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[ERROR] No.16391114 [Reply] [Original]

It has come to my attention that European do not refrigerate their bread, but question is. How do you keep it from getting mold?

>> No.16391116

It adds flavour.

>> No.16391130

I preserve it in my stomach

>> No.16391146

Europeans - unlike Americans who shop once a week at Walmart because there's 10 miles to the nearest supermarket - tend to buy groceries almost daily (for most, it will be in walking distance - walking is not frowned upon over there, you see). Hence, they don't have to buy in excess.

>> No.16391148

a bread box ask your grandparents about it

>> No.16391154

In Europe they don’t refrigerate milk or eggs it’s fucked up

>> No.16391155

Since when have Americans refridgerated Bread? Is this a city people thing? No one does that I know of. or is this just bait?

>> No.16391160

We do keep milk in the fridge. Eggs don't need to be in the fridge because we don't bleach blast them creating millions of micro holes. Americans being scared of a little dirt on the part they throw in the bin is the fucked up thing.

>> No.16391164

Wait how do you think fertile eggs work if you believe they rot immediately during incubation

>> No.16391171

Shit*. Chickens only have one hole they use for everything.

>> No.16391186

Chickens don’t eat through their cloaca.

>> No.16391211
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When I moved to Japan, one thing I expressed surprise about was how small the grocery store was near me. My mom explained that in a lot of countries people shop every day.
I was like two minutes walk to that grocery store, so I ended up going almost every day too. It was easy to wait until stuff had been marked down, so even though it was kind of a higher end store I never paid full price.

>> No.16391587

Bread boxes aren't air tight.

>> No.16391787
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There are 2 grocery stores within walking distance, and 5 more less than 3 miles from me.
I don't walk to them because it's 113° and I am not poor.

I buy groceries once a week because I don't want to have to spend an hour each day getting food.

when it doesn't have preservatives in it.

even when I made my own bread I still add calcium propionate to limit mold growth.

>> No.16391865

How fast does your fucking bread mold?

>> No.16391874

My grocery store is literally across the street from my apartment and I still only go once a week. It's nice to be able to just walk in and out whenever I need something ASAP tho.

>> No.16391877

>inefficiency is CULTURE, mutt

>> No.16391881

It's not that inefficient if you consider the two options.

>> No.16391894

>1 trip a day
>1 trip a week

Are you retarded?

>> No.16391907

refrigeration makes it go stale much faster.

>> No.16391922

It's stale by the next day anyway. At least if it's refrigerated it won't get moldy after another couple days.

>> No.16391946

>It has come to my attention that European do not refrigerate their bread, but question is. How do you keep it from getting mold?
Refrigerated bread gets dry and stale quicker. I really only do it in the hottest days of summer, or when walking out the door to go out of town, in it goes!
If you plan to toast the bread when consuming it, doesn't matter much, but otherwise you're better off parking in the freezer and thawing it on the counter on the day you want it soft and fresh again.

As far as what euros do, mostly they buy bread that is utterly hard as a rock and stale within 24 hrs, so what they do is only buy what they wish to consume. Lots of breadcrumbs and bread pudding ensues.

>> No.16391962

>As far as what euros do, mostly they buy bread that is utterly hard as a rock and stale within 24 hrs, so what they do is only buy what they wish to consume. Lots of breadcrumbs and bread pudding ensues.
I'm guessing you don't have a passport and have left the state you were born in less than 10 times in your life.

>> No.16392076

I bought burger buns for 4th of July a week before and it completely molded over yesterday.

>> No.16392119

I tend to buy a fresh bakery loaf and slice it myself and freeze it and take out a slice an hour or so before I intend to eat it with my dinner. similarly keep pittas in my freezer for work lunch
otherwise I will just get a small fresh roll in the shop on my way home. don't really keep sliced pans or anything like that

>> No.16392835


>> No.16393241

We eat our bread

>> No.16393421

the Scands freeze their bread and pull it out slice by slice, separating them with wax paper
yes, they truly are this anal-retentive

>> No.16393536

Refrigerate your bread? What? Why? At best I might freeze it if I buy too much, but refrigerate? No. Are you in the city?

