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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 118 KB, 1080x810, traditional_karambit_1593705911_da3b90d5_progressive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16455343 No.16455343 [Reply] [Original]

There was a thread on /k/ yesterday about knives, someone mentioned that the Karambit is used to gut fish but I don't understand how it can be more useful than a regular one. Any fish bros here? Please advise, is this just a knife for cs:go larpers?

>> No.16455348

you could but why would you

>> No.16455350


>> No.16455353

No, a karambit was always intended as a weapon.
They were designed to look like claws.

Just because some tard in /k/ says HE uses it to gut fish doesn't mean that's the intention.
You COULD use a fucking machete to do it too, doesn't mean you should

>> No.16455360

I don't know about fish, but it is handy as fuck for dressing a deer or elk. It gives you really good leverage when open the body cavity, and the angle of the blade makes it less likely to cut the guts. However I definitely switch to a hunting knife when I reach the genitals and anus.

>> No.16455475

You don't understand how something shaped like a hook would be more useful for an action where you need to pierce and then rip?

>> No.16455566

karambits are weapons, just use fish or hutning knives to process fish like a normal person

>> No.16455580

Rip and tear, until it is done.

>> No.16455592

>And... other warm blooded creatures.

>> No.16455764

>No, a karambit was always intended as a weapon.
How the fuck do you even use that as a weapon without literally looking like a bitch trying to scratch someones face.
It looks like the result of scythe-Cletus raping his retarded inbred midget knife-cousin.

>> No.16456082

Go back to Indonesia in the 14th century and tell them

>> No.16456321
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it's just and edgy meme shape for EDC redditards to feel special about having. no advantage to the shape.

>> No.16456358

CS:GO larpers. Bet they saw it here:

>> No.16456493
File: 41 KB, 750x539, M9 Phrobis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fellow US Army Infantry friend of mine likes these karambit knives. I don't know why. I prefer an M9 Phrobis.

>> No.16456508


>> No.16456558

But are you familiar with the mexican sacatripe

>> No.16456576
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>> No.16456592

I believe they used slashes and a lot of tendon-cutting?

>> No.16456606

Wrong knife, but I respect the effort.

>> No.16456747
File: 165 KB, 900x1200, pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all the /k/aytards seething on how their "weapon" is used as a cooking implement.

But using it to gut a fish? Must be smaller than this one I guess?

>> No.16458193

*Woof woof* How many edged weapons do you see here?

>> No.16458227

>No, a karambit was always intended as a weapon.

lol no they started as farm tools

>> No.16458241

They're not gutting the fish in that video, they're cutting it into parts to sell. The big straight knife is fine here because it's a controlled setting and it allows even cuts.
You gut the fish as soon as you catch it so that the guts contents don't cause the whole fish to spoil quickly. You would do this on the boat, likely in a confined space, where a small blade would be much more practical.

>> No.16458242

Damn near everything started as a farm tool. Some of the deadliest weapons to ever exist were farm tools

>> No.16458244

>the atomic bomb was initially a farm tool
I don't think so...

>> No.16458270
File: 94 KB, 502x688, 1250a48489e00a8c1708cc573f21a979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>city boy's never heard of a fission crop duster
Anon, I...

>> No.16458272

fuck i half expected it to turn into one of those ram it up your ass posts

>> No.16458277
File: 4 KB, 164x152, 1544498528864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about oppenheimer's "corn plan"
i'd avoid talking about topics you don't know about next time anon

>> No.16458477

oh look another neckbeard larp knife with zero utility over a normal blade

>> No.16458579

I could see the reasoning but being transparent and saying "I just think it's a cool knife" would garner a lot more respect from me.
I use a regular filet knife.
Because it's made specifically for fish it does all of the jobs needed to prepare a fish.
I wouldn't use a marlinspike to cross-stitch.
I wouldn't use a pike spear to pitch hay.
Just use the right tool for the job.

>> No.16458609

>that lil thing being designed for combat
you gotta be mentally ill or American to believe that

>> No.16458673

It was a farm tool for threshing and rice harvesting.
It was later used as a weapon of convenience.
The reasoning is that a subsistence farmer can't afford to buy or make proper weapons, and you can't take away farming implements to disarm them because you'd grind agriculture to a halt.
For more weapons of opportunity see:

>> No.16458694

someone never had their tendon slashed

>> No.16459141

>How the fuck do you even use that as a weapon without literally looking like a bitch trying to scratch someones face.

