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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 172 KB, 723x600, goan-chicken-vindaloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16108266 No.16108266 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck is wrong with people who don't like spicy food?

>> No.16108305

Lower pain threshold in the mouth, possibly just haven't scorched them properly yet.

>> No.16108348
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Tell me. From my first "found it abandoned in the kitchen" Shin Ramyun to when I could chomp it down comfortably. it took me about 30 packs.

>> No.16108413

Some people are just pathetic trannies.

>> No.16108457

They grew up eating bland food. I enjoy spiciness, but both obsessive heat-seekers and baby-palate people are insufferable in their own way.

>> No.16109112

Not all of us like to turn our meals into masochistic BDSM-lite sessions.

>> No.16109156


i like spicy food but some times i also like tasting my food.

>> No.16109160

I used to be good with spice when I was younger.
My father worked in Thailand for a few months, we where on vacation there when he worked, we used to frekwent this resturant on the beach run by this really nice thai couple, and I would get progressively spicier food, I still remember it, "today 15% spice, ok?", last week we where there it went up to "100% spice!". But that was like... 14 years ago.

>> No.16109172
File: 269 KB, 600x654, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck is wrong with people who don't like spicy food?

>> No.16109192

The trend of "muh spicy food" is driven entirely by white guilt

>> No.16109196

I hated spicy food until I suddenly started loving it when I turned 27. no idea what the fuck changed.

>> No.16109243

Most people don't want to feel pain while eating

However, I live with a couple that can barely tolerate jalapeno-level spiciness and that I don't understand.

>> No.16109350

I like spicy food but I don't like what it does to my asshole later.

>> No.16109377

>What are nuanced flavours?

Not everyone enjoys the equivalent of a nuclear bomb going off in one's mouth each time they take a bite of something. Most overly seasoned foods are eaten by people who have exceptionally unrefined palates, couldn't tell the difference between similar dishes made with chicken, pork or lamb.

>> No.16109423

There's also a difference between spicy and hot spicy, and the most important thing is a good balance of flavors, not just simple heat - more does not necessarily = better, don't get me wrong, I've had absolutely lovely food that was extremely hot-spicy, but I've also had stuff that was like acid, just tasting of heat and nothing else. I think sometimes amateurs use extreme spiciness to cover up otherwise lackluster, bland food.

>> No.16109428 [DELETED] 

They are white, which is another issue.

>> No.16109430

I have a bottle of green yucateco in front of me...

Is yucateco SUH-OI now?

>> No.16109541

Aww, a dash of pepper hurts the little bitch's tastebuds?

>> No.16109549

You don't have to be extreme to enjoy a reasonable amount of heat

>> No.16109598

I like it but my rectum doesn't.

>> No.16109700
File: 84 KB, 600x600, HECKIN REAPER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aww, a dash of pepper hurts the little bitch's tastebuds?

>> No.16110473

Probably IBS

>> No.16110653

My butt hole bro, It makes me so sad. I love spicy food but I'm literally crying all over my throne in the morning.

>> No.16110664

I love spicy food but my stomach can't handle it

>> No.16110674

how spicy are we talking?

>> No.16110679

they're probably just jealous of your epic hot sauce collection anon

>> No.16110713

that looks quite good anon, what is it?

>> No.16110734

They don't have as much exposure to it. I'm less worried about them than I am the people who judge my orders by my pallor. I know it's hot. I've had it before. It's good. Give me twenty god damned pounds of it!

>> No.16110746

the filename says chicken vindaloo. A spicy, lightly sour, hearty curry.

>> No.16112456

I agree, I like painfully spicy sweat buckets kill yourself wings but I'm aware it's 'beard wax, craft beer BACON ON EVERYTHING LOL' tier. Not as insufferable as guests you have to tone down your cacciatore for because otherwise they won't eat the shit.

>> No.16112476

Not worth the pain with all my gerd issues. Being 41 sucks sometimes.
Fortunately this isn't one of those times since I'm not some little bitch that has to find some sense of self worth in a bottle of hot sauce.

>> No.16112569

I didn't like it until I started eating it regularly. It's just unpleasant when you're not used to it, makes your nose run, burns your mouth, seemingly for no apparent enhancement since you're more focused on all the issues it causes.

Now that I eat it all the time I'm more used to it and so better able to appreciate the enhancements it offers, it's definitely a better way of life, I love spicy food now.

>> No.16112575


>> No.16112580
File: 23 KB, 490x429, 1620754111742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gerd at 25
Being a fucking debt collector straight out of college fucked me up

>> No.16112594

Who are you quoting?

