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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 443x521, salad burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16178137 No.16178137 [Reply] [Original]

>/CK/ will defend this.

>> No.16178145

Only wypipo eat salads

>> No.16178158

This is based on nothing and you are clearly gay

>> No.16178171
File: 1.47 MB, 400x560, 1595447388817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For 7 dollars I could make a huge salad, lasting me days.

>> No.16178177

Nigga just go to the grocery store lmao

>> No.16178179

>lol do it yourself
thank you ableists

>> No.16178210
File: 2.55 MB, 4172x1488, 1621489739072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, you dont like 7 burgers?

>> No.16178214

just buy coleslaw

>> No.16178216

If you can't make a salad on your own you're the laziest nig ever

>> No.16178221


>> No.16178237

Make your own fucking salad then.

>> No.16178245

Speak English, stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.16178246

how are u spose to get up in that coochie with all that fat

>> No.16178259

Some of us have penises in excess of 6 inches, Chang.

>> No.16178267

Go home white man

>> No.16178282

Eat less
Move more
Cheaper food means more money in your pockets
Simple as

>> No.16178294
File: 170 KB, 842x699, 483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paid nine dollars for a burger yesterday, thus proving forever that I have sex with girls and OP does not.

and obesity is fake I guess

>> No.16178297

What restaurant is that?

>> No.16178345

first you have to show me a restaurant with those prices. because you can't.

>> No.16178347

even if every single food was a burger or a salad, and if they always costed 1 and 7 dollars respectively, it costs exactly zero (0) dollars to eat nothing.

>> No.16178353

Salad are free if you're willing to be a greaseball wop and go collect your dandelion greens.

>> No.16178371

Americans are fat because you need a car to get just about anywhere here.

>> No.16178406


>> No.16178407

not really unless you like eating nothing but iceberg. a good mix of greens can go for 4-5 bucks per bag

>> No.16178413

Does the beef(?) burger really cost $1 in the usa?

>> No.16178423

Who goes out to eat and orders a salad?
You deserve to pay through the nose for being such a fucking faggot.

>> No.16178453

And being fat is a condition for a car?

>> No.16178467

>compares a salad from the menu of an overpriced Italian money laundering front to the cheapest burger at McDonald's that doesn't even have everything pictured

>> No.16178487


in the US, a mcdonalds Bacon Ranch Salad costs $4.60 and a cheeseburger (one patty) costs $1.

You've never been to a restaurant where the deluxe salad costs $10? because I have.

>> No.16178489

This, the picture is misleading, a $1 burger doesn't look like that. And for $1 you can get tons of tomatoes.

>> No.16178495

>McDonald's prices
I mean, they're a burger restaurant, producing burgers must be way cheaper for them. This is like complaining because they want burgers to be more expensive. Having a fucking meal for $1 is a miracle anyway.
The problem with Americans is that they think they deserve to eat out every day instead of making their own food.

>> No.16178509

wypipo be rude af tho

>> No.16178512

The burgers don't make you fat, soda and French fries do

>> No.16178519

It's funny that they complain about those prices but still would buy the whole combo and add chicken nuggets on the side for way more than the salad.

>> No.16178523

>Having a fucking meal for $1 is a miracle anyway.

McDonalds keeping homeless people alive every day lol.

OP's argument is that the small mcdonalds salad isn't worth more than $2, but people are willing to pay almost $5 for it.

>> No.16178568
File: 2.16 MB, 1600x800, mcd salad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending if they use real grilled chicken or not, and cheddar, it could be worth more than $2.

Have this grainy image of a McD's salad

>> No.16178620

Just make your own damn salad and burger and come out on top every time

>> No.16178633

did this sound clever in your head

>> No.16178651

Are you right? Letssss find out

>> No.16178657

Perhaps you shouldn't buy a fucking "McDonald's Bacon Ranch Salad" then
Just go to the store and buy a fucking bag of salad

>> No.16178660

And they're more nutritious than l*ttuce anyway

>> No.16178668

>Just go to the store and buy a fucking bag of salad

even that can range you from $2-5, while a cheeseburger remains at $1. you literally have no argument against OP.

>> No.16178688

yeah if you pretend to not understand how portions work i guess i lose, good job

>> No.16178712

It's cheaper to make burgers with cheap ingredients full of preservatives, salt, fat, sugar and that are shelf stable, than it is to sustain an efficient logistical chain that delivers fresh and good quality products.
And nobody eats salad at a fast food, regardless of the price. So losses are massives.
Fast foods aren't going to lower the price of the salad, nor raise the price of fat products. They're private companies, their goal is to make money, not care for people's health.

Amerifags are fat because everything is heavily processed.
Btw this is why every ameritard is freaked out when they hear about raw egg, slightly undercooked chicken, or correctly cooked beef steak "enjoy your tapeworm". Because if it doesn't look like it's from a chemical factory, they won't eat it.

