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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16513261 [Reply] [Original]

for me its
>Tea eggs(home prepared)
>Whale steak
>Stilton cheese
>Greta Thunberg Insects
add to this list and get some inspiration from other Anons

>> No.16513267

pepe tomato

>> No.16513285

Wa La!

>> No.16513291
File: 518 KB, 2000x1333, Argentine Asado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had the last three. Pasta with truffles is the best of them. On topic: I'd love to go the an argentinan asado and stuff myself full with meat

>> No.16513322

>>Tea eggs(home prepared)
>>Whale steak
>>Stilton cheese

I've tried all these things, what would you like to know

>> No.16513331

Tell us what foods you'd like to try :)

>> No.16513342

what does a whale steak taste like

>> No.16513347


>> No.16513356

...erm okay

>That pufferfish sashimi that has to be perfectly prepared
>Beluga caviar
>Peruvian guinea pig

>> No.16513360

Nice Fazolis!

>> No.16513362

Like a really rich beef steak, really uniform in texture and consistency. Honestly really good but I felt bad about it and prob wouldn't have it again for ethical reasons

>> No.16513378

those british middle eastern slop boxes look pretty good

>> No.16513405

Unironically takoyaki
Cheap shit it may be but the preparation is non-trivial and the ingredients are a nightmare to get where I live

>> No.16513406

psilocybe mexicana

>> No.16513417

hmm interesting

>> No.16513425

foie gras but probably never will due to ethical reasons, it sounds delicious but the way to make it is absolutely fucked up

>> No.16513605

You can get more ethical foie gras where they just provide them constant corn and they just keep eating it rather than being force fed

I've had it a few times, really tasty but you can just get a high quality duck or goose pate and its pretty similar

>> No.16513615
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ive always wanted to try it

>> No.16513625

ostrich burgers. saw them in the store for the first time the other day but wasnt a good time to buy them cus i had meals already and im going away in a couple days so they wouldve gone off.
if you are british/irish and ate ready meals from tescos about 5 years ago or so then you might have

>> No.16513629

Tried it once in Nagasaki a few years ago because I like octopus and it was awful. Like a doughnut filled with liquid octopus, I almost threw up and felt terrible for wasting it. Last weekend I saw it on the menu for a local sushi place and gave it another try and it was exactly the same... just a fishy mush in a fried ball.

>> No.16513633

my experience also, I was expecting it to be like some chewy octopus thing and was put off by the mushy liquidiness, however now that I know what to expect I do think I will enjoy them more

>> No.16513683

I've always enjoyed them but I do just love seafood in general. They're incredibly rich though you get full so quick, same as cream garlic mushrooms with sherry and shit like that

>> No.16513800

Twix bars
Parmesan cheese

>> No.16513913

Tempeh. I'm planning on making some myself once I go back to work in a few months.

>> No.16514647

that doesn't sound bad desu

>> No.16514664
File: 81 KB, 400x387, despondent_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had a succulent chinese meal

>> No.16514683

>baked beans
>mac and cheese
>salisbury steak
>fresh peas
>roast salmon
>brown rice
>stuffed crust pizza
>fresh scones
>banana bread
>bread pudding
>pork crackling
>blue cheese
>cordon bleu
>rye bread
>glass noodles
>pickled onion
>pickled eggs
>scrambled eggs

>> No.16514811

is there any "ethical" source of whale? USA ideally?

>> No.16514857

For some reason I really want to eat a scorpion
Not really any other arachnid or insect; just a scorpion

>> No.16514887

Where in the world do you live that you haven't tried any of these yet? (If you are concerned about your anonymity, pick a geographical unit with a million people in it.)

>> No.16514896

How have you not have scrambled eggs? Are you just lying? Why would you do that?

>> No.16514897

Besides all of the varieties of cassoulet I haven't had yet, I'd like to try borscht. I was actually looking for a restaurant for this before the pandemic hit.

>> No.16514977

miracle berry

>> No.16515034
File: 241 KB, 1280x720, Whale Research Vessel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese Cetacean Research institutions
It is vital that they discover the tastiest part of the whale.

>> No.16515062

I had some in Tokyo and this is a good description. I passed on the blubber though, based on the reaction of a friend who tried it first. He said it was vile.

>> No.16515067

you really think someone would do that? just go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.16515073

deep fried oreo

>> No.16515098

>live squid like the Asians do
>seal or walrus
>sushi and other seafood from a professional chief from Japan

>> No.16515125
File: 24 KB, 419x525, 1627628069946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look anon! I turned myself into a tomato anon! I'm tomato pepe!!

