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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16331737 No.16331737 [Reply] [Original]

>employee recognizes me and asked if I want the usual

>> No.16331747

God forbid someone actually gives a shit about you

>> No.16331801
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>this thread again
>support group for shy, awkward spergs and posts from those who bully them

>> No.16331973

>the rootless cosmopolitan cringes in horror when xhe is recognized in their faceless megacity

>> No.16332000
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>"yeah, but make it double because i have a date."

>> No.16332027

i frequented this one fantastic donut shop near my university almost every day after classes to pick up two or three donuts, and eventually the cute girl working behind the counter of this donut shop recognized me as a frequent customer and tried to make conversation with me more than you’d expect from a typical employee-customer interaction. like she really seemed to want to get to know me. but i just wanted my donuts and i was too much of a pussy to talk to her much so i never asked for her number or anything. but god she was cute.
and considering the kind of ugly fatasses that she must see every day working in a donut shop, she was probably greatly impressed that a regular customer like me was not in fact a lard ass.

>> No.16332045

yet your loser ass is posting here and going to do nothing with this girl.

>> No.16332069
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>tfw make sure to get chopsticks for two when I order sushi because of my gargantuan portions

>> No.16332073

One of those lardasses probably fucked her while you seethe about chili with beans or some shit on an anime cooking board.

>> No.16332084

Did you want the usual tho?

>> No.16332090

Lol wtf i just think it was a funny situation for me. it’s not like i care that much about a random cutie.

i dont seethe about beans or chili, where the hell is this coming from? kek. and she wasnt the kind of girl who’d fuck a lardass. though she did seem pretty small and rapeable so there’s that.

>> No.16332120

wouldn’t this line only work for takeout/delivery because if you’re dining in it’s only a matter of time before the employees notice your supposed date never arrives.

or you could be a true chad and bring a blow up doll or anime girl body pillow with you as your date.

>> No.16332127

>and she wasnt the kind of girl who’d fuck a lardass
You don't even know her lol

>> No.16332134

you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take

>> No.16332147

Sperger goes to same place every day and probably eat the same food, day in, day out.

>> No.16332157
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>Employees have started recognizing me on my every other day "handle of vodka and two 18 packs of beer" run

>> No.16332159

The ol' sign to find another store

>> No.16332161

Keep going there. If you're cool with the clerks they might even start giving you free shit.

>> No.16332170

well sure i wasnt friends with her but like you don’t have to be friends with someone to get a read on them or get a vague idea of the type of person they are. unless if you’re an autist that can’t read people or something. sounds like you are just imagining this fantasy idea of how someone and you dont even know what she looks like while i met and small-talked to her numerous times but here you are saying you know what she’s like better than i do?

and i still have no idea what your antagonistic reaction to my faggot blogpost was all about lol. like really why did that make you so angry?

>> No.16332175

You have autism dude seriously.

>> No.16332180

Being that one behind the counter: Nice to see a familar face, if you behave nice you get extra attention. Tip if you want , we just want some comfy atmospherre.

>> No.16332183

Why the fuck would you ever dine in, anywhere?

>> No.16332188

too true. but again i was more interested in the donuts than her. the donuts were so fucking good man.

>> No.16332195

that question alone is worthy of it’s own thread. fuck dining

>> No.16332204
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>walk into beer store
>"hayyyyyyyyyyy, we saw you shopping the other day! And I said to my kids omggggggggggg, that's the guy who's at my beer store all the time!!!!"

>> No.16332208

That clerk sounds like an asshole.

>> No.16332211

kek based. I've saved so much money since I stopped doing that last year. That + not going to movie theaters.

>> No.16332213

She's just some clueless, overly bubbly middle aged broad. Fat, too- which makes it worse somehow.

>> No.16332217

I used to work at a liquor store and I'd never say some shit like that to a regular. That comes off as passive aggressive as fuck.

>> No.16332220

if i am an autist then this autist right here just owned another autist who tried to start shit for no reason

>> No.16332224

You didn't own anyone. You're projecting a bunch of ridiculous, autistic shit onto me like a retard because I poked fun at you a bit.

>> No.16332237

think you might be overreacting? calm down bro

>> No.16332240

Some of our regulars noticed that I'm really bad at small talk, so they somehow learned to come in, order, finish their meal and pay without even saying anything. We mostly just nod and smile to each other. Moments like this keep me in this business.

>> No.16332246

You're an overly sensitive bitch.

>> No.16332248
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good for you OP there is nothing better in life.

>> No.16332307
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>buy booze and cigs daily at same store
>clerk (older sikh guy) always asks me about my niece
>one day he ends up explaining how he got a chick horny enough to take her virginity
>"She said we shouldnt have sex before marriage but I was just twisting her nipples bro"
>"she was so fucking wet"
>"we fucked all that night and morning"
>now we just talk about my niece

>> No.16332319

Sikh are pretty based.

>> No.16332328

You should buy some weed off of him. I don't know what it is about Sikhs but every single one that I've ever known is a huge pothead.

>> No.16332424

Keep simping, your fat ass might have a chance bro

>> No.16332439
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>order online from a place for delivery probably once a month
>Never been to the place in person
>get the same thing every time
>decide to go in for lunch because I took time off work
>Order what I normally get online
>After I finish eating
>Waitress says "Taste better here than delivery right."

