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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.33 MB, 800x857, beyond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16438445 No.16438445 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to cut down my meat consumption. Which brands of fake meat are closest to the real thing?

>> No.16438467


>> No.16438483

>plant based
more like plant cringe

>> No.16438490

How about you stop shitting up real meat and eat any of the thousands and thousands of traditional vegetarian dishes? Stop trying to shoehorn something that isn't into everything else you globohomo semensucker

>> No.16438501

Theres tofu
Härkis made out of beans
Quorn made out of mushrooms
Mifu made out of milk protein
Pulled oats made out of pulled oats

Beyond meat is made out of like 17 filler agents of fibers and starch from different plants + aromas.

>> No.16438512

>I'm trying to cut down my meat consumption
Why lol?

>> No.16438548

Um because I'm a good person and care about the environment?

>> No.16438662

Based, Beyond Meat beef/burgers is really good I would recommend trying that. Bloodmouths I know who try it says they think it tastes very similar to the real thing

>> No.16438669


become cheagan you dumb nigger

>> No.16438680 [DELETED] 

kys unfunny weeb tranny

>> No.16438691
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What makes you think industrial crop agriculture is any better for the environment than industrial animal ag?
Your emissions? You think crop ag doesn't do that and then some? Oh? Crops are fed to animals? You mean the byproducts of seed oils, chaff, hay, and some corn? Not to mention the devil, red meat, can be fed entirely on grass?
Forget soil erosion, chemical poisonings, the multi billion dollar crop protection industry. It's all about those cow farts, right?

All industry is horrible for the environment. Support small farmers, buy large livestock shares (a whole cow should last you about 4 years, a whole pig will last 2 years). Go to market gardens, get a laying flock. Otherwise shut the fuck up about the environment.

>> No.16438694

1 - Quorn
2 - Vegetarian Butcher
3 - Linda McCartney

>> No.16438819

If you care about the environment, read Kaczynski.

>> No.16438833

>Quorn made out of mushrooms
fiberous mold, technically

>> No.16438882

I dont get why it would fall under "mold" rather than mushroom. Aren't all mushrooms mold technically?

>> No.16438902

There's beetroot, mushrooms and soy sauce.

Labeling and branding them wont make them taste any different.

>> No.16439005

gotta go back

>> No.16439037
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Dunno about fake meat stuff but I'd recommend trying out tempeh. Slice it thick and throw it in a skillet with a tbs of oil, fry for 5 minutes on both sides then dump some bbq sauce on top and let it carmalize for about 3 or so minutes. Or you can slice it thin an do relatively the same thing but carmalize it in maple syrup for a bacon substitute, it goes great in a grill cheese.

I just started using paneer too which has a good mouth feel and is a good source of protein

>> No.16439079

If you bread cauliflower florets in batter and fry 'em, toss it with some orange sauce, has a weirdly similar mouthfeel to and taste as orange chicken.

>> No.16439086

Cauliflower nugs are god tier.

>> No.16439126

>I'm trying to cut down my meat consumption.
Why? Meat is healthier and cheaper than fake meat

>> No.16439160

>Meat is healthier and cheaper than fake meat
This is why I don't understand all of the shitposting about people being forced to eat bugs/go vegetarian since meat is unsustainable. If that was true fake meat wouldn't be so expensive in comparison to real meat. If meat is going to be phased out it definitely won't happen in our life time.

>> No.16439299

damn... those soyboys look like that now?

>> No.16439305

I really like this image

>> No.16439316
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Fried mushrooms are also good. Especially porcini.

>> No.16439797
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Then start eating zhe insects.

>> No.16439941

you'd be better off kys

>> No.16439949

you know you're literally eating soy right

>> No.16439968

... And?

>> No.16440039

gay-on is soy.

>> No.16440118

>Oh? Crops are fed to animals? You mean the byproducts of seed oils, chaff, hay, and some corn? Not to mention the devil, red meat, can be fed entirely on grass?
Forget soil erosion, chemical poisonings, the multi billion dollar crop protection industry. It's all about those cow farts, right?

its kinda cool that animals can eat leftovers and seeds, but i really hope you dont think they just happen to eat nothing but our leftovers/waste/seeds. there are more farms made for growing food for livestock than there are growing food for humans. and the amount of calories we get from eating the animals vs just eating the crops (even WITH feeding them crop waste) is still a crazy amount.

>All industry is horrible for the environment. Support small farmers, buy large livestock shares

not based, not cringe.

>> No.16440135

>maybe we can get them to eat it by putting anime girls on it
Nice try faggot

>> No.16440160

The plan is to make meat prohibively expensive through taxation. Production volume will affect the price of fake food but you also shouldn't expect the same standard of living in the future.

