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16363567 No.16363567 [Reply] [Original]

My doctor said avoid all dairy. I said, sure thing, doc. But I have tons of cheese in the fridge and I'm not throwing it out.

>> No.16363572

i don't go to the doctor

>> No.16363573

avoid dairy why

>> No.16363574

eat it, he probably doesn't know what he is talking about

>> No.16363584

>"anon, we took out your gall bladder. stop eating salty, fatty things that trigger bile production"
>eat salty, fatty shit for three years
>body learned to take what's coming and not start shit
>meanwhile my cousin had the same problem, followed the diet religiously, now has crohn's
fuck doctors

>> No.16363622

Almost all medical schools require ZERO nutrition training. They will just parrot whatever the current guidelines are at the time which at the moment aren't based on good evidence and likely corrupted by industry influence.

>> No.16363634

>They will just parrot whatever the current guidelines are at the time which at the moment aren't based on good evidence and likely corrupted by industry influence.
they do that on everything not just nutrition. doctors are worse than wikipedia

>> No.16363638

Don't trust doctors on medical advice. Every thing they do is useless except surgery and pills

>> No.16363650

At least when they do that with drugs their have been some clinical trials to back them up. With nutrition though they just give you whatever shit the USDA has most recently spewed out.

>> No.16363651

Does dairy make you shart or give you a funny tummy?

>> No.16363844

>He still gives doctors even a semblance of credibility in 2021

>> No.16363913

yeah but they dont look at the trials the drug company shills something to them and they choose it

>> No.16363942

>watch this
Vaccines are bad for you! Covid isn't real! GMO is toxic and bad!

>> No.16363966

worth the taste

we know

>> No.16364019

>no increase in yearly deaths
>dude there's a pandemic
im so past caring

>> No.16364356

>I bought the doctor

>> No.16364392

Yeah I'm sure random online Nazis like you know better than doctors who studied for several years.

>> No.16364393

did you ask why? theres a huge difference between "dont drink dairy or your tummy might hurt" and "dont drink dairy or your fucking testacles will explode"

>> No.16364417

Tell him/her/it to get fucked. Doctors are some of the most incompetent fucks on this planet

>> No.16364438

They didn’t study nutrition numbnuts

>> No.16364451

There is also a huge difference in doctors between the overloaded, under trained asshole in a lab coat that just see's you as a walking cash machine and a competent physician that knows what they are doing and will take the time to properly diagnose and treat you.

Wife had human granulocytic ehrlichiosis misdiagnosed as UTI by a greedy FOB Patel who had no idea what he was talking to. Fortunately she is a clinical researcher and knew he was full of shit. Went to a very capable infectious disease specialist who was able to figure out what was going on. 10 days of doxycycline and she is fine.

Morals of story - There is a huge difference in quality of doctors, also lots of infections or underlying diseases are misdiagnosed.

>> No.16364465

I don't go to the doctor and I don't listen to black people. If you're not a subhuman dairy is good for you.

>> No.16364466

A lot of people lost their gallbladders to the low-fat bullshit.

>> No.16364481

you could add on to that the hundreds of thousands of gangrenous amputations due to diabetes

>> No.16364509

Avoid cheese, dairy, yogurt, bread, fried foods

Ditto; plus any fast foods

Avoid waffles, pancakes, biscuits, bread, bagels, cheese

That will be 13,00.00 please

>> No.16364517

Wouldn't doxycycline have treated it either way

>> No.16364527

Doctors are so full of shit, I hate those faggots. Had a stroke they misdiagnosed as a panic attack until the person in the ER with me insisted on an MRI. Another time, had an anticholinergic reaction to some antihistamine they prescribed in huge doses they also called a panic attack

>> No.16364543

They were trying to keep her in the hospital because they really didn't know what was going on (erratic heart beat and blood pressure) and were just guessing that it was a UTI. I think they were trying to give her amoxicillin.