>> No.16178725

>Btw this is why every ameritard is freaked out when they hear about raw egg, slightly undercooked chicken, or correctly cooked beef steak "enjoy your tapeworm". Because if it doesn't look like it's from a chemical factory, they won't eat it.

>> No.16178738
File: 135 KB, 600x498, wendys 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you were hungry as fuck would you rather eat four delicious cheeseburgers, or one 'Bacon ranch salad' for the same price?

>> No.16178748

neither, you fat retard

>> No.16178754

That bag of salad lasts you around 3 meals. Just because you have a bag of something doesn't mean you gotta eat it all in one sitting. You fatty enabling faggots make me ashamed I share my country with you.

>> No.16178825

I don't just simply walk into a fast food I happen to be close to when hunger decides to strike unannounced.
Man if you've eaten correctly in the morning, at lunch or at diner you don't suddenly feel like eating 1500kcal.
And if that's your case, just learn how to control your urges. That's a psychological matter. And I know that because when I was a teen I used to cope by eating, I was weak, and if I hadn't come to my senses I would be overweight by now.

>> No.16178902
File: 80 KB, 750x750, 1621711289262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry i'm not anti-social, i go out in the real world and eat food and meet new people unlike you

>> No.16178914

I get my salad for free

>> No.16178933

wait.. synecdoche is actually a thicc babe not a skinny jap nerd?

>> No.16178945


>> No.16178949

Not going to the fast food and eating my daily recommended calory intake in one sitting as a leisure doesn't make me anti-social.

>> No.16178950

But he's having two large fries and two orders of onion rings in that vid alone.
I'd also bet dollars to donuts that he gains more weight when he eats the big tubs of cheesy noodles.
Wasn't there a supersize me debunker that ate three McDicks borgers a day and stayed trim?

>> No.16178957

>bacon ranch salad
American salad everyone

>> No.16178972

I wanna hear you pronounce that word

>> No.16178994

Sinny doe-shay

>> No.16179023

I believe you looked up the pronunciation and then made this up for a laff. It worked

>> No.16179071

i love when poor fat retards try to make the argument that they HAVE to eat fast food.

>> No.16179098

in all honesty I thought it was sinnek-doak, not senek-d'kee, but I shall henceforth say sinnydoshay

>> No.16179109

Locked and loaded. Thanks 4 playing

>> No.16179113

American salads are primarily mayonnaise.

>> No.16179117

7 cheeseburgers Rand? You promised this would never happen again.

>> No.16179148

eggs and olive oil are great in salad but god forbid you combine them

>> No.16179151

supersize me was fake and gay and the faggot that made it was an alkie that didn’t slow down on his massive beer gut during the entire “study”

>> No.16179156

only person I’ve heard make this argument was an obese retard

>> No.16179235

In my country 1$ burger is small and crappy. For same price you can buy 1 head of lettuce, few tomatoes and cucumbers. All together costing 1$. So wheres the issue? Are veggies so expensive there or are they complaining that premade salads are expensive? Ofc they are, because they must make money from selling it. Anyway more cheaper than both these would be few potatoes and chicken breast, also 1$. So you might say youre fat because burgers are cheap, nobody told you to over ear them. Its not about burgers, its calories in calories out.

>> No.16179251

>Are veggies so expensive there
>are they complaining that premade salads are expensive?

>> No.16179291

Anyone who draws themselves like that is a literal sphere

>> No.16179336

Being fat isn't a disability faggot

>> No.16179362

You have to actually put the stuff you're advertising into the salad. Burger is blended leftovers.

>> No.16179371

people don't become obese on $1 burgers. it's the french fries, soda pop and snacking between meals that get ya

>> No.16179746


>0 results for subsidized

Just follow the money. The US government puts in ~$38 billion towards agriculture funding and subsidies. A percent of a percent of that goes to fresh fruit and vegetable production that aren't corn and soy products, both of which are feeding fodder for meat producers' livestock. More of the latter means more meat, keeping those costs low and accessible and of course contributing to the downward spiral that is the rising national average obesity rate.

And the agriculture industries wouldn't be doing this if it weren't profitable either. The cultural pride USA has in its beef, exemplified in a regular, old burger, drives this in a feedback loop. Anyone astute will recognize how this is slowly killing the planet on a macro-scale and individual peoples on a micro-scale, from ecological health to individual health respectively.

>> No.16179775
File: 33 KB, 474x315, 1615608001660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he buys lettuce in a bag

>> No.16179991

That's what makes it fun. Who doesn't love a good challenge?

>> No.16180012

more people eat burgers, so it's cheaper thanks to economy of scale

>> No.16180077

>go to Burger King
>order salad
>get upset that place that specializes in BUGERS doesn't have cheap salad
For fucks sake people are retarded.