>> No.16440163

I've only had Impossible and Beyond, and they're absolutely nothing like real meat. I mean, they're like wet dog food, which I guess is technically meat, but not meat you want to eat. We're currently offering Beyond burgers where I work and I honestly need to get off the line when a ticket comes in for one. The smell is grease trap tier (and yet some people seem to love them).

>> No.16440267
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I know EXACTLY what goes into feeding livestock. I raise livestock and I live next to people who raise livestock. You don't want to eat what is being fed to them. The animals eat a whole lot of shit we can't live off of at best, and shit we can't eat at all in general. Animals literally eat what cannot be sold to humans, I know this because I also know what goes into growing crops. Go out and talk to farmers sometime. Real life experience trumps charts made by blogs, "documentaries" with hard agendas, and cherry picked papers.

>> No.16440280

He is
I think most people can take getting a soy boy reaction image and still continue eating it for practical reasons
There is a lot of shit in life which is cringe but nearly everyone does out of necessity, this is just optional

>> No.16440301
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Have fun when cutting down on your meat consumption means baboon sized ass hemorrhoids.

>> No.16440320

I stopped getting hemorrhoids when I went pescatarian

>> No.16440352

I get hemorrhoids regardless of how I eat because I have IBS that was made worse with antibiotics

>> No.16440359

You don't know anything you fraud

>> No.16440365

>muh environment
The “climate change“ hoax is the greatest stunt ever pulled by the NWO on the gullible masses

>> No.16440519

I never understood the logic of mashing up beans into fake meat when beans are perfectly fine as they are

>> No.16440531

I'm vegetarian and just eat rice and beans with a fuck ton of various fried vegetables. It tastes delicious and don't even crave fake meat. It's kinda like eating chipotle every day.

>> No.16440554

Well then, educate me. Tell me something I haven't heard before.

>> No.16440928

Yea, I never understood that, rice and beans are pretty damn good.

>> No.16440961
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>fake meat

>> No.16441878

just KYS and you won't have to suffer slow death from canola oil

>> No.16441894

Mmmmmm processed food, perfect for my rosebudded asshole, scrumdiddlyumptions!

>> No.16441900

The picture that ruined 4channel

>> No.16441901
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Americans are the lolcows of the world

>> No.16442000

Eat a veggie fatty

>> No.16442217

You don't need to cut down that much meat. Just eat red/cured meats only on rare occasions and eat fish and non-antibiotic-pumped chicken instead.

>> No.16442218


>> No.16442277

>I want to eat less meat
>anyways what else can I eat that tastes and looks exactly like meat?
Holy fuck is everyone on this board a manchild?
Some people remind me of my roommate who never had to eat a vegetable in his life (and absolutely refused to) then gave himself diabetes at 25 after years of eating nothing but frozen chicken burgers.
There are non-meat foods, learn about those if you want to eat less meat.

>> No.16442282

What's your go to cheap-easy-delicious rice and beans dish to make regularly?

>> No.16442284

I'm sure OP already eats those. Your rant is nonsense.

>> No.16442313


>> No.16442315

Jesus christ people still believe this? Cutting down on meat consumption won't do jack to save the environment. People are so fucking delusional it hurts

>> No.16442334

who are you quoting

>> No.16442341


I am never eating your creepy fake meat BTW

>> No.16442452

fyi those substitute meats(beyond, impossible, etc) are just as unhealthy for you as real meat.
I'm not sure how veggie meats compare(soy beef patties). But even though they don't tastes or really feel like meat, they're still tasty in their own right.
You're better off cutting down on red meat and eating more fish and chicken.

>> No.16442966
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>Cutting down on meat consumption won't do jack to save the environment.
Ruminants require an absurd amount of resources pound-for-pound and release tons of methane. An immense amount of deforestation happens to create pastures and grow food for the cows. This is a massive cope so that you don't have to feel bad about being a gluttonous fatty watty ding dong. If you're going to shove burgers down your hamhole on a daily basis then at least be honest with yourself.

>> No.16442970

you're okay with that?

>> No.16442985

It's fermented, which destroys the phytoestrogens that scare you so much despite them having a relatively inert effect compared to other estrogens like mammalian estrogen in dairy.

>> No.16442990

He's got a point though, big meat companies won't likely stop production because a few people stop eating it. It's too engrained now. Our problem is chiefly overconsumption and the habit of having everything available all the time in some areas of the country. Spring chickens in the middle of November, Avocados year round, specialty seasonal vegetables picked off the vine and left to "ripen" on the way to the supermarket; hell soy farming is pretty wasteful too. We have to change all that and more in order to have a meaningful impact on the environment.

>> No.16442994

Mugi and ritsu would never go vegan

>> No.16443016

Trying to substitute meat products with fake meat products is the wrong way to approach this (although the beyond burger is like one of the few decent subs). All you're going to do is constantly compare these things to the real thing and find them lacking.