>> No.16364649
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I've gamed out this scenario in my head before. Would rather die before giving up cheese. Are you really living if you can't be tasty?

>> No.16364810

> not to eat
Unless you have an allergy or such, they never tell you that
When they tell you to avoid a certain food, they are not telling you to stop eating it but to eat it less.

>> No.16364833
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how much do you care about your health?

>> No.16365436

Don't let the docs know, but alzheimer's too

>> No.16365528

Actual dietician reporting. Why were you at the doctor in the first place? Unless you literally have a milk allergy or something, you should definitely consume at least some dairy every day. Good luck getting enough calcium in your diet without dairy. Plenty of lactose free, low fat options available as well. Physicians are the gatekeepers of the medical world. Jack of all trades, master of none. That said, this anon is probably right >>16364810 Even if you're lactose intolerant or something, I find it very hard to believe that any doctor would straight up tell someone to avoid all dairy.

>> No.16366968

Doctor: if you don't start eating healthier and exercising you are going to die.

Me: well at least we tried doc.

>> No.16366982

Pajeets ruin every industry

>> No.16368739

Doctors are illiterate niggers, Dont avoid dairy, just get the correct forms of it. Grocery store dairy is almost guaranteed to have fluoride in it. Find a farm nearby and get fresh raw milk from grass fed cows. If you cant do that, there are some somewhat safe grocery milks like Horizon Organic. Whole Foods and Trader joes both have tons of raw cheese to pick from. They are addicting, delicious, and will improve your health more than you would imagine cheese could.

Fuck doctors, never listen to them

>> No.16368747

Additional tip: Almost all modern acne is caused by fluoride

>> No.16368756

Fuck lactose free and low fat nonsense. You need your dairy to have the following
1. be unprocessed, unpastruzed with all nutrients/minerals/and enzymes intact
2. to be free of fluoride

>> No.16368757

>But I have tons of cheese in the fridge and I'm not throwing it out
so finish it at a reasonable pace and then don't buy anymore. why do you have to make such a mess out of everything?

>> No.16368760

Fuck off nigger, dont talk down on cheese

>> No.16368771

I doubt this very much. As a teenager I lived in rural Texas and drank well water. And I did my best to not brush my teeth. So I don't see where I was exposed to much flouride. But I had so much acne I still have scars.

>> No.16368837

Well water is a very big source of fluoride, depending on location

>> No.16368846

If you want to know if you have a good doctor asking them what they think about fasting for health reasons.

If they are openly against it, you need a new doctor.

>> No.16368855

I tell them it's a staple of my diet and I won't be able to give it up for theoretical health benefits. You have sovereignty over your body, and it won't be the doctor that suffers for your choices.

>> No.16369301

Doctors are good for irrefutable facts like if you have a broken arm or cancer but otherwise take they're advice like it's from a women aka disregard completely

>> No.16369421

They studied biochemistry which is pretty much the same thing.

>> No.16369429


>> No.16370039

>Fuck lactose free and low fat nonsense.
People with lactose intoleranc can still drink lactose free milk, people who suffer from cardiovascular dissease can still drink low fat milk.

>> No.16370044

>low fat milk
Why drink this water downed piss?

>> No.16370047
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How can someone so fucking stupid exist?

>> No.16370061

>people who suffer from cardiovascular dissease can still drink low fat milk.
Fat=cholesterol=cardiovascular problems for many many people. Depends also how much fat is eaten. More fat=more likely cardiovascular problems.

>> No.16370069

i just had a kebab and chips with a coke and my jaw swelled up, what is this

>> No.16370078

Then give it away to someone who can eat it

>> No.16370084

I look them up and down and grimace, making it very obvious that I'm judging their poor physique.
>"Do YOU eat X?"
>"Of course not"
>"Yeah, I think I'll stick to eating X"

>> No.16370113

>no arguments

>> No.16370119

Do you have any peer reviewed studies which suggest that people with cardiovascular problems would benefit from only drinking low fat milk?