>> No.16180550
File: 422 KB, 1290x616, 1620748927425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16180900
File: 146 KB, 750x563, spinach tubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Produce is exceptionally cheap in the US. The original OP is some moron that thinks processed factory foods is representative of food availability. It is not, and you can purchase more weight in produce than meat dollar for dollar. The salads available at fast food companies are priced lower than their combo meals.

OP is a fag.

>> No.16180912

The fuck is that on top are those croutons stuffed with cheese?

>> No.16181011

That's breaded chicken.

>> No.16181027

Salad literally isn't even food. There's next to no nutrition in them.

>> No.16181055


If you make a proper salad that isn't just iceberg lettuce and croutons it'll have plenty of nutrients

>> No.16181057

>the highest calorie food of the combo doesn't make you fat it's the lower calorie food that makes you fat

>> No.16181210

you dont know how much soda these whales drink

>> No.16181388

Idk but it's not like it's rare for male artists to draw themselves as a girl or use female characters as stand-ins for themselves. If your audience comes to you for booba and ass then it's a pretty obvious move to do that.

>> No.16181639

Friggin sweet, Lois! A schizo post!

>> No.16181670

Oh, you want some too?

>> No.16181715

Did the image finally get MD5 banned for spamming?

>> No.16181870

>$1 burger
literally never happened

>> No.16181923

>mute volume button

what the hell would play if you unmuted this image?

>> No.16181928

The full Eskimo album by The Residents.

>> No.16181934

its probably a video
but a video becomes an image once you save a screenshot of it

>> No.16181940

god i wish i was a fat fetishist instead of liking healthy women, i'd get laid all the time

>> No.16181946

No, you would still be demanding women out of your league.

>> No.16181949

I can buy a pound of spring greens at costco for 4 dollars, 2 heads of iceburg or a bunch of romaine for 2-3 dollars, a bag of few red onions for a couple bucks and some dressing for 3 bucks. That's a weeks worth of salads for 2 people for 10 bucks.

>> No.16181950

A salad smothered in ranch and other toppings is just as bad or worse as a burger. At least the burger has lots of protein.

>> No.16181963

mcdoubles used to be 1 dollar a few years ago anon.

>> No.16181964

no, i'd be banging the desperate fat girls who come onto me all the time.

yay, a week's worth of salads for two people, i'm sure everyone wants that as opposed to burgers!

all that shit will go bad unless you just eat salads. that's kinda the point of the OP.

>> No.16181973

The salads at fast food restaurants are typically unhealthier than the burgers.
Anyway people who eat fast food are lazy and stupid.

>> No.16181993

>Chicken 1.78/lb
Good lord that's cheap, what the fuck are Americans even complaining about?

>> No.16181997

The salad pictured in the op has more calories than the burger does.

>> No.16182012

There is nothing wrong with eating that hamburger every day. The bun is full of carbs, the patty is full of protein, and tomatoes and lettuce have great vitamins and minerals. Just one burger provides much, if not all the energy one needs to power through their day. Refute that. Protip: You can't. Plus I just checked the prices of that salad and that sandwich on the menu of the place I flip burgers at: We charge $3 for that salad and $4 for that burger, meaning I refuted your shitty meme, which was likely made by a clueless boomer page and retweeted by liberal faggots which basically makes you a retard.

>> No.16182193

You don't get how it works. For the full-blown fetishist the object of the fetish is all that matters, that being her excess weight. As such, even the most desperate of fat girls doesn't actually need to try hard to find someone willing to fuck her. This results in a bunch of ugly fat chicks with completely skewed notions of their own desirability because there will always be some chaser willing to overlook everything about them to get his fetish fix.

>> No.16182196

>source: dude trust me

>> No.16182204

The joke is that the salad is drenched in sauce and has almost as many calories as the burger. It only SEEMS healthier.

>> No.16182213

>i'm sure everyone wants that as opposed to burgers!
thats why youre fat
>all that shit will go bad unless you just eat salads
well stored greens should last a fortnight at least

>> No.16182293

Where did this retarded image originate from? Did someone actually make it seriously? I've seen this image floating around since around 2006.
I fucking hate these people. Even if we take the image at face value and assume it's 100% correct. Just buy the fucking burger for 1 dollar. You just saved 6 dollars. Just eat less and you're saving money while you're eating less.

>> No.16182304

Beef has billions of subsidies, vegetables and fruit don’t

>> No.16182308

Ive never seen them under $4.95
Hell, KFC's burgers are all $10 or $12.
Big Mac is $13

>> No.16182309

they same way they fucking cry and complain about paying literally 1/4 the price of gas/petrol than the rest of the world.

>> No.16182330

where the fuck do you live where a mcdouble is 5 dollars? they're 2 for 3 dollars here.

