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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16218178 No.16218178 [Reply] [Original]

just got a job as a dishwasher. what am I in for lads?

>> No.16218184

A life of depression.

>> No.16218193

People will act like you're the bottom barrel of the kitchen while they get to enjoy Karen REEEEEEEEing at them because the stupid stove simian fucked up the pasta and the griller gorilla can't cook a steak.

>> No.16218195

you won't be able to enjoy restaurant food anymore

>> No.16218196

And you're posting in English?
I don't believe you.

>> No.16218200

I expect you'll wash a lot of dishes.

>> No.16218201

Honestly, dishwashing is pretty cozy, you don't really have to do much unless you don't have one of those fancy-ass dishwashing machines. You just stand around, wait for dishes to come in, scrape them (fastest if you just use your hand), hose them down and stick them in the machine. Depending on how high volume the restaurant is, you'll probably end up just standing around fiddling with your phone a lot.

>> No.16218203
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remember. With the right technique you can throw dishes and silverware away if you don't fel like cleaning them.

>> No.16218209

Washing dishes, potentially several health violations in the kitchen, and not enough pay

>> No.16218227

start selling stimulants to back of house and weed to front of house, thats where the big bucks are for dishwashers

>> No.16218291

>Inventory check shows half of the forks missing
>blame it on the mexican guy who works the other shift
Just another day washin dishes

>> No.16218294

enjoy life at the bottom

>> No.16218299

Wet hands and repetitive motion injuries. Get high as hell before your shift.

>> No.16218300

The best and most comfy job within the kitchen. Fuck dealing with customers or any other inconveniences.

>> No.16218309

Agreed, but shit pay.

>> No.16218318

You gonna be real fucking busy but yet it’s still a very chill job in terms of restaurant work. Real shitty pay but still sorta fun, I miss it.

>> No.16218357

Anyone have the pic of Pepe as a dishwasher?

>> No.16218370

as long as you have a strong back and core it'll be a breeze

>> No.16218373

Alcoholism, I worked in restaurants when I was younger, everyone drank like fish.

>> No.16218674

get some good non-slip shoes to help dodge random shit getting thrown at you

>> No.16218685

A lot of dick sucking. A LOT of dick sucking.

>> No.16219031

unironically this.
servers will act like you're human trash but really, if you prove yourself you'll be hands down the most respected guy in the kitchen.
work hard
put good tunes on
wear good quality boots that wont slip on a wet floor
work your station, keep it clean and the dishes perfect every time and the kitchen will love you.

but keep in mind you're probably the most replacable person in the kitchen, so make yourself invaluable to them.

>> No.16219037

>wanting pictures of reddit frog
fuck off newfag

>> No.16219668

You'll get treated like trash while having soaked hands and smell like shit all day. At least get drunk or do some kind of drug while listening to music or a podcast to deal with that shit job.

>> No.16219678

dishes i guess

>> No.16219689

Learn a fucking trade and stop being useless.

>> No.16219690



>> No.16219719

You want double dipped PVC chemical handling/resistant gloves preferably with a knitted interior. You can handle boiling water, disgusting shit, literally anything and you never get wrinkled fingers because it’s lined with cloth.

Put some 80’s metal on your phone and wash the night away with zero fucks to give, the kitchen will love you for it.

>> No.16219754

You work in shitty kitchens. I'm a line cook and we protect our dish dogs. We berate servers that leave knives in their dish pit, and get them a free meal when we can. It's a dirty job, so we do what we can to make it a little more tolerable.
Being in dish is a way to learn a trade, mongo. How do you think most cooks get started?

>> No.16219782

listen to the first 300 episodes of the joe rogan experience

>> No.16219810
File: 96 KB, 500x351, 3A976D32-0CFC-40D7-BF23-A7C03C40F43E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are going to be asked to do a lot more then just cleaning dishes, and you will be treated like dog shit even though your working harder then the rest of the house. Good luck anon.

>> No.16219813


>> No.16219822

i'm posting in 4channel

>> No.16220244
File: 2.43 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200418-130642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If my new job i just got wasnt 8 dollars more id definitely go back. I was a dish in grocery store most recently it was alot of large sheet pans and commercial baking stuff it was pretty easy most shit just needed to be sprayed down. Always constantly busy but no one really expected anything of you just go into work and wash dishes. Lot of food to snack on all day. Id usually start drinking a couple hours in prob be 10 deep by the time we finished surprised they never fired me i ended up having to quit. Dishpit in restaurants have a more fun atomsphere hotter young waitresses and druggie line cooks. Grocery stores always have a ton of old women that arent good at their job.

>> No.16220248

this entirely. this anon is correct in every way

>> No.16220262


I dunno. I took an $8/hour dishwashing job to pay off some car work. I had a day job the whole time and took the dishwasher gig because the restaurant was just down the street from my apartment.

They (the chef and cooks) were surprised that I had little to no interest or affinity for learning how to cook. The place was definitely like >>16219810 says. They had me doing prep of all sorts and seemed to be almost insulted that I clearly said I had no interest in "moving up" in the kitchen.

I paid off the car work and stopped showing up.

>> No.16221097



sorry I just had to.

I would put on some good tunes/podcast like others have suggested.

>> No.16221111


Good job tonight lad, Here have a beer and some coke.

>> No.16221120

You're gonna be stinky and wet at the end of the night

>> No.16221190

Orwell wrote a book about his experience as a dishwasher, and others have told me it's still relatable.

