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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 529 KB, 1195x800, kit-kat-fruity-cereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16511287 [Reply] [Original]

*solves candy*

>> No.16511291

fucking delicious but I don't buy nestle products

>> No.16511295


>> No.16511300

they are an especially-scummy corporation

>> No.16511301


>> No.16511302

because i amtoo cool and well informed m'lady

>> No.16511307

I wish i were american sometimes, that looks good af
le unironic bunkertranny has arrived

>> No.16511398

I prefer the whacky flavors that Japan has
>inb4 soijak

>> No.16511581

i've always been a big japanese kitkat guy but im really glad america is finally stepping up to the flavored kitkat plate.
last year's attempts with the piss pore pumpkin pie and apple pie were really truly awful.
Their new attempts with the mint and coffee are great and these fruity cereal ones have knocked my socks off.
Looking forward to where they go next.

>> No.16513307

imagine getting upset over a company capitalizing resources

>> No.16513413

I saw these at my pharmacy but decided not to get them. Are they actually good?

>> No.16513427

solve my asshole

>> No.16513487

>noo you can't just decide not to do business with a company through your own volition think of the heckin free enterprise

>> No.16514359

KitKat is made by Hershey in the US.
t. shill

>> No.16514404

there's a mint flavor now? I gotta try that

>> No.16514432

passed on this one but from the same line they had apple pie (really great) birthday cake (also good) and key lime pie (fine but nothing grand)

All time favorite ever would be not merely the green-tea-kitkats but the OOLONG tea kitkats. Really, it's a rich flavor, savor one if you come across it. In Chinatown or something.

>> No.16514436

If you like fruity pebbles they're amazing. Otherwise probably better to try one of the other flavors.

>> No.16514448

>>16514432 here doubleposting

would you'all eat some Cheesecake-flavor kitkats? picture that. come to think, are there any cheesecake-flavor confections? have I invented the future numberone taste trend of 2025?

>> No.16514549

lindt makes one of those skinny "hello" bars in a cheesecake flavor.
I used to eat those when I was a fatfuck.

>> No.16514877

>le unironic bunkertranny has arrived
what the actual fuck are you talking about

>> No.16514886
File: 160 KB, 1177x939, 6r9el33x82771[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16515431

im talking about the fact that you're a lame leftist

>> No.16515945
File: 397 KB, 480x480, Meat Mommy Devours Her Children | V-Ray | Unreal Engine | Hyper-realistic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try our new Jolly Rancher™ flavored Kool-Aid™!
>try our new Crunch Berry™ flavored Toaster Strudels™ with Cinnabon™ icing, only at participating Taco Bell® locations!
>we mixed Artificial Demiurge Goo #476 with Artificial Demiurge Goo #5829, what are we, CRAAAAAAAZY????
>whoah man you GOTTA TRY IT

>> No.16516271
File: 3.57 MB, 3000x3000, image_picker8598414793356871438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bring it back god dammit

>> No.16516520

>kys because you're against child slavery
Can't imagine why anyone thinks this site is full of psychopathic losers..

>> No.16516809

only a braindead plebbit tier leftist would think that he's making a difference by not buying a multinational corporation's products
being against child slavery is normal but beying a retarded bunkertranny is beyond cringe

>> No.16516874

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.16516892

That's chocolate.

>> No.16516901

but isn't the correct moral choice not to support a company if you disagree with their practices so heavily? "making a difference" doesn't even have to be involved in the decision, though you would hope it would occur if enough people make the same moral choice

>> No.16516905

kitkats dont contain real chocolate

>> No.16517937

my girlfriend and I found these so disgusting that we made a joke out of making guests try them

>> No.16518006


>> No.16518042

What do they do?

>> No.16518154

Im impartial, but here's this. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.zmescience.com/science/nestle-company-pollution-children/amp/

The "vote with your wallet" idea sounds cool when there are news articles talking about Nestle being evil. This guy >>16511291 100% posted from a device that has coltan in it. If you want to act morally superior, go all the way with it.

Anon doesnt boycott Nestle because they are an evil company, he does it because it convenient and a talking point.

>> No.16518164

>piss pore
Yeah that does sound like a bad flavor

>> No.16518254

If you're going to talk about child slavery, dont do it from a fucking computer or phone. Dont be dumb and a hypocrite

>> No.16518260

Why can't a person make steps towards reducing their dependencies on certain corporations rather than all at once? They didn't urge others to be better they just said it's a choice they are sticking to. Ive done something similar where I don't shame anyone for eating Chick-fil-A but I choose never to go there myself. And in exchange no one can make me feel bad for owning a classic dodge charger instead of a Prius.

>> No.16518435

>Why can't a person make steps towards reducing their dependencies on certain corporations rather than all at once?

You can, just shut the fuck up about it. Saying "ummm actually I dont buy Nestle" or your stupid shit about Chick-fil-A makes you look like a giant faggot because these moral stances that you take a done purely out of convenience. What did Chick-fil-A do besides not capitulate to social media pressure? Meanwhile, the device you're posting from exists directly as a result of child slavery and death. You only say "steps" instead of taking a hard stance on real world issues because your ideology is easy and sounds good at a bar near a liberal arts college.

