they unknowingly participate in

>> No.16534105

And you're a pussy.

>> No.16534125

>I'm getting a grilled cheese instead of a burger because the beef industry causes so many emissions, but dairy is fine

So you’re ok with Jeffers constantly being kept pregnant so they keep producing milk, as well as the constant diet of antibiotics they need to survive disease free in their living conditions, all so you can get cheese and ice cream? Sounds a lot like what the beef industry does?

> >I won't eat beef, pork, or poultry for environmentalist reasons but I'm okay with eating seafood?

Are you really eating only fish raised in water and electricity intensive environments like inland fish farms in Chile where peotrochemicals get used to transport them. China for processing and then more oil used for transporting it to your country and home? Or are you just saying this because you’re unsure if your fish comes from over fished areas of the ocean?

Insist on greater purity when they start moral-posting.

>> No.16534147

Vegetarians > vegans Vegans tend to humble-brag and moralize about their diets. I’ve found vegetarians tend to do this less. Plus I have an easier time breaking bread at most restaurants with vegetarians than vegan due to the dietary restrictions. Or maybe I just know cool vegetarians. One took me to a barbecue place. When I asked if she was sure, she said it was cool, she liked the place for its’ sides. Best damn BBQ I had North of the Mason-Dixon Line.

>> No.16534162

I'm pretty sure this is why they barely mention it in the first place. If they come off too strongly as wanting to do the right thing then it would be too easy to shut them down unless they double down. On the other hand, if they mention it offhandedly when the food's already on the table, it just isn't the right place to start a debate.

>> No.16534192

Great job spelling out what was already implied, you complete fucking dimwit. You missed a few, by the way.

>> No.16534222

You’re write, I was too busy fed-posting and getting two shekels deposited to my account to clearly right where I was advocating that when people start virtue signaling, one should turn the purity spiral up to 13 on them. I guess that’s what I get for English being my second language and only the. Because I put my Urdu through Google translate. Everyone wants to be vegan for Facebook, but no one wants to actually pocket-compost and harvest their fruits in the darkness. They just want to make sure their totally-vegan double meat cheeseburger was made by a company that kills the soybeans in a humane way.

>> No.16534328
File: 92 KB, 500x629, 1605832927825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb cityfags that think they know how farming works, that's all it is.
they've fallen for the cityfag hipster propoganda that you get subjected to living there every day.

>> No.16534332

your friends are based

>> No.16534334

Thats because being vegan isnt about being healthy or saving the planet.
Being vegan is 100% about feeling morally superior to everyone around you and being able to talk down to them for social validation.

>> No.16534337

>being able to talk down to them at the dinner table
or you know, actually being morally superior

>> No.16534433
File: 46 KB, 512x326, unnamed (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is wondering this is a cow hug machine designed by Temple Grandin. They use the same principle to calm down autists.

>> No.16534437

monkey see monkey do

>> No.16534441

Says the one not eating meat.

>> No.16534447

>Am I missing something?
Yeah, half a brain.

>> No.16534450

Unironically this

>> No.16534454

I'm sorry to hear your friends are complete and total NPCs

>> No.16534471

Heifers are cows that haven't given birth to a calf yet. Maybe you should actually learn about ag from something other than vegan funded propaganda before you virtue signal.

>> No.16534474

They still believe the mass media.

>> No.16534475
File: 48 KB, 800x571, cow2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, cows are pretty autistic.

>> No.16534488

>Am I missing something?
Hang out with smarter people. Your friends have issues with their critical thinking, their friends that surround them, and read nothing scientific in their free time. Trade up.
Alternately, you can discuss that you buy grass fed beef from such and such, and explain the nutrtional benefits of beef.

>> No.16534498

Nobody in this thread will ever have sex, so it makes sense that none of you care that future generations will struggle to live on a planet that resembles Venus.

>> No.16534505
File: 69 KB, 477x376, 1601642090984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like a trick to kill autists by squeezing them to death until their intestines pop out like toothpaste
Why would trapping an autist in a small space, rendering them unable to move calm them down instead of stressing them out?

>> No.16534514

they have autism

>> No.16534516

>Temple Grandin
I love her
Its the pressure all over their body that relaxes them. They have to be in control of it though.

>> No.16534522

You just have to accept that pretty much all the food you eat is killing the environment in some way. You think the giant corporations building huge factories to produce your prepackaged vegan slop and beyond meat aren't also raping the land?

