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File: 943 KB, 2560x1707, spinich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16477592 No.16477592 [Reply] [Original]

>e-celebs and normalfags hype it up as a "superfood"
>when you look at the actual bioavailable nutrients, it's not that good
>doesn't taste as good as other vegetables
>has shit tons of pesticide compared to other leafy greens, by a huge margin
>has shit tons of oxalates and phytic acid compared to other leafy greens, by a huge margin

>> No.16477609

>e-celebs and normalfags hype it up as a "superfood"
who? where?

>> No.16477636

He's posting with a time machine coming from the 80s.

>> No.16477656

But the e-celebs in the 80s were on Usenet, and hardly known to the general public.

>> No.16477667

Even if you're only hyping it on rec.food.cooking, you're still hyping it.

>> No.16477690

>cherrypicking only one part of the post to cope with everything else listed below
But anyway, don't act like spinach wasn't memed in our culture as some kind of amazing health staple. Every single fitness jewtuber worships spinach, a lot of bodybuilders and athletes when they mention their diet talk about spinach, looking up diets of figures like Muhammad Ali to Tom Brady you'll always see spinach. Spinach is recommended pretty much universally. What most people don't take into account is how underwhelming it is when it comes to real bioavailability, the benefits of spinach are pretty negligible and some of the good stuff like iron are completely useless. As an added bonus, it ruins your meals further by inhibiting your nutrient absorption even more by binding to the other foods.

>> No.16477698

I perfer my salads to be mostly spinach, I like it better than romaine or a mystery 'spring mix'. the leaves are uniformly firm, so every bite is consistent. Its got more flavor than lettuce so it needs less dressing/addons. actual overhyped greens like kale or arugula are too bitter for my taste, spinach is a good middle ground.

also if you have a bunch around you can use it for other things like pasta or stir fry, which most other leafy greens cant do

>> No.16477713

I think you are thinking of kale my man, no one has hailed spinach as a superfood since popeye came out

>> No.16477717
File: 140 KB, 839x1051, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't eat fistfuls of baby spinach raw
Popeye would be disappoint, anon.

>> No.16477760

Collard greens and cabbage are infinitely better

>> No.16477788

Spinach tastes nice. I like spanakopita. Good stuff that. It's also nicer in salad than lettuce or rocket.

>> No.16477790

Boiled kale is really good though.

>> No.16477916

stop being a picky eater, retard

>> No.16477942

> has shit tons of oxalates and phytic acid compared to other leafy greens, by a huge margin
And who the fuck cares?

- Your intestine is perfectly capable of increase minerals absorption if you need and you eat regularly phytate
- Boil your god damn spinach in abundant water if you are scared about oxalates

>> No.16478015
File: 58 KB, 420x320, 1626850251828.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't taste as good as other vegetables
idk man spinach is pretty nice

>> No.16478018

I fucking love spinach but mostly because it feels good. I don't give a shit about it's benefits or lack thereof, it makes me feel like a little worm.

>> No.16478182

Are teh evil jewtubers in this thread now?

Take your meds

>> No.16478191

That is just retarded annon. Why wouldn't our body always be at 100% mineral absorption.

>> No.16478275

oxalates drastically increase occurrence of kidney stones, if a plant wants to be eaten it will have seeds in it, leaves do not

>> No.16478302

based christposter genuinely made me reconsider spinach

>> No.16478307

whos that?

>> No.16478314

Oh is it really not that great?
I just eat it cause it tastes good and I like the fibre

>> No.16478318
File: 76 KB, 272x367, Popeye_the_Sailor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga never heard of Popeye lmao baka I'm dying

>> No.16478847
File: 243 KB, 1296x728, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the anti-spinach shills are going to keep posting their bullshit, I'm gonna keep posting my bullshit. I actually have sources

Consuming lemon juice in some form at the same time as your salad will reduce kidney stone risk, which basically means reduced oxalate effectiveness. The lemons contain citrate and citric acid, and the citrate grabs onto the minerals harder than the oxalate, and you can actually absorb the (mineral)-citrate. All citrus fruit have them, but lemon has a high concentration, so it works much more than the others.

