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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 193 KB, 1690x950, Very Iconic Characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16126[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Iconic - Edition

>Upcoming Releases:

>Out This Week:
Darth Revan #2 (Tuesday 4th)
Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir Hardback (Tuesday 4th)
Dooku - By Luceno (Thursday 6th)

>Rebels 3.20/21: "Zero Hour" Parts 1 and 2

>Rebels Recon: Zero Hour

>Download links: (Check here for new Rebels Episodes + Books, Comics, Films, etc)

>Canon Guide:

>Legends Recommendation List:

>> No.16127

Please make this a new pasta it's fucking hilarious how hard he sperged out

>> No.16128
File: 6 KB, 186x200, 1490937950546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Star Wars too

>> No.16129 [SPOILER] 
File: 486 KB, 1237x1021, 1491042143170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romantic pegging

>> No.16130
File: 358 KB, 600x646, 1487015674843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think they'll put any chiss characters in TLJ?

>> No.16131

Ive not seen that one before


I'm actually very excited for TLJ because with Lucasfilm fully involved this time, it opens up way more opportunity for proper continuity. And that starts with a better and more familiar variety of aliens.

>> No.16132

What was it?

>> No.16133
File: 1007 KB, 908x887, Doctor-Aphra-1_Thanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hold her hand

>> No.16134

the dude that compared liking a scene from the prequels to literally shitting on a game of DnD all because he called it 'fun'

>> No.16135
File: 339 KB, 540x378, Aphra (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty cute

>> No.22595

>somewhere on the HoloNet there is a Holo-Imagesite containing a board dedicated to posting cute boys from all over the galaxy
>it is frequented exclusively by horny Mirialan girls

>> No.22922

Cocaine smoking is fun, does that mean you should do it? In the middle of an RPG I thought it would be fun to get up and pull down my trousers and take a fat fucking shit all over the gaming table, burying my friend's miniatures under a torrent of fecal matter. That would have been amazingly fun! But did I do it? No. because "fun" is the reasoning of a fucking child. If you base whether or not you do something off of whether or not it is "fun" then you are a mental infant who is not fit to live in adult society.

>> No.22965

Wait I forgot half of it
Cocaine smoking is fun, does that mean you should do it? In the middle of an RPG I thought it would be fun to get up and pull down my trousers and take a fat fucking shit all over the gaming table, burying my friend's miniatures under a torrent of fecal matter. That would have been amazingly fun! But did I do it? No. because "fun" is the reasoning of a fucking child. If you base whether or not you do something off of whether or not it is "fun" then you are a mental infant who is not fit to live in adult society.

Similarly, when you do things in an RPG because they are "fun" you are being a fucking asshole. "Well I'm going to destroy the believably of this campaign by letting Jonathan fly to the goddamn moon on his Jump check because he got a NATuRAL TWENTY and if anything else happens, well, that would be against the spirit of the game, which is to have FUN, right guys? Even if we are fucking over the entire story and destroying the point of playing an RPG, it's okay, because as long as we are having FUN with it, that makes it a good thing, right?"

That is what you sound like.

>> No.23004
File: 146 KB, 1344x481, NO FUN ALLOWED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Had to cap it, it was too good.

Daily remindee that Star Wars is NOT FUN.

>> No.23018 [SPOILER] 
File: 20 KB, 525x493, 1491051088018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post old handsome men.

>> No.23077


What a sick, twisted fetish you have!

>> No.23117
File: 531 KB, 245x180, 1376877286041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those prices just for a autograph or photo with Hayden

No wonder he came back.

>> No.23397
File: 1.03 MB, 778x740, Lewd Space Asian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23514


>they took the time to drew the outline of her vagina


>> No.23549
File: 29 KB, 162x209, 1489459655289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now why would they do that

>> No.23930
File: 189 KB, 1920x1112, IMG_3971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So can we talk about the food in the Star Wars universe?
I really want some goddamn space waffles.

>> No.23998

Greedo is so happy

>> No.24146

I want her to sit on my face and belittle me.

>> No.24217
File: 557 KB, 1056x832, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only know about Bantha Fodder

>> No.24242
File: 51 KB, 570x360, Vader Burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I guess it's never been more appropriate to post this.

>> No.24251

People are going to be flocking to him once they show his ghost in the TLJ trailer, that's why

>> No.24270
File: 182 KB, 644x784, Seventh Sister Strikes Again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew about the board merging before I made the thread.

Would have changed us to /swcock/

>> No.24410
File: 340 KB, 1894x980, why their buttcheeks are so colourful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Mirialan cuisine involve a lot of yellow and green fruits?

>> No.24411

My sides have been Alderaaned.

>> No.24440
File: 316 KB, 708x1110, Ahsoka (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's time to bring back orange posting?

>> No.24444

Since she likes Skywalker dick, how high are the chances she'll go after the son next?

>> No.24499

I completely and unironically would be ok with it

Luke's only love interests were his own sister, and some black chick who got killed before anything even happened.

Landing the sassy and adventurous Aphra would be great. She'd breath some excitement and danger into his life, and he'd keep her morally on the good side. And maybe he'll come out of our new Canon not a virgin

>> No.24519

>Hey dad, remember your old Secretary you blasted into space? Well she lived and im tapping that now.
>... I am... Proud... Of you, son.

>> No.24535



And I would be okay with it.

>> No.24554

>inb4 Aphra is going to be the new Mara

>> No.24642

>Better character
>More interesting
>Not a mary sue (in fact I thought she was frustratingly overshadowed by Leia and Sana in their crossover issues)
>Fits canon better
>Better for Luke
>Wont get killed by Traviss unfairly and unexpectedly
>Has a lot of potential for an emotional arc between 5-6, maybe Vader kills her for real this time, testing Luke's emotions further

>We still haven't got a proper red-head waifu in canon yet. Seriously, all of these new asian/black/brown girls, and no red-heads, I hate this "diversity" lie

Did I miss anything?

>> No.24680
File: 50 KB, 575x642, Seventh Sister Future of the Force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cute blue-haired fuccbois

>> No.24694

I think I'd be more than fine if Luke got some asian pootang.

>> No.24729

They should have Aphra appear in Rebels.

Or carbonite her so she'll be released 30 years later and replace Rey as a protagonist.

>> No.24747

Of all the new characters she has become weirdly popular.

>> No.24809


She's fun, and she has to potential to drag characters into crazy adventures.

I like how unscrupulous she is.

>> No.24836
File: 2.09 MB, 1988x3056, Pash Davane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no redhead waifu in canon
also what happened to the other thread, my bookmark 404d

>> No.24902

I like that she doesn't steal the spotlight from others, isn't a flawless stronk womyn. I rolled my eyes when she got her own title but it's surprisingly very fun and I want more archeology shenanigans with her, her father and the murder droids.

>> No.24939

She got to be in Vader's comic, so she got a lot of attention.

And she was treated very, very well in that comic. Not annoying or pandery like we initially thought. Just a very fun character stuck in a very tense situation.

Vader was shown to have some very minor affection to her, after initially finding her a nuisance, which helped readers feel similarly attached to Aphra. Attached enough that when Vader comes to kill her, we (should) be happy to see her survive.

Admittedly I was torn on her surviving the Vader comic. Would have been a more impactful end to her if she died that way, but her solo comic is fun and she has potential to become a beloved recurring character.

Some people complain that Canon is focused too much on established characters, and not enough on building new ones, and you can't really build new characters if you keep killing them off, so with that in mind I look forward to seeing Aphra and other new characters in the future.

Hopefully she and Sloane will make it into Rebels sometimes. I think it's more than a little possible.

>> No.25037

>jailbait Aphra steals an artifact on Yavin IV that Kanan and Ezra were looking for, but they're forced to overcome a threat deep within the temples together, with Aphra leaving on "good terms" ala' Hondo.

My dream Aphra cameo episode

>> No.25044
File: 449 KB, 795x507, and there's your rape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Admittedly I was torn on her surviving the Vader comic.

Me too. And I adored her in the Vader comic.

I guess her dying would have made that particular comic better, but I can understand why they wanted to save her for other stories.

>> No.25067


Fund it.

>> No.25121

I was annoyed at the cheap manner of her survival, but I'm glad it happened because the method of her "execution" was so unbelievably brutally edgy it wasn't remotely fit for Star Wars

>> No.25148

>Would have been a more impactful end to her if she died that way

Indeed but they handled it greatly with Vader not giving a shit about her, and then only surviving because her droids rescued her.

>> No.25242

>so unbelievably brutally edgy it wasn't remotely fit for Star Wars

I dunno, Vader was way edgier in Lords of the Sith.

>> No.25329

>the method of her "execution" was so unbelievably brutally edgy it wasn't remotely fit for Star Wars
I completely disagree. At least about it not fitting Star Wars. Vader is a Sith Lords, they're edgy as fuck, often thriving on the pain of others, or just being edgy out of spite. Vader is no exception.