>> No.16393565

Swede here, stale white bread goes inna freezer to get toasted later if I can't eat it on time. Fuck this new captcha.

>> No.16393566

We vaccinate our chickens so the eggs don't need washed. American farmers only wash their eggs in chemicals to save cash.

>> No.16393567

That seems fucked up. Bread should last close to a week.

>> No.16393574

wtf kind of bread do you eat? I could even leave baguette out on the counter for all week and as long as I cut off the crusty slice on the end it is still okay to eat

>> No.16393593
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What an average Amerifat considers bread, here in Europe a poor person would not feed to his.
Amerilards eating bread-like goyfeed and think they are eating bread.

>> No.16393620

>Only considering number of trips

Are you?

>> No.16393868

>Wax paper
Never seen this in neither Sweden, Denmark or Norway
T. Swede

>> No.16393900

Bread should go stale rather than mouldy. The paper bags you get when you buy bread from a bakery will absorb moisture and let the bread dry out over the days. Plastic bags from supermarkets will trap the moisture and lead to mould. Stale bread can be used for many things like breadcrumbs, croutons, panade, French toast or bread and butter pudding.

Stale bread is part of its life cycle. Buy less more often.

>> No.16394783


This. I've never refrigerated bread and if anyone did it, I'd think they were incredibly weird.

Just eat it. I make my own bread all the time and it doesn't grow mold. If it gets stale, just toast it. Where are you keeping bread that leads to so much mold?

>> No.16394819

I leave the bread out for 3-4 days, then put it in the fridge. Once the bread goes into the fridge, it starts getting stale af so I have to toast it, and I don't always want my bread toasted.
t. American

>> No.16394824

I want to go daily Japanese grocery shopping in a cursed Super Cub

>> No.16394881

Procreative sex with Springfield

>> No.16395111

french here
we eat mostly fresh bread, it is long gone by the time mold would appear

>> No.16395122

Do Americans really?

>> No.16395128

shut up

>> No.16395225

Neithe are refrigerators retard

>> No.16395231

Not a euromutt but I keep my bread in the freezer and heat it in the toaster to defrost. Shit lasts forever

>> No.16395245

>How do you keep it from getting mold?

By eating a loaf before it even has time to go mouldy. Keep it in a dry area and eat it. How much bread do you buy that you have enough leftover long enough that it goes mouldy anyway?

>> No.16395520

Whole wheat bread. Maybe that goes stale quicker. But I don't mean it's hard as a rock the next day, there's just a noticeable decline in texture and I end up warming the bread anyway to make it softer again. So it doesn't make much of a difference to me if it's left out or refrigerated.

>> No.16395551

>pretending Americans are shopping for 3 hours and you're making 10 minute trips

>> No.16395552

I get groceries 3 or 4 times a week. Also only retards buy sliced bread.

>> No.16395572
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You mutts and your silly buns.
See the problem?
Your bread is shitty.

In Europe we don't make shitty molding bread but bread that just gets dry and can be used for cooking.

>> No.16395595

Meant for>>16392076


>> No.16397524
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The trick is to not buy fucking white bread, it's basically sugar compressed into the shape of a bread loaf. Get some whole grain wheat or multigrain, it lasts weeks with no problem.

>> No.16397525

I am American and I do not refrigerate my bread. Who the fuck does this?

>> No.16397526
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Was this a bait thread? Because as an american i've literally never seen anyone with bread in the fridge. Freezer bread, maybe.

>> No.16397936
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Only time I made a bread mold was by forgetting it in a plastic bag for two weeks
Since I usually buy the bread for consumption purposes, the problem will not arise

Protip: Bread made with sourdough will taste better and stay fresh for longer

>> No.16398558

>almost daily

>> No.16398581

Enjoy your moldy bread old meat and necrotic veggies worthless American.

>> No.16398613

Nobody refrigerates bread you fucking nigger, go be a faggot somewhere else. Refrigerating your bread is like sucking a trap’s cock and saying you’re not gay.

>> No.16398620

we have never put bread in the fridge what are you on mate