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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16376540 No.16376540 [Reply] [Original]

Got the original Italian. 8 inches. $10.00. More meat than Subway but not better. Overpriced garbage. Never going back.

>> No.16376553

don't care didn't ask, plus you're probably white

>> No.16376555

>8 inches
You're really laying it up there OP, but imma leave this one for someone else

>> No.16376560

Everything is better than Subway.

>> No.16376571

You’re an idiot. Jersey mikes regular cold sandwiches are stupid. The hot sandwiches are where it’s at.

Btw, it’s not anyone else’s problem if you miss out

>> No.16376572


>> No.16376573

Do you think you're the main character of life or something?

>> No.16376592

For real tho does the last part matter? Unless you are refering to white people's inherent fear of adding any spices to their food, in which case carry on.

>> No.16376609

Based. I go to a local italian deli where I get a giant sub with a half pound of premiim meat for 8 dollars. I'm not even sure how they keep the doors open at those prices. Every time I go to jersey Mike's I'm appalled at how expensive it is for what little you get. And to top it all off they have the audacity to ask you for a tip before they've made your sandwich. So I feel obligated as to not have my meal tampered with.

>> No.16376630

there is no coherent play on words that could work here, which is why you didnt do it yourself, you fucking retard

>> No.16376651

>I've got 8 inches of meat for ya right here, big boy

>> No.16376677

>More meat than Subway but not better

9/10 b8. I would take you seriously if I hadn't been there. Go to /b/ with this shit.

>> No.16376680
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post a picture of the actual sandwich wtf are you doing this is amateur shit

>> No.16376693

I won't touch Jersey Mike's or Firehouse subs.
Both of these fuckstick sub shops ONLY have provolone. What the actual fuck is wrong with them?

I'm not AGAINST provolone, but to have that as your ONLY cheese? No substitutions available, you either get no cheese, or you get provolone.

Fucking retarded, I refuse to buy from them on principle alone.

>> No.16376695

>don't act like you didn't enjoy 8 inches of meat OP
you're the simple minded retard

>> No.16376741

Ok chud

>> No.16376756

Not him but you can barely speak English so I wouldn't be talking shit.

>> No.16376763

How can you not be better than Subway?

>> No.16376765

>how come OP? 8 inches of meat is usually right up you alley
How fucking stupid are you

>> No.16376784

English is my third language. How many do you speak? That moron couldn't make a stupid joke out of that, probably you couldn't neither

>> No.16376806

>sorry to hear that OP, but maybe you would enjoy these 8 inches of meat

>> No.16376815

Yeah, I bet you got it "Mike's way" you dirty dirty boi

>> No.16376818

hablo cinco idiomas diferentes

>> No.16376823

>but not better
that's where you're wrong
subway is for fucking subhuman moron idiots
worst fucking food on the fucking planet
fucking kill yourself

>> No.16376835

Good for you, now shut the fuck up

>> No.16376868

Yup, you're telling me you can offer 5-8+ different proteins, you can have a dozen veggies or sauces, but you cant offer more than ONE type of cheese?

>> No.16376885

>I'm glad Mike gave you his 8 inches for $10.00. Next time try Jared's $6 footlong. I hear they're running a special. Kids eat free!

>> No.16377089
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>> No.16377095

remarkably effective bait. seraphim time.

>> No.16377348

I got a chicken cheese steak once and there was a gigantic black hair I had to pull out of my mouth. Never went back.

>> No.16377409

Women were a fucking mistake. Look at how childish and selfish the redditors replying are, too. If you buy food for a party, you buy it for the party. I expect people to eat as many servings as they want of the food I provide, and appreciate if they enjoy it enough to go back for more. Same goes for drinks. Dinner parties are about being generous with your time and your resources in order to provide everyone who attends a pleasant experience. In fact, I eat so little that most of my guests have 3-5 times the portion of the meals I slaved over for hours. For fucks sake it's not even like the bitch made the sandwich herself.

