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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16083692 No.16083692 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your best ramen recipes

>> No.16083713

u open the pack and cook it

>> No.16083755

just imagine eating this trash

>> No.16085378

boil noodle
add spice
add egg

>> No.16085409

As tasty as this stuff is, it's still 550kcal of pure carbs and doesn't fill you up at all. Adding egg only goes so far.

>> No.16085418

>carbs bad

>> No.16085430

Put your reading glasses on, anon

>> No.16085567


Makes everything so much creamier and tastier. Fat makes it more filling too.

>> No.16085584

I usually feel like I need to add some chopped vegetables or nutritional yeast so it's not completely empty calories, a bit more filling, and a sodium bomb. But at the same time these should be more of an occasional thing, so it shouldn't be a significant matter unless you do plan to eat them regularly. In which you probably have more concerns to deal with.

>> No.16085631

when it's instant ramen i like to add some lime and cilantro in there kinda like pho

>> No.16085782

fuck u

>> No.16085792

i add frozen peas at the end so its immediately edible and i love peas

>> No.16087189

step 1: return it to the store and buy goreng

>> No.16087352

Add hot water and spice packet.

>> No.16087379
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>Cook ramen
>Drain about 2/3 of the water
>Add both Neoguri and Chapagetti flavour packs
>Cook and stir until most of the water is boiled out
>Add some meat and the oil from Chapagetti

>> No.16088033

boil tofu and potatos and mushroooms
Boil water with noodles
The moment they stop being in square
drain the crunchier the better.

boil water and broth.
add tofu and mushrooms
Take out tofu and mushroom and put em in the bowl with noodles
mix with sesame seed oil.
wait for broth to cool
pour broth in the bowl.

>> No.16089231

Just cook it according to the instructions. The whole point of instant noodles is to get a quick and easy meal. If you want to put in some actual effort you might as well go all the way and cook some real food.

>> No.16089267

bullet, 1 (buy in bulk to save)
you can figure out the rest

>> No.16089502

SEAfag here who grew up with indomie and the rest of the mie goreng noodles. It's gotten really boring to eat unless if it's the spicy indomie ones.

Spicy indomie > OP pic > indomie

>> No.16089511

Put hot water in instant shrimp ramen the one with the little shrimpies

Add peanut butter and soy sauce.

>> No.16089714

even if you only eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner it's only 1650 calories, what are you talking about?

>> No.16090370

I make my ramen using egg, easier to work the dough compared to using only water. Bread flour, a little bit of calcium carbonate and potassium carbonate along with the salt. Medium hydration something like 38%.
Soup I just boil a leg of pork, after around 2 hours I remove the actual meat so I can have that in the soup, and continue boiling the bone and other connective tissues.
MSG is mandatory for flavoring the soup, many things can work like soy, miso, vegemite etc.

>> No.16090379

and after those 1650 calories you'd still be fuckin' starving

>> No.16091488

Cook Ramen, drain water, add flavor packet, stir well, done.

>> No.16093208

Do people eat this as an alternative to self harm ?

>> No.16093289

it genuinely does taste pretty good despite being spicier than most hot sauces on the market
I like the light version, 40% less spicy so I can use the full pack instead of half

>> No.16093336
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Here's a trick, a big slice of this. Melty delicious cheese with the super spice

>> No.16093390


Cheese in ramen is fucking delicious. I use shredded extra sharp cheese.

>> No.16093409

>liquid gold
>slice of
i'm confused is it liquid or solid

>> No.16093432


>> No.16093442


>> No.16093552

I dice onions and mushrooms (I like shitake). Fry those in a little sesame oil and chili flakes. Add some broccoli at the end to cook it a little but not done. Set aside into your bowl. Use a large bowl. My favorite is Shin Ramyun so I make that next using as little water you can use to cover the noodles and poach an egg. Add as much of the packet as you like for salt level. Sometimes I have leftover pork or chicken and I slice that up thin and put it in the bowl with the veggies. Pour on the boiling ramen when its nearly done and let it sit for a minute. All done!

>> No.16093619

Hot cheese melt not hot cheese not melt

>> No.16093779

>doesn't fill you up at all
it does me, for at least 5 hours.

>> No.16095552

People always say these are only bad if you eat them too regularly but how often is too regularly? I usually have some kind of instant ramen maybe once a week.

>> No.16096069

Has anyone ever legitimately made ramen from scratch before? What recipe did you use? How did it turn out taste wise?

>> No.16096090

I use pork neckbones and chicken feet. Broil them a bit till they have a nice crust, then throw them in the pot with water. High boil for ~14h, adding extra water as needed.
Then make a tare of kombu/dashi, soy, mirin.
Sun noodles are very good, they are frozen.
Add whatever toppings you like. The meat from the neckbones is very nice.

>> No.16096098
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Turned out amazingly. Definitely worth the effort.

>> No.16096104
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>> No.16096135
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Hopefully this gif turns out. The jiggle was fantastic.

>> No.16096303

Nice, that does look great. I'm trying a beef recipe next week. The broth alone is supposed to take 6 hours! Wish me luck

>> No.16096318

Good luck friend! Share pics when it's done, /ck/ is deprived of OC.

>> No.16096337

swap water to piss works wonders and no need for salt + iodine and ammonia

>> No.16096582

Sure thing! If it doesn't turn out well, I'll just throw it in a sloppa thread.

>> No.16096660

Eating the noodles dry. Its fun and crunchy. However the flavor differs depending on what you eat. The big bowl ones are the blandest, then cups, then the ones that are only wrapped