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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16204957 No.16204957 [Reply] [Original]

Oh please God no.
We've already got enough abominable American goyslop here already.

>> No.16204974
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>> No.16204978

Watch it cost an arm and a leg too, just like taco bell and five guys

>> No.16204979

the baconator is the greatest fast food sandwich of all time (beef wise)

>> No.16204982

try the spicy nugs

>> No.16204987

the fuck is it with american companies and directly importing prices like we don't know their dollar is basically toilet paper? If it costs 7$ it should cost 30p.

>> No.16204999

Well since you're too good for it certainly won't do extremely well and be preferable to the food you already have.
For instance, Dominos is not at all popular in the UK, kek

>> No.16205003

That sucks, UK bros. It was never meant to be this way. Fast food slop is awful and puts shame to great American foods. I hope some day if you ever come here you'll get to try some.

>> No.16205005

Your money is also toilet paper because in practical terms you base it largely off of ours, illiterate limey.
Maybe your predecessors shouldn't have shilled us so hard on German economics and socialism?
A lot of times you guys pay more in your currency than ours actually, because our corporations know you're dumb marks, and also they don't want to pay the retarded VAT so they make you do it.

>> No.16205006

You irrelevant rodent, the dollar is the reason why your country is even functioning.

>> No.16205008

Disregard this poster and do not come to the US, fuck off we're full

>> No.16205021

Booking a flight right now kek

>> No.16205022

Britain gets what it deserves.

>> No.16205023
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it's so easy

>> No.16205028
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>it's so easy

>> No.16205033
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>> No.16205041

>le pretending to be le retarded

>> No.16205043

fine but book it to visit LA or detroit pls

>> No.16205045

England is desperately in need of good food. why can't the English be more like the japanese who fucking love burgers, Mcdonalds, and Wendys?

>> No.16205051

>We've already got enough abominable American goyslop here already.
You understand that you’re only getting more because you’re literally begging for it with your mouths open to receive it, yeah?

>> No.16205058

He thinks money is real

>> No.16205066

The only american fast food I want to see here is chik fil a, everything else is shit, but I'd punch my way through a ward of newborns for a chik fil a to open near me

>> No.16205072

It's overrated as fuck.

>> No.16205082

By “here” do you mean the UK?
You did have some. And your countrymen literally cried because gays until properties refused to renew CFA’s lease due to public outrage, and they were basically forced out of the UK.
These same people are the ones that apparently are fine throwing money at Wendy’s.

>> No.16205087

Finally bongs can eat something besides beans on toast. You're welcome - United States of America

>> No.16205090

It's amazing believe me you want it

>> No.16205092

It should help with those horrendous queues at mcdonalds you're always winging about

>> No.16205095

>implying their signature regional item won’t be “Dave’s Big Brown Beans”

>> No.16205105

I had it in Florida when I was waiting for my flight, it shits on any chicken sandwich available here. The waffle fries were meh but those sandwiches my god, if the line wasn't like 40 mins long I would have stocked up for the flight.
Yeah, I had no idea. Figures these fucking cucklords would do that shit. I fucking hate it here.

>> No.16205111
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>Build Wendy’s in a new country
>no ワイルドロック
Just add this to the list of reasons why Japs>Bongs.

>> No.16205128


>> No.16205129

>we have enough
You're the one importing our shit, you retarded bongoloid. If you fat toothless fucks didn't want it, it wouldn't find a market there.

>> No.16205134

Fuck bongs and fuck OP.

>> No.16205166

>I'd punch my way through a ward of newborns for a chik fil a to open near me
You don't deserve it then, faithless fool.

>> No.16205171

based Japanese

>> No.16205173

Don't support them. They support right wing policies and politicians. Do not give your money to them.

>> No.16205181
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>Don't support them. They support right wing policies and politicians. Do not give your money to them.

>> No.16205184

Good memories of their burgers from the '80's.

>> No.16205216

The UK leans pretty right

>> No.16205235

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.16205237

>They support right wing policies and politicians
I never eat fast food but I guess now I have to make an exception.

>> No.16205255

Imagine the shits

>> No.16205283

No need to concern yourself.
It's a meme that will only service soyboy wanna be yank larpers.

>> No.16205300

This is why the southeast need to be walled off and made their own country. Londexit when?

>> No.16205302

Not really, our right wing is basically the DNC. Only thing we're right wing on is drug policy because our politicians are fucking pricks.
I don't give a shit about their politics, they can donate my money to whatever retarded kike puppet religion they want.

>> No.16205313
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>Always want to move to the UK since I was a kid
>finally have the money and means to do so
>becoming America-lite

>> No.16205323

>haha le epick socialism but also I hate le kikes and I'm le nihilist!
>le drugs are so le epic!
So woke!

>> No.16205386
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I fucking want them to finally make one in Kurwaland. Is it even good, tasty?