>> No.16332446

>or you could be a true chad and bring a blow up doll or anime girl body pillow with you as your date.
No. Just answer
"i am dating the most beautiful person in existance. Myself!"
when asked why you are still alone at the table and had two orders.
Works better when you are ugly af though.

>> No.16332448

Nice projection. I'm neither of those things. The faggot obsessing about some random clerk bitch that you're defending is probably one, though.

>> No.16332922

Yeah one time I had to go to St. Louis for work and foregoed the usual gas station coffee for a local shop and the barista was really cute and I asked her if she'd be into me moving to Missouri and maybe I could move in with her at her place and the coffee was good but she didn't talk to me after that so maybe you dodged a bullet.

>> No.16333001

Some people are fucking idiots and can't relate to even basic things other people are going through. If someone is going through what most would consider a shameful amount of booze every 3 days, then they probably don't want to have you bring up the amount of booze and they don't want you telling your family about them.

Imagine if you were a heroin addict and your drug dealer was like "hey bro, weren't you just here yesterday? My kid's starting to think you're his uncle. Just kidding, here's the heroin" They know they shouldn't be drinking or doing that amount, but you telling them you've noticed doesn't help, and if it's a liquor store you can easily go to a place run by surly foreigners practically everywhere in America where you don't have to put up with stupid bullshit

>> No.16333147

>never show up ever again

>> No.16333166
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Imagine this but when buying alcohol even though the cashier is the one you hardly see
>me face

>> No.16333178

Addicts get no sympathy. I make sure they feel bad. Fuck you.

>> No.16333204

based sikh bro

>> No.16333224

From the other side
>working in sandwich shop
>ask for person’s name for each order
>guy has come in at least 10 times and is starting to act chummy
>I still can’t remember his name

Eventually got it down but it was starting to get stressful.

>> No.16333363


>> No.16333397
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>customer comes in and recognizes me
>says he wants the usual
Nigga why the fuck would I remember what you want do you know how many people come in here every day?

>> No.16333469
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>dad is too lazy to get out of the house and has me go pick us up breakfast burritos under his name and credit card
>repeat once a week for a year
>get job, move out, and shit
>sometimes still visit the burrito place
>they still think my name is Clark and it's been so long that I just always pay with cash and greet them back
>fucking new hires even call me Clark
>ran into one of them in a sporting goods store
>"hey CLARK how's it going?"
oh fuck me, there's no fix to this one.

>> No.16333503

I used to buy shit ton of junk food every day (I don't anymore) but at some point one of the cashiers would ask me why I didn't get the energy drink with my purchase. I then started alternating between stores to avoid being too frequent. Nowadays I just cut down on the food though, lost 11 kilo.

>> No.16333534
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This but unironically

>> No.16333600

Does that mean she wants the d(ick)?

>> No.16333603

>I used to buy shit ton of junk food every day (I don't anymore)
>(I don't anymore)

It's an anonymous imageboard anon you don't have to lie lol

>> No.16333616
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>Making fun of people for having a disease

>> No.16333622
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>be regular
>employees hook you up with extra free shit

>> No.16333743

>make 4-5 detours a week to McDonald's
>all of the different shifts start to recognize me
>start splitting up my visits to other McD's further away to keep my anonymity
I really enjoy that I can wear a mask in the drive thru thanks do Covid now. Makes it less awkward for everyone involved.

>> No.16333759

leave Missouri out of this

>> No.16333884

Clerks are supposed to ring up customers and make some small talk. Proudly announcing that you gossip about a random customer to your children is rather shitty. No one would do that if they weren't intending to fuck with you in some way.

>> No.16333971

>A disease you could cure by just doing nothing.
neck yourself

>> No.16333998

first day?

>> No.16334005

tip her
get more of the usual for your buck next time

>> No.16334019

>hand money
Stop being a freak

>> No.16334024

This used to bother me, but I found if you always say no with a confused look on your face they stop asking after the first few times.

>> No.16334025


>> No.16334032

Holy fucking shitballs this is FUCKING EPIC LOLOL upvoted!!!

>> No.16334130

>Go to Papa Murphys a lot
>They don't ask for my name anymore

>> No.16334170

Always hated dining and going to movies. Can't stand to be around people. They're all so fucking creepy.

>> No.16334182
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I make fun of poor people like you.

>> No.16334193

>yes, please make sure to soak it in extra wagie despair this time

>> No.16334199

holy fuck I thought I was the only one

>> No.16334208

I have done this so many times after a place recognized me once or something, maybe I really am a sperg wtf

>> No.16334349

Yeah, small talk is acceptable, announcing you tell your family every time that person shows up isn't, especially in a place like a booze shop

>> No.16334376

Based autisté

>> No.16334381

I worked retail back in the day so I always try to be really nice and tolerant with store workers. I know their lives are already shitty.
That said, I would have tried to get that bitch fired. Holy shit.
Not only is she being a rude cunt, she's also being unprofessional. Might even say incompetent.

>> No.16335053
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>another autist goes to the store thread

>> No.16335059
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>> No.16335107

Being a regular is the best.
I was a regular at this tiny Indian place. They would refill the water glasses manually, but when they saw how much I drank it got to the point that I'd walk through the door, and as we greeted each other I could hear them filling up a pitcher just for me. I didn't have to order, just confirm the usual. Service was excellent they were always happy to see me.
And when my family came to visit they gave us dessert on the house.
I miss it.

>> No.16335205

hearty chuckle