> Lemon Juice improves iron absorption from plants
> Citrate grabs the iron harder than the oxalate

> Lemonade is an option, but Fructose consumption might increase risk of kidney stones
> Limes seem like the second best option
> Doctors prescribe potassium citrate

This was the metastudy I looked at for most of this info.

>> No.16478854

>real bioavailability,
fuck off with this pseudo scientific hogwash you twat

>> No.16478860

It's not pseudoscience.
Your body can only absorb certain types of molecules, and an oxalate latching onto a mineral makes it really hard to absorb.
The majority of kidney stones are calcium oxalate, because the oxalate compound doesn't get absorbed and the body tries to piss it out.
Things like boiling the plant and eating it with lemon/lime juice will improve the bio-availability of the minerals and reduce kidney stone risk.

>> No.16478867

if a plant wants to be eaten itll just surround its seed with sugar, doesnt mean its good for you

>> No.16478885

Thanks for the heads up

>> No.16478887

I'd like to eat spinach in addition to other stuff, but it seems to make my poop very sticky and soft, so I can't fully evacuate without douching. It happens even when thoroughly homogenized in a Galaxy-class blender at warp 9. Here's hoping only a pound of broccoli or Brussels sprouts most days is enough green stuff.

>> No.16478891

Spinach is my go-to leafy green.
I like to rub the hydroponic kind on my cock, balls & gooch. Silky buttery soft.

>> No.16478905

Spinach is one of the most nutrient-dense leafy green vegetables a person can eat.

Spinach has the following protein content (15Trusted Source):

One cup (25 g) of raw spinach contains 0.7 g of protein.
100 g of spinach contains 2.9 g of protein and 23 calories.
Protein accounts for 50% of its calories.
The protein in spinach contains all essential amino acids. One cup of spinach contains 121 mcg of vitamin K, which is just over 100% of a person’s daily needs (2Trusted Source).

Spinach is also a rich source of folate, vitamin A, and vitamin C. It is a good source of magnesium, iron, and potassium, and a decent source of calcium.

Spinach contains plant compounds that can increase antioxidant defense and reduce inflammation (16Trusted Source).

In one study, 10 athletes who took spinach supplements for 14 days showed reduced oxidative stress and reduced muscle damage after running a half-marathon, compared with those who took a placebo (17Trusted Source).

In another study, researchers gave nitrate-rich spinach to healthy participants and measured its effects on their levels of nitric oxide, which is a signaling molecule that widens the blood vessels. They also measured cell function and blood pressure.

They found that nitrate-rich spinach increased nitric oxide, improved endothelial cell function, and lowered blood pressure — all of which can improve heart health (18Trusted Source).

Research has also linked eating spinach with a lower risk of some cancers, including breast cancer (19).

>> No.16478920

-reads first study
-no urinary calcium baseline given. i am gonna assume it 160mg
-out of 12 subjects 11 pissed out more citrate
-Urinary calcium excretion decreased an average of 39 mg. daily, while oxalate excretion was unchanged
-Two patients complained of mild indigestion that did not require cessation of therapy

Good job annon, you have managed to to retain 25% more calcium. Oxalates are still fucking up your body and you might have Indigestion

>> No.16478962

>One cup (25 g) of raw spinach contains 0.7 g of protein.

So, not even a gram of protein lol? Probably even less considering it's bound up in fiber.

>One cup of spinach contains 121 mcg of vitamin K, which is just over 100% of a person’s daily needs

Spinach contains K1, not K2. Irrelevant anyway: "For example, the absorption of vitamin K from kale and spinach – foods identified as having a high vitamin K content – are on the order of 4% to 17% regardless of whether raw or cooked.[3] "

>Spinach is also a rich source of folate,
Agree, but liver is best. There are also antinutrient concerns with spinach which may diminish absorbtion (oxalates, phytates).