>> No.16534548

The media has been telling people to stop eating meat for a series of reasons that either don't make sense or are far more heavily contributed to by other means.
Your friends have taken the bait, and are content to virtue signal while doing nothing to solve the problems they claim to be fighting.

>> No.16534558

people just wanna feel like theyre doing the right thing, regardless of if theyre actually doing it or not. life is short and meaningless, why do you care?

>> No.16534560

You can make a small difference by reducing the amount of meat or animal products you consume, you don't even need to cut it out entirely. At the very least they are thinking about how their lifestyles impact the environment which is a good thing
Oh and organic food is total bullshit and unsustainable and you should discourage them from partaking

>> No.16534566

>discuss that you buy grass fed beef
That requires I buy grass fed beef (doable) and that all the restaurants I go to buy grass fed beef (near impossible).

Oh well. Most of these are recent changes so maybe I'll wait for them to grow out of it or passively invalidate their shallow attempts at environmentalism and ethics until they fully understand and abide by the things they say they stand for, or just give up on it.

>> No.16534574

Sadly, this is how brainwashing starts.

>> No.16534579
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>so it makes sense that none of you care that future generations will struggle to live on a planet that resembles Venus.
Why should I care about normalfags and their children?

>> No.16534582

You sound like an utter and complete faggot

>> No.16534598

I think setting a local fast food establishment on fire would have a greater positive effect on the environment than a lifetime of telling people I won't eat beef while we're in line at a barbecue joint. I don't like the way everyone is convinced their individual contribution matters while they stock the shelves at a supermarket chain to earn a living.

>organic food is total bullshit and unsustainable

>> No.16534599

Exactly this. No need to overthink.

>> No.16536193

You sound like a defeatist.

>> No.16536207

Don't do this to cows! What is wrong with humanity?

>> No.16536450

If humanity continues to advance socially and technologically then there will come a day when we will (rightly) view all our greatest civilizational achievements to date that bend the natural world to our will as acts of extreme and entirely unnecessary barbarism and genocide of infinitely complex biodiversity. Every crime against humanity will pale in comparison to the daily inhuman treatment of countless millions of sentient non-humans, which we will then view as our species' greatest sin.

>> No.16536521

Yeah, these people don't get it. Everyone reducing their meat consumption by 30% would be way more sustainable and impactful than 5% of people going entirely vegan. Anti-vegetarians or vegans just like to feel morally superior by blaming them for any failing to adhere scrupulously to a meat-free lifestyle. "No, you drank milk even though you say you don't eat beef! Do you know mother cows suffer too! You're just a unprincipled lowlife and your diet doesn't make a difference. You are the problem of everything, you inconsistent hypocrite", they say, tapping furiously on their iPhone.

>> No.16536572

Yes, farming for meat is bad for the environment. And farming for vegans leads to droughts and clearing natural habitats for farming land. There are simply too many people alive today to be concerned with the ethics of food. If you want to be truly ethical, kill yourself.

>> No.16536605

>the beef industry causes so many emissions
I'm so tired of explaining how this is another greenwashing grift, it's not true anon

>> No.16536616

Giving up meat is a relative benefit, the only ones who can't see that are the black/white thinkers.
If someone says eating meat is bad then eats meat, your CHUD brain thinks they are a fraud or a hypocrite.
In reality the ones you label frauds and hypocrites are on a path to self improvement that you haven't even started.

Some people are so obsessed with being perfect they don't even make it to good.

>> No.16536633

It is true actually.
the "greenwashing" is done by a loud minority of corporate shills who are scared that environmentalism will put them out of business.
Shills would have you believe that there is something inherently wrong with meat, and that the Mcplant is better than the Mcmeat.

Really the meat industry exists to provide dietary supplements for people who subsist on high water/low value carbs, which creates a primary dependence on multinationa corporations, increases the global population at the expense of population health and the environmental damage is done from the top down.

Water resources are overused, fertilizer is dumped on fields, petrol is burned, packaging is made from chemical byproducts, and a billion malnourished people are born to accelerate the whole process- whether you bought a Mcmeat or a Mcplant really doesn't matter.

>> No.16536743

I find it remarkable how vegans have the stamina to falseflag on /ck/ every day but on the other hand lack the strength to carry their own grocery hauls.

>> No.16536749

I'm not sure the environmental damage caused by, for example, growing soy is deficient to the damage caused by meat production.

