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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16313825 No.16313825 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most depressing restaurant?

>> No.16313829

The one I work at

>> No.16313926

They got with the times, and since we live in a dystopia they really cranked up the soviet block, precyberpunk wealth gap despair aesthetic.

>> No.16313956


>> No.16314267

Chicken Fillet.

>> No.16314273

No. Its efficiency. Look how wasteful that roof is and the colors stand out. You gotta blend. Bottom Macdonalds is much more efficient.

>> No.16314378

Law of inertia. When you are establishing a brand, you need quality food and vibrant advertising to attract customers. Once the brand is established, your customers come out of habbit.

>> No.16314474

Who wants to eat their food at a fucking circus tent that looks like it's made out of plastic

>> No.16314487

Not when you fuck up your food, like Taco Bell did. Lots of choice of shitty fucking garbage. Back in the 90s it was good. You could even order beer. Then they franchised it all out and shitified all the food.

>> No.16314491

Oh, and Subway did the same thing with their bread. Lots of choice of shitty fucking bread. They lost the crispy/soft bread that was standard back then. I just learned to cook and wouldn't piss on fast food these days.

>> No.16314533

Long John silvers lobby looks like a food court in a hospice

>> No.16314584
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>> No.16314589
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>> No.16314677
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>> No.16314706

The bottom looks objectively better

>> No.16314708

I dislike both. The old style ones I remember from my childhood, they were stuffy, stinky, and everything was always kind of sticky and gross. Its appeal mainly came from it looking like a playground (it was never actually as fun inside as I hoped it would be).
The modern ones, they look soulless, they look like every other food, or even nonfood chain, they are noisier and colder inside and smell but in a different way to the old ones, they have a kind of sickly washed out smell like the tinge of bleach. This is purely psychological but they also remind me of airports and I always get anxious and plane sick, so that style triggers the same kind of anxiety and sickness feeling in me.
I guess to sum it up, the old style is like a freshly shitted diaper, and the new style is like a hospital, both are unpleasant.

>> No.16315368

Burger King without a doubt.

>> No.16315442

This is a surprisingly cogent post for this website.

>> No.16315473


>> No.16315775

Mcdonald's menu offerings have significantly improved in the past 5 years. The new deluxe chicken is good, and their spicy chicken is as good as popeyes.

>> No.16315792

>happy child living their best life to a working depressed adult
fucking ditto

>> No.16315828

Denny's or Golden Corral

>> No.16315903

grow up loser

>> No.16315912

Literally everyone.

>> No.16316027

The target market of McDonalds is no longer children; it's manchildren with incomes.

>> No.16316037

It's the "efficiency" of removing something that wastes nothing but makes people happier.

>> No.16316052

The target market was NEVER children- the target market was children's parents. Appealing to kids was only secondary, a way to get poorly raised kids to nag and beg. And now half the country is obese.

>> No.16316068


Old Country Buffet

>> No.16316080

It's actually so they can easily defranchise a building so they can sell it to someone else when there's a downturn with less loss

>> No.16316180
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>McDonalds no longer uses clown shit to lure children into a lifetime of obesity and servitude - and this is bad!

>> No.16316236
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>UMMMMM AHCKSCHUALLY, they made the world more depressing to save money
yeah that makes it better, thanks

>> No.16316240

the country isn't obese because of fast food, it's because people buy potato chips, HFCS infused products and "cereal" coated in sugar for their children.

>> No.16316270

it's because life isn't worth living and oxy isn't off the shelf at walmart

>> No.16316286

Imagine having no memories worth a damn but fast food in the 90's

>> No.16316290

>Literally never eat fast food
>Stopped buying food
>Still fat
Sick of this "you're just fat because of what you eat" bullshit. For some people, that's simply not the cause.

>> No.16316309

Burger King. Last time I went there they served me still partially frozen nuggies. And every person working there looked like they were a single shift away from suicide.

