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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16384040 [Reply] [Original]

Are there really some guys who use gas grills??? When did this become a thing, and how beta does one have to be to use one?

>> No.16384046
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>> No.16384048

>Not wanting to taste the meat, not the heat

>> No.16384052

because charcoal is for poor negroes

>> No.16384068

poor people hook up gas bottles that they've stolen from gas stations to heat their homes in the winter

>> No.16384926

Gas is fine if you have access to it, but i still prefer charcoal because it burns much hotter. I like yakitori style BBQ so it works out well for me.

I don't want to deal with an extra bill to pay or worry about an earthquake causing my place to burst into fire, soon happy with charcoal

>> No.16385450

only a beta would care this much about that grill others use, an alpha doesnt waste his time like op

>> No.16385704


>> No.16385724

Imagine using technology when you can pretend you're more masculine because you do more manual labor for a worse result.

>> No.16385785

i haven't grilled a lot but gas is really convenient, charcoal might still be better.

>> No.16385926
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Imagine being so poor you have to get on /ck/ to shitpost about how being poor is superior

>> No.16385947

What even is the point of a gas grill? If you aren't trying to add a charcoal taste, you might as well just use your stove.

>> No.16386269

The problem with charcoal is it’s hugely expensive with time. Have to get a chimney starter or wait an extra 30 minutes to cook. So that’s roughly 30-60 minutes for your coals to be hot enough. Then when you’re done you’ll have to dump the coal ashes and dispose of them. If it rains it can make a huge coagulated mess, and guess what? Charcoal is damn expensive right now.

Charcoal is total meme. Next grill I’m getting is gas. The “muh stove top” people can spend an hour+ every grill cleaning and prepping if they want. That’s their problem

>> No.16386317

I also read somewhere. not sure how true it was. but basically said that modern charcoal is more prone to becoming toxic due to the chemical coating on it.
like I said not sure how true.

>> No.16386371
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You are assuming that everyone uses chimney starters and then overestimating how long they take to get up to temp. I use a single Weber paraffin starter cube along with lump charcoal and my MiniMax BGE is ready to cook on in about 15min, depending on what temp I’m shooting for.

I tried to like gas grills, but they just didn’t cut it for me. My BGE’s will last forever and will be just as good to grill/smoke on when im dead and gone. I know guys who buy expensive gas grill just for them to rot away in a matter of a few years.

>> No.16386512

I've always had charcoal grills and a chimney starter and I'm probably going to just buy gas next. Just sick of dealing with charcoal. After, idk, the thousandth bag of charcoal you buy it just loses its appeal. Propane tanks last way longer, can just walk out and turn the thing on. No ash disposal, no coal starting, no coal management if you're cooking something for a long time.

>> No.16386525
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Also, never wait till spring/summer to buy lump charcoal. Buy during the fall/winter and stock up on it. Good lump tends to be out of stock here by early summer.

>> No.16386554

I can’t tell from the photo but you HAVE to let your coals turn white or you’re literally eating charcoal coated food

>> No.16386743

Lol, I use large lump charcoal, not briquettes. It doesn’t work that way with lump charcoal.

>> No.16386778

your grill broke in half

>> No.16386797

Charcoal tastes leagues better especially if you use lump and even more so if you throw a chunk of wood on top to add some more smoke. There’s no denying gas is more convenient though. All comes down to your lifestyle and how much you enjoy grilling and appreciate good grilled food. You could go full easy bake oven mode and get a pellet grill or on the flip side just piece a chunk of meat with a stick and hold over a fire like a caveman. To each their own.

>> No.16386798
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Nah, it’s a two piece cast iron grate.

>> No.16386806


Pickup a box of tampons and some white claws while you’re at it babygirl

>> No.16386845

wtf is a gas bottle dumbass

>> No.16386846

Manual labor? Is existing manual labor for you? Honest question.

>> No.16386855

Fucking hank hill in the flesh over here

>> No.16386864

It's just charcoal. In a big bowl with legs on it. Relax.

>> No.16386867


This. I light my chimney i sit and I drink 2-3 beers while it lights and then i grill. It’s the ritual not manual labor wtf man

>> No.16386871

>Are there really some guys who use gas grills??? When did this become a thing, and how beta does one have to be to use one?
People who have jobs, commutes, and great weatherr can fire up a grill nightly, and walk right back into their air conditioning to enjoy their creations. Not every dinner needs hours of monitoring to be good. It may be quick cooking seafood, a thin chimmichurri skirt steak, chicken kebobs, or a load of marinated grilled veggies. Why does everything need smoke in your mindset OP? Char is nice enough for many recipes. If my gas grill needs a smokebox from time to time, it gets it. But, when I walk away, it's off, and I'm safety shutting down my patio for the night.

>> No.16386872

Does noone else use wood to grill?

>> No.16386885

Propane is for people that actually cook and just use the grill as another tool. Charcoal is for people that do nothing cooling related except grill.

>> No.16386895

A bottle filled with gas you fucking retard. Have you not seen a propane bottle?