>> No.16205406

>is barely middle class or even a min wage larper
keep coping and pretending you fight the power you fucking boomer, take the blackpill because globalists won and there will be no revolution, I'll take what I can get, work as little as possible and wallow in degeneracy while you pretend to have principles and seethe at the shit around you

>> No.16205420

Why the fuck would you want to move here? It's a boring nanny state with an abysmal quality of life.

>> No.16205438

>uh I bet you don't have le money!
No one cares you dumb "capitalist" nigger, cope harder about being unable to stop obsessing about other people owning yachts.
Any "revolution" you would start would be the thrashing of a petulant brainwashed child.

>> No.16205442

>uh I'm a le nihilist zoomer and I'll act like a fucking nigger forever because everything is like so fake except muh money muh drugs muh seething envy!
We know, we got the memo.

>> No.16205451

Incorrect, the US is becoming UK-lite despite all Airstrip One memes. I wouldn't expect you to understand with your head so far up your own ass.

>> No.16205482
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>Brits complaining about Americans
Pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.16205503

>I-I'm creating a wholesome future for the white race! Me and my wife will live on a homestead and have 40 beautiful white children.
>what? No I don't have a gf. Yes I am a virgin. My age? Deep into my 30s. My perfect aryan queen is just around the corner though, you'll see!

>> No.16205545

I'm actually not interested in your LARP coping. Please kill yourself soon, as nothing matters and your existence seems to center around seething about happy people with families.

>> No.16205576
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>your LARP coping
>is a deus vult permavirgin pretending he isn't soul crushingly alone

>> No.16205590

Again, I have no interest in you LARPing about people you meet online to distract you from the damning emptiness of your own sad and self-obsessed life.

>> No.16205604

Baconator good

>> No.16205628

UK prefers its own all slop cuisine

>> No.16205636

>LARPing about people you meet online
>he doesn't know what larping means
muh 4chon buzzwords

>> No.16205637

>hasn't realized the pound committed sudoku

>> No.16205647

is that wings?

>> No.16205652

>literally on a 5 year high against the dollar
It's not anywhere near what it was before the global market crash but it's doing ok all things considered

>> No.16205655

>triggered by something that absolutely shouldn't affect his life
You need to go back to /pol/

>> No.16205656

I accept your concession, but not your homosexuality.

>> No.16205657


>> No.16205671

Less the UK and more the Isle of Man honestly. I love the history and culture, the weather is great imo (love rain). That and my great grandparents were British expats and shared stories with me as a kid.

>> No.16205698

I accept your apology, but offer no forgiveness.

>> No.16205744

I'm not apologizing, I don't think homosexuals have a place on this earth.

>> No.16205786

surprised UK doesn't already have wendy's

>> No.16205812





>> No.16205820

You can't take it back, I've already accepted it. You lose.

>> No.16205862

I win because I never offered it and am also not a faggot like you.

>> No.16205887


>> No.16205910

Why? How does it compare to McCrack or Dryburger King?

>> No.16205952

worse than mcdicks. not as dry as burker king but the meat is completely flavorless.

>> No.16205990

A box of 20 nuggets costs $10 in Sweden even without the menu. Fast food is a scam here.

>> No.16206188

Same here in Belgium. I looked at what the BTS menu would cost. Was like 12.50 euro for some nuggest and a medium fry lmao

>> No.16206199

Staler pasta than month-old soba.

>> No.16206227

dave thomas is laughing at you

>> No.16206232

It amazes me that these shitty companies can still be viable. I could get some genuinely good food from a local Thai resturant for that price. Or an infamous Swedish kebab pizza with will last me for 3-4 days.

>> No.16206485

I meant as a tourist anon, I didn't mean as an immigrant.

>> No.16206503

It because you guys embraced socialism, food becomes expensive and everyone is starving in some form.

>> No.16206540

In France McDonald's filled the market with only the belgian Quick as a minor competitor, and the apparition of Burger King was only made by transforming Quick restaurants into BK's ones. There's no room for another chain.

>> No.16206566

Wendy’s is the best of the *national* fast food burger chains in the US. If the quality is the same, it’ll be a significant upgrade from McD’s or Burger King.

>> No.16206597

You know, hot take, it might be the people buying that
>>abominable American goyslop
that are the problem.

Anyway you should be okay with dumb folk killing themselves with fast food. We don't need them.

Stop trying to save idiots, its not very darwinistic.

>> No.16206667

>We learned from a Wendy’s UK Ltd. representative that several menu staples will be renamed to better appeal to the UK market; these include the Baconator and Dave’s Triple, which will respectively be sold as the Pork Wendy Splendy and David’s Reserve Beefington Mk.III

Do bongs really?

