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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16264874 No.16264874[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>turns 10 minute recipe into 40 minute video
>unnecessary rambling to increase watch time
>you don't have to do this, but I do this, but you don't have to, but you should, okay this is how you do it

why do people watch this bloated wind bag?

>> No.16264894

literal who

>> No.16264905

the interaction with the other people was the only thing good about her BA vids, no idea why anyone would give a shit about her just baking a cake by herself

>> No.16264919

Let's take a moment to reflect on the fact that that's how RICH people live in NYC.

>> No.16264922

sohla's white (i guess) oppressor

>> No.16264927

well you didn't just watch it. you also came to 4chink to cry about some random literally who eceleb. what does that make you?

>> No.16264934

OP, take a break. There's zero wrong with her, from her goofy gray stripe, to her linen aprons, her personality is very appealing and her knowledge is spot on.
Just go get some therapy and move on to other things.

>> No.16264935

a faggot, when did I say I wasn't?
doesn't mean my points have no validity.

>> No.16264942

I want to feed her so bad bros

>> No.16264952

if you're a crying little faggot bitch posting on an anonymous 4chink cooking thread your "points" automatically have no validity

>> No.16264966

Well someone clearly has been

>> No.16264979
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>if you're a crying little faggot bitch posting on an anonymous 4chink cooking thread your "points" automatically have no validity

>> No.16264983

I wish it was me

>> No.16264994

i don't get it. are you calling me a soyface for pointing out you're a crying little faggot?

>> No.16265019

>why do people watch this bloated wind bag?
I have no clue who the fuck that even is.
Why are you obsessed with YouTubers that you assume everyone else is equally obsessed?

>> No.16265040

Shit thread, wouldnt even cram it in my ass

>> No.16265046

I want her to smother me to death with her meaty thighs

>> No.16265093 [DELETED] 

Look at that heaving chest, I want to bury my face in it while she crams her chubby fingers up my ass.

>> No.16265146

BA imploded so this is basically all she can do right now. I don't think there will be another channel like BA though, which fucking sucks because it was nice to watch them all get along and make videos together for a few years.

>> No.16265195

Cum goddamnit
Cum now so you burn out and stop posting this

>> No.16265253
File: 2.02 MB, 2268x1284, E6BB74EF-216D-4F1D-B718-E3779DDD86FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heaving chest
You clearly don’t know what a real YouTube cooking-chest looks like.

>> No.16265429

obviously because she is big milky mommy gf, do you even have to ask?

>> No.16265683

>why do people watch this bloated wind bag?
*boom boom CHH*
*boom boom CHH*
Lady you're a MILF make a good GILF playin' with your tits gonna make a man CUM some day

>> No.16265723

Is she? I thought she was always referring to Chris and Adam

>> No.16265779
File: 84 KB, 640x658, 1622303661980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a large collection of high quality pics of this semen demon

>> No.16266583

based and pong pilled. I like they decided to make a members area because she kept nip slipping out her better outfits

>> No.16266600
File: 101 KB, 2010x252, N2prWOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because when you're an ugly loser your fantasy life is limited to more unattractive women

>> No.16266845
File: 692 KB, 744x639, 1572831016542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Today we're going to be making.....*checks script*.. water."
>"I've never actually had water before, I always saw it in the store, but my parents never let me drink any."
>"Ok let me try this."
>*Drinks a tiny sip of water*
>"Wow, that's....gonna be a challenge."
>"Oh my god Chris, can you come over here and try this?"
>"Oh wow Claire, this water is really good, I haven't had any in ages."
>"I just need to figure out how I can make this gourmet."

>Not even an hour in and Claire is completely lost

>"Brad can you please help me? What do you think needs to stay for it to still be a glass of water?"
>"Well Claire, it needs to be wet for one."
>Claire looks like she's about to cry
>"I don't think I can make the water wet Brad this is going to be way too hard."

>> No.16267016

in this thread people who are totally obsessed with Claire.

I've never seen so many people in denial.

you all want her BADLY it's obvious to see.

>> No.16267034

She can be found on her channel Dessert Person and on NYT cooking. but you probably already know this since you seem enamored with her.

>> No.16267057

File name. Read it.

>> No.16267076

Me thinks thou doest protest too much!

>> No.16267079

She’s cute

>> No.16267084
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's your choice really

>> No.16267088

I can only get so erect, anon

>> No.16267096

The bizarre things that you don't have to watch her, it's all up to you. yet you do, why? does she excite you and you don't like it because society says only super skinny women are attractive?

>> No.16267100
File: 195 KB, 1024x1280, 4995015504e43b7f263f04603bfc7f20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has Asian friends, she can't be raysist

>> No.16267116
File: 81 KB, 636x953, ManRepeller-BonAppetit-LouisaWells_92-636x953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16267134

How would a fella go about getting a 6'8'' Asian gf?
Hahaha, my weird friend wants to know.

>> No.16267136

shes cute

>> No.16267144

why do you care?

>> No.16267148

fat, old

>> No.16267154


still entertaining tho

>> No.16267211

I love those grey streaks, she looks magical :D

>> No.16267300
File: 853 KB, 1590x1672, 5f95b09108a2ef92d557a0a4_Molly_Baz_Portraits-0722 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mogged in every way by Molly

>> No.16267544

She's getting so uncontrollably fat that at this point I watch her vids just as a fascinating document of a woman who is losing her grip.

She'll weigh 300lbs by the end of the year at this rate.

>> No.16267559

Zero? Isnt she a kike

>> No.16267566
File: 1.95 MB, 400x246, 1563377296982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this bloated wind bag
just imagine the braps bro

>> No.16267570

I want to wear her dirty panties the day after she’s worn them.

>> No.16267577

cringe anti-semite

>> No.16267584

That's exactly what I want to see when I feel a shoeless foot stroking my cock on the sly

>> No.16267624

haha wouldn't that be awful

>> No.16267660

This, look at how fucking fat her cats are

>> No.16267696

but god damnit now youre doing the same unnecessarily high effort posting he is. youve posted long enough to become the monster

>> No.16267916

>her personality is very appealing and her knowledge is spot on
This is some solid bait.

>> No.16267936

become a WNBA fan?
Who is herself completely mogged by the Indian with the huge tits.