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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 664 KB, 1076x1377, Screenshot_20210625-062004_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16334629 No.16334629 [Reply] [Original]

>According to a recent bombshell report from The New York Times, the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. are staring down a massive excess of Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs, and other cookie varieties this year due to COVID-19's effects on membership numbers, as well as the need to “abandon their usual in-person selling methods.”

You did buy a few boxes of Girl Scout cookies, right?

>> No.16334635

The fuck is a girl scout cookie and why it's a scam.

>> No.16334644

Fuck. I guess Ill do my part... if I have to...
*loosens belt a couple notches*

>> No.16334647

I'm not buying their overpriced cookies sold via slave labour

>> No.16334657

girl scouts sell cookies door to door to fund their sexist pozzed to shit and back company that teaches little girls to be whores. company rakes in millions because americans are fat retards that can't stop stuffing their mouths. boy scouts sell bird boxes, something that actually has value and improves the world you live in, no one cares because lmao bird boxes. forced to let girls be boy scouts, cunts still complain.

>> No.16334679

I stopped buying them years ago when they lied about their trans fat content by using technicalities in labeling laws.
Though I have had them in years past, they changed the bakery who makes them and they suck.

>> No.16334684
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For me, it's tagalongs

>> No.16334693

The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are national organizations for children. Its a club you join to do community service and to learn stuff, primarly outdoorsy stuff.

There are traditions and guidelines, and you join local groups so they all the same across the USA.
Since its outdoorsy stuff, you go camping and horse riding and all that shit. Stuff that costs money.
So you fundraise.

Girl scouts sell cookies, boy scouts sell fucking microwave popcorn. You go door to door, sit outside of stores, sell to friends and families to fundraise your trips.
The Girl Scout cookies 20+ years ago used to be fucking god tier cookies, and have gotten more expensive and shittier every year. But its still tradition.
You are buying crappy cookies to essentially help little girls go horseback riding and camping.

Obviously the girl scouts couldnt be out peddling their crappy cookies this year.

>> No.16334715

I'll eat them if each of the girl scouts let's me have sex with them

>> No.16334743

>their usual in-person selling methods
that's called "their mom sells them for her at her office job."

>> No.16334754 [DELETED] 
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15 million girl scout cunnies, you say?

>> No.16334769

Nope letthe sexist non-inclusive organization go bankrupt

>> No.16334772

I never understood buying these premade cookies. If the scouts were baking their own cookies from scratch, sure, I'll pay a premium to fund their efforts. But the wholesomeness of supporting girls in your local community is heavily undermined when the cookies you're buying are plastered in ® symbols and look like they were made in a factory in China.

>> No.16334788


>> No.16334817

haha the girl scouts going bankrupt

>> No.16334840

On one hand I agree.
On the other hand, the girls are like 10 years old. They arent going to bake a ton of cookies and make a profit on them.
There is only so much they can do really. Anything above selling premade cookies will just be the mothers doing all the work even more.

I was in the boy scouts so maybe I just have a soft spot. But my friend was poor as fuck and I know his parents wouldnt have been able to afford any of the shit without selling popcorn.
I always think about that when I buy their cookies.

>> No.16334842

Not eating your fucking cookies

>> No.16334850

maybe they could sell pies

>> No.16334852

Fuck no. I can just go to Dollar Tree and get twelve times the cookies for the same price.

>> No.16334855

Scratch that. Five times the cookies for the same price.

>> No.16334966

Thin mints in the freezer and it's not even close

>> No.16334976

> t. buys reasonably priced cookies made by slave labour

>> No.16335002

is it really that easy to become rich in America? just employ little girls to sell your shit? who in the world is going to say no to a girl scout selling cookies.

>> No.16335047
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>who in the world is going to say no to a girl scout selling cookies

i will. the cookies are absolute shit tier the fucking elves make better cookies and their cheaper too
i swear girlscout cookies are some kind of inside joke against me i don't understand how anyone can enjoy them. i wish i got the same enjoyment everyone else seems to get over the fuckers but theyre stale, uninspired, and overpriced

>> No.16335066

meds, take them

>> No.16335075

does someone get a salary from the money they get selling these?

>> No.16335092

yeah, i do

>> No.16335097

yeah and the girls should get paid too i mean fuck the supreme court just ruled in favor of ncaa athletes who were basically working for free while the guys at the top cashed the checks it's just a scam

>> No.16335141

people who buy girl scout cookies are basically grooming

>> No.16335165
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You might know them as German League of Girls.

