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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.49 MB, 1998x1127, popcorn-Recovered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16264277 No.16264277 [Reply] [Original]

Caramel Popcorn!


Okay so after last weeks feedback I tried the following:
-Quieter music/louder voice.
-More upbeat music/ Less sad music
-Shorter clips/shorter video.
-less video of myself/ more video on food
-more upbeat voice
-scene where i am talking to the viewers directly with no voiceover.

Please let me know how I did and any helpful tips or ways to make this better ; )
You guys have been a huge help so far so thank you!


>> No.16264286

Still need you to be my qt socially awkward wife

>> No.16264294

yo dawg that hair line lmao
this is a man, right?

>> No.16264302
File: 19 KB, 500x375, 6676136e9c48377e59084f1de7d2f1ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods please, you let nickacado post his nether regions but allow this? How dare you

OP literally posted their youtube link TWICE

>> No.16264309 [DELETED] 

ngl the music still sounds pretty depressing but overall pretty good video. It'd be nice if the ingredients list was displayed at the start. Would also be nice to have a shot at the end of you trying the dish or cramming something up my ass.

>> No.16264322

vegeta lookin ass

>> No.16264327

Have a (You)

>> No.16264360

lol that is very sweet ; )

>> No.16264365
File: 475 KB, 320x240, zGHQb4O.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>add 2 sticks of butter

>> No.16264371

Okay, I can do the end taste test, and the ingredients list also, thank you so much!

>> No.16264377

it makes everything better right?

>> No.16264383

Fuck off

>> No.16264470

Tits or gtfo

>> No.16264503

damm you are really improving. muuuch better compared to last vidya :)

>> No.16264514 [DELETED] 

Can I shove it up my ass?

>> No.16264527

Who the fuck wants to watch a man cook? Fuck off.

>> No.16264547

thank you so much for the input ; )

>> No.16264575 [DELETED] 

So so sooooo cute. I wish I could take you in my arms and cram you up my ass.

>> No.16264590

Is cramming stuff in your ass a new unforced meme?

>> No.16264597

People have been doing it for millennia.

>> No.16264619

Something that personally annoys the shit out of me is Youtubers using two or more microphones in a single video
I mean clearly the one you're using for the voiceover for most of the video sounds way way better than the one used in the very beginning of the video
Of course you can't just dub over that particular opening since it'd look dumb to do lipsyncing. My suggested solution is to show the different ingredients one by one while also showing a written list with the ingredients on the side of the video adding into the list as you go on. This way you can do a VO over the footage with the better microphone.
If you feel the need to show yourself then hold up the ingredients in front of your face or something. Another point to potentially show yourself is to have a shot of you eating the final product at the end of the video.

>> No.16264621

What does it taste like?

>> No.16264632

I'm trans and valid, btw.

>> No.16264648

Another point to add to this is that doing as much of the voice recording as possible after shooting the video also allows you to fix mistakes.
One thing you might've seen others doing but which you should NEVER do is putting up text saying shit like: "NOTE: I MESSED UP HERE PUT ONLY HALF THE STUFF I DID INSTEAD" in Impact font on the lower half of the screen. If you notice a mistake then it should always always be fixed in the voiceover.

>> No.16264660 [DELETED] 

The best was when Hitler asked "how's the V2 rocket program coming along and Wernher von Braun responded with "I crammed it up my ass!"

Man that was a funny moment in history most don't know about.

>> No.16264702

Okay I will make sure to do this in the next weeks video, thank you. I think this will be much better

>> No.16264719

I agree thank you ; )

>> No.16264723
File: 10 KB, 292x172, DMC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave you some advice in the last thread. This video is a big improvement. The biggest improvement is that you're smiling more and there's some energy in your voice. Proud of you queen!

>> No.16264739

Thank you! The input really is helping, I too feel that this is the best I have done so far, thank you so much ; )

>> No.16264774

throw some cinnamon and nutmeg in that shit some walnuts too

>> No.16264783


>> No.16264798

That would probably be amazing. Are there any Dessers or snacks that you would recommend I make next?

>> No.16264812


>> No.16264832


>> No.16264849
File: 26 KB, 320x304, bige pige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turkish Delight or Tiramisu plz :^)

>> No.16264866

work on your annunciation a little bit, a couple parts felt kind of mumbley. music could still be a little more upbeat, it's a little odd having that kind of grand song for a video on caramel corn. not bad by any means though, keep up the good work

>> No.16264890

Tiramisu! I will do it after my Father's day video

>> No.16264902
File: 592 KB, 600x906, vagina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel..