>> No.16113139

Despite eating spicy food since I was literally a baby (my dad fucked up making my baby food a couple of times), I really didn't like it until my late teens. I always liked the flavour, but it took a while to desensitize. The heat of a dish has almost always been a secondary consideration for me - even then, I only really take care to not overdo it when cooking for my mom's side of the family.

>> No.16113516
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>here, let me pour that hot sauce all over the dish, smothering all of the other flavors
Spices and sauces are great when used sparingly and allowed to interplay. Too much of any spice/sauce easily ruins the dish.
Habitually drowning everything in red pepper is something done by people with unrefined or burnt-out palates, for whom anything below the level of "call the fire department" tastes bland and boring. Niggers do this. Don't be a nigger.

>> No.16113547

just growing up as a supertaster. shit like spicy and bitter, the spice was greater than what others tasted, and I could taste bitter/astringent/other flavours I didn't like in stuff that my family couldn't taste themselves. (think coffee in a chocolate cake, all I could taste was the bitter coffee while others tasted chocolate)

>> No.16113563

Your tastebuds are trying to keep you alive... but at what cost?

>> No.16113581

What is a supertaster? Is it just a picky eater? Just say that anon.

>> No.16113588

Supertaster is someone with more dense/sensitive taste buds

>> No.16113591

Isn't that what picky eaters have? "Supertaster" sounds like a politically correct euphemism.

>> No.16113604

Idk but to me picky eater is someone who only likes a select few items and will only eat that. While supertaster is able to taste what others can't. Like that chocolate cake my family literally didn't taste the bitterness when I did. But I wasn't picky I are a ton of shit. From shark fin soup to cicadas

>> No.16113606


>> No.16113613

Some people can actually pick out terpenes, alkaloids, and vanilloids at really low concentrations. Other people just don't like a lot of things.

>> No.16113713

Some people have medical conditions that destroy their spice tolerance or cause massive digestive issues, others have stunted palettes or psychosomatic problems.

>> No.16113718

they havent killed thair mouth nerves through years of abuse

>> No.16113741

jalapeno is baby tier wtf, actualy jjalapenos are the perfect level of spice imo

>> No.16113955

It's usually a bit of both the psychological fear of food that looks spicy but isn't really as hot as you'd think, and a lack of experience with spice. Dull red is much spicier than bright red chilli powder for instance. The traditionally spicy cuisines like Indian are usually nowhere near as spicy as you'd expect them to be given the hype, and most of their food is centred around savoury/sweet flavours anyway.

>> No.16113995

They haven't destroyed their sense of taste yet.

>> No.16114537

>dull red vs bright red
It depends on the chilies used, which usually depends on the brand. My sketchy indian spice mart and bootleg movie bazaar has half a row of just hot chili powder that they don't know the English names for. Their "Phaal powder" tastes like it's a pretty even mix of habanero, ghost pepper and scorpion - It's fairly orange, but noticeably hotter than their deep red "Jolokia powder".
>Traditionally spicy
There's only been about 500 years for cuisines to develop spiciness. Some places - like the Caribbean and Southeast Asia - have developed very spicy, flavourful peppers. The cuisines as a whole are rarely designed to maim, but there's always a handful of dishes that are designed to hurt.
Vindaloo should sting a bit. Phaal should make the overconfident look foolish.

>> No.16114567

I love the way it tastes, but it hurts my stomach and burns my anus when I poop it out.

>> No.16114990

No but do yourself a favor and never buy the black one

>> No.16114993

ah yes, the delicious taste of salt and pepper

>> No.16114996

Stress will do it bro

>> No.16115201

I can handle hot spice but I don't get why it's seen as the epitome as flavour. Food can taste good without making your tongue and mouth hurt and making you sweat a bit.
I avoid it if I can in favour of more flavourful stuff.

>> No.16115302

love spicy food. really do. however, surprise habaneros on my pizza? nah son. at least not if all i have to drink is a tarty sour beer. those two things mix like cold water in a smoldering hot pot.

>> No.16115817

Has nothing to do with pain in the mouth, I like spicy food but have really stopped eating it because I am tired of having spicy shits and a burning asshole.

>> No.16116783


>> No.16116834

I like spicy food. I just want it to taste some other way than just "hot".

>> No.16116974
File: 74 KB, 851x927, 1610661831647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love a decent amount of heat in food, but I'm beginning to think I've developed a capsaicin intolerance. If I eat anything with a sizeable amount of chilis in it, I have horrible constipation the next day, having to agonizingly shit several times over the course of a few hours. I don't even get the asshole burn, it's just like my guts bloat and turn to sludge. I've been stuck on the toilet for over an hour after a particularly spicy order of drunken noodles.