It was set up very early on in the comic, with Aphra revealing her biggest fear to Vader was dying in space.

Then later in the comic, they push and tease that Vader was going to kill her with his Lightsaber, as she asked, which is smart because it's up to the audience to decide if Vader was just being Vader, or if Vader was giving Aphra a shred of his mercy.

BUT THEN Aphra goes to fucking Sheev to blow Vader's plan. She thought she was doing the right thing for everybody, of course, but Vader was fucking PISSED. You do not want to unleash the fury of Anakin Skywalker.

But that's the genius part. He remembered. He remembered how she asked him not to kill her via space. The times earlier in the comic where he was ready to kill her, he WAS fulfilling her wish, trying to give her a merciful death, the one she asked for. But he is so fucking mad that he takes her to the airlock because he wants her last breaths to be in complete and utter terror, because that's what she deserves.

So I thought it was a pretty brutal but nonetheless fitting display of Vader having a very personal fit of anger against someone.

It also, obviously, sets up the idea that Aphra never believed Vader would ever show her mercy. She thought from the beginning that Vader would kill her in such a way, so after blurting it out, she made sure she had a plan for when it inevitably happens. But the audience is left wondering if such a death was truly inevitable for her, or if her own thoughts and actions were fulfilling her own prophecy.

That's my case on it. I thought that issue was one of the most engaging comics I have ever read, a huge payoff that was very impactful for me.

>> No.25421

Probably one of the few things I'm looking forward to with Star Wars Land is seeing how they botch the blue milk

>> No.25535
File: 477 KB, 960x904, 1490409612559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Celebration is April 14
>TLJ releases December 14

>Eight months until Episode Eight

>> No.25767

I wish there was more porn of Aphra

>> No.25805
File: 5 KB, 292x173, images(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you two careful, he is a big

What did he mean by this?

>> No.25986

he's a big guy
sheev was quoting his favorite film, the Dark Knight Rises

>> No.26048

>darth revan

Is he in boys?

>> No.26051
File: 80 KB, 1313x392, facing a Big Guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everyone a long long time ago loved The Dark Knight Rises.

>> No.26063

sounds pretty good to me

>> No.26104
File: 368 KB, 612x816, Bo-Katan-SoR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck anon

>> No.26193

This. That's why I'm also OK with Aphra being alive at the end and now having her own comic. Her whole role in the Vader comics made her an interesting enough character for me that I want to learn more about her. That's more I can say about the new main characters of the movies.

>> No.26206

Don't most food safe blue dyes make it through you unaltered? The screams from little kids hours after their drinks are gone should be epic.

>> No.26210
File: 208 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_onor1appRo1v492bxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon lacks patience

>> No.26235

Jeez, look at that fucking huge nose

>> No.26268

> main character of fiction based primarily on writing and is around for MONTHS instead of a few hours is more interesting

really makes me think. wtf I hate rogue one now

>> No.26301

Poe has a fucking comic, yet that still hasn't made him interesting.

>> No.26369
File: 4 KB, 277x182, poe dameron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So fucking true. He's the character equivalent of watching paint dry.

>> No.26384

Does Lucasfilm take part in April Fool's stuff?

>> No.26405

>abrams character is shit

what did you expect?

>> No.26432

There needs to be more Aphra cosplayers

>> No.26519

So glad im not the only person who sees through that non-character.

>b-but he made quips that made me smile!

>> No.26547

it's almost like his character was in the film for two minutes

>> No.26601


He made quips? I can't even remember that.

>> No.26621

More interesting than rogue one!

>> No.26640

Good morning /swcock/

>> No.26662
File: 348 KB, 479x534, oh really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


meh 2/10

>> No.26674

He had plenty of screentime, probably more than Chirrut and Baze.

He was only supposed to be in the start of TFA (an idea so shitty, I can't even fathom how that made it so far into production) but JJ changed things which is why his half-assed "dont worry, im still here" comes out of nowhere, and then he is just a boring snarky pilot for the rest of the movie, in the worst space battle in the history of the entire franchise.

Fucking terrible use of the actor and character. Hopefully the comic/TLJ will do SOMETHING interesting, but frankly I think he is just a shitty character

>> No.26745

Killing him off when Finn crashes on Jakku would almost have had zero effect on TFA except with a different character leading the battle.

Abrams' ideas are always shit (see NuTrek).

>> No.26801
File: 230 KB, 598x792, 4HgSpk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26813

He had his
>Who talks first I talk first you talk first?
line in the beginning, where it made no sense

After that he barely spoke.

>> No.26840

>altright Nazi

>> No.26851

not an argument!

>> No.26883

>rebel pilot who has an iota of character, regardless of how small that is

you'd think swg would appreciate that in a serious lacking pilots with character

>inb4 cartoons

>> No.26986

If his piloting was actually fun to watch rather than him spiraling around on god mode, maybe we'd like him.

I like actual tension and dogfights. Poe blowing up 5 TIE's in 3 seconds on Takodana was the opposite of cool

>> No.27020

well you're in luck because his x wing being hit was one of the few things shown at a recent tlj teaser

>> No.27063

That's because Ren kinda mindraped him aftereards. Probably transfered some of his edgy fanfictions directly into his brain.

>> No.27075
File: 19 KB, 362x345, 1467547655182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are none of you cretins discussing Star Wars cuisine, /swcock/?

Also which waifu is best cook? Protip: It's pic related.

>> No.27112

>Why are none of you cretins discussing Star Wars cuisine, /swcock/?

Posting Ahsoka's pussy would probably get you banned.

>> No.27145
File: 101 KB, 650x436, alq2ZRx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'd eat her shit tier Mirialan """""cuisine"""""

>> No.27150


is this from tg originally?

>> No.27174
File: 54 KB, 180x177, Meiloorun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you use them in your space salad /swcock/?

>> No.27202

I think the better question is

Who has the best tasting /swCOCK/

I bet it's SS herself

>> No.27209
File: 228 KB, 585x399, Tropical_Fruit_Salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting Weequay garbage

Pic related is actual Mirialan food.

>> No.27236

I'd suck the Blue Milk directly from her source...or is it Yellow milk?

>> No.27288

april 1 is terrible and as funny as butchering dogs

>> No.27295


>> No.27302 [SPOILER] 
File: 351 KB, 490x542, 1491063753309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting more Mirialan food. This one always gets their mouths watering.

>> No.27304

Yeah, because even after all this time there's no porn.

>> No.27351

>not enjoying the opportunity to do mischief


>> No.27356

Why is Poe so boring holy shit

>> No.27537
File: 238 KB, 714x720, Yoffar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying fruits from Snoke

>> No.27690

I want Pash to destroy Luke's pelvis.

>> No.27742
File: 14 KB, 226x316, 1473073239428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not his butt

>> No.27778
File: 33 KB, 1280x720, 53534534534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Speaker, we are for the Big.

>> No.27792 [SPOILER] 
File: 424 KB, 666x1000, 1491064908645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct anon.

>> No.27808
File: 87 KB, 250x214, JoganFruit-EP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about the Jogan Fruit. What side effects do they have?

>> No.27841
File: 228 KB, 614x586, what Jedi devilry is this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27865

Can someone make a Backstroke of the West stream?

>> No.27871 [SPOILER] 
File: 76 KB, 704x574, 1491065094908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like Imperial melons /swcock/?

>> No.27906

>Hopefully she and Sloane will make it into Rebels sometimes. I think it's more than a little possible.

Aphra appearing would be a 7.5 to 8 out of 10 for me. Sloane however would be a 10 out of 10. Make her Thrawn's new aide or Konstantine's replacement and make her a recurring character.

>> No.27919


No. Only Imperial parsnips.

>> No.27957

Dude, the entire thing is up on YouTube.

>> No.27963

Does it bother anyone that they're releasing TLJ only two years after TFA? It's always been three years between episodes.

>> No.27991

Good, kind of.

>> No.28002
File: 1.48 MB, 1839x1080, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll get it right with her redesign for Rebels anon. Look at the differences between CW Ahsoka and Rebels Ahsoka.

>> No.28055


>> No.28081

>Speed 16
Always gets me.

>> No.28087

Meh not really, I'm enjoying the steady consistent flow of Star Wars content. It's been mostly great, TFA and Aftermath withstanding.

>> No.28395

dickgirls are for fucking girls not boys[/spoilers]

>> No.28567

To the point of insemination, yes.

>> No.28679
File: 1019 KB, 1233x566, Thicc Aphra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28704
File: 952 KB, 2364x1916, 1481854862246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dickgirls are for fucking girls not boys


>> No.28720
File: 56 KB, 208x231, Chirrut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at those thighs

>> No.28726
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1090, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rebel Ahsoka's design is GOAT but I can't stand the shape of her face or her facial expressions in it.

>> No.28754
File: 91 KB, 1024x576, Emu weep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be her Vaderbaby plopping out from those thighs

>> No.28857

but that's gay senpai

>> No.28859

That's pegging, though.