>> No.16264907

I will try to be more clear with my voice. My accent still comes through a bit so I will continue to work on this. Certain words are hard for me to pronounce. Thank you for the input!

>> No.16264910

I was thinking Lily Munster.

>> No.16264911

yeah I'd suck your dick.

>> No.16265043

what are you telling me for? lol

>> No.16265062

They are getting better everytime you make a new one.
The music still seems....sad or depressive, idk.
Look into Greig, Faure, or maybe Haydn. These are just off the top of my head, so idk.
But again this one is way better than the first chocolate chip cookie one.
Good job!

>> No.16265072

I am only giving you the correct answer

>> No.16265082

Thank you! I will look into them and try to find something even more upbeat. These improvements are all thanks you all the helpful tips like yours. Thank you so much.

>> No.16265126

Omg, sorry, forget the names I listed. Idk what I was thinking there (I'm a little drunk).
Check out Chopins mazurkas or maybe just waltzes in general.

Lol, it's actually difficult to find music to cook to.

>> No.16265147

not to give you conflicting feedback but the sadder sounding music works for me, I'm used to hearing the same generic uptempo lowfi trip hop or classical so it was a nice switch up but you do you.

>> No.16265179

Lol I know right? I will look into them

>> No.16265192

I liked the darker music but I may have to just switch it up between videos because it will probably get boring if it's the same mood every time.

>> No.16265250

just fuck already

>> No.16265269

yeah I get you, just pick something you yourself would listen to, don't pick a track because you feel obligated to include it ya know?

>> No.16265323

Best video yet but still needs work
>uptempo music
this is critical. people don't want to watch a depressing cooking short. literally use some shitty open source ukelele/xylophone corporate music garbage like this if you need a starting point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mZHdn4pTnk
>vocal delivery
the volume of your vocals is much better now but you need to practice delivery. gotta ask, is english your second language?
>ASMR meme shit
is that what you are going for? the popcorn popping piece made it seem like it. i'd abandon that unless you make the whole video that way

>> No.16265362

I'd disagree on the music choice, I would click off so fast if I heard some generic ass hold music in the background. You can throw a fart in lastfm and find much better choices, just search intrinsically upbeat genres.

>> No.16265367

fair enough, my greater point is just the current music is too downtrodden for what should be a friendly cooking video

>> No.16265389

English is my second language so I am trying and I will continue to practice. I don't care for ASMR that much. Some of the sounds I like but they are not needed. Some people have said they like these. I'm on the fence with them.

>> No.16265398

yeah, I mean I personally like it but I can understand how sombre is not the right mood for a cooking channel. I wouldn't mind a depressive cooking show but that'd be a niche market.
I mean yes you should listen to feedback but at the end of the day you need to be proud of the videos you are making to want to do this long term so if you like something and think your video would be worse without it maybe leave it, I can assure you no one in here has the keys to YouTube success.

>> No.16265423

This video is a lot better than your last one. Hope jannies don't start deleting these threads cause they're great.

>> No.16265455

Good job, felt pretty professional overall what with the atmosphere and sound design, the popcorn falling into the bowl was comfy

>> No.16265488

Thank you so much for the support, I will keep posting each week. I really appreciate it. ; )

>> No.16265510

That really means alot. I feel I am going the right direction, thank you so much!

>> No.16265573

You should probably get a tripcode because if you become known at all, people will absolutely impersonate you here.

>> No.16265593

I was wondering about that. I will do that for my next weeks post. I see people are already saying dumb stuff trying make it look like I'm saying it.

>> No.16265732

Post feet bbz

>> No.16265736

You know I can't do that! :(

>> No.16265772

I am very happy with my videos so far and how I have made them better, the criticism and input people have given on here has helped me gain a bigger perspective on what different people like. Thank you for being part of this process.

>> No.16267074

Good video. Nice and to the point.

>> No.16267448

Thank you ; ) I will attempt to keep them this way

>> No.16267484

What kind of underwear do you typically wear? I need to know this so I can give you some advice.

>> No.16267746
File: 27 KB, 360x450, Gummiberry_Juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo Ollie! Fuck your popcorn, I'm just here to let you know that this 350 lb NEET just paused the video on your face and unleashed a fucking giant load for you. Still quite a bit on my knuckles as I type this. Slut.

>> No.16267870
File: 68 KB, 280x272, ck-food-cooking-png-wojak-fat-crying-crying-feels-guy-computer-11562922725zuhum0eqgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
