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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 72 KB, 800x533, organic-raisins-1kg-sussex-cup[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16450842 No.16450842 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't like raisins, and especially if you are viscerally disgusted by them, you have the palette and mindset of a child

>> No.16450875


>> No.16450879

Most children I know love raisins.

>> No.16450881

SNEED is to FEED and SEED as Chuck is to FUCK and SUCK

>> No.16450885

Raisins are literally a food for children.

>> No.16450899

You're right, OP! That IS an unpopular opinion! No one likes a judgemental faggot!

>> No.16450903

Not a fan of them, then?

>> No.16450907

I like raisins but agree with >>16450899, giving a fuck about what foods other people enjoy is bluepilled and supremely unbased. Some real Facebook tier shit you got going on, tell us all about pineapple pizza next

>> No.16450909
File: 17 KB, 364x242, plenty-of-fish-in-the-sea-61088-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same deal when people say that they "don't like fish"

Like grow up lol

>> No.16450920

You've clearly never cooked for or been out to eat somewhere with someone who is really picky

>> No.16451228

When I'm cooking for someone, I am trying to make them happy, so i don't care if they're picky, I'll make what they ask for.
When I'm out to eat with someone idgaf what they tell the wagies to make, it's their job to serve us

>> No.16451241

You know who puts raisins in everything? Spiteful old women, who can't stand the thought of children enjoying a cookie or muffin, so they dump a pile of raisins in so everyone can be as miserable as they are. Fuck raisins. Fuck you miserable old cunts that put them in deserts. and Fuck jannies.

>> No.16451254

Oatmeal Raisin is the best cookie, it's way better than chocolate chip. Raisins are delicious in all food, you're just a mouth breather.

>> No.16451271

I honestly only dislike them in picadillo, but raisin brand is excellent and a well made oatmeal raisin cookie, while not my top choice is good. Dried cranberries are far superior as a rule of thumb.

>> No.16451450

Kek based
I actually love raisins. This anon >>16450907 extrapolates my initial statement in a satisfactory way. I don't want /ck/'s board culture to be Reddit2.0.

>> No.16451485

Not true. I don't like raisins but like everything else except boiled brussel sprouts. If I was visiting someone and they made me a cookie with raisins in it or had a side dish of nasty boiled brussel sprouts with dinner, I'd politely eat it and thank them.

>> No.16451495

I like raisins but sometimes they're really dry and hard which is kind of unpleasant.

>> No.16451595

I agree when it comes to meme shit and I think everyone should get a pass for refusing to eat a couple of things, but there’s a not-insignificant number of people who somehow go through life eating nothing but shit like hotdogs, dino tendies, and mac and cheese and they should be bullied at every opportunity.

>> No.16451607

Don't they just taste like sugar? I will tolerate eating them individually, but I hate when they are mixed with other foods. wr2sh

>> No.16452009
File: 326 KB, 1600x912, DSC_0141[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bout Brussels with Raisins then?

Based way of preparing them

>> No.16452010

I am the OP and you make a good point. And actually, although I was being a bit of a wank, I don't think there's anything wrong with having one or two 'dislikes' - but I will still reserve the right to bully people like >>16451241 who react to perfectly enjoyable food with "EWWWWW YUCKY".

>> No.16452020

If you have a strong opinion about raisins you are a retard.

>> No.16452075

>Raisins are delicious in all food
my roommate's one dish used to be a broccoli raisin salad absolutely fucking covered in mayo + sugar.
he'd always make it for potlucks and it was some of the most vacant WASP bullshit I've tasted
"my mom would make it all the time to bring to church" yeah I fucking bet just please let it stay there Colin

>> No.16452096
File: 43 KB, 753x477, salid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That does sound pretty vile. Sounds similar to ja/ck/'s "salad"


>> No.16452100
File: 465 KB, 633x973, 1550118746806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that supposed to be a bad thing?
being an adult sucks

>> No.16452107

I only really hate raisins that have rehydrated and plumped up.

>> No.16452162

Been a long time since I've made it, but try making some raisin consomme. It does not scale up well as too much egg white for the raft will eventually make it taste, well, like egg, and you can't use meat, but using a narrow pot and whites you can make an interesting clear soup. Like any consommé you can add herbs or booze at the end.

Sorry for no clear recipe. Experiment if you want to make it.

>> No.16452241

I would try it. It looks good, at least. Soaked raisins are better than the dry ones.

>> No.16452768

I DONT like when women order fish if i take em out. HUGE turn off. I aint going to want to kiss your FISHY ass breath.

>> No.16453633

I love raisins but not in sweets.

>> No.16453657


My grandmother only has one dish that really drops my jaw and it's her stuffed potatoes. She adds raisins an olives into the meat and it comes out fucking amazingly

>> No.16453969

I liked raisins as a child.

>> No.16454083

Don't worry, you'd never get any of the other part of their body that smells fishy anyway

>> No.16454145

I always wondered why they didn't go with "Reed". That's actually a name.

>> No.16454149

So is Sneed

>> No.16454371

nah sultanas are better

>> No.16454554

>unpopular opinions
what's with all the reddit tier threads today.
yeah, I thought the same. they're like natural candy basically like what's not to like.

>> No.16454576

Illiterate fucking retard.

>> No.16454643
