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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 120 KB, 294x299, dum gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16314698 No.16314698 [Reply] [Original]

tell us awful stuff you used to eat as a kid, or ate/were offered recently

when i had nothing in the house i used to microwave a slice of cheese on a plate and just... eat it... with a spoon....

>> No.16314733

Flake was my favorite food

>> No.16314773
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>guests brought over pizza the other day
>bite into it, its corn and pastrami on some puff pastry dough
>kinda odd but ok... whats the weird sauce tho?

>> No.16314798

>make a quesadilla on the microwave
>keep microwaving it until it the cheese turned brown
They turned very hard but I really liked that burnt cheese flavor.

>> No.16314801

when we were kids and didn't have much, me and my brother used to often make icing sandwiches for dinner, which was just icing sugar mixed with lemon juice, on bread. We got the idea from watching food shows and we'd steal the lemons from a neighbors tree and pretend it was an amazing fancy cake to feel better about it. I knew it was shitty but he was younger. He OD a couple years ago and sometimes i take an icing sandwich out to his grave and leave half there.

>> No.16314804

A brazillian pizza? lmao

>> No.16314806
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mum made godawful beef stronganoff. it was fucking grey, I hate mushrooms. The only vaguely acceptable thing was that I could scrape the sauce off and eat the meat on it's own with the rice that was untouched by the sauce.
I also can't stand spaghetti bolognaise, it made me sick just smelling it.

>> No.16314812
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is that what goes on in brazil? dear god

>> No.16314821

I am sorry to hear that anon, hope he's in a better place now

>> No.16314840

When I was drunk I'd want some form of melted cheese and bread combo but only had parmesan. So I would grate a shit load of it and melt it in a hot non stick pan then scoop it onto bread.

>> No.16314848

lemon and icing sugar sounds good
growing up with depressed neglegent parents who didnt even feed themselves me and my brother ate some pretty sad shit, we got sent to a state home after getting caught eating donuts out of the trash by the football fields at shchool
another time we found an old pizza in the neighbor's trash and my mom caught us with it and made us return it and apologise to the neighbor for stealing their trash. i don't know what autism made my mom think this was a good look

>> No.16314855

>tastes ok when you don't know what the sauce is
>act disgusted when you find out what you already ate


>> No.16314857

I put mayo based sauces on pizza but I can relate to the feeling.

>> No.16315302
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Someone convinced me that plain cream cheese on bread was a normal thing to eat, so I ate a lot of that for a couple years. Or cream cheese on saltine crackers.

Also drink powders. I don't remember the specifics, I just remember something like pic related being mixed together with other ingredients by my siblings. I sometimes ate spoonfuls. Little wonder I have a sugar addiction.

>> No.16315395

Plain cream cheese on bread is a normal thing to eat.

>> No.16315584

>Someone convinced me that plain cream cheese on bread was a normal thing to eat, so I ate a lot of that for a couple years. Or cream cheese on saltine crackers.
It is

>> No.16315605

I wish my brother would OD already, the worthless shithead.

>> No.16315609


>> No.16315618

Your brother OD’d on shitty icing sandwiches and you desecrate his grave with more!? That’s stone cold

>> No.16315635

Not sure if it counts, but as a kid my mom bought instant cake mixes sometimes but never icing to go with it.
So sometimes I'd save some of the batter (before putting in egg) to use as "icing".

>> No.16315646
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eating plain rice with chickenstock and olive oil cause of hikimode and afraid to leave the house

>> No.16315734

>made us return it and apologise to the neighbor for stealing their trash.
fucking hell
everything else aside do people care if someone 'steals their trash'?
i get that normally theyre upset because its some diseased racoons or diseased hobos making an absolute mess and flipping everything in the bin over, but surely its never been about LOSING THE TRASH right?

>> No.16315737

Bless you. Life finds a way.

>> No.16315738

never said it was ok buddy
but even if it was, mayo is poison. it may taste ok but its literally one of THE worst foods. i may not be able to tell a good margarine apart either but i still wouldn't eat it

>> No.16315743

Nice pasta. Icing sugar and lemon juice is fuckin nice on fresh strawberries with some cream.