>> No.16221278

Similar story. One of my good friends was a bartender at the same spot so it was a good amount of free beers each night which made the literal minimum wage page worth it. Other than that it was pretty chill with the servers who were all cute and still nice and the cooks who just didn't give a shit and treated me just fine. Sad that the owners decided to just move the restaurant to a cheaper location about an hour away from where we were but it was fun while it lasted.

>> No.16221350

You'll enjoy dishes cooked with lime since the hot steam of the dishpit makes every other aroma smell awful

>> No.16221359
File: 119 KB, 1075x582, dishpit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go buddy

>> No.16221417

Hell on earth

>> No.16221431


>> No.16221435

Can confirm. I made more selling edibles as a dish boy than I got paid.

>> No.16221436

dishdog truth

plus massive amounts of drugs and if you're <21, you have ready access to co-workers who'll buy booze for you as long as you're not a lazy whiny little bitch.

>> No.16221453

Checked. This is something you're gonna hear 10x or more during a busy night

>> No.16221494

very nice anon, i have not read this since i was a child. thank you for bringing it back to my attention

>> No.16221656

Most if not all of the kitchen staff to be constantly high or suicidal. And the occasional obvious health code violation but the manager doesn't care

>> No.16221664


t. ihop dishwasher 4 months

>> No.16222219

Based and redpilled

>> No.16222252

>what am I in for lads?
Having one responsibility that is essential to all other employees.
Just concentrate on doing your job properly and the time will fly.

>> No.16222303

what was that like? serious question. I've only worked white collar jobs so the idea of doing something like this is intriguing.

>> No.16222327

Imagine being depressed, but also having to work your ass off because other people are relying on you.

>> No.16222424

that sounds like a lot of jobs. are there any cute girls?

>> No.16222477

When I was a dishbitch I was in a tiny room that seated customers could see into with shit ventillation so it'd get so hot in summer I'd want to die. If your wash room is comfier than that I guess it's an okay enough job, especially if you get to play your own music or whatever.

>> No.16222478

Yes, but you only get a chance if you provide them with coke.

>> No.16222502

>implying clean dishes are useless
get a load of this pig eating out of his dirty trough

>> No.16222511

chemicals burning your hands, hot trays burning your arms, surrounded by cocaine addicts, if you're not careful you'll start doing cocaine

>> No.16222513

I remember it being kind of comfy because my co-workers were around my age and we used to play Disturbed and other shit in the kitchen.
Fuck I miss high school sometimes.

>> No.16222530

>restaurant has a wagie observation post
Why don't more eateries do this?

>> No.16222559

I laughed, but this is pretty evil anon, tell me you're just memeing

>> No.16222564

You’re below everyone else working there.

>> No.16222951
File: 5 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my experience, nonstop paronychia, both acute and chronic

>> No.16223326

dry ass hands and a fuck ton of micro cuts with the occasional large one

>> No.16223473

image makes me miss my ingrown toenail pus farm

>> No.16223484

a shit job

>> No.16223492

I bet you're filipino or black, dont post a picture of a white dude.

>> No.16223520

is it normal for a dishwasher to clean bathroom + toilets?
my boss wants me to do it on top of mopping the place up before I leave

I will quit if he forces the issue, I refuse to clean toilets

>> No.16223528

Bathrooms are usually easy man, I cleaned them for a few years. Don’t throw away a job because you’re a bitch

>> No.16223547

I once had a boss inspecting my toilet cleaning, he said it wasn't good enough and I should lick them bowls.
I punch him dead out, fucked his ass and moved to another state.

>> No.16223549

i'm white

>> No.16223552

Imagine not having gloves then complaining about these things.

>> No.16223675

>Get Head Chef job in asia
>Dishwashers are always little tiny gayboys
>Be nice to gayboy, befriend him
>Find out all of his friends are hot little brown monkey bitches
>Become king of the monkeys

>> No.16223735

>started off in dish pit
>hated it
>got gud at cooking now im never in dish
>dish pit is cozy w 0 responsibilities
>play music all night and wait around

>> No.16223875

Mopping is standard, bathrooms are front of house job in my experience

>> No.16223880
File: 6 KB, 196x128, Z(40).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope this isn't fake, but I know it is

>> No.16223881

Hope you do drugs because you're gonna need them. I lasted two weeks as a dishwasher

>> No.16223885

recommend some boots fren.

>> No.16223950
File: 89 KB, 713x581, 1591871173803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit, I was happy as a pig in shit until I fell for the Upwards Mobility Meme.

Or, rather, they were so understaffed I had to fill in the role of line-cook (which was highly illegal since I didn't have my food health and safety certificate) and they kept putting me on line-cook work because I did better than the other dipshits who sent out ugly food. I wish I never left my sink.

>> No.16224044

The last kitchen job I had, every single one of the 6 dishwashers was black. They were the only black guys in the restaurant lol.

>> No.16224407

Inventory check, lol never worked a kitchen job before? Old people and minorities steal that shit like it’s going out of style. They aren’t gonna pat down Jose and the end of his shift to look for a butter knife.

>> No.16224973

It's fukkin terrible. Truly. The water is hot and your hands will stayed soaked. They will hurt. It blows.

>> No.16224981

go back to plebbit newfag

>> No.16224988

Go in pre-lubed and sporting a butt plug for minimal pain.