>> No.28866

Nigga you cant see

>> No.28958
File: 289 KB, 751x1200, 1475010965773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She used her love pipe on Ezra and you know it!
Only from a certain point of view.

>> No.29024
File: 22 KB, 329x317, laughing man notice th(...).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.29125

Taken from us way too soon. The lack of more good smut is a crime.

>> No.29146

Guys, reddit is making fun of the Prequels today
I thought people loved them?

>> No.29175

April fools (^:

Or Reddit is just being Reddit. Every time I've looked there, I see a depressing amount of PT/Lucas hate, so I don't know what you're surprised about.

>> No.29204

>so I don't know what you're surprised about.
Pablo said that people like the Prequels as much as the Originals
So I really expected it to be more balanced

>> No.29205

and my point of view is that dickgirls = boys which makes dickgirl on girl that much more straight

>> No.29207

That's how great they are

>> No.29236

That's spread out over the entire world, not just one shithole website.

>> No.29241

Not an argument

>> No.29260

They always do
But it's sort of in the good way
Joking about something in a playful way normalizes it

>> No.29280
File: 407 KB, 610x1076, Pablo almost dies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pablo is right, but Reddit is a genuine circlejerk website where certain opinions will be downvoted on sight.

Pablo has also expressed how much he hates Reddit, and they hate him.

>> No.29284

MEGA WHEN??????????????

>> No.29297

Reddit is in the top ten most visited English speaking websites though

>> No.29342

That doesn't mean the entire fucking population of the site has an opinion on SW.

>> No.29368

I'm just saying it should be more balanced

There's even a thread mocking George directly

>> No.29382

>People in this thread are talking about what people on Reddit think

Its been fun guy's see you when rebels is back!

>> No.29409

Peace senpai

Be like Pablo and ignore Reddit

>> No.29410
File: 90 KB, 629x900, 2119371 - Ahsoka_Tano My_Pet_Tentacle_Monster Seventh_sister Star_Wars Star_Wars_Rebels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What this anon said.

>> No.29421

We always do that

And honestly, this place isn't that different form Reddit
The major differences are that people aren't as ignorant and this place actually have discussions where Reddit just discourages it

>> No.29488

Yes, I too always wanted to play as Nien Nunb

>> No.29492 [SPOILER] 
File: 171 KB, 750x639, 1491069045061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather talk about this awesome new Star Wars set Lego is releasing?

>> No.29505
File: 9 KB, 287x210, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29591 [SPOILER] 
File: 828 KB, 1113x807, 1491069334211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, as this is now /swock/, I'd rather talk about melons.....

>> No.29613
File: 348 KB, 770x564, 1460685411766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hmm, maybe I should probably check out the comments just this once to see if any die hard Star Wars fans have anything interesting to say about how to go with a Kenobi spin off
>hurdur Ewan Mcgregor was the ONLY good thing about the prequels
Every time.

>> No.29644

>going to the youtube comment section
The pathway to the dark side, that is.

>> No.29649

This is probably the best bit. Needs an Ezra version, honestly. And a barefoot version.

>> No.29650

Yeah, how could they forget Jar Jar?

>> No.29691

>That EU comic where she was brainwashed into a sex slave.

>> No.29699

Well... I feel like shit today. At least I have you, /swco/.

>> No.29722
File: 759 KB, 672x772, BroHug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29740

>At least I have you, /swco/.
Nah, today we're /swcock/

>> No.29742


>> No.29770
File: 266 KB, 1954x2048, 1490368953020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ezra in binds, her bare foot on his back with him eating her out/sucking her dick

Stop anon. The mental images are too hot.

>> No.29827

It befits a learner like him to keep silent and do what he's told.

>> No.29861

S-surely that's not the Jedi way, is it?

>> No.30014

One night stands are the Jedi way, who are we to judge?

>> No.30067
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>> No.30170

But surely SS would want Ezra for more than one night?

>> No.30270
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>> No.30357

Of course. He has to be trained responsibly, and thoroughly, in a variety of new arts.

>> No.30368

Show me your jogans you little slut

>> No.30443

>We must ruin the west

They knew what they were doing

>> No.30454 [SPOILER] 
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Mm, squeeze them to see if they're ripe.

>> No.30518

What if TLJ is literally ESB?

>> No.30537
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>> No.30550

Lot's of people actually like ESB much more than ANH, so we spend a lifetime complaining about hypocrites regarding ANH-TFA comparisons that TLJ-ESB wouldn't get.

>> No.30574
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>> No.30625
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>> No.30629
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Come on, /swock/, won't you share your delicious Republic rations with the creepy panty goblin?

Sadly probably doesn't count in the spirit of the recent merger since no /ck/ing is required.

>> No.30636
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>> No.30654

But even people that love ANH hated that TFA was basically just a copy of it.

>> No.30656
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>> No.30658
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>> No.30689

TFA being a copy of ANH wasn't a bad thing because people didn't like ANH, it was a bad thing because it was a fucking copy

>> No.30696
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>> No.30735
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>> No.30737

He is talking about the first comic she appears in. She is forcibly ODs on a new type of spice and loses her memory and ends up in a slave girl Leia outfit.

But given that it's her own uncle that does it, she probably didn't have sex with him.

>> No.30741
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Obi-Wan obviously has way more than 4 DEX.

>> No.30802
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>But given that it's her own uncle that does it, she probably didn't have sex with him.

Keep on believing that anon.

>> No.30823

Endurance training, of course, will be intrgral.

>> No.30825

ANH is shit-tier, anon.

>> No.30852


Everybody is good!

>> No.30948

Let go of the weapon

I said that let go of

>> No.30963

Oh, that comic from the Republic series if I recall correctly.

>> No.31082

The SW universe is really lacking in the /ck/ department.
We just get generic alien bugs, or odd colored beverages

>> No.31084
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Would you romance a Rodian?
I bet they give mad snout.

>> No.31096

>The First Gathers: Ghost the Threat
>The Second Gathers: The Duplicate Offensive
>The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West
>The Fourth Gathers: The Novelty Desire
>The Fifth Gathers: The Coutnerattack Collection
>The Sixth Gathers: Hopeless Situation Return
>The Seventh Gathers: Flies are a Sober Force

>> No.31114

What's your favorite portrayal of Vader? I love the way he moved, talked and fought in Rebels and found his first fight with Ezra and Kanan to be very thrilling and frightening compared to the rather boring Rogue One scene. Rebels also gives us a nice connection between Clone Wars Anakin and old trilogy Sith lord.

>> No.31131
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Have some delicious tofu squares and with tomato slices!

>> No.31170
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Nu-canon has been a treat for Vader fans.

>> No.31172


I actually liked Vader best in Lords of the Sith. But since that's a book, I guess it shouldn't could.

>> No.31190

And jogan fruit.

>> No.31233
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this is the best and most memorable star wars character since the OT

prove me wrong

>> No.31249

TCW exists

>> No.31250

Agreed, I love AP-5

>> No.31256
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I would agree, if Krennic didn't exist.

>> No.31269

it won't be at all, but it will have snow, walkers and a character losing/having flaws/jedi training so people will say its an ESB copy despite many star wars films having those qualities

ESB fans are cocksuckers

>> No.31270

>tcw trash is memorable

never dave.

>> No.31293

Ezra will have to endure a lot of pain.

But pain will eventually turn into pleasure.

>> No.31302

Name 5 memorable songs from TFA that aren't remixing other themes

>> No.31335

reys theme, resistance, beginning of kylos theme, snoke

none of the movies have five memorable themes unless you're an autist that watches them every day

>> No.31351

Kylo Ren's theme, the Resistance one and uh, uh.................

>> No.31355
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None because songs have singing in them

>> No.31358
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Honestly, just his entire canon showing.

He's been developed very appropriately.

He's not an emotionless unstoppable terminator, but he isn't an unstable mess who is easily overcome either.

When Vader shows up, it means shit is going down, as it should be.

And the rare times Vader is shown as the protagonist (LOTS/Vader) he is appropriately developing from 1-6/TCW.

So it's impossible to pick one "version" of Vader I like. I just like Canon Vader.

>> No.31363
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How much combat experience did Krennic have, realistically?
Being that high up in the ISB he must have had some.

Could he take on a deathtrooper in melee combat?

>> No.31371

>TCW ocs
> memorable

>> No.31394

The Resistance theme is a reworked bit from the Battle of Hoth music

>> No.31402 [SPOILER] 
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>tfw you'll never spend a evening in Seventh Sister's Dungeon of Pleasure.

>> No.31415
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What does it taste like, /starcock/?

>> No.31418

nope it's original, it's just old Williams being senile and doing it again

>> No.31427

Jedi Steps, and thats it.

>b-but Rey's theme!
>th-the resistance!

Nah. Maybe it's just me, but Jedi Steps is the only one that I find myself humming.

Rogue One has Jyn's motif and that's about it. And then Hope.

1-6 all have at least 5 memorable tracks each.