>vitamin A,
Spinach does not contain true vitamin A, but rather beta-carotene (a pigment) which your body ineffeciently converts to vitamin A.

>and vitamin C.


>It is a good source of magnesium, iron, and potassium, and a decent source of calcium.

Iron is non-heme, poorly absorbed, and is inhibited further by oxalic acid. Oxyalates also prevent absorption of calcium.

Secondly, spinach has such high levels of oxalic acid. This acid is naturally present in vegetables and binds with iron which blocks its absorption in the gut. Spinach has a higher level of oxalic compared to most vegetables with an approximate concentration of 1000mg/100g [5][7] .""

oxalic acid causes kidney stones.

>> No.16478965

I like it. I use it instead of lettuce.

>> No.16478971

- 100g egg has 4X the the protein, which is more bioavailable
- has less vitamin A than egg. also, spinach has no retinol. spinach has beta cerotine which has to be converted into retinol. The conversion ratio is anywhere from 4:1 to less than 6:1.
- has less iron than egg( the iron here is non heme iron, the absorption rates vary but are vastly inferior to heme iron). all plants only have non heme iron.
- half the calcium compared to egg
- the vitamin k is k1, which is shown to to have abysmal effects compared to its brother (k2). k2 is found mostly in animal foods or natto
Aren't nitrates supposed to be bad annon. isn't that why bacon is bad?

>> No.16478981

Yeah fuck that I'm never gonna stop eating spanakopita. Spinach is great

>> No.16478986

try cooking it with potatoes and meat

>> No.16479009

>has a shit metric ton of excessive iron that can literally give you cirrhosis
Yeah, fuck popeye

>> No.16479045

>he didn't watch the newest popeye episode
It's all propaganda.

>> No.16479468

>doesn't taste as good as other vegetables
I'm sorry your tongue is retarded anon

>> No.16479497

Does vinegar do the same or you specifically need citric acid?

>> No.16479712

>100g egg has 4X the the protein, which is more bioavailable
It also has about four times the calories, so that comparison is absolutely pointless. Spinach just contains more water and/or fibre.

>> No.16479875
File: 704 KB, 1476x764, 1627455190648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-no urinary calcium baseline given. i am gonna assume it 160mg
That's a fair criticism
>-Urinary calcium excretion decreased an average of 39 mg. daily, while oxalate excretion was unchanged
You excrete all oxalates, because your body doesn't absorb or use it.
You excrete the calcium that your body wasn't able to absorb.
If a kidney stone of calcium oxalate formed, the person would excrete less oxalate and less calcium.
Because there was decreased calcium excretion and not decreased oxalate excretion, the decrease in calcium excretion is not from calcium oxalate kidney stones.
It is because calcium citrate is absorbed by the body, so giving the body more citrate allows it to absorb more calcium.
Look here, calcium citrate is given to people with low calcium in their body because its easy to absorb:

"Results from a pilot clinical study indicated that daily intake of vinegar reduced stone recurrence, increased citrate and reduced calcium in urinary excretion in CaOx stone formers without adverse side effects."

>> No.16479988

A 50/50 spinach/spring mix combo is nice.

>> No.16480000

I sometimes used to put frozen blocks of spinach in soups, not because I like the taste, it just makes the soup look gourmet

>> No.16480078

Why are you so angry? You could just not eat spinach. Seek mental health help

>> No.16480083


>> No.16480247

idk man, I started seeing my veins poppin more easily once I started eating spinach 4 times per week. Not as tasty as broccoli, but I'm not picky and it's the best green for gains.

>> No.16480292

I go for chard. Nutritionally superior and much easier to grow.

>> No.16480349

Who gives a fuck? It tastes good.

>> No.16481149

Looks like the spinach apologists are out in full force

>> No.16481236

the lambsquarters in my lawn taste better than most spinach

>> No.16481322

The only vegetables I eat are carrots, onions and celery

>> No.16481875

>he doesn't have cirrhosis
fucking geek

>> No.16481880

All you have to do is saute it with some garlic and it's truly great.