Also, please, try to shame someone for eating Chick-fil-A. The last time you fags tried that their sales went up 12%

>> No.16518560
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1613227185921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mint kitkat fucking OWNS

>> No.16518635

>Being this much of a bootlicking corporate stooge

>> No.16518691

There is no solution because there is no problem.

>> No.16518707

Find one positive or supportive thing I said about a company. The only thing you could possibly argue is what I said about Chick-fil-A, even that was just mocking this faggot >>16518260 for saying he doesn't shame people for eating there - like anyone would give a fuck and it wouldn't just make more people buy sandwiches. You're using reddit logic buddy

>> No.16518883
File: 24 KB, 440x400, strawberry-shortcake-ice-cream-bar.v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*solves ice cream*

>> No.16519862

a lot of candy sucks so yes there is a problem

>> No.16519869

read labels dumb faggot, kitkats do not use legally defined chocolate thanks to the addition of additives such as palm oil

>> No.16519879

He's right though, they are a transcendentally scummy corporation.
It's a /pol/tard thing. They think everyone who disagrees with the hivemind is transgender communist from bunkerchan.

>> No.16520259

You're still full of shit. Kys.

>> No.16521179

>they are a transcendentally scummy corporation.
it doesnt matter

>> No.16521189

Just steal them then

>> No.16521197

>enjoying mint and chocolate combination while simultaneously disrespecting apple pie

>> No.16522650

Buy nestle or I'll break your fucking arms.

>> No.16523111

I don't eat at chicfila because their owner licks black mens feet.

>> No.16523197

The correct moral choice would be to give up your computer, your phone, and your car too if you actually cared about child labor, but that would actually bring difficulty to your life and you might have to actually *gasp* sacrifice something so you will never do that. Instead, you make "sacrifices" like not buying meme fast food products that you would only buy once or twice a year anyways so you can tell other people that you're a good person, because its convenient to you. Of course none of the actual moral practices you decry are going to stop, and you're not doing anything that matters, but hey as long as you can feel a sense of smug moral superiority while engaging in the same practices you supposedly detest that's all fine right?

>> No.16523209

you are mad that people dislike corporations which commit human rights violations. type more words to obscure that, please, everyone is super interested.

>> No.16523268
File: 611 KB, 784x1100, DB80A967-0756-473D-BDC3-4279A9B0C0DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16523338

>corporations which commit human rights violations
You mean like the one that made the computer chip that operates the device you're posting on right now? I guess you don't care about child labor as much as I thought you did, huh?

>> No.16523352
File: 157 KB, 1000x1000, 35AA3E7C-554B-4F8D-A7F6-24C79821C2DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever try these? You can toast them in the oven for like ~5 minutes. Probably the best kitkat i have ever had

>> No.16523357

Post your girlfriend's saggy ass cheeks

>> No.16523359

More than you apparently. So he sounds like a better person than you, in an objective sense.

>> No.16523369

What are you 14?
What’s next “everyone only does nice things because it makes them feel nice!!”? Any more nuggets of totally well thought out Machiavellian platitudes?

>> No.16523371


>> No.16523384

>noooo you can't criticize my reddit "activism" I am part of a heckin movementerino!!1!
Why don't you go make a twitter post about how huwite men are bad or something, did you know every time you hit reply on one of Trump's posts 0.00001025 endangered whales are saved from extinction and 1/564th of a black man is saved from police brutality? Think of the children!

>> No.16523387

>I am a good person because... uh... I didn't buy a candy bar, something that takes literally negative effort to do
wow bro, you're saving the world! we are ALL part of the #Resistance!

>> No.16523389

Are you a virgin?

>> No.16523393

What are you emo or something

>> No.16523399

I feel like this needs a crossover with Totinos.

>> No.16523402

imagine being an unironic bunkertranny socialist tw*tter transplant and spending your precious, limited time in this world seething at people you hate on a website you hate having a different opinion

a normal person might be sleeping right now, a significant other by their side, after all they are in their 20s and they are living their lives, but no, you MUST own the chuds, you MUST win the culture war

get a fucking life

>> No.16523404

No, I'm also not some liberal fag that tries to act like some great arbiter of morality because he didn't buy a chicken sandwich because someone vaguely related to the company said something mean about the gays.

>> No.16524178


>> No.16524197

Read the label you dimb nigger

>> No.16525327

have sex, incel

>> No.16525375

They are fucking scum
I haven't seen a real king size kit Kat bar in 20 years. They just stitch together a pack of three normal sized bars in the king sized wrapper now

>> No.16525444

Do you not see the blistering irony in posting this after being the one to start all this by writing paragraphs of seething autism calling someone a libtard tranny because they said in about 6 words that they don't support a company

>> No.16525452

apple pie is amazing, kitkat apple pie tasted awful.
It's not so much the flavor choice as it was the execution that was the problem.

>> No.16526766