>> No.16515127

>ostrich egg
>alligator meat
>high quality horse meat
>a bunch of weird tropical fruit
>insects to see if they're any good, possibly fried or baked crickets because they seem the least horrible

>> No.16515200

I just haven't gotten around to trying those they're not rare or anything

I just haven't tried it yet, jeez. You didn't jump down OP's throat for not making tea eggs.

>> No.16516130

>is there any "ethical" source of whale? USA ideally?
depends on you concept of ethical, I felt bad of it mostly for the animal rights issue of them being such intelligent and majestic animals and it being such a waste just to feed a few dumb tourists.

Doubt you could get it in the US at all let alone ethically. Iceland/Norway is prob your best bet as they at least only hunt minke whale which have healthy populations. Fuck Japan

>> No.16516135

yea I never tried the blubber, would defo of given it a go if I saw it sold though - what they say it tasted like?

>> No.16516142

>insects to see if they're any good, possibly fried or baked crickets because they seem the least horrible
theyre basically just taste like whatever flavoured powder they coat them in, just crunchy, flaky crisps that get stuck in your teeth

>> No.16516161

>Mushroom beer
>Sheep testicles (whole and sauteed with mushroom gravy ideally)
>Kangeroo meat
>Tortoise meat, (but this is probably illegal)

>> No.16516170

I read an article about Brtish explorers eating elephant offered by African tribes and at first they thought it odd but ended up really liking it.
Apparently after a kill, a tribe will spend pretty much all day and night cooking off parts of it and eating it, it would feed an entire village

>> No.16516198

Come to Vienna, Austria, it's a big thing here

>> No.16516200

unironically, coconut worms

>> No.16516201

Sea Turtle.

>> No.16516213

i have eaten truffles 100x times in my life since i live in a truffle growing region and i always find it funny when i see dumb amerimutts paying 100s of dollars for a few shavings of black truffles

>> No.16516222


>Casu martzu

>> No.16516225


>> No.16516366


>> No.16516401

Virgin boy eggs, a chink delicacy.

>> No.16516407

seriously child piss eggs?

>> No.16516409
File: 605 KB, 1000x667, Century egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wanted to try a century egg ever since I saw one in a Castlevania game and looked them up on Google. They just look so crazy.

>> No.16516490

you can just get them in the Chinese grocery store. Eat them with some rice though. What I do is put them on some silken tofu with some soy sauce and sweet chili sauce and those little salty paper thin prawns

>> No.16517518

hello american

>> No.16517587

ultra expensive wine that I don't pay for
blue mushroom (there is a edible kind but they only grow in mexico)
turtle using its own shell as a bowl
iberico ham

>> No.16517593

No American over the age of three has not had stuffed crust

>> No.16519114

Got any brand recommendations or anything I should look for? I've found them online but I don't trust that. I haven't seen any in stores near me but that might be because they're relatively small and usually Korean or Vietnamese. An Asian shopping center opened near me recently and an H Mart also popped up so I might have better luck there. I'll try the H Mart first, at the very least I can probably get some killer kimbap.

>> No.16519264

Go to Kazakhstan. They have horse& camel meat/milk like regular stuff.
Those central asians--nomads--lived on horseback, had no agriculture; so ofc they'd eat the horses when they died.

>> No.16519277
File: 98 KB, 720x720, Beefpancreas_1200x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cow pancreas aka sweetbreads. Ive had lamb sweetbreads, but am curious how the bovine variety compares because I have easy access to it.

>> No.16519382

>Mantis shrimp
>Cempedak and other jackfruit relatives

>> No.16519411


>> No.16519501

tea eggs take like no time or skill to prepare

>> No.16519608

he never even got to the taste, the texture was so off-putting that he almost barfed trying to swallow it

>> No.16519678

gentlemen, thiss is democracy manifest

>> No.16520704

No recommendation, I just got a sixpack of those eggs once from a random brand.

>> No.16520736

I would like to eat pesto from a restaurant i just had the ones from the glass from bertolli

>> No.16520893

>made pesto for my ex once
>she preferred the tesco version which had %100 the salt
sad life
you should really make pesto yourself, its quite easy, the hardest part is probably cooking the basil nuts slightly and getting the ratios correct
unless you like salt

>> No.16520957

>the tesco version which had %100 the salt
Find whoever taught you percentages and slap them.

>> No.16520980

Gator meat is like chicken with a slight fish after taste and a steak texture

>> No.16520985

I'd like to try crab legs, but a bucket of them is always like $45 or something retarded

>> No.16521044

I make red beans and rice all the time but being a Norwegian boy I have no impression of how real Louisiana food tastes, so I would like to try a native's version of it one day.

>> No.16521271

Order a bowl of congee with those eggs if you want to try them.

>> No.16521276

>platypus omelet, or an equivalent mammal egg