>> No.16182331

No menu item at McDonald's is $1, except when it's something that's covered under a deal in their app, and usually that's only fries, hashbrowns or coffee. These threads are stupid vector because even a hamburger is $1.49 at McDonald's nowadays. They can afford to price then like that through corporate regulation, because corporate makes their profits via real-estate. Beef is increasing in price and a single-patty hamburger at any fast-food chain will your $2. A bag of pre-made salad at Walmart is like $2.50, maybe even cheaper. Regardless, this question should only apply and be posed to fat people like myself, in which case the only actual real answer is 'don't fucking eat, fatty.'

>> No.16182385

sounds like australian prices, your dollar is worth like 1.3 of ours and then add on the extra cost of employee wages

>> No.16182526

demand dumbass
make your own salad shits cheap

>> No.16184100

Lots of niggers with no cars are fat because they groceries stores are too far away so they go to the closest McDonald's instead and in some states restaurants take food stamps

>> No.16184109


>> No.16184650

if eating burgers is making you fat, why not just eat less burgers and save even more money?

>> No.16186106

And niggers can't spell.

>> No.16186128

>the only choice in food you have is between a salad and a burger
do Americans really

>> No.16186133

This. Also, the burger is probably less or equally caloric than the salad when you count the dressing, croutons, cheese, and whatever other bullshit they put on it.

And what fast food place sells a salad for $7 and a burger for $1?

>> No.16186140

>lower calorie

>> No.16186142

I dunno where you are buying your salads or your burgers but I suspect that time travelling is involved.

>> No.16186156

>eating a 3 day old salad

>> No.16187127

Top tier Pepe.
Steak king that one, thanks anon.

>> No.16187200

IMO the body needs a certain dry weight of food per day to feel satiated. So its not lasting days.

>> No.16187220

Burger King has a $1 bacon cheese burger.

>> No.16187342

I don't think he meant eating nothing but salad for those 7 days.
Just enough to have salad with (or for) one or two meals a day.

>> No.16188141

post the one about cooking by yourself being more expensive

>> No.16188189

Do Americans really?

>> No.16188213

just don't eat $7 worth of burgers you fat fuck

>> No.16188231

>explain this shit, THIN PRIVELEGERS!
Salads are marked up to unreasonable prices at fast food places because they know people will pay more for a "healthy" option (especially when they're looking at a ton of greasy burgers and fried things otherwise), and because they throw some chicken and other pricey ingredients in there to justify the price.

You can buy an entire head of romaine lettuce or a huge bag of spinach for under $4, just buy a $2 bottle of dressing and maybe a cucumber with it, and you have salads for an entire week.

Even Wendy's' cheapest, smallest burger is like $2.25.

>> No.16189641
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x564, 1597903426964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off. This is your $1 hamburger. Not what you get in the pic.

>> No.16190563
File: 1007 KB, 768x553, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salads are free. You do own a home with a garden, right anon?

>> No.16190618

still 2x the calories and nutritional content of a $5 salad

>> No.16190629

That has more to do with the fact that salads aren't usually as nutritionally dense and make us of more expensive perishable ingredients.

>> No.16190672

>gardens are free
I meeeeaaaan
I like to garden, it's well worth it, but even if you're the kind of goof who doesn't factor in your own labor (which really is not worth nothing), you've got seeds, compost (I keep a bin but still end up needing to supplement every year), the initial costs of trellises, raised beds, watering systems, the water itself.
I'd say I probably blow a little under a hundred bucks a year on upkeep and expansion. And that's to speak nothing of my being a mortgagefag, and how whatever extra space I use to garden is reflected in the price of my house.

>> No.16190689

>implying you ever need to even touch a salad to live healthy and not be an obese cunt

>> No.16191459

The obesity problem is caused by eating too much food not by eating "low quality" food
humans can easily live on fat/carbs/sugar with low fruit and vegetable intake, its just that most people dont have self control and eat too much

>> No.16191484

>MAKe yOUr oWN saLad
The price of groceries is going up, you idiots.

>> No.16192722

That burger would cost $9 at McDonalds here in Australia.
At $1 per burger with lettuce, tomato and cheese that's a great way to get a healthy meal for cheap, you guys must all be rich.

>> No.16192766
File: 8 KB, 259x194, burgärking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have a number 15, please

>> No.16192775

you still pay less for it than anyone else in human history by a long shot. likes its not even close

>> No.16194201

They sell salads at Publix

>> No.16194223

Not accurate.
We have 2 kinds of salads
the mayonnaise ones exist, yes but we have other ones with fruit and/or veggies. Restaurants don't usually serve the former type of salads. Most of the time you'd get egg or potato salad at home or at the supermarket.
Also it's not just Americans who do this, Russians and Japanese make potato salad as well.
Fuck off uncultured western euro cuck