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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16357990 No.16357990[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday was the worst dinner I have ever had. This may take 2 posts, it was THAT bad.

I generally don’t socialize with coworkers, but for some reason I did. I should have stuck to my rule about forgoing outside of work socializing. Six coworkers met at someone’s house yesterday under the pretense of ‘iris stew’. I grudgingly accepted the invitation and arrived at 2 pm (when I was told to arrive). I brought traditional soda bread that had to be baked first. The host made a bit of a stink about using the oven when he had other things in there, but I told him I wanted it fresh.

The stew was still cooking and the host was already drinking alcohol at this time. In the middle of a conversation with a member of the opposite sex, the host tells me, “Please, no talk about politics. Please not today.” I said if more people talked about politics we would be in a better country. He got very argumentative, so I just dropped it.

I was drinking apple juice that I brought over and the host kept trying to get me to have a beer. He was obviously intoxicated and starting saying how maybe I would be relaxed and ‘cooler’ if I had some alcohol. It was honestly pathetic, like peer pressure from a high school TV show.

Anyway, at that point I became withdrawn and went for a walk. I came back right before dinner and that is when the fun started. He made ‘Irish stew’ with beef, carrots, Worcestershire sauce, black pepper, hot sauce, oregano, tomato, and various ingredients. I started telling other that proper Irish stew should only contain mutton, potato, onion and water and that beef, tomato, black pepper, hot sauce, and Worcestershire sauce and other ingredients would be available then and therefore it was a modern stew, not an Irish stew.

>> No.16357996

We started eating and someone asked about what I had said about real Irish stew. The host looked so annoyed so I told him. He turned red and told me if I didn’t like it I could, in his words, “get the fuck out and take my apple juice with me”.

I was shocked and speechless. He left the room and his girlfriend (they are unmarried but live together) apologized. Eventually, people started talking more comfortably and he came back and was brooding and drinking more.

The stew was okay, but not authentic. I asked him if he knew that mutton was on sale at a local store and he flew in a tirade, bringing up any small error or faux pas I have ever committed at work. People were trying to calm him down, and I simply responded to him in a quiet and calm voice, and said that I appreciated his invitation and his take on Irish stew, but it would have been nicer if the company had been more warm.

He got up and pulled me out of the chair, stretching my sweater at the neck in the process. He was literally screaming in my face and has his fist up in a threatening manner.

It was a horrible affair, but I decided to make authentic Irish stew today because I was let down yesterday and had a hankering for it. It is simmering on the stove and I plan on bringing it to lunch on Monday, one bowl for me and some for the host. It will be a subtle form of revenge as well as a way to show him that I am a better cook and am the more mature, forgiving person.

I'm still wondering how work will be tomorrow and what stories and rumors he's going to start spreading about me.

>> No.16358002

t. fat fucking retard, just eat and say thank you or leave, fucking retard

>> No.16358006

I only needed the first sentence and a half to know I both don't care and don't like you. I can only imagine how much of a loathesome cunt you are now in the eyes of your coworkers.

>> No.16358028

This isn’t stew either it’s pasta.

>> No.16358032

you have the potential to be incredibly based, all you have to do is answer one question: What politics were you discussing and what was your stance?

>> No.16358034

OP is trying to dish out some fresh pasta

>> No.16358051

We were discussing Juneteenth and I said all blacks should go back to Africa.

>> No.16358056

Good one to bring back, OP, look at thr faggots.

>> No.16358081

I know it's stale pasta but the worshishire always gets me, since the British have been making worshishire sauce since the Romans left and took the garum with them. The official big brand one has been operating commercially since the 1600s. So the Irish would have known about worshishire.

>> No.16358102

Old pasta

>> No.16358109

do you have autism??? genuine question

>> No.16358164

I fucking love it

>> No.16358169

It was invented in the 18 hundreds you cuck

>> No.16358174

Imagine being a newfag.
I wish you were dead, kid.

>> No.16358198

k bro

>> No.16358301

>Imagine being a newfag.
The irony of someone calling someone else a newfag in the form of a twitter post is skull crushing.

>> No.16358311


>> No.16358325

people say pasta isn't literature but confederacy of dunces is literally this pasta spread over like 400 pages

>> No.16358343

All it took was the frog pic and “this might take more than one post” for me to decided I wasn’t going to read it. Scratch that, it was just the frog pic. Go back to r/pepe

>> No.16358354

why are people so proud to recognize that this has been posted before? Just move on and let the newer people see it.

>> No.16358359

Based psyco

>> No.16358391

I miss when sites used to be distinguishable before you fags took everything over.

>> No.16358627

so go to youtube then and enjoy

>> No.16358668


>> No.16358685

>go to youtube
Why bother when 4channel is already a YT comment section? See you in the hourly Ragusea thread.

>> No.16358713

in all realness, the host sounds like a complete aspie

>> No.16358718

don't know what you are talking about, but sounds jewish, so now we battle, me on my free time and you on the ADL dime

>> No.16358737


>> No.16358758
File: 791 KB, 971x785, Completely straight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't know what you are talking about
Tomorrow you'll be less new. It's up to you whether or not you'll be any smarter. IDK what you think my home security company has to do with anything.

>> No.16358768
File: 44 KB, 531x471, 1462479000759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent pasta. Thanks, I hadn't seen it in some time.

Good to see there's a ton of newfags about.

>> No.16358809

fight the kikes bro, white man stands tall