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[ERROR] No.16386850 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on food cross contamination

>> No.16386863

sometimes a food will have bacteria on it that is killed in the cooking process. sometimes you have food that isn't cooked to high temps, like a fruit or vegetable. if you're preparing both types of food you use a different cutting board for each one so you're not getting the bacteria on the food that doesn't get cooked.

>> No.16386884
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If I've never done this and have never got sick it just means I was just lucky?

>> No.16386893

and yet my teeth are all one color: yellow. looks like I'm cross contaminating everything. Good job, the Spruce, really good.

>> No.16386896

yeah. food poisoning is fairly rare.

>> No.16386897

i get wanting to separate meats from veggies but what's the logic of having separate boards for chicken vs beef?
also, are people not washing their cutting boards?

>> No.16386906

I wash mine thoroughly before storing and rinse them before using but I don't separate veggies and meats while cutting.

>> No.16386925

is using a ream of paper ok to use as a cutting board im worried to dull my knife

>> No.16386929


It really depends on how you are preparing the chicken and beef, if you're going to throw them both into a long cooking stew then it doesn't matter but if you're going to use the beef in some sort of raw preparation than I better hope you keep them separate.

>> No.16387012

Having 6 different boards is literal rainmain-tier autism. Even if you wanted separate boards to prevent cross contamination, you only need 2, one for cooked and one for raw, and you could just do a quick rinse before cutting a different food on it to avoid mixing flavors (like leafy greens and cheese for example). Besides when are you ever going to be cooking 4 different proteins and leafy greens all at once?

>> No.16387027

I guess this is for restaurants

>> No.16387165

I use 1 board for everything. I cut vegetables first, meat second. I scrub my board after every use. if for whatever reason I prepare meat first I clean the cutting board before using it for something else. cooked food goes onto the plate I'm planning on using, not a cutting board

>> No.16387169

It's a hoax shilled by Big Cutting Board

>> No.16387187

ten years in kitchen and i always thought it was
>yellow- poultry
>red- beef
>brown- pork
>blue- fish and seafood
>green- veg
>white- prepared foods

fish and seafood are different protien allergies anyway. i just cut on whatever's clean and dry

>> No.16387316
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keep it swim, walk, fly in the walk in. that's seafood on the bottom, pork/beef/lamb etc in the middle, and poultry on the top shelf.

>> No.16387436

when you live in the first world you can mostly eat everything raw if you really want
Pretty rare that anything is even really contaminated, and even if it is, it's not a guarantee that you'll get sick

I'm pretty sure romaine lettuce is more risky than raw beef

>> No.16387450

Having more than one cutting board is autism.
>new captcha?

>> No.16387515

Those board colours don't match those foods. At least not in my country they don't. Dunno if it differs in other parts of the world.

>> No.16388507

And this is why If i make a salad, I make sure to use Vinegar and some Citric acid to kill off most of the bacteria on it.

>> No.16388909

I have one wooden cutting board. I don't get food poisoning.

>> No.16388968

possibly, theres been plenty of times that i feel like i should have gotten sick but i rarely do

>> No.16389402

it's more about the taste profiles the bacteria produce in that food, yeah they can do that and no scientist will agree with me because they are jewish.

>> No.16389434

not really "lucky", commercial sanitation standards are there to have some measurable protocols to lower the probability of infection, but they put the bar way past the bare minimum (rightfully so). Most home cooks who aren't retarded and clean regularly will be fine with 1 cutting board to use for everything

>> No.16389478
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>six separate cutting boards
I just cut my veggies before my meats using the same board. Not trying to do that many dishes.

>> No.16389493

I don’t believe in it

>> No.16389783

having two boards is useful but commercial kitchens go the extra step because the public is scared of germs, also you dont know who youre cooking for, could be some immuno-compromised granny

>> No.16389786

just wash the board lol

>> No.16389788

This is basically only useful if you're working in a restaurant and the owner doesn't want to have the shit sued out of him if something bad happens.

>> No.16389794

Cross contaminate as much as possible. Develop immunity to food poisoning. Become superhuman.

>> No.16389803

Same desu
I'm cooking the meat at high enough temp to kill p much anything usually, so what does it matter if it gets some tomato juice on it?

>> No.16389836

Are there people who don't wash their cutting boards? Why would you need more than two (three at most) unless you work at a restaurant or something?

>> No.16390044

I avoid cutting any raw animal products like chicken or beef. I open the store package and straight it goes into the pan/oven/grill etc. I do bone/chicken feet/fish head broth the same way. Open the bag, dump everything into the stock pot. Who needs to mess with cutting boards?

>> No.16390089

>>16387187brown is cooked meat and blue is seafood, ive never seen pork have its own board

>> No.16390259

A. primary food contamination, when you buy things that are out of date or have damaged containers.
B. secondary contamination, where you fail to properly sanitize equipment and utensils
C. tertiary/cross contamination, where you contaminate one food source with another

Primary contamination is rare in western countries, wash vegetables, the most common sources are salad.
Secondary contamination usually occurs with salmonella, egg and chicken left on chopping boards
Tertiary contamination is most common in fridges and freezers, where meat contaminates vegetables that are eaten raw.

Colour code, label, date

>> No.16390333

If a commercial kitchen tried to do this they'd need a cutting board the size of a standard door, it would take way too long, and everyone would leave before they were served.

>> No.16390359

You can just wash cutting boards between uses in a home kitchen. Cut vegetables before meat if you're going to use the same cutting board for both.

>> No.16390412

Good mise en place and washing your fucking board after is enough. Better yet, fucking cook all your food before you eat them you fucking barbarian.

>> No.16390421
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>> No.16390440

>Redpill me on food cross contamination
For many people, they have 1 cutting board, and so are forced to prep food in an intelligent way to prevent prepped garnishes, fruits, and veggies from mixing, esp mixing with meat juices.
One of the issues is that a properly sanitized cutting board is both cleaned and air-dried, if not dipped in a bleach solution prior to air-drying.

The solution? Own more than one cutting surface, and ideally 3 or more. It is not a bad option to have those flexible colored cutting boards which usually come in 6 packs, and therefore, always have them clean even if 2 are already in the dishwasher. Keep a nice wooden block in your ownership too, for carving and big jobs like watermelons where the well for juices is handy, of course.