>> No.16207173

Fuck this off and bring back the Wimpys

>> No.16207268

Thanks yanks

>> No.16207389

>we don't know their dollar is basically toilet paper
The dollar is stronger than the pound. The real question is, how the fuck is the euro stronger than the dollar?

>> No.16207625
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>>haha le epick socialism but also I hate le kikes and I'm le nihilist!
>>le drugs are so le epic!

>> No.16207703

You're not wrong. The spicy chicken from Wendy's is also good, and a CHOCOLATE frosty for dipping your fries in is classic. Secret fat shit mode, get spicy nuggers and throw them on top of the baconator

>> No.16207716

Yes, Hitler was a massive retarded faggot product of the massive retarded faggot culture that produced him and which his party tried to overcome with their own brand of massive faggotry.

>> No.16207719

Dude the UK has been gone. All major European countries fell years ago. America is unironically on the brink of no return. It can still be saved thanks to the counter culture towards the cuckery Europe seemed to willingly embrace

>> No.16207734

Yeah, and you're going to get more because you idiots are just as fat as the American Idiots. Cope.

>> No.16207832
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>spicy chicken


i wonder if they are going to have their chili? do bongs even get to have chili?

>> No.16207850

I think they need some sort of license for it

>> No.16207861
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>> No.16207970
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dangerously underrated post.


my fucking sides

>> No.16208174

too salty, the big buford is superior in every way

>> No.16208227



>> No.16208665

>two guns and lock stocked barrels
love that cinematographic piece

>> No.16208761

Like >>16206232 said, locals are just the way to go here in EU. Unlike corporate slave USA. Blame socialism, but that's not it. The govt actively invest in making healthy good cheaper. And taxes the fast food companies.

Main reason why so many ppl in USA or UK are so fat. Is because fastfood is so cheap

>> No.16208792

is this what they call mutt cope?

>> No.16208890

Brexit meant becoming the 51st state of the usa

>> No.16208924

enjoy America's McDonald's #2 (or #3) alternative

>> No.16208948

are you retarded?

>> No.16209003

>and also they don't want to pay the retarded VAT so they make you do it.

Like thy do you.

>> No.16209026

What is Wendys actually good for?

Taco bell has tacos
Dominoes has pizza

What does Wendys do? just burgers and regular fast food?

>> No.16209032

the burgers are square.

>> No.16209050

jesus christ.

>> No.16209060

it'll get trounced and close.

The most popular chains in the UK are all different from each other. Burgers, pizza, carverys, sandwiches, etc.

If the only thing it has are regular burgers, it'll lose out. this isn't Murica

>> No.16209067


How much is this slop in america, i'm guessing it'ss be £18 for burgah and chips once the dickhead tax has been added

>> No.16209083

Better signature burger than McDonald's.
And people say their chili is good but I've never tried it because that seems too messy for fast food.

>> No.16209131

You really don't get it, anon. VAT is the tax you add on top of all the bullshit, specific taxes. Our companies generally don't include tax so that we can see every day exactly what our government is robbing us for, which is inconvenient but also entirely based. VAT is an extra jewish stab in the back to anyone and everyone who let it pass into law.

>> No.16209155


>> No.16209163 [DELETED] 

Buy from local businesses not Jewish owned American multinational corporations.

>> No.16209176
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I like that word, can I use it?

>> No.16209379 [DELETED] 

based wendy's. dave thomas hated nigs and queers

>> No.16209410
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retard. each pound is basically worth 70% of a dollar.

>> No.16209417


>> No.16209423

All money is government money kid. It's not robbing taking some of it back you libertarian idiot.

>> No.16209431

Someone should open a wendy's where the only employees are ginger girls who dress like her. I might actually go to one then.

>> No.16209440

>n-no one likes f-fast food... we make good REAL food here
Its like she doesn't know how free enterprise works

>> No.16209477

you fucking retard
its the other way around
a dollar is worth 70% of a pound

>> No.16209523

It would be a shame to infringe on all the saltless fried potatoes swimming gravy.

>> No.16209605

Wew american moment

>> No.16209751

Zat sum Wings of Redemption!?

>> No.16209781

As far as I'm aware we have McDonald's, Burger King, Domino's, K.F.C., and maybe Pizza Hut if that's still a thing. We used to have our own (terrible) home-grown fast-food chain called 'Wimpy's', but I haven't seen hide nor hair of it in years.
When I saw Demolition Man and they had the thing about how 'all restaurants are Taco Bell' I had no idea what Taco Bell even was. I didn't find out until I heard it referenced in other American media.

>> No.16209784


>> No.16209867

Don't wall me off with the rest of these faggots

>> No.16210026

Bullshit, I worked at wendy's years ago and there was never even close to 25 gallons of chili prepared, hell not even close to the amount of ingredients needed for that much. They made one batch in the morning and one in the afternoon, that's it.

>> No.16210602

ate two of these once and my chest hurt. good meal.