Just look up some vegetarian recipes; there's loads of them. Mankind subsisted plant-heavy diet for thousands of years. It's only in the past century, with industrialization kicking into high gear, that people were capable of enjoying meat on a daily basis. But since people lived forever mostly on vegetarian meals, there's already loads of recipes out there. Personally I really like a lot of asian recipes for this. Stir-fries for example are a super easy and tasty way to ween yourself off meat.

>> No.16443021

Jesus christ you retards are still upset by facts?

>> No.16443058

This is the mentality that prevents people from taking personal responsibility and organizing. Yes, industry is responsible for the overwhelming majority of environmental destruction, but their success is driven in large part by people in industrialized countries consuming massive amounts of shit they don't need. If more people start becoming conscientious about what they buy and where they buy it from, then that's at least some form of improvement, plus gluttony is a moral failure

>> No.16443060

Why wouldn't I be?

>> No.16443555

Just eat some fucking beans moron

>> No.16443562

Chicken or salmon.

>> No.16443572
File: 95 KB, 466x420, 1615522023238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>processed fake meat
just eat plants you freak

>> No.16443581

Mold and mushrooms are different types of fungus as is yeast

That's like saying shrimp and chicken are the same because they're both animals

>> No.16443595

most men aren't

>> No.16443640

>most insecure /pol/ incels and /fit/ orthorexics aren't

>> No.16443644

Why would most men have an opinion on pressed soy beans?

>> No.16443893
File: 79 KB, 642x777, artificial fertilizermethane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ruminants require an absurd amount of resources pound-for-pound and release tons of methane.
Debatable. Conventionally raised grain finished ruminants, sure, there is an argument for them being recourse intensive. Grass finished, regeneratively raised beef? Nah, the production of that kind of beef creates a carbon sink. The most deforestation for grazing cows happens in south America, and you can easily avoid supporting south American beef if you live in the united states or Australia. Or anywhere... Just get a hold of a local farmer and boom.

You also have to ask yourself if the charts you are looking at are out of date... because it was recently found that artificial fertilizer production actually produces 100x more methane than they originally reported.

Just dive down the agriculture rabbit hole. Start asking more questions. Never stop asking questions. It's very, VERY complicated and fucked up. The factory farming shit is just the tip of the iceberg. And you'll find at the bottom that livestock are probably the least of your worries when it comes to sustainability.

>t. Sovereign omnivore

>> No.16443923

none of them. just eat meat

>> No.16443942

Try making vegetarian meals rather than trying to recreate meat-based dishes. I feel like too many people think of any of the non-protein parts of the plate as something to tolerate rather than enjoy.

>> No.16444117

>eats fake meat
>likes anime
When are you transitioning?

>> No.16444508

Try a probiotic, they work.

>> No.16444523


>> No.16444537
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just eat beans, lentils, tofu, etc.

>> No.16444560
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>> No.16444568
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>> No.16444589

can feel my non-existent hemorrhoidal flare up happening just reading that bag

>> No.16444605
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>> No.16444907

contains 32mg of omega 3! My god are these people marketing to idiots.

>> No.16445000


>> No.16445022
File: 46 KB, 400x400, fgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when I was a faggot I liked this brand of fgt burger.
Pretty much all of the flavors are good so you can get a little variety.

>> No.16445147

Yes, it was all over for us even back when huge herds of bison covered the great plains with clouds of methane, eating all those deadly grasses watered by extremely wasteful amount of rainwater. Something must be done to stop the roughly equal amount of domesticated ruminants from ruining the planet in the same way. We should continue being honest with ourselves and keep on being good people!

>> No.16445161

t. newfag

>> No.16445173
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>I don't want to eat meat
>what ultra-processed cancer-causing shit can I eat that looks like meat?
vegan cooklets are the worst

>> No.16445427

How about you learn some self control and eat a fucking vegetable instead of looking for an easy way out with deep fried chemical paste?

Nothing you as an individual can do will have any impact on the state of the environment.
Even if every citizen on Earth went carbon-neutral tomorrow, it would do next to nothing to offset the amount of damage being done by large corporations every day.
So unless your goal is to posture on social media (which it definitely is), switching to soy nuggets doesn't do anything but show how easily manipulated you are.

>> No.16445431

>I'm trying to increase my consumption of highly processed chemical foods.

>> No.16445432

>I'm trying to cut down my meat consumption.


>> No.16445447

stfu retard

>> No.16445485

We've been over this for thousand times. Meat is unhealthy if you eat it too much. And it's not good for the environment. And you are raising animals in bad conditions so you can eat them later. Horrible life for the animals.