>> No.31452
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I like sand

>> No.31483

I do find it hilarious how he's like 'wait, what' when the Sister makes an off-hand flirtatious comment.

Ezra's what, 15? Probably could have lead with that approach and had everything she wanted.

>> No.31485
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>Jabba Flow isn't memorable

>> No.31489

>1-6 all have at least 5 memorable tracks each.




>> No.31490

>there are people in this thread that don't want to work for Sheev and Vader, molest uncoorperative Jedi at their leisure and have a badass theme song


>> No.31509

Not him but I don't really remember it

>> No.31513

Ezra is 16 during Always Two There Are

>> No.31537

I guess it's memorable for how weird it is but I honestly don't remember the melody, just that there's a guy with a scratchy voice singing gibberish

>> No.31576
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>Could he take on a deathtrooper in melee combat?

>Can this architect with maybe basic combat training take on a highly specialised and genetically enhanced murdermachine?

I'm not sure, anon.

>> No.31606

> it's a star wars fan with extremely limited world view thinks any star wars song besides duel of the fates, battle of the heroes, binary sunset and empire march is actually memorable

>> No.31624

All the same, "I will touch your dick with my hand" probably would have gotten more answers than "I will torture you."

>> No.31645
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think of the suck

>> No.31662


>Duel of the Fates
>Droid Army theme
>Naboo Celebration
(Ok thats 4, fuck you)

>Coruscant Chase
>Love theme
>The Kamino music
>The Arena
>The Tusken camp

>Order 66
>Birth of the Twins
>Greivous's Theme
>Battle of the Heroes
>Anakins Dark Deeds

>Binary Sunset
>Rebel Blockade
>Cantina Band
>Leia's theme
>Throne Room

>Imperial March
>Vader Reveal
>Battle of Hoth
>Han/Leia love theme
>Cloud City

>Jedi Rocks (^:
>Speeder Chase
>Vader vs Luke
>Battle of Endor

>> No.31666 [SPOILER] 
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>"I will touch your dick with my hand"
You're probably correct anon.

>> No.31671
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also: check out how low the post count is. Neat.

>> No.31704

Most people probably dont know posting is "back". You have to re-enter the board to find the thread if you was on it before and followed the link from last thread.

>> No.31710

Flag Parade, Asteroid Field, Across the Stars, ANH+ROTJ+TPM ending themes, the Ewok march or whatever the fuck it's called.

All easily memorable.

>> No.31725
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stop thinking of the boy that way,

>> No.31727

What is that track that plays when the engine fucks up during the podrace?

Or any tracks that play during the race really.

>> No.31738
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>Ezra having to explain why he sold them out for a handjob

>> No.31760

>struggling this hard to justify why TFA's soundtrack isn't weak
Look, it's not a bad soundtrack, just not up to par with the rest.

>> No.31812

Kanan, Zeb and Rex would understand.

>> No.31821

A lot of the race actually is unscored, but the start and finish are pretty catchy and memorable

>> No.31860

I've found myself humming Rey's Theme, especially the middle section

>> No.31861

They knew what they were doing because the engine sounds were pretty damn good.

But that's why I'm asking for those, I don't know what to look for in terms of names.

>> No.31897

I don't actually know the name of the tracks specifically, but they shouldn't be hard to find here


>> No.31928
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what the fuck is wrong with /pol/? mlp has taken over.

>> No.31960

>Due to cuts in government funding for the arts and our spring break trip to mootxico, we've had to combine a few boards. Try and make some new friends!

>> No.32007
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you have to back there trumpette

>> No.32072

Cut's family could set a decent spread in more ways than one.


>> No.32218

Check the calendar, retard.

>> No.32246

>seeing all this obi-Wan news
>april first

I fucking hate this stupid ass holiday

>> No.32315

escape from naboo

>> No.32334

>boo hoo muh star wars is 2edgy

Fuck off. There is nothing wrong with darker, grittier, brutal Star Wars. This isn't a franchise for 6 year olds.

>> No.32349

I thought the obi-wan news came before april fools? All they said was that they know that the fans want it and they are trying to work on it, right?

>> No.32363


Kill yourself back to Tumblr.

>> No.32369

Did you read my post? I said it was perfectly appropriately edgy

>> No.32409

thanks cunt

>> No.32479

I know, I was referring to the other guy. It grinds my gears bad when people complain about Star Wars "being too dark." They're the same people who hate moral ambiguity, the films focusing more on politics, and usually ROTS, yet they're fond of Jar Jar, Rogue One's shit comedy, and Skippy the Trashcan.

>> No.32543

Thanks famalam

>> No.32555
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>Jedi Rocks
My man

>> No.32569

I don't know but I'm avoiding getting my hopes up due to retarded prank day

>> No.32606

you forgot the part in TPM used when Anakin blows up the trade federation battleship that was also reused to score the descent of the Invisible Hand above Coruscant in ROTS

>> No.32642

>moral ambiguity in star wars
go back to yuuzhan vong fapfics and Warhammer 40k kid

>> No.32686

Isn't Skippy meant to be a joke?

>> No.32689

That was just some fake "leaked info" about Kathleen Kennedy talking about a future Obi-Wan movie

Nothing credible about it

>> No.32690

Yeah the news came yesterday. It's not an April Fool's joke, but it's from a rumor site, so I wouldn't get my hopes up just yet.

>> No.32698

>moral ambiguity

But 99% of star wars has always literally been black and white, because it's for kids. good escapism, to a world where things are so clearly defined.

>> No.32767

like everything in the EU, it was a joke regardless of whether it was intentional or not

also he's making a colossal strawman, I never said anything about that shit, I only said that if aphra had been killed off for real in the manner depicted, that would have been too edgy for star wars, but since she's not dead it's irrelevant

personally I would have preferred he just chopped her head off and we never heard from her or any body to do with her (especially the le epic murderbots xd, which are even more cringeworthy edgelords than anybody else in the franchise)

>> No.32793

>to kids

Yeah, to kids, but at some point you have to grow up anon.

>if you want ambiguity and dark elements ur just a fuckin vongfag lol go back to vongfap

1. I hate the Vong, their author, and everything about that plotline.
2. No.

>> No.32794

It was. It was never meant to be a serious story. It's from Tales, which was basically just "let authors goof around" in its early issues.

>> No.32845

>No! my star wars movies are for ADULTS ONLY

Hate to break it to you, but star wars is not some gritty grimdark series. I loved RO, but the rest of it is mostly pure fun. You're missing my point. These movies weren't made to watch with a bottle of pino grigio at your bi-weekly movie appreciation club. It's for enjoyment. You want something that's physically hard to watch? Go watch 'The Hunt' with Mads in it.

>> No.32851

>grow up

I'm going to post this quote from C. S. Lewis every time I see this pathetic excuse from rebellious teenagers trying to act mature:

>“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

>> No.33046

What if the Vong show up and ruin the comics and books again?

>> No.33063

then we solve sudoku and kill ourselves

>> No.33091

Cocaine smoking is fun, does that mean you should do it? In the middle of an RPG I thought it would be fun to get up and pull down my trousers and take a fat fucking shit all over the gaming table, burying my friend's miniatures under a torrent of fecal matter. That would have been amazingly fun! But did I do it? No. because "fun" is the reasoning of a fucking child. If you base whether or not you do something off of whether or not it is "fun" then you are a mental infant who is not fit to live in adult society.

Similarly, when you do things in an RPG because they are "fun" you are being a fucking asshole. "Well I'm going to destroy the believably of this campaign by letting Jonathan fly to the goddamn moon on his Jump check because he got a NATuRAL TWENTY and if anything else happens, well, that would be against the spirit of the game, which is to have FUN, right guys? Even if we are fucking over the entire story and destroying the point of playing an RPG, it's okay, because as long as we are having FUN with it, that makes it a good thing, right?"

>> No.33136

Stop posting this pasta

>> No.33157


Go back to Lexrul, please.

>> No.33196

What if Star Wars is in the Warhammer 40K universe?

>> No.33251

he almost looks kindly here
makes him even fucking scarier

>> No.33263

then GW is getting sued to oblivion by Disney and their IPs gutted and destroyed

>> No.33275
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I can't stop the SUCC

>> No.33287

>That chapter in Lost Stars where Tarkin is talking to loli Cienna and lets her explore his cockpit

>> No.33299
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>now come home, luv
What did she mean by this?

>> No.33382

I loved that. Indoctrination starts young, and it was so important to her character throughout the book.

I still feel like that's the freshest EU material we've gotten. Star Wars needs more character-driven pieces.

>> No.33440

seeing pre-defection kallus feels weird

>> No.33451

Tarkin knows how to get people on his side. He's not a cruel sadistic bastard 100% of the time and i love it

>> No.33460

Hera probably has the most attractive face of any SW character.

>> No.33481


Why? He only just defected.

Let's not forget he's still a terrible person.

>> No.33531


Please let that be true and not some kind of sick metaphor. I can't tell anymore.