>> No.16210625
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>> No.16210640
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>britbongs get real chicken in their wendy nuggies instead of processed bleached paste

>> No.16210649
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>fine but book it to visit LA or detroit pls
Of course, nobody wants to fucking visit Kansas or Minnesota, you dumbass.

>> No.16210662


>> No.16210705
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>this is your mind on burgers

>> No.16210719

> Ban anyone saying lol

>> No.16210734
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>> No.16211116
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This is violently American.

>> No.16211177

>but how could I fall for trolling if I'm a 4channer?

>> No.16211279

>haha jokes on you I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.16211299

why do the japs get all of the cool promotional shit?

>> No.16211313
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Don't need flags to know you're really American.

>> No.16211316

For you
Recipe tower burguer of KFC

>> No.16211349

Now call me a bootlicker to complete the cognitive dissonance loop kek
Fucking tribals man I swear

>> No.16211354

I wish so hard that were true, you genuinely cannot imagine.

>> No.16211798
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>more than 25 gallons

>> No.16211804

Then why does every American have a flag on their porch and their truck?

>> No.16211816

Only because it's still being used as the official international currency. The way things are going I'd expect a change soon ish

>> No.16211821

How do they always manage to out America us?

>> No.16212931
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I got a question for you bong fucking gregg's usa when?

>> No.16212994

The frozen drink it good.

>> No.16213000

And why are there two different pictures?

>> No.16213016

It's always weird people only bring up Denmark when talking about raising wages, usually McDonald's pays $15 minimum wage and still has a $4 Big Mac

>> No.16213021

They don't cut corners

>> No.16213194

>he can't eat 100 liters of chili in one sitting
stomachlets, when will they learn?

>> No.16213245

based baiter

>> No.16213275

>ITT retard europoors who think the relative strength of a currency matters

God, how does it feel being among the poorer countries english-speaking euros?

>> No.16213502

Anon asking the important questions

>> No.16213504

Wendy's is based, you crooked toothed cunt.

>> No.16213509

Chili and baked potato

>> No.16213515

Except the part where he almost saved western civilization?

>> No.16213519

Bullshit, you fat fucking McD's shill

>> No.16213522

Hold up... There's not already Wendy's in the UK? Shiieeet.

>> No.16213541

I thought Wendy's was worldwide. Interesting.
Well now UKfags can stop meming about Americans + McDonalds and really see how bad Wendy's is I guess

>> No.16213603

Taco bell is pretty cheap, about the same value as McDonald's I think

Five guys is ridiculous though

>> No.16214264

There was one in Belfast about 20 years ago
Not sure why it closed
It's a Boojum now (was an estate agent before that)

>> No.16214273

i don't see what's the issue here, it's better than Mcdonalds and BK, plus its the only fast food place with chili

>> No.16214668
File: 61 KB, 599x429, 6D5A18A5-8F97-4D03-B30D-8F064510D938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get the jr bacon cheeseburgers

>> No.16214751

>socialism is when capitalism.

>> No.16214782

Americans are too old fashioned for any of that shit to work here.
Just look at what happened when KFC tried the double down. Boomers nearly lost their minds.
Maybe once the boomers are gone we can start getting some cool shit.

>> No.16215018

These are great! The meat is 2mm thick so when it goes up against the three inches of ice cold lettuce and tomato it instantly becomes cold too. Combine that with a nice, soggy bun and a square of yellow plastic and buddy you got some gooooooooood eatin.

>> No.16215136

Taco Bell prices aren't unreasonable, I thought Five Guys was expensive everywhere?

>> No.16215261

Why are you complaining? Wendy's chili is natures greatest hangover cure.

>> No.16215282

>No good food
>No good sights
>No good women
>90% of people spend their time drinking beer and getting fat

Why would you want to move to UK again?

>> No.16215291

>>No good food
>>No good sights
>>No good women
You clearly haven't been here, last one is true though

>> No.16215328
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>> No.16215353

Are you Muslim?

>> No.16215377

Better burgers than McDonalds or Burger King

>> No.16215381
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Stop making us look worse

>> No.16215384

brits did brexit which plummeted pound, last summer shit ton of dollar got printed for banks and now euro is going to plummet with these EU loans

>> No.16215391

Cope. You think we ever stopped fucking other countries up? China invades with propaganda, we're sending our burgers.

>> No.16215406


>> No.16215434

If that's the case you'll go from an irrelevant rodent to fertilizer. Careful what you wish for.

>> No.16215451

>haha, no I couldn't possibly have fallen victim to trolling on 4chan, I'm not retarded after all.... *gulp* right... ?

>> No.16215562

Wake me up when I don't have to travel to the States to get some Chick-Fil-A, Wendy's is solidly "ok".

Same those left wing cunts chased out the Chick-Fil-A test store a couple of years ago.

>> No.16215584

we had the double down here in the UK, was based.