>> No.16370728

Give it to a friend or something.

>> No.16370733

fun fact, doctors aren't even required to take a human nutrition course. One of my fellow food scientists is now going to med school and he's amazed by how much nonsense doctors believe about food and nutrition.

>> No.16370743


>> No.16370842

If you are having gas and shit when you eat dairy try cutting out vegetables instead or bread/grains. Those actually cause farts and bowel problems in a lot of people and they never realize it. They think its normal to shit violently after a meal.

>> No.16370897

I fucking hate having to visit doctors for gut related issues, they just miss more tjany normal in the diagnostic, now imagine having to do that with public healthcare service, im waiting for an ultrasound because I bloat a lot and they suspect a lot of things but everything is so slow it drives me insane, fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk wish I had a couple grands laying around so I can visit something faster but im poor and jobless

>> No.16371064

I ignore their advice and wait for them to give me pills. I eat whatever the hell I want and have my blood pressure and cholesterol under control thanks to modern medicine.

>> No.16371545

The Womens Health Initiative tested a low fat diet and it killed more people with pre established heart disease than in the control group.

>> No.16371554

unless you are over 300lbs or suffering from a serious illness: ignore doctor

>> No.16371570

I unironically would not trust a damn thing a doc says when it comes to nutrition unless its to say I need more of a certain vitamin or whatever. Just because you can operate does not mean you’re a god tier nutritionist, and almost all of them just parrot whatever retarded shit the USDA shits out.
>just look at how common medical malpractice is to get an idea of what kinds of fucks are putting on the white coat

>> No.16371571

neither did you, you moron. muh biochemistry same thing as nutrition hurr. not its not. fucking educate yourself on how doctors are trained and inoculated into their little cult.

>> No.16371582

>eat 12 plates of grain a day goy
>avoid butter and animal fats, eat the refined seed oils goy
>drink the fluoride goy
>how many genders are there? I honestly couldn't say
I only trust doctors when it comes to trauma care.

>> No.16371686

Modern medicine is pretty great at solving acute problems like trauma, viral infections, etc but fails at chronic disease prevention aside from the stop smoking and drinking so much schtick

>> No.16372058

It also had infamously low compliance, so didn't really test anything

>> No.16372067

If it's just a lactose thing most cheeses that aren't soft like brie don't actually have lactose in them.

>> No.16372107

infamously low compliance? literally never heard that but you could also look at MRFIT which tested the same thing and got the same result but whatever continue to stick your head in the sand

>> No.16372148

"First, the prognosis of women with diagnosed CVD worsened when they ate the ‘heart healthy’ low-fat diet that would produce ‘favourable’ changes in ‘bad’ cholesterol. Second, the focus of this uniquely expensive study was to measure outcomes, not changes in biological markers. The latter could have been done with a far less expensive trial. Third, the project leader’s statement confirms that the WHIRCMDT was not designed to test a null hypothesis. Instead, the inconvenient finding supporting the null hypothesis was promoted as evidence for a false-negative finding on the grounds that the intervention did ‘not go far enough’.

In fact, there were a number of negative findings from the WHIRCDMT. The leanest women at the start of the trial gained weight on the low-fat diet3 and those with the least insulin resistance at the start of the trial were at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) if assigned to the low-fat diet.4 The low-fat diet also worsened glucose control in women with diagnosed diabetes,5 a finding that ‘agrees with some, but not all, previous studies evaluating the effects of high- and low-carbohydrate diets in persons with diabetes’ (p. 83).1 The authors concluded: ‘… caution should be exercised in recommending a reduction in overall dietary fat in women with diabetes unless accompanied by additional recommendations to guide carbohydrate intake’ (p. 84).1 "

>> No.16372555

sensible opinion to hold. if doctors were either aware/virtuous enough, they would tell their ailed patients to cut down on sugar, refined carbs and such to prevent future occurrences. sad :(

>> No.16372578
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Most doctors know next to nothing about diet, nutrition, or anything food science related. I would take any advice with a grain a salt. heh

>> No.16372598

Doctors only give you advice. It's up to you whether to follow them or not.