>> No.33547

He did, it's not a euphemism

>> No.33586

nah, i meant pre-fulcrum kallus. I count being a convert agent embedded in the enemy ranks as defecting.
i'd say he was a terrible person but now he's doing his best to atone for the shady shit he did for the empire

>> No.33589

She was looking forward to getting a taste of Kanan's BJC.

>> No.33600


oh thank god

>> No.33603

He's pretty good to his friends and people that stay on his good side. Krennic would've probably had a really cushy position and a shitload of pull if he'd tried to be friends with Tarkin instead of treating him as an obstacle. If he hadn't tried to burn Tarkin earlier, Tarkin probably wouldn't have been such a douche to him later.

Granted, to Krennic it was an all or nothing scenario- he wanted a position comparable to Tarkin's and wasn't going to settle for less. But he went all in and got fucked hard.

>> No.33619


>> No.33639

When you go after Tarkin you best not miss

>> No.33641
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Ah, I see.

I miss pre-Fulcrum Krazy Kallus. And we'll never get him back. What a waste.

>> No.33651

At least he was surprised by the execution. Is the suggestion that he wasn't used to such treatment, or just that he didn't think that it would happen to Aresko and Grint? Given the tone of Tarkin's conversation you think Kallus would have picked up on the warning signs if he was aware of such lethal punishments being handed out.

This from a guy who kicked a lippy stormtrooper off a bridge, which might indicate that Kallus was aware there was a soft wookiee underneath.

>> No.33673
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Yeah. Krennic wanted to try to be the next Tarkin, so he tried to out-Tarkin him. but you don't fucking do that. Tarkin never forgets that shit, I would bet money he spent a shitload of time figuring out the best way to emasculate Krennic, and make him feel terrible for trying to burn him.

Rule one of the Star Wars universe: do not try to stab Tarkin in the back. It won't work out.

>> No.33671

I was using intentionally implicit wording, but that is a legit part of the book.

The Empire goes to Cienna's world, and its a very important moment because she lived on some shitty backwater planet, that had been ignored by the Republic, so the Empire coming to recruit made Cienna feel like the Empire genuinelly wanted to help all of the Galaxy equally.

She goes to the Imperial celebration, and meets a nice old man named Wilhuff Tarkin who lets her sit in the Lambda Shuttle Cockpit.

It's actually quite adorable and bizarre how nice Tarkin is with her.

IIRC she gets to meet Tarkin again later once she joined the Empire, before his death.

>> No.33678

Hey now, we've got Yularen to replace him as the resident ISB agent!

>> No.33684

What's the craziest fan theory you've ever heard?

>> No.33697

Snoke is Leia.

Completely unironically too

>> No.33708

I think he knew it could happen, he probably just didn't expect to see two lower-level officers brutally executed right in front of him.

>> No.33741
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Snoke is Tarkin, and the Knights of Ren are the RO crew

wanted to kms myself because they actually believed it

>> No.33758

Yeah, she meets Tarkin again and he actually remembers her, not by name but he remembers the two kids that snuck into a shuttle. He's still really nice to her, and knowing that he was on the Death Star when it blew up (along with a few other people she knew) upsets her.

>> No.33788


Given that he was ISB, I'd say Kallus should be very used to that kind of treatment. And he got a kick out of killing Tua.

I guess he was surprised that Aresko and Grint were executed because they were loyal, rather than disloyal or enriching themselves, or doing something else actually criminal.


That's true, but he seems like a more hands-off guy. Kallus just got all up in your shit personally. And jobbed every time, but still.

>> No.33817


Oh my gosh, he cute.

>knowing that he was on the Death Star when it blew up (along with a few other people she knew) upsets her.

My heart ;_;

>> No.33827

It's interesting seeing that more grandfatherly side of him. Cienna is actually touched that she remembered that day, and Tarkin is somewhat touched that the two kids he met actually took his words to heart and have started climbing the ranks of the Empire.

>> No.33862
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>Knights of Ren are the RO crew
I can't tell whether MatPat is pandering to YouTube kiddies or if he has legitimate autism... or both.

That video, and any video past his sarcastic physics-based what-ifs, gave me cancer.

>> No.33906

you do not out-Tarkin Tarkin. He wrote the book on Tarkin-ing. Because he's motherfucking Tarkin.

>> No.33920


>> No.33941

>I can't tell whether MatPat is pandering to YouTube kiddies or if he has legitimate autism... or both.

He said vikings had stone age tier weapons and lived in cold tundras hence why they raided Europe.

>> No.33997


He was upset that some people don't like the anti-cheese edits of TPM and AOTC because those people really don't mind Jar Jar being a clown and Anakin acting like the little kid he is.

One person defended this as "not hating fun" and he blew up at them. Behold:

>Cocaine smoking is fun, does that mean you should do it? In the middle of an RPG I thought it would be fun to get up and pull down my trousers and take a fat fucking shit all over the gaming table, burying my friend's miniatures under a torrent of fecal matter. That would have been amazingly fun! But did I do it? No. because "fun" is the reasoning of a fucking child. If you base whether or not you do something off of whether or not it is "fun" then you are a mental infant who is not fit to live in adult society.

>Similarly, when you do things in an RPG because they are "fun" you are being a fucking asshole. "Well I'm going to destroy the believably of this campaign by letting Jonathan fly to the goddamn moon on his Jump check because he got a NATuRAL TWENTY and if anything else happens, well, that would be against the spirit of the game, which is to have FUN, right guys? Even if we are fucking over the entire story and destroying the point of playing an RPG, it's okay, because as long as we are having FUN with it, that makes it a good thing, right?"

>That is what you sound like.

>> No.34090
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M-more please.

>> No.34108

According to the report they're gearing up to announce Obi-Wan at Celebration, so we'll know by then if this report is shit or not.

>> No.34173

>tfw you will never see Tarkin in downtime mode
>tfw you will never see him in a tweed jacket smoking a pipe and having some space-scotch with Sheev in the study of his Coruscant penthouse

>> No.34265

Tua was never a true defector, she merely didn't want to get Vadered. She was trying to trade secrets to save her own life, wanting some place to hide. She was never a true believer, merely a coward.

Did she deserve to die for that? Who can say how an Imperial mind thinks about such things. Kallus, when he defected, was a true believer willing to risk his own life on multiple occasions and even refusing to leave for safety when given the perfect opportunity.

And of course what is always lacking from discussions on Kallus joining the Rebellion (though I don't know why) is that part of his reevaluation of the Empire almost certainly included a reevaluation of his own life and his own self, what the Empire had made of him. The realization of how willing to compromise any values of morality or decency not, ultimately, just to get the job done and make a safe, secure society but a society that is always living in fear because the very thing threatening their safety and security is, haha, the Empire itself!

>> No.34503

Unless you go against what the turbo autsits in this thread think/like.

>> No.34505
File: 26 KB, 749x474, IMG_4001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's canon now.
Jar Jar Binks is Snoke.

>> No.34593

That's one way of getting back at everyone for laughing at you, I guess.

>> No.34666

He was Snoke all along, subtly bending Sheev, Ani, and all the rest to his will.

>> No.34816

Photoshop Level: 1

>> No.34863
File: 286 KB, 960x280, THE IMPERIALS HAVE YOUR JOGANS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34948

Dude, you're doing it wrong. You're supposed to post Grintfield without Grintfield!

>> No.35410

When will Rebels get better animation and models?

>> No.35487

Happens every season.

Both the animation and models are great as is.

Admittedly the models aren't as good as TCW, partly due to budget, but also due to artstyle. Rebels is perfectly fine for it's McQuarrie artstyle though.

>> No.35585
File: 1.84 MB, 3600x2025, S3 Ezra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get better taste faggot.

>> No.35627 [SPOILER] 
File: 15 KB, 383x355, 1491083740717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks pretty fuckable.

>> No.35680

Sorry /ss/, he's almost legal!

You're dead anyways, so you'll never have to worry about seeing him grow up.

>> No.35714
File: 330 KB, 700x849, spider SS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying her sheer perversion and desire to fuck him hasn't kept her alive
>implying she won't return as a cute drider waifu

>> No.35796

Not even bolting on Rachnee could give the flat-quisitor that much rack, anon.

>> No.35851

>The Phantom Menace

>Anakin's theme
>Flag Parade theme
>Droid Army theme
>Darth Maul theme
>Battle of Naboo theme (the one that plays when you bet a level in Lego Star Wars)

>> No.35914
File: 62 KB, 251x280, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to add canon recipies list in the next op, /swcock/

>> No.35945

Jokes on you, I like her tiny bee stings.

>> No.35948

Duel of Fates is literally the only one most people remember.

>> No.35981

Well if you're gonna be that normie about it, "most people" are only going to remember the main theme, the Imperial March, and Duel of the Fates.

