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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16452941 No.16452941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>TFW reading food recipes online to make fucking slow cooker meals

>"just like the real thing at *insert location here*!"
>"life story about irrelevant bullshit"
>"they kept coming back for more"
>"Dollop" "Dash" "Smidge" "just a bit" "morsel" "scrumtous" "like crack" "delish"
>"on those cold/warm winter/summer nights/days"

>> No.16452949

If such inane nonsense actually upsets you, I highly encourage you to seek professional help.

>> No.16453038

>"on those cold/warm winter/summer nights/days"

>> No.16453310

>ive never been frustrated when some dumb shit happens for the 100th time for absolutely no reason

>> No.16453325

My guy, that shit is so meaningless and arbitrary that I can't comprehend how anyone can get rustled over it without having a screw or two loose.
It's not normal behavior. This is not a normal reaction. People with all their mental faculties don't think this way.

>> No.16453333

you are a stupid fucking nigger and everyone who looks up recipes online is annoyed by having to scroll past 200 pages of bull shit to get to the actual recipe. for me, it's
>look up recipe on my pc, all good
>load it up on my phone in the kitchen
>page is loaded with so many fucking ads that it practically crashes the browser

>> No.16453335

>look for item
>same shit gets in your way everytime regardless of how you change your search
>"this is such bullshit"
>"lol youre clearly mentally unstable"

>> No.16453343

Well, there's no hope for either of you. May as well continue complaining about ridiculously mundane bullshit on a Tibetan Basket Weaving Support Club hoping someone can relate to your spastic tard rage.
You kill yourselves, that'd work too.

>> No.16453347

They spam buzzwords on their shitty blogs so they can appear higher on the google search results. Dont tell me you read that shit? I scroll down until I see a list

>> No.16453356

please tteach us oh Enlightened one, how does nothing ever bother you, and with such a perfect mental faculty why the fuck are you on here replying to threads you think have no place in creation

>> No.16453363

I like to provoke and laugh at easily-angered autists.

>> No.16453369

>does understand human reactions and emotions
buddy theres autism here but its not from me

>> No.16453371

Yeah? Wanna talk about it? Don't worry, we're all anonymous here.

>> No.16453400

just leave the website and keep searching, why do you even bother reading the made-up life tale of some fat idiot

>> No.16453875

Do you have a problem with the way married women talk? Would you rather a world of vile fags and dykes?

>> No.16453884

They need a certain word count, otherwise Google search rankings penalises them heavily, and nobody reads their recipe. Hence all the results you actually see are endlessly rambling garbage.

>> No.16453951

I'd rather a world where women didn't speak at all desu

>> No.16454004

Shut the fuck up retard, if you didn't wanna hear him talk don't replay

>> No.16454127

It's not in your way. You just scroll down without reading the intro. I guess it could be a problem if you're on dial up, but then the real problem is your internet connection.

>> No.16454138

You’re looking at a fucking COOKING BLOG for recipes you retard. It’s a BLOG, and they’re predominantly run by WOMEN. Of course they’re going to talk about their husbands and add as many keywords as possible so their recipes come up in a google search. Fucking get a cookbook or search for PDFs if you’re this much of an autistic bitch.

>> No.16454153

I understand your frustration.

>> No.16454170
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>"don't complain or I'm gonna
complain about you complaining"

This is submissive cuck behavior. The people who write these dumb recipes should be put on trial and given the death penalty by the state and not some gay lethal injection bullshit either they should be devoured alive by nutria rats and then every single nutria rat should be thrown into a woodchipper and used as compost to grow a tree and then that tree should be burned down.

>> No.16454252


>> No.16454257

>too thick to at any point try one of the myriad browser extensions for solving this specific problem

>> No.16454267
File: 35 KB, 600x680, 3b65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, you discovered something you dislike?
>Not to worry! I'm here to derail the entire fucking thread by coming in there and start bitching and nitpicking about what people are allowed to get upset over or not
It's like you came here deliberately looking for trouble.

>> No.16454294

it's all SEO
here, my present for you

>> No.16454315

a little barebones but pretty based.

>> No.16454321
File: 27 KB, 800x600, Bait7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16454322

technically, your delightfully autistic little bitch rant about anons being a nitpicking faggot validates the entire thread. nice work, spergo

>> No.16454326

they dont work bitch

>> No.16454330

>look up recipe
>every single link is a blog
gee i wonder why it might be a little inconvenient

>> No.16454339

Just control f an ingredient you fool, go straighy to the bottom of the page and work your way up, it's not rocket science you fucking retard