>> No.16372897

The obesity and diabetes epidemics are as bad as they are because the public followed the low fat high carb advice that took hold in the late 70s. It is literally illegal in the US for our kids to be given regular whole milk for school lunches...

>> No.16372911

"The current Guidelines, if perfectly followed, will fail to meet nutrient adequacy goals; “The nutrients for which adequacy goals are not met in almost all [recommended dietary patterns] are potassium, vitamin D, vitamin E, and choline.” — Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, (Part D, Ch 1, p. 22, lines 827-828)(Appendix E-3.1, Text and Figure 4)."

>> No.16372948

This is a good presentation that blames vegetable oils for chronic health problems. The look at populations with really extreme diets, like African bushmen whose diets are comprised of 66% animal fat, Pacific Islanders getting 50+% of their calories from saturated coconut fat, Paupa New Guineans subsisting on 95% carbohydrate diets from yams, etc, and the absence of chronic health problems ailing first worlders is quite interesting.

>> No.16372975

These epidemics of chronic diseases have to caused by something new in the environment. We could find populations that ate both very high meat and or saturated fat (Tokulai, Masai, Inuit) as well as some with high carbohydrate consumption e.g., Japanese without the high prevalence of these diseases. What they all have in common is that none of these traditionally living populations consumed vegetable oils or a diet high in refined carbs and sugar.

>> No.16372997

Some of the rat experiments in here I had never seen, pretty interesting. But we also have human experiments that have shown that diets high in these polyunsaturated fats cause harm.
"The intervention group had significant reduction in serum cholesterol compared with controls (mean change from baseline -13.8%v-1.0%; P<0.001). Kaplan Meier graphs showed no mortality benefit for the intervention group in the full randomized cohort or for any prespecified subgroup. There was a 22% higher risk of death for each 30 mg/dL (0.78 mmol/L) reduction in serum cholesterol in covariate adjusted Cox regression models (hazard ratio 1.22, 95% confidence interval 1.14 to 1.32; P<0.001). There was no evidence of benefit in the intervention group for coronary atherosclerosis or myocardial infarcts. Systematic review identified five randomized controlled trials for inclusion (n=10,808). In meta-analyses, these cholesterol lowering interventions showed no evidence of benefit on mortality from coronary heart disease (1.13, 0.83 to 1.54) or all cause mortality (1.07, 0.90 to 1.27)."

>> No.16373022

Eat it duh. Cut out grains instead.

>> No.16373918

Maybe the yearly deaths didn’t go up because most countries took drastic measures to limit them
If you hadn’t noticed flu deaths were close to zero

>> No.16374105

deaths from medical errors and pollution likely dropped significantly as well

>> No.16374123

I tell you this every thread. No one is fat or unhealthy from eating a dozen servings of fruits and vegetables

>> No.16374139

>flu disappears

>an identical virus appears

Crazy isn't it???

>> No.16374170

I’ll trust the white one. Not letting diversity hires fuck my health up.

>> No.16374282

The flu disappeared because people weren’t at work and school coughing all over each other, smoothbrain

>> No.16374318

If that's true, then it would be irresponsible to ever lift the lockdowns and mask mandates. You can't put a dollar value on a human life, and if hundreds of thousands of flu deaths can be prevented, no sane society would accept returning to "normal".

>> No.16374384

Yes, sane people in a responsible society would at the very least wear masks during flu season. Glad we agree

>> No.16374412

Half measures cost lives. Proper respirators should be mandatory year round, and strict lock downs should be enforced during flu season, if not also year round.