If you're inferring that I'm fat because I like the deli that has great prices and generous portions, I usually eat it as my one meal that day, and over the course of an hour or two. I think they're still probably only 1000 calories. I don't get anything cured or high calorie. Roast beef or a turkey club.

>> No.16377412

>last night i 8 inch'd your meat

>> No.16377417
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>> No.16377430

Yo I hear mike from jersey puts a lotta meat in his submarine sandwiches. You should see the 8 inch slices of French bread he serves 'em on, too!

>> No.16377447

I only go to Mikes with coupons, it's still too expensive. I do get a free meal on my birthday since I'm on their mailing list.

>> No.16377452

pretty sure its a hoagie in jersey

>> No.16377474


lol that was a set up. they knew exactly what they were doing and waited until the deal was sealed before going after him. he should go out to that same deli, get a big ass sandwich, take a picture of himself eating it and send it to all them with the message "u mad?"

>> No.16377513

holy shit I never saw the picture of the sub

>> No.16377588

Imagine being this fucking retarded

If you bought food for your party and one person ate 80% of it, while the rest of your guests went hungry, you would think that's totally fine?

>> No.16377592

/r/amitheasshole has replaced Jerry Springer for me for trash content.

>> No.16377599

>posts the bag
>not the sandwich
yeah I bet you like 8 inches of meat OP

>> No.16377607

Oh yeah, this was a targeted hit on my boy for sure, but to be fair they might just be trying to save his life by shaming him into getting his eating under control with some tough love

>> No.16377681

He waited hours and apparently asked but nobody answered him. And he didn't sit down with the entire thing at once. Doesn't really matter. He offered to buy pizza or subs if anyone else was hungry and the cunt goes nooooo my friend made this speshul sandwich its irreplaceable!!! Cunts being cunts. You're also a cunt.

>> No.16377711

ok fatty

>> No.16377713

Also, if you know your fat friend loves eating, you better make sure you have enough food to fill him up. If I know my friend drinks a 12 pack of beer in a night, I make sure he's got his own 12 pack. Parties are for your guests. You should read a book or two about hosting. If you don't have the cash, don't host. Have your own party by yourself and eat your food however the fuck you want to. I have a feeling this cunt just wanted to buy the sandwich for for Instagram likes and hates how his friends take attention away from her so she decided to blow everything out of proportion like a typical hole.

>> No.16377725
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Sure thing pal

>> No.16377728
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Just go to an Italian deli and get a sub from there, usually like $9-$10 and always better than these chain restaurants who mainly employ American teenagers, not exactly known for their culinary prowess or understanding of cooking in general. I mean, making your own is always optimal but finding decent bread in the US seems almost impossible, st least in LA — where the fuck are there any decent or better bakeries in the greater LA area!!?

The whiteness of American bread has reached Finnish levels, fml.

>> No.16377744
File: 16 KB, 228x222, 161421606_1560893967439604_2325553552596136713_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does not use punctuation at all.
>Proceeds to criticize random stranger on the internet's perfectly fine English.
>Does not have a six course meal of Ford exhausts for dinner.

Do Americans really??

>> No.16377745

sucking in gut

>> No.16377770

Peehaps, but evidently lanky legs, no lardass Amerifat has legs like that.

He's probably "skinny-fat" at worst.

>> No.16377773

Decent food doesn't exist in LA. All respectable white men left that shithole in the 90s. If you're only feeding yourself, and you don't eat subs every day going to the deli is the most economical option. By the time you bake the bread, buy all the different meats, cheeses, make the sauce, shred the Lettuce, slice tomatoes and onions, fry up the bacon etc etc you've already invested as much money plus hours of your time. And it still won't be as good cause you haven't been doing it every day for 25 years.

>> No.16377777
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How does it feel to be off by seven from a sextuple 7??

>> No.16377786
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>> No.16377789

I've got nothing to hide. I'm 34, 6'1, 180. I need to start going to the gym so I can get hunky but I'm not fat and I don't overeat. Not that it matters.