>> No.36008

its the only one people remember the name of because its become a cultural icon, but not everyone is as tone deaf as you anon

s3 ezra is hot desu, I want to be him

>> No.36070
File: 67 KB, 919x432, mfw opponent racks honor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Head collecting samurai inspired Sith when?

>> No.36085
File: 58 KB, 1272x713, Force handjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s3 ezra is hot desu, I want to be him
I want to be season 2 Ezra, for obvious reasons.

>> No.36114

There's generally only one really memorable piece of music per movie, except VI.
>vs Maul
>love theme
>Obi-wan vs Vader
>Binary Sunset/celebration theme
>Imperial march
>Rebel fleet theme, luke vs vader, yub yub
>Resistence march

>> No.36129

Maybe to you

>> No.36181
File: 773 KB, 1920x3248, heralust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitty ship 2bh pham

if you want people to buy your snake oil, you need to not prove your own argument wrong with the evidence you provide

>> No.36314
File: 37 KB, 458x612, Ezra is a boy toy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hera/Ezra is ok as well. Anyway, Ezra belongs with older women.

>> No.36319
File: 21 KB, 477x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you want people to buy your snake oil, you need to not prove your own argument wrong with the evidence you provide
>Duel of fates is the only memorable piece from TPM
>Every ep expect VI has only 1 memorable piece
Where is that contradiction of yours exactly?

>> No.36387

>only one piece of memorable music per movie
>except this one
>and this one
it's bad enough you're cherrypicking pretending like there aren't any other worthwhile tracks, but you can't have an exception that "proves" the rule twice

yeah older women like ahsoka, hera, gold 2, mon mothma...

>> No.36453

>every ep but VI
>which makes for 1 noted exception
It's ok, basic math and logic isn't for everyone.

>> No.36501

you combined two different tracks in your ANH bullshit, stop pretending to be retarded and then getting mad when people call you retarded

>> No.36584

>you combined two different tracks in your ANH bullshit,
Celebration is a rearrangement of binary sunset, dummy. And I am not the one who seems buttmad here, throwing around buzzwords due to lack of real argumentation.

>> No.36673

SS, Ahsoka, Hera, Gold 2, Sabine's mom, Mon Mothma and soon to be Barriss.

Ezra has a pretty much perfect harem of SW girls.

>> No.36700

Victory Celebration, which is necessarily combined with the End Title consists of numerous identifiable tracks from the movie's score.
First: dramatic fanfare military march version of Binary Sunset/The Force Theme
Second: triumphal royal fanfare rendition of the Star Wars Main Theme
Third: Rebel Fanfare transition
Fourth: high tempo refrain of the Star Wars Main Theme
Fifth: Princess Leia theme
Sixth: second refrain of the Star Wars main theme concluding

Quod erat demonstrandum you are a liar and an idiot to boot.

>> No.36802

This little riff from A New Hope is the most underrated piece of music in all of Star Wars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo9GN--eoGk&t=2m8s

It was like the original Empire theme before The Imperial March came about. I wish it was used in Rogue One.

>> No.36841

Fucking time stamp god damn it.


>> No.36856

The fact that they are toying with us proves his identity is going to be a "reveal"

>> No.36880

I call that motif "Imperial Activity" though it has no dedicated name, and I love that it appears in Rebels and Rogue One. It occurs in Vader's castle, very subdued but ominous.
Let me see if I can find it for you.

>> No.36928

I'd like to know where it appears in Rebels too, if thats not too much trouble

I seem to recall it playing quite a bit in some vidya. Jedi Knight II and 3?

>> No.36979

Here it is
happens exactly one minute in

I believe in the episode where they go to "rescue" Luminara and meet the Inquisitor, used during the escape.

>> No.37079
File: 145 KB, 907x494, 1461020680777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often have Kanan and Fifth Brother walked in on Ezra and SS doing the dirty stuff only to akwardly excuse themselves and leave? The mental imagines probably still haunt Kanan.

>> No.37104

>Celebration is a rearrangement of binary sunset
They're both difference arrangements of the Force theme

>> No.37113

never, because ss and fb are dead, and kanan is the little spoon to ezra

>> No.37137


It is used in Rogue One.
Though subtly.

>> No.37141
File: 143 KB, 1920x808, MOVIE.mkv_snapshot_01.39.03_[2017.04.02_00.43.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the anon who argued with me about Scarif shield yesterday, I have some screencaps.

First, the gate clearly being above the shield.

>> No.37172
File: 145 KB, 1920x808, MOVIE.mkv_snapshot_01.57.57_[2017.04.02_00.35.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another one

>> No.37204

Wait, what was the argument?

>> No.37206

No. Ezra was the little spoon to SS.

>> No.37209
File: 211 KB, 1920x808, MOVIE.mkv_snapshot_01.59.57_[2017.04.02_00.37.16].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof that the battle takes place directly above the Citadel on very low orbit.

>> No.37219

Binary Sunset and The Force are synonymous, but it's foolish to conflate them with the Throne Room finale because that transitions into a regal procession variation of the Main Star Wars theme, two radically different melodies. And that's excluding the rest of the End Titles that are part and parcel of the track.

>> No.37260
File: 181 KB, 1920x808, MOVIE.mkv_snapshot_01.59.25_[2017.04.02_00.46.19].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(position of Raddus' ship around the same moment)

>> No.37281

that the SHIELD GATE had nothing to do with the SHIELD over Scarif and that destroying the SHIELD GATE did not disable the SHIELD. it is exactly as autistic as it sounds

>> No.37295
File: 183 KB, 1920x808, MOVIE.mkv_snapshot_02.00.33_[2017.04.02_00.38.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shield being visibly up after the shield gate has been destroyed.

>> No.37329
File: 219 KB, 1920x808, MOVIE.mkv_snapshot_02.01.48_[2017.04.02_00.39.47].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shield being visibly up after the Death Star shot.

>> No.37364

its just the atmosphere senpai

>> No.37369

looks more like an atmosphere, to play devils advocate

>> No.37370
File: 155 KB, 1920x808, MOVIE.mkv_snapshot_02.02.13_[2017.04.02_00.40.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another one.

Give me a moment and I will draw how the shield gate works for the peopel too dense to realise by watching the movie "multiple times"

>> No.37414


Atmosphere doesn't get brighter the higher it goes. You can see the atmosphere and the shield clearly here: >>37370

>> No.37415

So why did destroying the gate even need to happen?

>> No.37421

are those little red lasers actually coming out of the nebulon b? didn't know there were any guns there

>> No.37451

>what is atmosphere

>> No.37461

It probably is the shield but I don't understand the argument. Wasn't the plan to punch a hole in the shield, rather than to take the entire shield down?

>> No.37473
File: 91 KB, 161x2500, EarthAtmosphereBig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37500

They needed to weaken the shield to transmit data. They could transmit smaller data (Bohdi contacting the fleet) through the shield on full power.

>> No.37540

They could transmit small messages but the DS plans were too big to get through the shield

>> No.37573

You'd be dumb not to put weapons on your spaceship in the Star Wars universe. Even freighters and luxury craft have guns on them.

>> No.37613

I'm not saying the nebulon frigates didn't have guns, I'm saying I didn't know there were any there, and on rewatching the scene I was proven right, the laser blasts seem to come from either the profundity or an x-wing

>> No.37638

Where is this from ?

>> No.37682


>> No.37710

Plagueis lives!

>> No.37734
File: 414 KB, 800x600, near space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correct, it gets less bright the further it is from the surface

like in the picture

in R1 screencaps it gets less bright and then suddenly more bright right at the edge.

>> No.37759

Find it in the Star Wars thread on /aco/

>> No.37799

>she will never get a chance to give him a Force hand job while he's demonstrating what he's learned during inquisitorial training to a superior officer

Feels batman

>> No.37908

That TFA was good.

>> No.37911
File: 112 KB, 826x914, shieldgate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the shieldgate works:
it has two thingies that block the shield from completely closing
if you retract the thingies shield closes and the gate is completely separate from the shield

>> No.37971

Okay, nice of you to go through the trouble of drawing that but what exactly are you arguing?

>> No.38016

Some people have been assuming that the gate itself was producing the shield.

>> No.38040

It doesn't have to touch the shield to produce it

>> No.38129

But how does destroying the gate take out the shield, at least in that area?

>> No.38149

>Sabine's mom,
Nah, I'll bet she's loyal to her husband. Sabine on the other hand, I can barely see happening. Just the two of them trapped in some ice moon cavern, huddled together to try to stay warm, and wrapped around each other sound asleep when rescue finally arrives.

>> No.38150

From what it looks like in the movie, the combination of the star destroyer and the shield gate collapsing into the shield is what punches a hole in it

>> No.38159

Kinda late, but Aphra is an archaeologist, right? Maybe she and Luke get together and she helps him track down the old Jedi temples or something.

>> No.38167

As always, the Wook settles the argument


>Even though the Galatic Empire attempted to close the Shield Gate to protect the complex, some of the fighters were able to fly through and attack the base, before the Rebels destroyed the gate and shield by hurling two Imperial Star Destroyers into the space station with their spacecraft.
>destroyed the gate and shield

>> No.38379

There will be a crossover soon where they team-up to solve stuff and fight symbiotes or something.