>> No.16387082

For me, the only time I want to worry about coal or wood is if I’m smoking meat. If I’m just banging out some hot dogs and hamburgers I want to get them cooked and not deal with the hassle.

>> No.16387137

The important thing is that nobody here is such a gigantic faggot that they own an electric grill that must be plugged in. Right?

>> No.16387150
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i thought americans used bags?

>> No.16387179
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>wanting to taste lighter fluid

>> No.16387219

Nah, that's only for gasoline. We store propane in safe, rigid hard plastic containers.

>> No.16387242

I have charcoal and propane(with a foil packet of woodchips) grills side by side. Which one I use depends on what I'm making. Propane mainly gets used for pizza and things with teriyaki, occasionally finishing off things seared on the charcoal grill.

>> No.16387252


>> No.16387257

i just got a chimney starter, it worked amazing. so much easier than doing it the poorfag way.

>> No.16387267

Is the chicken breast for the wife?

>> No.16387297

Only a faggot would waft through life taking no interest in their surroundings, mechanics, production, technique or method.

>> No.16387349
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A true sigma male avoids grilling entirely

>> No.16387363

Propane grills are built for retarded faggot consoomer boomers who buy a new model every 5 years anyways, so the craftsmanship is usually complete shite and the grills never last as long. Charcoal ones have to deal with fucking charcoal so there’s no cheap way of making it.

>> No.16387494

okay autist

>> No.16387502
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>> No.16387512
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Part of the fun of grilling with the fellas is lighting the coals and waiting for them to heat up while drinking domestic beer while talking about lawn care.

Gas grill is good if you want to quickly grill some burgers or vegetable skewers and shit like that for a weeknight dinner. Charcoal is for getting drunk and being a boomer.

>> No.16387523

>charcoal is expensive
I bought a 40 lb bag at costco for 15 bucks. It takes about 20 minutes to start with a chimney starter or 15 minutes to start with lighter fluid or cubes. It might take a little more time than gas, but I don't give a fuck, it tastes better. Plus it never runs out mid-grilling. My friend had that happen yesterday and he had to go back inside and finish the food on the stove top.

>> No.16387528

>Charcoal ones have to deal with fucking charcoal so there’s no cheap way of making it.
seriously, where did this meme come from? How much fucking charcoal do you use? it costs like a dollar, maybe 2. It's just as expensive as gas.

>> No.16387531

The only people that use lighter fluid are suburbanite useless dads that grill twice a year and make shitty burned on the outside raw on the inside pre-made burgers and some hotdogs that they will somehow fuck up.
>The new captcha fuckin sucks too

>> No.16387532

Taste the meat, not the heat.

>> No.16387534

taste the meat without the heat :^)

>> No.16387540

we have to kiss now

>> No.16387602

My apartment has a propane grill and it works great, but nothing beats grilling over a wood fire.

>> No.16387751

Lol I hope you don't actually care this much about gas vs charcoal

>> No.16388493

Protip. Give the charcoal a shot of compressed air, you can get those suckers ready to cook in no time.

>> No.16389542

Protip: If you don't have any liquid fire starter, you can instead use a mixture of 1 cup bleach plus 1 cup ammonia. After you add the mixture to your charcoal/wood, make sure to get your face real close to the solution and blow on it for a few minutes to oxygenate the fluid. Not only will this cause your wood to alight very easily, but the fumes will kill any pesky bacteria, vermin, and idiots.

>> No.16389583

I have never used anything besides propane grills because my family always lived in houses that had propane grills built into the backyards

>> No.16389655

the fuck you probing the rib for?

>> No.16389681

so basically you have nothing better to do or look forward to except sit around doing nothing waiting for a fire to light.

>> No.16389697

you have time to complain about him doing it

>> No.16389727

Always did this when I worked as a diver. One retard tried using the medical oxygen tank for this and nearly killed himself.

>> No.16389767

Nah I don't sit around for 5 hours waiting for it to happen

>> No.16389777

Anyone vehemently for one side or another is a retard. Charcol can arguably get better flavor and you can use various wood chips but gas grills are super fast. If I want to make dinner in half an hour I can fire up a gas grill instantly instead of waiting for coals to heat up

>> No.16389784

Imagine being an office worker in a cubicle, posting on 4Chan, during your break, telling someone else about manual labour.

>> No.16389789

Trips of truth

>> No.16389791

Hey, I have a 79 hour week, yet I have a charcoal grill I use most Sunday afternoons.
Just because that is you, doesn't meant it is the norm.

>> No.16389800

OK, millenial, you weren't around in the 1970's when we had charcoal BBQ's, that was all that
was available at the time, propane/LPG was only for other things.
But I suspect you have no idea what you're talking about, sorry son.
We just did what we did back then.

t. Gen X

>> No.16389808

> Using shit like this on things you're going to eat off

>> No.16389866

It does. You're literally eating pure cancer. You will have stomach cancer in less than 5 years max.

>> No.16389903

>office worker
sounds like your typical low ed waster