>> No.16315748

thats something innit
arent those mixes always really weird and sour/bitter tho before cooking due to some ingredients

>> No.16315759

woke up at midnight p hungee right now what kinda garbage should i eat lads
im considering microwaving some chocolate and marshmallow on a cracker

>> No.16315803


why though? because of the vegetable oil?

cause every other ingredient is pretty healthy
and you can get mayonnaise with olive oil.

>> No.16315819

Because it isn't plant based

>> No.16315820

1. mainly that yes.
2. the flavor also unironically sucks so i aint buying shit, which means the only time i eat it is when i get it from weird people who eat it on pizza and most definitely used the cheapest most dogshit varieties

>> No.16315826

no im not a vegan fag

>> No.16315833

I got served a bowl of goat head soup once. First impression was that it was suspiciously spicy, like you're trying to cover something up, and that the soup had a thick gelatinous consistency. Then I started finding the "meat", and it was like looking at one of those stroke simulation images, where things look vaguely familiar but ultimately unrecognizable, coiled tubes filled with mush, bits of tissue with the texture of a shag carpet but consistency of cooked blood, etc. I knew I was looking at animal parts, but I couldn't tell which parts or which animal.

>> No.16315844

they cooked the fur? no way that sounds like a whole lotta fuck
who served you that?

>> No.16315906
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I think you have a bad case of the autism fren

>> No.16315983

what's your point

>> No.16316199

>mayo is poison. it may taste ok but its literally one of THE worst foods
Wtf are you talking about? Yeah it's high in fats but its not poison you moron

>> No.16316202

It's not plant based

>> No.16316210

>another time we found an old pizza in the neighbor's trash and my mom caught us with it and made us return it and apologise to the neighbor for stealing their trash. i don't know what autism made my mom think this was a good look
lmao that's horrible
not only do you not feed your children properly, you won't even let them go freegan

>> No.16316220

just make it from a different oil then if you're so unreasonably afraid of normal oil

>> No.16316422

based shark poster

>> No.16316447

>they cooked the fur?
It wasn't fur, the shag carpet looking thing was almost as mushy as cooked blood, it just kind of had the shape of a piece of carpet. It was probably a piece of brain or something.
>who served you that?
Jamaicans. I was at my buddies parents place, his dad offered us some, buddy said "fuck no", I made the mistake of giving it a try.

>> No.16316695
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idk why youre all so focused in the oil aspect and not on me literally telling yall i hate that shit

>> No.16316703

>the flavor also unironically sucks
You just said that you liked the flavour of the pizza until you found out it had mayo. Not enough corn syrup for you, yank?

>> No.16316752

I used to eat cheez whiz and strawberry jam sandwiches as a kid. My mother came up with the idea, but I can't remember how.

>> No.16316778
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not sure if this is pasta or if you are just the icing od guy

>> No.16318122

Not really, the country has a huge Italian population and makes some pretty decent pizza, the meme started out from a pizza place that did shit like put an entire roasted chicken on top of the thing for social media.
Japan has some whacky shit though. I lived there for three years back in 2015 and they love to "localize" shit.
It's pretty tasty either way so I don't mind.

>> No.16318146

One time when i was young i ate this mini octopus or squid idk the difference and it still had its teeth so imagine just eating a bunch of miniature teeth with a soft exterior

>> No.16318679


>> No.16318682

ok to clarify when i said "kinda odd but ok" i was talking about the topings, and how im 'ok' in accepting them, not that the pozza tastes ok and def not good

>> No.16318703 [DELETED] 

Oh I've got a story for you little poppits. I ate a sausage that I knew fully well had been used for pleasure by my younger sister. Got extremely violent diarrhoea.

>> No.16318727

Sometimes, for whatever reason, the only food we'd have in the house would be literally a couple of hot dog buns, and some cheap shitty vanilla frosting, so I'd slab a couple of globs of that frosting in the hot dog bun, and pretend it was a Twinkie.

>> No.16318733

My mom used to make something she called "tunabutter". It was a spread of tuna, peanut butter and mayonnaise. Horrible.

>> No.16318965

It sounds disgusting but also very nutritionally dense

>> No.16319376

plain cream cheese is a very normal thing kek

>> No.16319380

you said you didnt mind the taste in the original post you autist

>> No.16319386

I sat under the kitchen table and ate sticks of butter

>> No.16320874

In primary school I would eat cafeteria pizza with pickle slices.