>> No.38410

>Look it up
>Edit without penis

Fuck yeah

>> No.38588


>> No.38833

Why would you have the machine producing the shield OUTSIDE OF THE SHIELD?

Raddus' plan wasn't to take out the gate. It was to take out the ISDs so that they would crash and be pulled into the shield, overloading it. The gate was a bonus.

>> No.38876

Luke's lady friends don't have a good track record on survival. If you're an Aphra fan, that crossover isn't a good thing.

>> No.38917

Aphra has an ongoing comic. They won't kill her off in it's first crossover barely a full book in.

>> No.39072
File: 3.15 MB, 2340x2344, DIVERSITY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the topic of waifus have I missed any

>> No.39109

Aren't most of those post-Lucas?

>> No.39145

technically steela is the only one that existed before Lucasfilm was bought by Disney (I think) but that's not the point the point is shitposting racemixing memes

>> No.39185

Technically that's speciesmixing. Remember that in the correct canon Mace Windu is actually a Blackanian woman from Blackula IX.

>> No.39314


>> No.39567

Clearly you aren't using the CORRECT canon. That was stipulated.

>> No.39640

le epic april fools opposite day eu is real canon xd

>> No.39696

Dude, stop licking your ecks eyes, that's gross.

>> No.39769
File: 123 KB, 1598x1093, 46846854858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Chiss
Best drink

>> No.39798

Who did Rae have the hots for? Kanan?

>> No.39827
File: 464 KB, 878x900, Into the Trash it Goes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.39897

Poor Kanan. That lady was nuttier than squirrel shit.

>> No.39932 [SPOILER] 
File: 220 KB, 1910x1070, 1491092152744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Old buddies

>> No.39973
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>> No.39998

>sub sandwich
>cuts it vertically instead of lengthwise

>> No.40020

Are Skywalker women and lovers just cursed?

Anakin's mother died in terrible conditions. Padme died in childbirth.

Luke's potential girlfriend died. Even in the EU his ex girlfriend was a Sith lord who tried to ruin his family by corrupting his nephew who murdered Mara Jade in the process. I think there were other potential girlfriends who died in the EU but I can't remember.

>> No.40163

the only reason mara jade died was because some bitchy self absorbed hack tried to one up and demean other people's achievements and it would not have otherwise occurred

and actually lukes only prospective girlfriend in canon was the black girl nakari kelen who got pointlessly wasted off screen (for a book) in one of the most shameless back to status quos ever made

>> No.40283

She died in the book she was introduced in. She was never intended to break the status quo or be Luke's actual girlfriend.

If anything, she's more like a friend in the book, and simply serves to help Luke re-evaluate who he finds attractive so that we can finally move past the idea that he wanted to fuck his sister

>> No.40392

and then she dies pointlessly never to be referenced or thought about ever again

>> No.40813
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x808, Rogue.One.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-SPARKS.mkv_snapshot_02.03.38_[2017.03.20_04.02.51].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41021

If he's in TLJ wouldn't they keep it a surprise? Why reveal it in a trailer?

>> No.41155

Anon we knew that Han would be dying since Harrison went to Celebration last year. That wasn't something shown in any trailer.

>> No.41821

>last year
Wasn't that 2 years ago?

>> No.41883

For a moment I thought you were referring to Leia in Episode VIII (I wasn't part of the conversation, just saw the post). It's sad knowing she'll have to be written out. I seriously doubt they'll do any CGI trickery to give her a final moment UNLESS they have some previous unused dialogue from her they use for her and CGI animate her saying it on her death bed or whatever. I really don't think they'll try to use a soundalike since there might be backlash to putting words in a "dead woman's mouth."

At the least I expect an in-universe eulogy where a character - it should be Luke but if this was JJ directing it would probably be Rey - giving her a sendoff that includes the phrase, "She was OUR Princess." Insta-win Oscar material, etc.

>> No.41946

I want Leia to live and them to use a lookalike to get around the whole cgi recreation business

>> No.42248

Yeah. I think Tarkin was plenty, he had good reason to be there, and they were really respectful. But I don't think it should be a common thing.

>> No.42397

I think if they could get away with CGIing carrie fisher for the remainder of the sequel trilogy, it'd be vulgar but accepted for the time being as a special case, as long as there's a disclaimer that that is the one time they are ever going to stoop to such a thing out of the uttermost necessity. Do it now, do it fast, like pulling off a Band-Aid.

>> No.42470

>I seriously doubt they'll do any CGI trickery
They issued a press release shortly after she died saying they weren't going to do that. I get the feeling they're not going to do any kind of special technique to give her a final scene- if the coma rumors are true, they'll probably just have her not wake up from it. If they already have footage of her lying unconscious in a hospital bed, all they need to do is add a flatline noise and it becomes a death scene.

>> No.42474

They already mentioned they aren't going to use a CG Leia for Episode IX.

>> No.42501

They've already said Leia won't be CG'd

>> No.42539

They already said they won't do any CG, and I think even if they did people would only accept it being used a little in 8 if it's necessary for closure. If they went ahead and got some other actress for 9 and CGI'd her to be Carrie people would find that in really poor taste.

>> No.42542
File: 855 KB, 1627x785, 1489879341857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think they should even do that. She deserves more respect than that, I hate the idea that once an actor dies, they can just recreate them at will. the family just lost her, let them grieve.

With Cushing, there was an extremely positive response from the owner of the estate, it's what he would have wanted. With her, I don't know. A lookalike would be just fine, I wouldn't be triggered.

>> No.42567

Leia was going to die in 8 anyway, anon, followed by Luke in 9. All the old guard have to go to make room for new heroes.

>> No.42590

then do a lookalike and have the audience suspend their disbelief, Leia is far too important a character to fuck off and die and there's no way they can kill her off that will make anybody like it

>> No.42639

Carrie's too tied to the character to just have someone else play her. Imagine if they'd gotten someone other than Harrison or Mark.

>> No.42653

Tough shit. The actress died and she is too iconic to be replaced with a random grandma.

>> No.42695

>Imagine if they got someone else to play Han Solo

Well, I mean....

>> No.42725

she's also 30 years older, different actors play the same characters at different ages all the time, just look at Indiana Jones and the upcoming Han Solo movie

even in Rogue One, we are expected to believe that Genevieve O'Reilly is Mon Mothma just 4 years younger than we see her in Return of the Jedi as played by Caroline Blakiston

it's far more respectful to the character AND the decedent than to go "poochie died on the way back to his home planet"

>> No.42731

>have the audience suspend their disbelief
Having Leia suddenly played by another person would be distracting as hell. Having her suddenly killed off in 8 isn't the most ideal end for the character but it's honestly the most sane alternative we have.

>> No.42738
File: 131 KB, 485x458, 1489984040313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine if they'd gotten someone other than Harrison

I don't need to imagine it anon

>> No.42767

Okay, there's that, but imagine if for TFA they had some other guy, even with Carrie and Mark being in the movie.

>> No.42788

how on earth did I manage to quote >>42653 before the thread updated for me to see it, I meant to respond to >>42639

>> No.42810

>Darth Revan #2
Holy shit, did they recanonize Revan?

>> No.42828

The Solo movie will be a good test of what people really loved: Han Solo or Harrison Ford's portrayal of him.

>> No.42859

I know, I'm excited too, anon

>> No.42876

Mon Mothma also isn't that big of a character at all. I'm almost surprised they bothered to get her Revenge of the Sith actress to play her again.

>> No.42894

>even in Rogue One, we are expected to believe that Genevieve O'Reilly is Mon Mothma just 4 years younger than we see her in Return of the Jedi as played by Caroline Blakiston
Mon Mothma isn't as well known or connected to the character as Leia. Caroline Blakiston played her in a single scene, not as a leading role in four movies.

>> No.42912

I know about the press release, but it isn't like they can't change their minds or expect any distaste at the idea to die down the further we get from the initial sorrow of her passing. Come Christmastime, yes, I do think they could use computer wizardry and sell it to the public as wanting to give her an actual final scene and not just have her die on the way back to her home planet (HA!) (though technically Polis Massa still exists even more technically it's not a planet anyway but an asteroid field). That said, it would be far easier for them to take unused audio and adapt them into her "final words" to give her a disembodied Force moment. Ghost or Vision it wouldn't matter. No visual trickery required.

>> No.42951

I like Han Solo and Harrison Ford separately and equally, but I think the casting in the Han Solo movie is a joke and that its entire premise is totally unworthy of a movie and I highly doubt I will enjoy it, even if they CGI'ed Harrison's face on and dubbed his voice over it. That's my honest opinion.

>> No.42977

If they somehow work Kylo feeling fucking awful about never seeing his mother again, that would make his character ten times better.

