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[ERROR] No.16520219 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so fucking delicious?

>> No.16520226
File: 124 KB, 602x452, döner dominanz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Döner > burritos

>> No.16520236
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Fun Fax: I bought a kebab in Sydney one night in 2012 and there was a tooth in it. I fucking enamel molar that had been chopped and broken.

Now maybe it was a cow or pig or human tooth, idunno, but I 100% know for a fact those fuckers are throwing whole bodies (human or animal) into that meat grinder.

I got a tooth in my kebab but something tells me some other lucky cunt got a wedding band, possibly with a finger attached

>> No.16520238


Why is "KONAK" reversed on his apron but not on his hat? Do you think that Turkey has emergency kebab trucks with the shop's name reversed on the front to alert proceeding motorists in their rear-view mirrors? Why doesn't America have emergency burger trucks, and why doesn't my health insurance cover them? Also, why does that giant meat-tube have a crown of tomatoes; did it win some kind of award? Or is that the King of Kebab Organic Masses, and the swarthy man is publicly dissecting it as some kind of sick display of power and victory over the Kebab peoples and their embattled homeland?

>> No.16520246

This kebab near my house sold 2L coca cola + 2 kebabs + 2 burgers + 2 fries for 11€, dont even know how its profitable but great for me

>> No.16520253

Kebab mystery meat has some serious profit margins

>> No.16520271

what is kebab and how does it taste?
in my country you have to be a city slicker to eat kebab

>> No.16520276

His apron is backwards, you dum dum.
Don't ovethink.

>> No.16520316

>mystery meat
If you're a britbong it's probably human meat.

>> No.16520325

>dont even know how its profitable
Around here there are two kind of kebab shops: those run by turks or greeks, and those that are money laundering fronts.

>> No.16520335

tell me something i don't know

>> No.16520352

>and those that are money laundering fronts.
So basically every kebab store.

>> No.16520363

>Now maybe it was a cow or pig or human tooth, idunno, but I 100% know for a fact those fuckers are throwing whole bodies (human or animal) into that meat grinder.
Should have taken it to the police for testing, desu

>> No.16520403

not knowing the size of the food portions I couldn't say for sure, but I'm pretty sure you're helping some Meds launder some money anon

>> No.16520429

My local chippy does the fucking tastiest lamb and chicken kebab meat.

>> No.16520480
File: 33 KB, 1346x356, Screenshot 2021-08-07 at 15-27-21 Teen murder detectives issue 'new' CCTV which had sat in archives for 13 years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16520497

Kebab meat in Australia is fucking shit sausage-tier garbage. Even in third world countries you can get actual meat on your kebab.

>> No.16520515

I couldn't disagree less

>> No.16520519

>threaten to sue police
>not running over cops and muslims with a truck before setting off the bomb in the back of it

>> No.16520532
File: 76 KB, 964x555, goetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was watching some brit show (possibly with Ramsay or Heston) where they were discussing the amount of filler like oats/flour/whatever were legally allowed in their sausages and I was like "wait, they have things other than meat in their sausage?" blew my mind. The closest I've seen is pic related and it's good but definitely an anomaly

>> No.16520552

Are you even old enough to post here?

>> No.16520649

I have no idea what this post is trying to indicate

>> No.16520657

He's asking how old you are since you clearly know nothing about sausagemaking.

>> No.16520658

I get that it probably tastes great but holy shit does that look gross. If only cause just at the bottom there.

>> No.16520687

I don't buy sausage with filler, that's why it's confusing

>> No.16520697

The only sausage I've had with bulk ingredients that weren't meat/fat were those white ones you can get at the German market

>> No.16520754

That's why i only get kebabs from white Christian wogs.

>> No.16520771

You should have a musings column in your local paper.

>> No.16520787
File: 155 KB, 1080x1080, schlick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burek > kebab

>> No.16520806

>tomatoes and peppers on top
does it really do anything? i get that the juices could drip down as it cooks but they still look pretty raw

>> No.16520912

Luv me 'bab
Simple as