>> No.16320889
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gura cute

>> No.16320949

I used to scratch my dandruff off onto food and eat it

>> No.16321006
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1. Senchou
2. Shark
3. Elite

>> No.16321105

>had friend growing up who would only eat plain white bread
>went to his house for dinner once
>cold cut ham that was already starting to go bad and turn sour and a few pineapple chunks on a plate and microwaved
>choke it down to be polite
>understood why he was such a picky eater

>> No.16321328
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>go to neighbors house
>hes making enchiladas
>house smells like shit
>like literal feces
>chicken he used was WAY out of date
>tell him i was allergic to one of of the ingredients
>gtfo the fuck out of there

>> No.16321360

>had a friend over in high school
>played games
>in the morning, i cut us of a large chuck of cheese each
>he didn't think this was very good and still tells the story

>> No.16321374

Who convinced you it isn't?

>> No.16321710

when i was younger i used to put peanut butter in a bowl with a shit ton of sugar and microwave it till it was gooey, it tasted like really sugary PB fudge

i also used to put maple syrup in milk and drink it and that shit was fuckin incredible

>> No.16322302

Spinach is similar to anal sex. If you were forced to have it as a kid, you probably won't like it as an adult. I used to eat grapes and milk. Kinda like cereal but grapes

>> No.16322420

pls don't bully shark

>> No.16322432

You need to be bullied

>> No.16322493

i remember grabbing a slice of bread and i thought it was delicious eating it alone. those were the good days.

>> No.16322554

I would put together two pieces of bread like a sandwich but put just a bit of salt in between

>> No.16322570

This is a big reason I'm a vegan. I eat a lot of lentils. The company I buy from tells you which field your lentils come from, and which staff member packed your lentils. They're grown in the state I live in.

Compare that to most meats. Where the fuck did the meat in your fish sticks come from? Where the fuck did the meat in your sandwich come from? Where the fuck did your shrimp come from? You'll never know. And in this case it's not even what you think it is. Many such cases.

>> No.16322601

I'm a dicksucking trans faggot too, if that matters.

>> No.16322602
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I just tried using my toaster oven to make some brownies. I don't have an oven right now, so I had to use what I had. The problem was, I used an 8x8 pan since I thought it would be small enough. Turns out, when I put it in it would spin for a minute, then start hitting the edges. It would then get stuck, causing it to cook unevenly. Fucking pissed me off, I had to sit there for 30 minutes while it cooked so I could open the door and correct the spin while it cooked. I haven't been that mad in a while.

>> No.16322630

I know exactly where it all comes from because my superior carnivore brain thought to just buy from local farms instead of become a whiny gay vegan

>> No.16322667

I want to eat the shark

>> No.16322672
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This and other microwave foods like it were a big majority of my childhood since I lived with my mom and she couldn't/ didn't want to learn how to cook. Not to mention fast food, chef boyardee etc. Pretty much all processed food. Pic related, just slap it on a plate with a piece or two of white bread, maybe those microwaved mashed potatoes.

At least when I got to high school years I could drive myself to go get things like salads at Chipotle or whatever was around that had some semblance of a fresh vegetable or at the very least wasn't some disgusting fast food. Haven't had to eat fast food/frozen meals in like a decade. The closest thing i have in the house right now to a precooked and/or processed food is some bbq chips.

>> No.16322686

have any health issues?

>> No.16322722

Omnivores are the superior ones

>> No.16322772

I have some food intolerances and stomach issues / some IBS, but you can't definitively say those are direct results of a terrible childhood diet, but with the studies they've done on gut flora and all that in different people and diets and stuff I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't play a part in it.

No major diagnosed health issues though, not yet anyway, just waiting for that cancer from all the hot takeout I ate out of Styrofoam and questionable microwaved plastics to pop up though.

>> No.16322791

Don't think about cancer. Worrying about getting cancer gives you cancer

>> No.16322820

Campbell's bean with bacon soup straight out of the can. Other times I would make the soup and put in a heaping spoonful of seasoned salt.