>> No.16335218

I'll get some trefoils, tagalongs, and thin mints for the freezer

>> No.16335255

I don't support scams

>> No.16335287


The girls don't make the cookies. They are just a marketing tool.

>> No.16335295

Fuck those mass produced and soulless cookies that use a network of sweet kids and parents as their profit margin. \
Fuck girl scouts of america

>> No.16335308

What the fuck is a toffee-tastic it looks so ass

>> No.16335621

Lemon ups looks good
We need more lemon cookies

>> No.16335636

Boy Scouts of America is now forced to accept girls into their organization because to not do so is discriminatory and sexist.

Girl Scouts of America is allowed to ban boys from their organization because allowing boys in would "deprive girls of opportunity".

It really does make you think.

>> No.16335644

And then the girl scouts complain that the boy scouts are stealing their members.

We live in a fucking clown world.

>> No.16335670

they also complained that the boy scouts were't 'diverse' enough. mother fuckers segregate half the population out then complain the other isn't open enough

>> No.16335673

Sue them.

>> No.16335683
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>> No.16335689
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>> No.16335695

If there's a surplus then I'll assume they're reducing the price substantially in order to move the product quickly. Besides, as others have said, knockoff thin mints exist at Family Dollar for a buck a box.

>> No.16335749
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Go back

>> No.16335755
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>giving future roasties the satisfaction of having successfully sold me a box of overpriced mass produced mediocre cookies
No thanks

>> No.16335853

I really hope everyone knows by now that grocery stores sell these exact cookies for like $1.50 a pack

>> No.16335858

Maybe if they weren't 5 dollars a box I would. I'll just buy the Keebler equivalents for 2 bucks.

>> No.16335862
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Why are newfags so fucking stupid? Do you know how quoting works?

>> No.16335880 [DELETED] 
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>new to the nuances of greentext culture
>calls other people "newfag"

kys my man

>> No.16335885

Based and lemon pilled

>> No.16335908

The Girl Scouts use child labor to sell cookies for profit under the pretense of female empowerment. Meanwhile the Boy Scouts opened up to girls and are taking all their workers because it turns out kids want to do fun shit and not sit in a parking lot selling cookies.

>> No.16335933

cookies improve the world you're just too autistic and gay to consider the pleasure of other humans to be a good thing

>> No.16336217

Child labor is based and should be legalized and normalized

>> No.16336266

I would never buy a girl scout cookie that wasn't actually baked by a girl scout or at least her mother. What's the fucking point of these cookies? It's just mass produced shit, and girl scouts are just cold calling sales reps. Fuck that.

>> No.16336314

Found the AECOM / Postal Service shill.

>> No.16336342

They used to be decently priced and exclusive to the Girl Scouts, but Keebler screwed the Girl Scouts over by putting Keebler branded and store branded packs in every grocery store. Doesn’t make sense to pay $5 to $6 a box when I can get fresher ones any time I want for $2.

>> No.16336346

Why would I support the girl scouts? It's a business that exploits little girls to make money off of cookies.

If I was going to waste money I'd just donate to the boy scouts, they accept girls anyways so who cares everybody wins?

>> No.16336350

Except the girl scouts is a spiteful organization that's sued the boy scouts multiple times. Why the fuck would anyone that isn't a faggot feminist support them?

>> No.16336351

i dont support femoids

>> No.16336356
File: 318 KB, 600x375, screen-shot-2020-08-27-at-10043-pm_ZTwFyCa[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fucking elves make better cookies
fucking kek

>> No.16336407

I'll only buy for a younger cousin or niece in girl scouts and they have to visit at least a few times a year. The way I see it it's like I'm doing your daughter and her troop a service, it's not asking a lot to bring her over now and then so we can catch up on life, watch cartoons, play with her dolls, whatever she wants to do for fun.

>> No.16336435
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why would I pay money for cookies when I could just spend money on good cookies instead

>> No.16336443

I never see those faggots at my door or grocery store so I wouldn't know. I imagine fucking retarded boomers think ugly mutt kids are cute.

>> No.16336568

Well, where the fuck can you buy them? These retards weren't at the grocery stores this year

>> No.16336639

it's a disgusting dry and sandy cookie

>> No.16336650

I don't eat cookies.
Fuck off fatass.

>> No.16336760

I remember buying girl scout cookies ONE time in like early 2000s here in Canada, and ever since, I've never seen them ever again going door to door to sell them.

>> No.16337020

Can we all just stop with the blaming covid for everything and just admit that girls scout cookies suck. If they were as good as people pretend they are they would have no problem selling them online or in other ways.