>> No.16316315

Yea and they're like four fucking times as expensive now, too. I can get MUCH better food nearly anywhere else (Wendy's, Hardees, Dunkin, etc) for the same price.

>> No.16316321

Ya, and you're freaks of nature. Most people have a relationship between input and output in their bodies

>> No.16316325

Oh man I forgot about that place. More like Old Country Dialysis Ward.

>> No.16316332

redditors love doing that

>> No.16316337

Start exercising every day. Cardio and weights.

>b-b-but i already do exer-

No, you don't. You want to go for at least 1 solid hour every day. Not just a few minutes, a full hour until sweat is dripping from your brow and you feel the wrath of God coming do-

>b-but i already do that and nothing hel-

Just stop. 1 hour every day. In 2 months you'll start seeing results and you'll begin to understand what loving yourself feels like. This feeling will inspire you to keep going.

>> No.16316340

Love doing what?

>> No.16316351

Bye-bye gains.

>> No.16316378
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>turn buildings into prefabs to save money
>ruin all the food to save money
>wonder why people fucking hate you and you're losing brand image

>> No.16316397

Add different items but the quality is still so low it isn't even worth buying.

>> No.16316533

Very accurate accounting of the differences between the 2 styles, anon. Well said.

>> No.16316575

Not as deep as I fucked your mom.

>> No.16316587
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I would say Arbys

Also, who the fuck eats at arbys? Its the third largest chain in America but never once have I gone there, seen people I know go there, had it been suggested as an option. I see people all the time with mc dicks or burger king bags but never arbys

Its just hot deli meat on corn bread buns right? with a bit of BBQ sauce?

Thats kind of gross.

>> No.16316607

Don't project your self-control issues onto society.

>> No.16316651

Been there a couple times, their hot sandys are good. But then again last time I went was 10+ years ago, so maybe you're right. It's all stuff that can be easily made at home.

>> No.16316781

>bright gaudy eyesore
>neutral function-oriented building
This sort of thing should be mandated by law. Some of us don't like being blasted with ugly corporate branding everywhere we go.

>> No.16316871

>function oriented
Do you think the insides of a 90s McDonald's is functionally different from a modern one?
Function oriented, what a buzzword. Ones an asbestos filled cardboard box with a flared roof and the other is a cinder block cube with drywall. Functional aesthetics dont exist.

>> No.16316893

NNOooooo one has soul, like my soul souless memes you don't understand its a thing we do here where someone posts a new mcdonalds building and we all go "souless" and complain about how good it used to be so can you just stop being stupid and pointing out that they're both bad because then we cant do our group think meme.

>> No.16316905
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pic rel is why

>> No.16316916

don't diss effortposts, retard

>> No.16316968

I like this gif :)

>> No.16317022
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>> No.16317099

>Spoons made me fat

>> No.16317238


Yeah, no, you're still fat because you're still eating too many calories. Here's what you do

1) Download MyFitnessPal
2) Use their calculator to find your metabolism, and set a diet plan
3) Record everything you eat, and keep yourself at the calorie budget MFP tells you

If you follow those steps and still aren't losing weight, it's because you're not actually following step 3.

Tip: Keto actually works pretty well because there are a lot of "hearty" dishes you can make while on that diet. OMAD (one meal a day) also works for some people.

But seriously, you're lying to yourself if you think you're eating fewer calories and still not losing weight. Count your calories, stick to your budget, and the weight will come off.

>> No.16317250

This is some “we live in a society” level pretentious bullshit without the irony

>> No.16317325

Trolled HARD.

>> No.16317388

>American soldier stands guard outside of the McDonald's
>McDonald's has the architectural design of a bank branch
>Obese light skinned but black-haired man slumps, awaiting public transit. Diabetes bruising and swollen ankles visible. He looks out of breath just trying to look at his iPhone
>the public transit seat is a billboard of a vibrant African American real estate agent who profits over the ever-unaffordable housing market

>> No.16317449

Not sure about where you're at but my local wendy's is way more expensive than mcdonalds.