>> No.16374454

but there are like 50 long term studies that show masks do literally nothing to effect the spread of influenza. do you even realize that what you're proposing is an idea from medieval times when people still believed in 'humors'.
>close down all small businesses forcing people to shop at megastores over reduced hours of op
>im helping stop the spread of viruses :D
btw sweden disproves you regardless of what pilpul nonsense you try to pull out of your ass

>> No.16374465

>>close down all small businesses forcing people to shop at megastores over reduced hours of op
Political corruption and incompetence is a separate issue.
Look nigger, if masks and lockdowns didn’t stop the flu from spreading this year then what do you think happened? Magic?

>> No.16374504

>faggot who can't even spell right brings up studies

>> No.16374519
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>literally never heard that
This editorial is behind a paywall, but prominent physicians wrote in about it

You have to keep in mind that these are not highly controlled experiments. Pick whatever diet you want. Say you think the keto diet is pretty good. Now imagine a keto diet intervention where the intervention group was in a free living environment where nobody forced them to adhere to the diet and the explanation of what to do was vague, resulting in a "keto" group that ate almost exactly the same as the control group, with plenty of their usual sugary snacks. That study design might give insight into the ability of the average person to stick to the diet, but doesn't really show you what the diet, if followed, results in.

>> No.16374655

if more people are shopping at the same location in a shorter period of a time, the spread of viruses will be increased not decreased. What happened is very obvious, they changed how they qualify cause of death allowing them to attribute anything to 'covid' along with that the tests for covid have a huge false positive rate.
Every year there are numerous flu/cold viruses these are actually rhinoviruses, influenza coronavirus etc. Unless you physically isolate the air sources of every single person you aren't going to meaningfully reduce the spread of these viruses. They are too small to be stopped by essentially any mask and they are aersolized particles that stay in the air for 10+ hours.

The idea that one virus suddenly took over all the usual pneumonia deaths is so insane it would be like denying gravity nevermind the idea that you could prevent the spread of these viruses by the pathetic 'lockdown' measures.
>haha u made a typo so logic doesnt matter lol
>didnt even spell anything wrong
how is it living with 80 iq?

>> No.16374680

>how is it living with 80 iq?
I don't know, I'm not the one spelling things wrong past the age of 14.

>> No.16375128

yes thats the nature of doing free living studies but clearly people changed their diet somewhat and we saw an effect, its just didn't come out the way the researchers expected

>> No.16375141

>eat a low saturated fat diet
"Wow anon, you're falling for big agriculture and the vegan/vegetarian interests"
>eat a high saturated fat diet
"Wow anon, you're falling for the meat industry and keto propaganda interests"
>look at evidence
"This metanalysis says saturated fat is bad"
>look at other evidence
"This metanalysis says saturated fat is good"
>ask government and professional bodies
"saturated fat is bad"
>ask 99% of people online
"saturated fat is good"

how exactly is an average plebeian meant to work out what's right and what's wrong? I just eat a little of everything to be safe. who the hell knows anymore.

>> No.16375169

>who the hell knows anymore.

Just tell the so called nutritionists/foodnazis to fuck right off.

>> No.16375213
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>how exactly is an average plebeian meant to work out what's right and what's wrong?

>> No.16375392

Depends. How brown was he?

>> No.16375965

Always do the opposite of what 4chan says

>> No.16376229

Oof fucking hate doxy, that shit wrecks me. Had a few courses of it for some tick bites.

>> No.16376235

Find a better doctor.
Don't drink more than half a liter of whole milk a day or you will end up shitting literal bricks.

>> No.16376301

>blood test says low b12
>go for shot, new doctor asks if I eat meat regularly
>Canadian so meat is an expensive luxury, still eat chicken most days I have food
>ask what the b12 level is
>tell them to give me the shot

Most of what doctors do is based on minimal and subjective information; of course they are wrong all the time.

>> No.16376332

>My doctor said avoid all dairy. I said, sure thing, doc.
Is he jewish?

>> No.16376345

>english speaker
you asked for it

>> No.16376349

>these are the people calling us smoothbrains.
Life is good when your enemies are weak and stupid.

>> No.16376363

>Doctor tells you to eat/not eat X? What do?
{Citation needed}