>> No.16337030

Why do they need to make profit?

What is "Girl Scouts" anyway? I was thinking them as a summer camp or a club, but making them sell cookies so you can make profit seems... illegal?

>> No.16337232

selling them at a loss seems like a waste of time

>> No.16337247

based schizo

>> No.16337254

I love samoas but wanna try those s'mores mofos.

>> No.16337272

Profit is money above the cost of goods/labor. The profit is used to fund their trips and the like.

>> No.16337276

>bird boxes
Building things with your hands is toxic masculinity. Shilling industrially processed shitty cookies is more diverse.

>> No.16337320

I can get 40 cookies for $2 at family dollar.

>> No.16337334

Probably made in the same factory too.

>> No.16337369
File: 151 KB, 1200x675, C901D38D-E943-4FA2-9A9F-FD06B6C19C8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get massacred like a dog in the street leftist chud

>> No.16337374

>To do community stuff, primarily outdoorsy stuff
That's not the Boy Scouts I joined in the 90s. They were just starting to get rid of things like archery, marksmanship, knot tying, topographic map reading, camping, etc. etc. because of parent lawsuits. It was, even 30 years ago, an organization on the cusp of being extra-daycare, much like schools, fully sterilized so as to be completely safe and inoffensive to everyone forever.

Except you also put in time and effort and they turn that time and effort into propaganda. Back then it was racial stuff, these days its largely LGBT stuff.

>> No.16337376

Why are they wearing african clothing? Isn't that cultural appropriation?

>> No.16337381

>Why do they need to make profit?
So they can use that profit to go on their camping trips anon
Did you think the whole fun part about the club was sitting around in a parking lot selling shitty cookies?

>> No.16337389

DNC thugs can do what they want with zero repercussions.

We citizens need to hold them accountable.

>> No.16337391
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Follow the eader, incel

>> No.16337395
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I will buy the thin mints from walmart that cost a fraction of the cost and still taste exactly the same if not better. Fuck zogbots.

>> No.16337397

Because those 12 year old girls dont know or care, they just want to go ride horses with their classmates
Why let politics ruin a good (enough) thing? You want them sitting on the computer all day instead?

>> No.16337402

It's much more useful to collect patches for diversity awareness, posting political memes on instagram, and molotov cocktail throwing.

>> No.16337426

>They were just starting to get rid of things like archery, marksmanship, knot tying, topographic map reading, camping, etc. etc. because of parent lawsuits.
This isnt true. If that happened to you, thats the failing of your local troop, not the organization as a whole.

I joined the Cub scouts in 2000, I stayed in for years and became a Life Scout.
I helped organize the yealry local boy scout camp multiple times which included all sorts of merit badge activities, including archery and marksmanship. We used 22lr rifles and compound bows.
You bought the documentation and shit directly from the boy scouts store, (yes there is an actual brick and mortar store and online store.) Its basically a Camp in the Box, so you dont have to figure it all out yourself.

I didnt hit eagle scout, but I am a member of the local private outdoor gun club. I shoot trap as a hobby.
There is a yearly shoot with boys and girl scouts, teaching them firearm safety and how to shoot skeet and trap, and then they camp on the premises. This is outside of the standard camping done at the local BS and GS camps.

You literally dont know what you are talking about.

>> No.16337430

No they weren't, I still did all those things you fagola

>> No.16337431
File: 66 KB, 382x689, 5E822FF0-61A1-4A12-A36F-F72376E6F119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, right after 6 million of your kind get slaughtered again faggot

>> No.16337434

It must be awful living your life, turning any and everything you can into some unspeakable boogeyman to be afraid of.

>> No.16337435

All most people know about scouts is the propaganda we see in the media. Depending on what day of the week it is, they're either a den of pedophiles, or they're bigots. I imagine that the activities done have a lot to do with who the local scout masters are. If it's a scout troop in the middle of some shitstain city like Seattle, their idea of camping is to probably set up in a traffic median alongside the hobos, and they learn how to toast marshmallows over an electric space heater.

>> No.16337441

Nah, I'm pretty chill. I seem to have struck a nerve though.

>> No.16337454

i had the same experience as >>16337374, joined in 96. it was however ran by women, stingiest fuckers ever for handing out badges and we basically spent most of the time doing shitty party games and tying reef knots

>> No.16337464

Its more baffling than angering anon.
Of all the organizations to politicize to push your narrative, you picked the one teaching kids how to do community service, camp, hunt, fish, carry around knives etc.
Its exact opposite of your nameless faceless boogeyman you depict

As if the same people who spend their summers cleaning up their neighborhoods, building new parks and restoring old are the same that are going to "molotov cocktail" their own communities.