>> No.16377796

Looking into moving to Lexington, KY, or possibly to some of the greener parts of Texas (for many reasons), but I haven't checked out the ~grocery shopping~ in those areas yet. How're the groceries where you're at? (And I mean generally available stuff, so you don't have to go to some micro-farm-hipster-shed-bus-market, paying 12.79 bucks per pound for veggies, to find shit).

>> No.16377800
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>> No.16377818

Post shirtless with shaved belly

>> No.16377819

Lexington is huge, and has a sizeable hipster population. You won't have trouble finding anything. As for me I'm in rural Wisconsin and we have everything from shinyun Ramen to prime beef, gourmet cheese, sushi racks.. every kind of condiment imaginable at regular grocery stores. Prices are reasonable. There's a Costco 20 miles away. We have local butchers and farmers that have awesome fresh produce and meats. There's even pho and Thai restaurants. Whatever you want. You're not missing anything leaving shithole LA

>> No.16377822

Very nice get, but it's not a sextuple

>> No.16377832
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I got ahead of myself.

>> No.16377840

Haven't seen a get like this in a long while...

>> No.16377841

Lmao found the fatty

>> No.16377846

you know i was on this guy side
host should be able to provide enough food for their guests
until i got to the end where this is a true fatty
>i can down 5 subway footlongs in an afternoon easily
i mean if other people knew this guy eats alot maybe not invite him over next time

>> No.16377847
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Teach me stepsister

>> No.16377877

>More meat than Subway but not better

If you think Jersey Mike's isn't miles better than Subway you should definitely save your money and eat that dog food Subway dishes out.

>> No.16377880
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Fuck me.
That sounds great.
My wife is raised in socal so she won't stand for anywhere with winter, but for some odd reason she agreed to Lexington after we visited (in the summer).

I grew up in rural Sweden, having had a similar situation to yours, sans the costco ofc.

Anyways, I appreciate the input. Thanks.

>> No.16377888

Good sextuple.

>> No.16377894
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Yes yes, I can't count, it would seem.

>> No.16377906
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Is this what they call a tripple double?

>> No.16377917 [DELETED] 

This county is almost entirely Danish and German so that makes sense. Lexington is nice I've driven through most of the country and it definitely stood out to me. Never thought Kentucky would be that clean and modern.

>> No.16377933

Ok but they knew how much he ate before he came to the party, and he also brought wings for everyone. Everyone liked his wings better, so they filled up on them first. That's probably why she was so upset to begin with.

>> No.16377945
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My exact thoughts, all I had heard about KY before was how backwards and empty it was, not accurate at all.
A nice break from the post-apocalyptic feel of the LA sprawl too. I mean, what isn't.

Luckily houses can be sold in LA for the sum of a mid-sized trafficked family, so even though Lexington is procey, it should work out just fine.

>> No.16378018

>.t obese food addict

>> No.16378026

You mean plebbit as a whole has.
>don't invite him just because he eats a lot
You sound like an asshole. Just ask him to bring his OWN food.

>> No.16378036

>being this triggered
>that 4 sizes too large belt
Nice try retard.

>> No.16378045


>> No.16378049

When I used to be an alcoholic I brought my own beer to parties cause I knew I would blow through whatever 3-4 drink per person ratio the hosts had planned for. And then I'd just keep an open can the entire time so it didn't look like I was drinking a 12 pack in 2 hours.

>> No.16378060

Esl npc doesn't notice the glock 17 on my belt.
Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.16379495 [DELETED] 

kill yourself faggot knicker

>> No.16379505

kys n

>> No.16379658

Jimmy johns

>> No.16379876

Beer is like water to an alcoholic

>> No.16379886

Only reason I go to this place is cause my work got a bunch of buy one get one free coupons. The subs are OK, particularly the hot ones. But I'm not buying them anymore once the coupons run out.

>> No.16380064

His eyes are squinty

>> No.16380827

get a giant sub and save 1/2 for later

>> No.16380910

Every person who allows themselves in a position where they would be able to eat 3+ feet of sandwich is an asshole. Never side with fatties, /ck/