>> No.16322828

>drank fountain water at disneyworld
>had a terrible stomach ache not soon after followed by a long shit
It was around 16 years ago, though. Also,
>decided to try some tostitos spinach dip
>got wet farts
>for the next week i would get too scared to fart so i would frequently go to the bathroom
>decided to order pad thai at this asian place
>it smelled literally like shit
>nothing about it was tasty at all
>for the first time in my life i refused the order
>waitress acted like it wasn't the first time someone was disgusted with the pad thai
>offers me egg rolls and fried rice instead free of charge
>tip her well on the way out

>> No.16322856

They’re saying the food was spoiled

>> No.16322864

I just ate six lemons.

>> No.16322966

squids and octopuses have beaks iirc, it was probably sand particles that were stuck to the suckers, which whoever served you clearly didnt clean out

>> No.16323028

I used to put cream cheese on a ritz and top it with leftover pasta/pizza sauce. P good, desu

>> No.16323191

Honestly doesn't sound bad, cream cheese and tomato is a winner. When i was a kid we used to melt cream cheese, mix it with salsa, and eat it with fritos scoops. I remember it being fantastic but I haven't had it in ages.

>> No.16323208

Is the other reason because you're an annoying nigger?

>> No.16323211
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picked herring in wine sauce, on toast with a slice of kraft cheese. Legit my favorite after school snack.

>> No.16323220

My mom used to mix ramen noodles, cheese dip, and doritos in this cheesy pasta mix. Tasted good, until you realized how fucking horrible it was for you. I found out 20 years later, that it was invented by inmates in prison and they used to make it in trash bags.

>> No.16323228

My mom would serve two piece if bread and call it a wish sandwich and tell my sister and I that if we had at that while making a wish there was a chance it could come true. The kids at school would tell me it was a wish sandwich because I wish I had something between the bread. I always felt so embarrased and ashamed when I was a kid and they made fun of me. Now that I am an adult I can understand my mom tried her hardest and we couldn't afford anything else.

>> No.16323247

maw maw was a fuckin hood rat

>> No.16323249

The ocean dummy

>> No.16323254

Your sentence structure is as bad as that pizza, now fuck off.

>> No.16323266

I drink maple syrup in milk. It's bomb.

>> No.16323285
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>> No.16323337


>> No.16323503

literal EOP taste

>> No.16323508

Every time I've tried pad thai it always smelld like literal shit. I have no idea why.

>> No.16323573

The meat I buy states the farm or at least the region it was raised in. The fish states which ocean it was caught in. All I know about my lentils is what nation it was grown in.

>> No.16323864


>> No.16324047

Go eat some belladonna

>> No.16324212

>anime poster
>picky and autistic about food
Checks out

>> No.16324224

I eat sweet condensed milk straight out of the can with a spoon
Sometimes I even dip a banana into it

>> No.16324227

Don't post anime here.

>> No.16324239
File: 25 KB, 450x600, nestle-relanca-moca-mini-1616500792317_v2_450x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Brazil they sell sweetened condensed milk in a mini-pouch of 65 grams (2 ounces) and it's targeted to children.

It used to come in a mini-can and be called "Mocinha" (young lady), but they've changed the name due to obvious reasons.

>> No.16324243

Not anime, moron.

>> No.16324292

True, v-tubers are even worse than anime fags

>> No.16324355

Kill yourself, election tourist.

>> No.16325217

Grew up poor so pasta was like 90% of my diet.
One of my favorite kinds was penne mixed with tomato puree (not sauce just straight processed tomatoes from a tube) with cheese grated on the top.
Tasted nice what can I say.

>> No.16325276

Came here for Chanology. You were too busy being born to know about 4chan at the time. Animefags are as bad as furfags.

>> No.16325318

Holy shit you're double retarded. Go eat some plant-based shit and tell us how superior you are you fucking clown. Like, if you wanna be vegan whatever, but don't be a braindead rube about it.

>> No.16325329

>taking plant-based bait

>> No.16325387

>meat can go bad
>aNd ThAt'S wHy I'm VeGaN
I swear going vegan gives people brain damage, i'll make sure to remember this thread the next time my gf tries pushing that shit on me

>> No.16325422

>tfw not a single blood relative of mine has died of cancer
I’m extremely not worried, I’ll probably live forever

>> No.16325517
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Fucking KEK

>> No.16325593

I used to put apple cider vinegar on everything when I was a kid. It started because I didn’t like most salad dressings, until my dad showed me olive oil and vinegar.
I liked to put it on all types of meat, as well as white rice. Something about acidity balancing fatty/starchy flavors tastes really good to me, I guess. I still eat white rice with a splash of apple cider vinegar, but I no longer put it on literally everything.
It probably fucked up my stomach lining, but here we are.

