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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16320651 No.16320651 [Reply] [Original]

is there any more based gang than the wang gang?

>> No.16320692

all rook rike to me

>> No.16320754

how about the crips on my corner? they don't bother me on the internet you fucking idiot

>> No.16321168

That video from last week of them spaying pigs was brutal.

>> No.16321181

someone please tell funny joke of bamboo rat

>> No.16321187

wang gang is pretty based. i kinda want to buy a professional wok stovetop but i dont really have anywhere to put it

>> No.16321234

Isn't YouTube banned in China? Why don't the people who run these huge channels get in shit with the government? Or are they all CCP shill channels to make China look good?

>> No.16321305
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>> No.16321341

I like watching his videos. Not that I'll ever be able to replictae them.

>> No.16321349

his homestyle recipes are doable if you have the ingredients.

>> No.16321358

>Or are they all CCP shill channels to make China look good?
Pretty much. You can't run a youtube channel that big without a green light from the CCP. This guy is totally wholesome and spreading chinese culture

>> No.16321368
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gang weed

>> No.16321437

If a bamboo rat become unhappy, it will be eaten (lol)

>> No.16321458

broad oil, hahaha

>> No.16321469

I was watching all his videos in descending order of views once and one of the subtitles said "add a shitton of oil"
It caught me off guard and never happened again, was so funny

>> No.16321503

Kuan you (lit. broad oil)
Although bamboo rat is cute, it is also delicious (another funny joke on bamboo rat)

>> No.16321565

Except he's not
This guy unironically wants the CCP dead

>> No.16321670

>This guy unironically wants the CCP dead
How the fuck can you draw that conclusion from that article? You made it up yourself

"Chef Wang, who has shown no indication that he was aware of any of this, was accused of using his video as “malicious political innuendo”"

If he would post subversive content on purpose, he'd get shut down real quick.

>> No.16321741

i've seen so much wang gang videos and he's never even said anything political on his show.
it's just that chinese nationalists are fragile as fuck and see controversy in everyhting

>> No.16321755

>How the fuck can you draw that conclusion from that article?
He literally straight up disrespected the CCP and China
It's pretty obvious from his behaviour

>> No.16321774

he was likely not even aware of mao jrs death by fried rice. the guy started working in a restaurant at 15 and clearly hasn't had much formal education. Not trying to rip on him but it's fairly obvious

>> No.16321851

>Chinese person doesn't know about Mao
sure dude, makes total sense
either he's the most culturally insenstive retard ever or he wants the CCP dead
to me, the latter sounds more likely but whatever floats your boat

>> No.16321858

>chinese person that didnt go to school for a long time didnt know an arcane factoid about the killing of mao's son
that honestly doesnt sound all that inplausible

>> No.16321883

just take your fucking meds good god

>> No.16321933

>b-but you can't expect these poor chinamen to know their own country
ask me how I know you're racist white liberals

>> No.16321960

why are you so invested in trying to paint wang gang as an anti CCP youtuber? In the article it literally says that the death of mao jr isnt a well known thing

>> No.16321972

and yet most Chinese people know this. Curious isn't it?

>> No.16321987

you have anything to back up that statement?

>> No.16322735

How much do you know about US presidents?

>> No.16322750

I think his skills are very good and as an american it is interesting seeing how different chinese cooking is especially with most of it done in a big wok. Many of the ingredients he uses seem to be very high quality as well.
My favorite is when he cooks for his uncle. Nice people and a beautiful rural location.

>> No.16324479

hilarious anti china propaganda coming from the american

>> No.16324713

His uncle is based

>> No.16324763

i'm not even american, i'm from europe

>> No.16324766

the vids with his uncle are wholesome as fuck.

>> No.16324801

Based wang gang fuck gao kao

>> No.16324808

His uncle looks like the frog kung fu master from kungfu hustle

>> No.16324903

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.16324908
File: 1.72 MB, 426x240, Sichuan Braised Chinese Bamboo Rat (Rhizomys).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16324911

>let me explain to you this culture on the other side of the world from a country I've never been to

>> No.16324916

i concur tried one earlier bretty gud

>> No.16324920

like you're doing?

>> No.16325150

based af, dude just makes cooking videos

>> No.16325511

He's pretty good. Sichuanese food is the best. Green Sichuan peppercorn in everything. Chilli in everything. Great. He even makes his own hot pot soup base - very good. It's also greathow he doesnt pull any punches. It's all like: this is how we neuter a pig; this is how we kill a fish. No bullshit. Based and epic.

>> No.16326575

his videos are unwatchable since youtube deleted all user generated subtitles. now it is all the auto generated gibberish

>> No.16326714

Doesn't posting stale copypasta get old? I mean, do you giggle yourself to tears every time you do it? It seems like such a waste. Why not do something original, or have you no personality of your own?

>> No.16326777

The english subtitles make perfect sense bruv. Most, but not all vids got them.

>> No.16326780

Best Chinese cooking tuber
>virgin Li Ziqi
>needs Sponsoring from the CCP
>meek vegetarian dishes
>grandparents are decrepit zombies
>needs overly intrusive editing

>Chad Wang Gang
>forges his own destiny
>laughs at the death of Mao's hell spawn
>entire Eco systems perish in his Wok every fucking day
>Uncle is a Kung-Fu master
>Videos are nothing but pure cooking information and footage
Pretty based all in all.

>> No.16327261

4 basao

>> No.16327897

u DONT talk about my wife like that

>> No.16328632

anyone with half a brain cell could immediately tell the heavily curated videos of Li Ziqi, shit's rancid
Wang Gang, while definitely edited and supervised by officials, feels much more natural and down-to-earth
if you're truly interested in cooking, Wang is your Gang

>> No.16329357

I want to fuck his apprentice!

>> No.16329500
File: 34 KB, 540x540, Kaneko Kimagure Cook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called?
>Buys and prepares rare fish
>Shares with his neighbors and cat
>"This may seem cruel, but it's delicious."
>Will willingly eat diseased fish because he's retarded
>Doesn't afraid of anything except corn starch

>> No.16329605

>>Doesn't afraid of anything except corn starch

>> No.16329814

kys trannie

>> No.16329817

the girl r-right?

>> No.16330142
File: 2.36 MB, 1920x1080, 元気過ぎて台所をかけまわるマダコをしめて。ぶったぎりにしてワサビで漬け込む料理。-[01.18.100-01.21.933].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw food bites back