So if some lil asian nigga rushed you and drove his fist, holding a karambit, into your abdominal region, and then ripped his hand straight up into your guts, completely disemboweling you, you'd call him a bitch?

>> No.16459149

But are you familiar with the Mexican sacatripe? Used for gutting sheep, and other warm-blooded animals.

>> No.16459250


>> No.16459305

>They posted it again.
I always have to watch my HARDCORE FEELINGS

>> No.16459442

> However I definitely switch to a hunting knife when I reach the genitals and anus.
this guy fucks

>> No.16459629

That sounds like bullshit.

Karambits are made to hook and then tear the flesh by pulling it rather than cutting it by doing a straight smooth cut. You'd completely destroy the fish. The entire point of karambit knives is to create a wound that is difficult to heal.

>> No.16459634

Retards detected. They're meant to be held in a reverse grip.

>> No.16459685

>someone mentioned that the Karambit is used to gut fish but I don't understand how it can be more useful than a regular one.
kerambit is a "regular one" in its homeland. they use it for everything.

is it the best knife for any given task? idk probably not, but it is the knife at hand.

>> No.16459692

>Cannot batonny chop-chop with it
Shit knife.

>> No.16459698

If I saw someone using a karambit to gut a fish I'd laugh my ass off.

>> No.16459699

I like you

>> No.16459791

>I don't understand how it can be more useful than a regular one
How many times do you need to be told that they used them for everything because they were common knives that everyone had and not because they were particularly good at anything but agricultural work?

Also what do you think LARP means?

>> No.16459982

>implying you need a knife to gut a fish on the boat
lol okay nerd

>> No.16460283

>tendon slashed
If I could choose between that or a dagger to the heart, I know which I'd choose. God, non-Europeans were shit at making bladed weapons.

>> No.16460310
File: 104 KB, 1067x800, 18th-century-javanese-kris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dagger to the heart
Also an option. Unsurprising that someone who fell for that mystical ninja tendonslayer Hollywood bullshit would know dick about weaponry.

>> No.16460411

I'm not the guy you we're talking to earlier. I'm Dutch, so I know what a kris is. Calling a kris a dagger is like calling a katana an arming sword. It's an inferior version of the same concept.

>> No.16460457

so you're autistic enough to have inflammatory opinions about swords but not autistic enough to actually know what a dagger is? Unfortunate.

>> No.16460471

it goes well with your trench coat and fingerless gloves eh?

>> No.16460583

>You COULD use a fucking machete to do it too, doesn't mean you should

I use a samurai sword to peel fruit. Apples, pears, bananas, blueberries. I also peel milk with a samurai sword. I don't care for the cardboard. I also once peeled a kilo of salt with a samurai sword. End of the day I was WRECKED, but then I finally noticed the true flavor of salt.

>> No.16460684

>I'm not the guy you we're talking to earlier.
That was my 2nd post ITT and my first was directed at OP. Are you saying you're not the person I just replied to or do you think I was active earlier ITT? Either way you've pretty much cemented that you have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.16462167

Basically a bird's beak knife. A skilled cook or chef will never notice the difference between it and a normal knife, other than the fact that it's more of a pain in the ass to sharpen and can do less tasks.

>> No.16462183

the karambit was created to kill humans, it is not a fish gutting knife.

>> No.16462208
File: 10 KB, 500x500, raadvad-torskekniv-1506-786a8d9a6edf8fc5267641e7e7746783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work on a sea packing factory trawler in the north sea.
These are the knives we use. Nothing better for it than a cheap Radavaad or loewen messer carbon steel knife

>> No.16462387

It's called project plowshare

>> No.16462941
File: 6 KB, 285x177, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pigs are so mental that they think people put razor blades in their hats
fuck oinkers. they deserve to live in fear. you can always choose to quit and get a real job

>> No.16463879

Dont call them pigs
Pigs are cool unlike cops

>> No.16464081


i miss old EDM


>> No.16464187

i found like 20 of these in a police station once but weirdos kept attacking me and they would break instantly if you used them

>> No.16464233

yeah they should deliver pizzas ordered on international food sharing applications like you do lol. that would be better than indexed salaries with pensions and a gun

>> No.16464620
File: 9 KB, 256x197, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh I forgot all cops are selected to be low IQ so the only possible alternatives for you are menial e-gigs