>> No.16325978

Lemnigger lemnigger its a fucking lemnigger

>> No.16325992

>2027 - 6
>thinking vegan cultists are distinguishable from vegan cultist satire

>> No.16326350

No you didn't.

>> No.16326525

Made it a number of times. That smell is from the tamarind paste and fish sauce. Helluva concoction.

>> No.16326533 [DELETED] 
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I wanna eat her chum

>> No.16326649

When my dad used to take us crappie fishing, I would always sneak minnows out of the minnow bucket for a snack. He caught me one time and washed my mouth out with soap so I quit doing it.

>> No.16326789

Similar to Vietnam, just with a different brand, our brand has a lardass on it so it stays.
Condensed milk on toasted cheap bread is still my go to

>> No.16326820

I dipped bananas in BBQ sauce before.
and then eggs in the microwave with a slice of american cheese, not even the good kraft brand but the shitty stuff thats like plastic.

>> No.16327100
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once i went to stay with my cousin who was squatting at a local college campus (had broken into vacant student housing and was living there) on the lakefront. all of the food we ate was fished out of the trash or the lake. once we were drinking on the basketball courts and an eagle dropped a big fish in the middle of it. we took it back to the apartment and fried it. we didnt have anything proper to clean or scale it so it was just a fucking mess and the apartment reeked for fish on top of the extant stink of swquatters, onions and cigarettes. another time we used a pir of stockings to trap a bunch of crabs. i still can't imagine the horror of the campus housing authority when they discovered their newly renovated unit had been utterly run through by animals and tweakers for four months

>> No.16327505
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>neighbours invite me over for dinner
>we're having spagbol!
>get excited as my mom makes the best spagbol so theirs is probably gonna be pretty good too
>mfw its literally just spaghetti with ketchup

>> No.16327526

Fuck anon, you made me a bit misty

>> No.16327536
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when i was a kid i loved watching bugs bunny and wanted to imitate the way he ate carrots but i hated carrots then, so i got a weenie/hot dog and did the same eating animation as he did during my late night snacks.

>> No.16328057

Wtf is spagbol?
Also your neighbors were trash people

>> No.16328077

When I first moved out of my house there was this food truck that sold a lot of random fried foods so for about a year I lived off of fried pickles, oreos, twinkies, or whatever and sugarfree red bulls and vodka if I didn't have to work the next day. It's fucking crazy to me that lived into my late 20s

>> No.16328081

sketti balagagloonie

>> No.16328111

>dump out can of v8 in a glass
>add an entire fucking tablespoon of garlic salt
>juice and add two lemons
>add at least four tablespoons siracha
>liberally add worcestershire
>throw in like five fucking whole olives
I'd wake up in the middle of the night, not want to go to sleep and make this because the extreme flavor kept me awake.
If dad found me he'd kick my ass for wasting lemons again.

>> No.16328162

How is it that this makes sense but spagbol doesn't?

>> No.16328222

>wasting lemons
reminds me of when i was little, my mom and my aunt were both bartenders and literally all we had in the fridge were eggs, milk, mixers and any kind of pickled or brined vegetable you can think of. over the course of a week i drank all of the brine and liquid out of over 20 bottles of pickles.

>> No.16328254

>mom was born the youngest of a family of 6 kids, her dad died when she was 2 years old and her mom was legitimately disabled due to several health conditions
>the few times a month she got to eat meat, it was of very questionable quality
>mom is also a neat freak who to this day spends her one day off a week cleaning for 8 hours even though she already cleans the entire house twice a week during work days
>this has shaped her cooking in some minor but noticable ways
>mom was actually a pretty good cook in most aspects, but sometimes as a kid I'd ask "what's for dinner?" and the response would ruin my day
>mom wouldn't let me at steak medium-rare or even medium like the chefs on all the Food Network shows I watched suggested, because the sight of "someone eating bloody meat" was enough to make her instinctively hurl due to her childhood
>mom also fucking hated how searing splattered the kitchen counter with droplets of fat, and cleaning up afterwards is not an option out of principle, things must ALWAYS be kept as CLEAN as HUMANLY POSSIBLE
>mom would take steaks out of the fridge
>barely season them (extremely litttle salt, dad has genetic hypertension)
>lube a half sheet tray with vegetable oil
>not preheat the tray
>and cook the steaks in a medium oven until very much last well done
>out comes a thick gray piece of tasteless leather, the melted fat not crisping at all due to temperatures not being high enough, and doing that weird shit on the surface that was against the tray that makes school cafeteria burgers look like it's covered in cysts
>mom is perfectly content, she loves this
>dad is largely the type of person who would enjoy a rock if you served it to him
>sister doesn't know any better, wound up being like mom
>sitting there, chewing for hours on end, until my jaws ached, while staring at my steak that looks like it has 37 assholes on it