As a pragmatic compromise I would just encourage people not to procreate.

>> No.16536753
File: 43 KB, 640x480, vegon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boycotts don't generally work.

>> No.16536762

HAHAHA, did you come up with that joke yourself? Of course not you meathead NPC gimp.

>> No.16536764

you sound like there's a vagina about to grow between your balls

>> No.16536844

I quit meat cause I went hunting and didn't like it. Why should I let someone else kill and process my meat if I could barely do it myself and have no intention of doing it again. I also worked on a beef farm for a year and didn't like it, the cows knew what was up when they went on the truck and would scream like hell. I didn't tell anyone when I cut down / quit meat I just did it, hate whiney vegans as much as the rest of you.

>> No.16536864

knew some people that were vegan but still for some reason still ate fish and still have trash awful diets. I think >>16534062 is correct

>> No.16536874

Good one. Didn't come with that one neither yourself you NPC mong. But maybe it makes you feel manly you edgy kid. There there. You are a big boi!

>> No.16536885

Couldnt make a more succinct remark, so I will echo this anon's.

>> No.16536888

My work on a dairy farm (with some pork on the side) reinforced my belief that god gave us stewardship over the planet and every one of these retarded 4 legged creatures for food. By and large cattle exist only by the graciousness of the ag industry and the farm raised pigs werent all that sharp either despite the claims I heard about them being smarter than dogs
I think the general population has gotten so far removed from where their food comes from that they forget these animals arent singing or dancing or wearing hats down on the farm.

>> No.16536909

Thanks for proving the rule.

>> No.16536923

Speaking of cows and autists, I remember hearing from some lefty progressive friends about this retarded woman whose supposed super retard powers better enabled her to tell industrial ag about stressful situations for animals. Like, she could say this light is scary or this sound is loud. And my friend thought this was so cool. Which is sort of is, but I basically took it as implying her retard powers enabled her to be as retarded as a farm animal lol.

>> No.16536926

People aren’t procreating so governments panic and replacement migration happens. We don’t win.

>> No.16536929

There's a stage of maturity some people get stuck on. Killing animals doesn't feel good and the conditions they're raised in suck. Slaughter house workers also have the highest rate of PTSD in the world. Can see people not wanting to eat meat off that however it's important to move on and recognize your body does need meat. Maybe pay an extra $2 per pound for meat raised in better conditions rather than being a big baby and ruining your body and health because of it
On the other hand there are retards that don't consider it at all and brag about killin deer and treat life as meaningless. Treat their food disrespectfully as well and are usually wasteful

Lot to be said about food ultimately there's a lot of virtue signaling nowadays for sure but the points aren't wrong just need to move on rather than elect to be a baby

>> No.16536941

Emissions follows similarly with virtue signaling since it's pretty much entirely 2nd and 3rd world countries in Asia ruining the world. However when I moved to a city I saw just how retarded people are with littering and can understand them feeling they need to make drastic changes for emissions and such in the US as well. Also the smog was terrible but they can't quite quit driving that's too much of a convenience

>> No.16536942

Any time somebody brings up emissions, fart on them and say “What, like that?”

>> No.16536950

People's morally better actions make people morally better. There is no your bullshit "rule". It is bullshit. You are responsible for your own actions. How do you treat other people and animals. Grow up and stop making up psychological/social bullshit like a fucking kid to hide your responsibility for your actions.

>> No.16536951

> the cows knew what was up when they went on the truck and would scream like hell

Not sure they actually know what's up. Of course they are pissed being corralled into a strange crammed place. The meat transport thing definitely bugs me. I've looked into ways I could go visit the farm and just slaughter the animal right there and butcher it myself and bring it home.

Hunting is also kind of shitty. I'm not entirely against it but hunting is something I would have trouble doing, even a pro shot could miss their target and end up with an animal flailing around the woods for days with a hole in them. Too risky for me.

>> No.16536973

>I've looked into ways I could go visit the farm and just slaughter the animal right there and butcher it myself and bring it home.
They wont for insurance reasons.
>even a pro shot could miss their target and end up with an animal flailing around the woods for days with a hole in them.
Exhale as you squeeze the trigger and itll keep your aim steady. You can also give smaller game a try since 90% of their body is a kill or miss spot. Birds in particular

>> No.16536975

>Superiority complex
>Just keeps talking
Yep, it's a vegan.

>> No.16536977