>> No.16337472

I went down the cookie aisle for the first time a few years ago and discovered they sell these exact same cookies for much cheaper.
Haven't bought a Girl Scout cookies since.

>> No.16337475

I'm not pushing a narrative. I'm just telling you what ends up on the news concerning them. I don't have an opinion one way or another since I never bothered joining. The scouts were always an enigma to me because they did all this stuff and acted like it was something they should get special recognition for. It was all just stuff that I was already doing with my family and considered a normal part of growing up.

>> No.16337489

>forcing girls to work in kitchen

>> No.16337495

These girls are pretty young

>> No.16337497

> I'm just telling you what ends up on the news concerning them
You are worrying about MSM clickbait?
Why would you waste your time doing that anon?

>It was all just stuff that I was already doing with my family and considered a normal part of growing up.
It is if you have a well adjusted family.
The fact that a lot of people dont, the scouts can do good things for them. Those kids arent going to learn how to be well adjusted at home or at school afterall.

>> No.16337566

This is true? They have Keebler Samoans?

>> No.16337593
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My friend had her daughter join girl scouts and for like 3 years it turned her life into a nightmare. She was basically a slave to sell cookies for/with her daughter. Driving all over the place, getting bullied like hell by the GSA higher ups to sell more, forcing her to pickup a trunkload of cookies at a time and refusing to take any back, etc. 90% of the activities and effort the girls did was sell cookies and they did fuckall anything else.

It's such a good thing that scouts takes girls now, I hope GSA fucking collapses. Useless organization.

>> No.16337665

Those dirty little whores will have to suck my dick if they want me to buy their overpriced cookies.

>> No.16337670


>> No.16337691

I thought that Boymolester Scouts taking girls was another modern devolution, but those girls are better off anywhere but under GSA.

>> No.16337701
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Ach, ja, die Hitlerjugend und Hitlermädchen. Ich habe sie gern.

>> No.16338320

They don't make the cookies they just sell them. They say it's about learning marketing and building business skills. I say it's pimping lolis to horny men at a gas station or worse having their moms who also do some MLM scam at the office for them while you have a bakery full of Asian immigrants making the product.

>> No.16338597

do americans really

>> No.16338608

>Do Americans really?
Whenever you ask this question, no matter what it is in relation to, the answer is always "Yes". Why? Because we're fucking Americans, and we do whatever we want. Make the most delicious cookies? Force children to sell them for our convenience? Go to the Moon? Win every world war? Have the only culture worth talking about in the entire world?

You're god damn right we really do. Because we're American, and you aren't. And that just pisses you off.

>> No.16338618

I'll take lemon ups, thin mints, samosas, Tagalongs.. fuck it just give me them all

>> No.16338627


>> No.16338636
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>> No.16338726

I refuse to support an organization that tells young women to be whores. You're paying 2x the price for the same made in china keebler shit.

>> No.16338735

there is a substitute for samoans and thin mints, but nobody makes a tagalongs substitute

>> No.16338736

I'd rather they be doing anything other than being a prop for entertaining bored feminists Karen mothers

>> No.16338759

The thin mints are yummy though

>> No.16338780

Why would I listen to anything published by a news outlet owned by Jeff Bezos?

>> No.16338794

Can I rub your belly when you’re finished? Haha. Just wondering.

>> No.16338838

girl scout cookies are a scam
you could buy these same types of cookies under a different brand name for half the price or even less

>> No.16339675

Girl scout cookies taste artificial and gross. No thanks.

>> No.16339684

Wait they're back to calling them Samoas now? I thought that they cancelled that name and changed them to caramel delights or some shit because they decided that Samoas is racist or something

>> No.16339690
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>live in Canada
>we only have chocolate and vanilla girl scout cookies

>> No.16339868

Wow. I have been calling them TAGALOGS, like the fucking language my entire life. I had to double check and make sure you didn't just call them the wrong thing. Jesus fuck I'm retarded.

>> No.16339877 [DELETED] 

Teaching young women and girls honesty, integrity and life skills?

Fucking white supremacist terror group. Ban the guides. Now if you'll excuse me I must get back to my matzo ball soup before it gets cold.

>> No.16339883

Lemon-ups for me. There is just something about them that is oh so good.

>> No.16339909
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hahah fuckin hell. it happens anon what can ya do

just think of all the people throughout your life who thought you were a fucking tard