My mom is a wonderful mom and I love her so I kept quiet and choked it down, but God damn.

>> No.16328314

Many thai foods tend to have this semen-y aroma if you don't fully cook off the fish sauce

>> No.16328320

Pickled herring is the best shot chaser hands down. It's a slavic superweapon.

>> No.16328321

my dad used to microwave several pieces of american cheese on a pita and tear it into chunks for us offspring. I’m unsure why he kept doing it after we repeated told him we hate it (but continued to eat it…)

>> No.16328360

>in one of my university years I lived in a dorm
>it's Christmas
>the woman who owned the dormitory house tells me she'll drop off some Christmas goodies from a party she's having
>come home late from work and I'm starving
>look in kitchen and oh boy she left a bunch of pies and cake and stuff
>take a slice of what I think is apple crumble or cobbler or whatever
>one bite and it's the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten tasted like cat litter and it's not even edible the crumbs are like gravel
>immediately spit it out and retch in the sink
>look at it closely and it's not a baked good but some sort of turnip casserole and it must've been vegan with no sweetener or spices just cooked turnips in gravel
>worst part it was made by a smoker and I can just taste the nicotine and tar in my throat like their hands were soaked in cigarette fumes and they were smoking while making it
>fucking person was some hardcore vegan where they can't make anything without the threat of animal by products so their food has no flavor but they're a hardcore smoker that you get second hand smoke from their baking?
>went to bed sick and I got some nasty food poisoning from it somehow
Probably one of my worst Christmases

>> No.16328364

He'd buy a sack of lemons and I'd end up using 75% of them for my over spiced virgin marys, I understand why he was pissed off.

>> No.16328371

Yeah microwaving chesse until it became plastic we all did that as kids huh?

>> No.16328399

Put cucumbers on that cream cheese and lightly salt it and you have a decent snack

>> No.16328408

No honestly if you could eat out of someone's garbage there are those people who'd be mad as if you're stealing from them. I once saw a hamburger stand lady yell at a homeless bum because he took some chips that someone left by the bin.

>> No.16328413

What is it with autistics and mayo (and other condiments like ketchup etc)? You can tell someone is food schitzo if they're all "REEEEEE NOT THE MAYO IT'S REALLY THE GOVERNMENT POISONING US WITH EGG YOLK AND CANOLA OIL"

>> No.16328419

Yeah but just on white bread sounds pretty sad

>> No.16328425
File: 86 KB, 1080x1037, 1623199090240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to that anon he's just fucking with you. Spagbol is spaghetti with ketchup and wieners on it. It may sound weird but one of my Russian buds made it for me once and it was kino.

>> No.16328481
File: 80 KB, 628x620, 456456456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw came from a family that knew how to cook
That said, I can still remember having to eat the sweetest fucking spaghetti in my life because the person who made it put a fucking cup of sugar into the sauce. My tard brother unsurprisingly loved it.

>> No.16329336


>> No.16329366

Cream cheese is the shit, my mom makes an awesome cream cheese ball every holiday. Cream cheese, dried beef, and green onions, topped with cayenne and served with Triscuits and Wheat Thins. I eat like half of it every year lol try it anons, it's really good

>> No.16329412

Used to put Nutella on a salami slide and eat that - sometimes I added a little bit of cheese

>> No.16329578

I never fully understand why squatters feel the need to demolish their own living space

>> No.16329993

So there's less motivation to reclaim it

>> No.16330106

That's not mayo
The pizza from the video is chicken with catupiry and yeah I wouldn't eat from there either.

>> No.16331215