>> No.16445536

>Meat is unhealthy if you eat it too much.
Not-defined what too much is, no study seems to demonstrate a clear upper limit beyond the problems caused by calorie surplus in general
And it's not good for the environment.
>And you are raising animals in bad conditions so you can eat them later.
>Horrible life for the animals.
Not a utilitarian. Don't care.

>> No.16445682

Imagine using a web search tool ran by a data marketer.

>> No.16445734

Is it required by law to raise livestock in bad conditions?

>> No.16445765


the green agenda / climate change scam is literally made up by the Club of Rome in 1973 founded by david rockefeller, google is your friend

>> No.16445857

Its a logical consequences of modern meat production in a capitalist system where people value meat.
If you can get away with making more money by treating animals less humanely that will happen since its incentivized by money.

>> No.16445862

Yeah but it's not required by law for you to buy an animal that was mistreated.

>> No.16445866

The only way to stop animals being mistreated is end modern meat industry.
Making children watch typical animal processing so they understand what they're advocating when they put meat into their mouths.

>> No.16445872

idk I had all that peta factory farming shit shoved in my face since I was single digit age. I ended up just leaving the city and slaughtering my own livestock. Factory farming sucks, but all industrial ag is fucked up. Its gotten to the point where I find even conventional beef farming to be pretty pleasant compared to all the slave and soil depletion shit they do with certain plant foods for human consumption.

I agree people should know where their meat comes from (in person, not some loaded propaganda where there is doom music and dramatic lighting), but once you realize it's actually not that big of a deal you actually can develop a healthier relationship with death.

>> No.16445875

Ending the modern meat industry will end modern crop agriculture. The chemical fertilizer supplies will run out within decades and everyone will die. There will just be no food.

I say this sometimes here, but I'm only sort of joking: the endgame of veganism is human extinction.

>> No.16446071

hit a nerve, fatty?

>> No.16446074

>unhealthy if you eat it too much
Anything is unhealthy if you eat too much of it. And even then, processed grains are far more harmful to humans in large quantities than meat could ever be.

>> No.16446100


>> No.16446380

>I say this sometimes here, but I'm only sort of joking: the endgame of veganism is human extinction.
It's not a joke though. It's what they really want.

>> No.16446509
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this is correct

>> No.16446521
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> trying to cut down
Your body was built to process meat in addition to everything else we usually eat.

If anything you need to cut Wheat/Oats out of your life because the Gluten was naturally evolved to kill things by clogging up the intestines. Thats why most of the animals avoid it naturally.

Also - your choice to refrain from meat eating will DO NOTHING to the industry output. There will be meat you would have ate which will go to waste, and the animals that made that meat would have lived and died for nothing.
> if anything you should honor the animals by endeavoring to make sure Meat does not get spoiled or wasted, buy the cheapest marked down meat to prevent it being thrown out!!!!!
> this is how I interpret it from my Shamanic heritage being close to nature
> honor what nature gives to you
> also Eggs and Milk/Cheese cause No Death because it doesn't kill the animal to provide it

Frankly if you want my advice I tried to go veg many years ago and I discovered Mourningstar Farms Burgers were excellent when pan fried with olive oil. Just avoid the black bean/corn ones and get the regular ones. They're 200% better than boca.
Issue with em is they'll fry up sorta hard so be prepared for a slightly tough bite to your sandwich, probably wouldn't want to make a double cheeseburger out if it. Tastes very good with ketchup.

>> No.16446533

>I'm trying to cut down my meat consumption.

>> No.16447302

i went vegetarian months ago just to see what it was like
i wanted change and honesty its quite fun challenging yourself thinking of new ways to eat i also feel very good
i think the next step is to go vegan

>> No.16447316

Just say you're plant based otherwise you get shoved into a group full of self righteous zealot assholes who will shit all over you if you dare to get sick from an animal abstinence diet.

>> No.16447330

are you retarded? what do you think chicken and cows eat? plants grown for that purpose. fertilizer supply has nothing to do with this

>> No.16447390

post body

>> No.16447391
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>> No.16447396

There's a hundred reasons someone might not eat meat, ethical, health, personal, you don't have to be some straw man vegan to feel bad for eating meat or disprove of the industry.

>> No.16447400
File: 1.92 MB, 1200x800, WE COULD FEED THIS STUFF TO PEOPLE GUYS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do cows eat

>> No.16447409

yeah dyel twigboy just as i thought

>> No.16447424

Iidk considering I have the cards stacked against me with the whole missing Y chromosome thing I think I'm doing pretty good.

>> No.16447511

if looking like a 15 year old boy is "doing good" sure youre doing great. brb looking for real women

>> No.16447517

Okay then post tits.

>> No.16447528
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>> No.16447529


>> No.16447927


>> No.16447932

I image these look like a white sponge on the inside

>> No.16448140

I tried an Impossible Burger from A&W. It wasn't actually bad but wasn't the same as real beef.