>> No.16317497

Fucking this.

>> No.16317508

>M-muh genetics
You're just fat, lazy, and can't control your portions. I knew some skellyfag that had the same logic as you
>I eat so much but never gain weight!
I saw how much he was eating daily and laughed. You're probably eating mountains of food and think it's the "normal amount".

>> No.16317520

If you're an obese land whale then last thing you have to worry about is losing your "gains"

>> No.16317539

Wendy’s nutz slap against your chin haha

>> No.16317541

Their classic French dip & Swiss is pretty tasty. It's the only thing I ever get there.

>> No.16317604

No, you did not dude.

>> No.16317696

Ok chud

>> No.16317806


>> No.16317835

mcds should make a breakfast mac

>> No.16317856

taco bell has the best fuckin hot sauce ive ever had. lol no lie. at least the diablo. thought it was a meme. its not. there your go..

>> No.16317859

Top McDonalds is far better, but bottom one is good for corporate because they can easily sell the property to anyone else. A lot of other fast food companies followed McDonald's real estate model, which is why we are seeing a ton of restaurants that have this soulless, general purpose exterior.

>> No.16317876

Ok fatty

>> No.16317880

Diablo tqste like spit from when people use chew. You're gucking disgusting and fuck taco bell employees for thinking when you ask for hot, diablo is an adequate replacement.

>> No.16317933

Logan’s is pretty bad.

>> No.16318004
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The aesthetic is an emergent property of the function. Free your mind, and your ass will follow school of design. The skeuomorph comes after it has been distilled from the context.

>> No.16318123

That one Wendy's in the industrial district of your city that perpetually smells like ammonia and is run by the saltiest black women in existence.

>> No.16318133

yeah diablo isn't that great. also I'd it just me, or is the fire sauce not as hot as it used to be

>> No.16318179

Ultimately it doesn't matter what it looks like, children will grow up with nostalgia for the new one the same as we did for the old one

>> No.16318193

Top one looks shit. The arches were the best aesthetic.

>> No.16318206
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looks weird, like two buildings smashed into one

>> No.16318219

You gotta have no self-awareness if you prefer the top. It's the same soulless cookiecutter consumerist copy-paste bullshit as the bottom, the only difference you were young and naive when the top was more popular

>> No.16318327

Arby's is drive thru mostly

I would say the local chain rip offs. Like an imitation of corporate asshattery. Mine was a Long John Silver rip off joint. The lights were all warm, but lower wattage that gave it a bright, gloomy feeling. Food was pretty good, but the lighting/silence along with cheesy decor made it depressing.

>> No.16318353

>bright, gloomy

>> No.16318468
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Old Wendy's

>> No.16318936
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Yes, which is why it completely fucked with my mood on a dark night.

>> No.16318941

Objectively, the top is more warm and colorful. Both are soulless but at least the top doesn't look like it's from 1984

>> No.16318990

the top looks tacky and fake, a soulless corporation pretending to be all fun and whimsical in order to market their obesity-creating products to kids
the bottom one at least doesn't pretend to be something it isn't. also, it's less garish and fits better in a residential area without standing out like a sore thumb

>> No.16319002

Nah, the bottom is ugly and box shaped. You are shit for brains if you are HAPPY with more buildings being boring box shapes. Like, ok robot boy. Some of us actually like color and architecture it's called being a human being.

>> No.16319040

mmm yes old McDonalds buildings truly were the peak of architecture
the red plastic roof brings to mind the ancient pagodas of Beijing's forbidden city, while the windows seperated by thin columns are clearly inspired by the famous Athenean Pantheon, this bold yet refined fusion of ancient styles with modern aesthetic sensibilites gives the building a striking, eclectic nature

truly a wonder of architecture on par with Notre-Dame and as iconic as Sydney Opera House

>> No.16319044

Nah, I'm not trying to say they are the peak of architecture or even GOOD I am saying they are objectively more appealing than a grey box like a dystopian gas chamber. What a strange hill to die on. I bet you are the type of faggot that, if you ever had tons of money, would buy an ugly as fuck modern cube house

>> No.16319062

why don't you turn your house into a hideous 1990's McDonalds you fucking pedophile?