>> No.42995

>I know about the press release, but it isn't like they can't change their minds
The fact that they issued a press release would make it difficult. This was one of the only times Lucasfilm issued a press release to address a rumor. The fact that it was an official release and not just one of them on twitter saying it means they can expect a PR backlash if they go back on it.

>> No.43124

I personally don't count that. It isn't someone playing Han Solo, it's someone playing someone we knew existed but have almost no information of: Young Han Solo. I don't see that as splitting hairs. Ultimately it is no different than someone else playing Leia or Obi-Wan in the cartoons. That it is a live action theatrical release doesn't matter much. In this case I'd argue it's further than having someone voice Obi-Wan in Rebels/TCW. This isn't meant to be Harrison Ford's Han Solo, it's a version of Han before he becomes the man we saw in ANH and later.

But, hell, that's just my certain point of view.

>> No.43253

I don't really see a press release tying their hands. It's not like some kind of legal agreement. Nor do I see the public freaking out like you suggest, mostly since I expect "the public" barely remembers there was a press release. Oh I'm sure some parts of the Internet will, but those are the parts that do so at any excuse. Some people hated Leia and Tarkin in Rogue One, after all, and it wasn't like Fred Astaire dancing with a damn vacuum cleaner.

>> No.43465

So is bacta the catch-all explanation to healing wounds?

>> No.43479

"We wanted to do a tribute" "didn't want to spoil the surprise" "here's Carrie's daughter, also in the film - such a great performance, such a great film - saying she's super happy with what we did"

Pause for standing ovation from crowd, take a bow, accept the award from the Academy while shouting about how it's really Carrie's award, not their own, this is all for her...

>> No.43510

It's their usual go-to but they have plenty of other shit they do. You can even give a Wookiee a bandaid while talking about how brave he is.

Why did you want to know?

>> No.43571

I'm just curious as to how it works. If something ever goes wrong, it seems like people just use bacta.

I'm wondering if it's just a thing we don't ask questions about, you know?

>> No.43788

Bacta is more of a standard hospital treatment for extended serious care after major injuries. It requires specialized chambers, life support for the person in the chamber, and mass quantities of goo. It's not something you can do in the field, so they do have medkits with a variety of other treatments and tools. I don't think we've ever gotten too in-depth as to what these are. I recall when Rex was shot by a sniper Kix, the clone field medic, put some kind of device that was situated on either end of his wounds. We also know they do standard surgical stuff, albeit with scifi instruments and droid doctors. We had the removal process for the Clone chip implant, we know they do cyborgs, even the "decraniated" (sort of) in Rogue One which are pretty damn extreme.

Bacta is pretty damn potent, but it can't heal scars or do much for Vader's level of damage, though from Rogue One we see he chills in the stuff in his castle (maybe from a recent injury or just cleaning out his melted pores of infection).

>> No.44558

Bacta used to be everywhere in the EU. Friggin everyone used it for everything from papercuts to THE ADMIRALS HEAD IS STILL ALIVE! There was war over the one planet in the entire galaxy that produced Bacta or something, which was pretty stupid. From the same arc Jaina Solo becomes a bug lover and gets in a fight with her boyfriend (who is best buds with the Chiss and he later becomes the fucking Emperor)

>> No.44639

A new hope is my favourite because I feel it's a very self contained movie, for the most part, and has the best characters and villain.

>> No.45109

Is that a smile krennic gives

>> No.45258

Krennic is just like

>wait where do I go
>why does this bitch get a fucking castle
>Aw fuck he's coming from that side

>> No.45320

100% agree.

>> No.45395

Meesa thinksa yousa correct

>> No.45635
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At least this was the result Vader got after 25 years of bacta treatments, which is better than a lot of burn victims in real life.

>> No.45665
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>> No.45742
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>> No.45807
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ok i think im posting this backwards but what ever

>> No.45860
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>> No.45922
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i think palatine could sense snoke in the unknown regions

>> No.45927

I ain't reading all that shit, what is it you're trying to show us?

>> No.45980
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>> No.45991
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>i think palatine could sense snoke in the unknown regions
Book's been out over a month. You didn't stumble on some grand discovery.

>> No.46087
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ok so heres the first page

>> No.46154

then post some cool shit from the book

>> No.46317

Why? We already talked about this shit weeks ago.

>> No.46437

What are you even doing?

>> No.47087

I don't agree (ROTJ is best), but your opinion is good and I respect it.

>> No.47739

"Vadar, good news!"
"What is it, my Master?"
"Approval of your skin graft just came in! You've already got an appointment tomorrow at the Emperor Sheev Palpatine Pre-Memorial Hospital and Burn Ward!"
"This is excellent. I imagine the donor was some asshole in a speeder accident. No helmet, no seat belts. Wait, have seat belts even been invented?"
"Don't know, don't care. They sound too expensive, like proper railing around reactor cores. And as for your donor - I know you're going to love this! - we dug up Padme! Yep, you're getting her skin on you, boy! You'll finally be together again!"
"Of course you're a bit bigger, especially in that suit, so we'll have to stretch it, plus there's the decomposition, but the new Imperial Leatherworkers Union promise me they can fix that. One word: sueded! Eh? Eh?"

>> No.48157

Settles what debate?

>> No.48468

The Aftermath books aren't well written and often have moments that make 0 fucking sense but they are essential to know what the post ROTJ era is like. And I mean you have to read (or listen to the audio books which are 100 times better) them and not read summaries online because half the shit people have summarized is either completely wrong because people are retards who don't know how to read or they're not detailed to the point that you actually understand them like the shitty 'yeah there's some pirates called Sovereign Latitudes' explanation instead of telling how they were formed and how they operate. Or the way more important detail that little Imperial Remnants still exist after Jakku and they never joined the First Order in the Unknown Region which explains why Stormtroopers are still trying to kill Luke in Trials on Tatooine.

>> No.48781

>Shilling aftermath

I don't care about the PT enough to read it

>> No.48818

There was a space battle in TFA?
I really don't recall.

>> No.48931

I'm not shilling it you could download the audio books from the OP for all I care. I'm just pointing out that they're really important to nucanon and everyone trying to summarize them does an absolutely shit job. Really the best bet would be going to Wookieepedia and reading their summary and then reading any new item you find along the way like a new character or faction.

>> No.48991

Not really a space battle. It had 2 dog fights which is what I think he meant.

>> No.49062

Give me a reason I should care about the PT with the information we got from TFA. I thought TFA was okay at best, but it's the only Star Wars movie where I genuinely didn't care about the characters enough to learn more. Maybe Ren, but again, it just wasn't worth it to me.

>> No.49139

Fine, an aerial battle. Frankly, I enjoyed the fact that showing a lot of ships flying in atmosphere was one of the few original things TFA did.

>> No.49177

I feel like this may be an April Fools.

If not I hope it's JJ Miller, not Drew K writing it.

>> No.49241
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>I feel like this may be april fools

nigga what the fuck do you think

>> No.49321

Why would there be a #2 of something that doesn't have a #1?

>> No.49438

Look at the other books on that list.

>> No.49528
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>I feel like this may be an April Fools

>> No.49535

I really can't but chances are something may come out in that era that will make you interested in it. The Last Jedi might do that for you. The book Bloodlines was pretty good and that might do it for you.

Really we need to get together and make an image tl;dr of the Aftermath books so people get the important info without having to read 3 shitty books.

>> No.49569

>Dooku - By Luceno (Thursday 6th)

We're never getting this, are we? I really want it

>> No.49626

>/mtv/ - Video Killed The Radio Star

>> No.49652

Probably not, and it hurts a bit.

At least since we actually have releases next week (Rogue One blu-ray, Star Wars #30 and the Rogue One comic #1) we won't be subjected to another week-long ruse cruise of fake releases

>> No.49661

My favourite movie is a new hope, and that movie just makes me want to watch it. If you like it, that's your business, but it is just boring to me. Like deja vu

Make one, then. I read a few chapters and wanted to neck myself, I commend people who got through that shitfest. I picked up Tarkin instead. Way better.

>> No.49676

We are actually really likely to get this. Its the most requested book according to Del Ray and Luceno loves doing dry biography type books about villains in the prequel era.

>> No.49720
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>Could Luceno pull off an Obi-Wan book?

>> No.49747

>Its the most requested book according to Del Ray

>> No.49810

>Its the most requested book according to Del Ray

>> No.49869

>Its the most requested book according to Del Ray
Sauce me up pham

>> No.49934

I don't have a specific link but one of the mods on Del Ray's forums said that it's the most requested book. Try going to their forums and searching for the keywords 'Dooku requested' and you might be able to find it.

>> No.49960

Why does everyone have a fucking hard on for Obi-Wan recently

>> No.49983

To make the lie more convincing obviously.

>> No.50045

Why did it take the better part of today for someone to come up with this?



>> No.50087

Needs to rewrite Plagueis first.

>> No.50269
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But I'd rather have Dooku

>> No.51485

Snoke is Darth Plagueis memers need some canon ground to stand on