>> No.16319143
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There was this local joint in a bad location that went through a bunch of forgettable restaurants.
At one point many years ago I stopped there because it was labeled as a Mexican fast food kind of place, like a filibertos or something.
However, when I entered the sterile looking only because of how empty it was place, I noticed the family or whatever staffing it was white trash. Like real unhappy looking white trash.
I ordered a taco or something, I don’t even remember, but I absolutely remember their choice of ingredients was trailer trash mom quality: wimpy grocery store flour tortillas, chunky cut tomatoes, cheap shredded cheese, shit wasn’t even melted. Felt absolutely amateur tier level cooking, like what an underage babysitter would make in three minutes for some shitty kids.
Place went out of business real quick, I was not surprised at all, and I don’t even know if the building is still there. Good fucking riddance.

>> No.16319152

Why don't you go live in prison you clearly love the way it looks

>> No.16320260

The top one is ugly and was homogenic in it's time, see >>16316236

>> No.16320317

warning; that picture has spoilers for Hereditary (2018)

>> No.16320700

lmao @ the dominoes one
as if the first one is somehow better

>> No.16320722

Only a man-child would prefer 90s Mcdonalds design instead of what they have now. Grow up

>> No.16320753
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>I wand old Mcgonalds b-back! >:(

>> No.16320842

And they have the cringiest ads too

>> No.16320855 [DELETED] 

>What is the most depressing restaurant?
Pic related. It's where Grandma took me to celebrate after performing abusive "exorcisms" on me and my brothers.

>> No.16320860
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>What is the most depressing restaurant?
Pic related. It's where Grandma took me to celebrate after performing abusive "exorcisms" on me and my brothers.

>> No.16320871
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How does this make you feel

>> No.16320947

Zoomers think that is old Wendy's. When I was a kid Wendy's had real booths not those halfsies and the divider between the booths had real glass in it iirc.

>> No.16321015
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Everyone is doing it

>> No.16321018

texas roadhouse, applebys or maybe TGI Fridays

arbys gets a bad rap, and it is frequented by the obese and desperate, but i think it's pretty tasty generally

also: Pizza Ranch and Golden Corral are pretty bleak. lots of heart disease.

>> No.16321026

stuffy stinky STUFFY STINKY sTuFfY sTiNkY hahahha HA HA HA stuffystinkystuffystinkystinksy stuffsy Ha Ha Ha

>> No.16321186

Sorry nerd, airports are kino

>> No.16321246

Yup.... wouldn't look out of place with a T-Mobile, or Sprint logo on the side....try doing that with a 1970's Pizza Hut or Arbys

>> No.16322026
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u fokin wot m8

>> No.16322552

The s.0.y is stronger on this one.

>> No.16322647


>> No.16323024
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Read some Ruskin and cease being a philistine.

>> No.16323429

the arby's by me still looks like left

>> No.16323443
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Burger Reich...?

>> No.16323444


>> No.16323449

I'm confused, where are the gas pumps?

>> No.16323453

Yes I am a Caucasian Having Understandable Distress. How did you know?

>> No.16323477


>> No.16323532
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>> No.16323634


Ate there recently and it was like eating a TV dinner

>> No.16323687

Like I lost my glasses.

>> No.16323712

you said the same thing he did, but with marketing buzzwords

>> No.16323725

yeah, with them i actually have to agree
the first mcd's in my town actually had to close because no one ate there since there was much better burger joints
now they tried opening a restaurant again and its doing much better since they have basically the same quality burgers as other places
we still dont have burger king or kfc, yet, but thank fucking god those places are disgusting

>> No.16323729

they're just trying to cover up the fact that you've been in clown world since the fucking 50s.

>> No.16324041

yeah because kids are known for their self-control