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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16073231 No.16073231 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a meme?

>> No.16073236

no, it's great for cleaning yourself out for your boyfriend.

>> No.16073863

Recently found out if you don't add enough water you can destroy your intestines

>> No.16073882

It helps with my IBS diarrhea

>> No.16073891

The capsules are especially dangerous because most people don't read the label that says to drink a pint of water alongside them.

>> No.16073892

It makes me shidd and faard :DDDD

>> No.16073902

i put some in my yoghourt and there was so much gluten in it that when it turned into a dough when i stirred it together

>> No.16074273

That stuff is pretty great for making gluten free bread.

>> No.16074283

They work great but I stopped taking them because it made my turd unnaturally long. It was scary knowing something that looked like that came out of my ass so I stopped taking it.

>> No.16074286

You get some real bowl winding turds with it.

>> No.16074291

I tried it for my IBS, and I couldn't poop for like, three days. Use it sparingly when you start out.

>> No.16075085

Added it to a glass of water, forgot about it and it turned to jello.

>> No.16075478

wouldnt that make it worst?

>> No.16075531

ibs diarrhoea is weird

>> No.16075639

I need it to survive. I've lived years pooping only once a week, shitting out the most painful pudding you could imagine.
than you based psyllium husk.

>> No.16076449

Vast majority of people shouldn't need this if they just eat real food and get enough fiber

>> No.16076464

I wish there was a version you didn't have to chug. If you don't drink it in under ten minutes, it turns to fucking slime.

>> No.16076500

How so?

>> No.16076554


>> No.16076625

I have IBS-D and tried it for like a month and it just made me have diarrhea 5 times a day instead of 2

>> No.16076642

There's soluble fiber. It doesn't thicken the water and doesn't taste like much. I drink it but I don't know if it's more/less beneficial than the standard husk fiber.

>> No.16077632

you added too much water

>> No.16078331
File: 269 KB, 569x569, 1595423872503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this better than metamucil?

>> No.16078414

Literally it works by creating a giant gelatinous mass in your gut that pushes everything else out. It's like squeezing the last bit of cookie dough out of the tube that is your intestines.

>> No.16078417
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metamucil is just psyllium husk in a gel cap.

>> No.16078432

I dont know I definitely dont get enough fiber in my diet but I can shit normal so I dunno if I need to add some. Might just get some ground flaxseed to add to my yogurt every morning though as I guess it helps with cholesterol?

>> No.16078457
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Same thing, with a lil sugar and orange flavoring

>> No.16078555

well think about it; additive fiber usually acts as a thickener. specifically, it sorta ends up gelatinized if you mix it with not enough water and then leave it for 15 minutes. the thing about gelatinized starches is that they don't readily accept more water without mixing, like if you just put another cup of water I to it, the mass and the water would stay completely separate unless you vigorously shook or mixed it up

now imagine this in your intestines. gelatinous mass that takes the shape of the soft tissue it's traveling through eventually gets stuck somewhere, and nothing you do will break it up. Can't drink more water, because, remember we already established that gelatinized starches won't dissolve with more water if you don't mix it up. so now you have a bunch of water in your small intestine, and any additional food you eat can't get through either, so it starts to form a blockage that ultimately needs surgery to fix

>> No.16079012

Shitting is my hobby.

>> No.16079776


>> No.16079861

the unironic staple of gay diet (not that there is anything wrong with that am just saying)

>> No.16079903


>> No.16079953


>> No.16079966

>wh*te women

>> No.16079983

>got some of that orange flavored mix in stuff
>think I'll premix a few bottles of it
>drink one, seems funny
>forgot that the stuff gels up
Am I fucked? I only used one teaspoon, instead of two, and it was only one bottle. Also did it after eating something and still drank more water. And some alcohol.

>> No.16080002

youre dead anon
better read the instructions in your next life

>> No.16080014

If you could drink it you're gonna be fine

>> No.16080030

I'm not sure if next life me will know.

I thought it made sense, but then I remembered it will gel up fast if you don't chug it down quickly. I noticed an odd texture when I drank the first one, then looked at the second bottle and noticed the stuff was already along so. There was still plenty of water, just looked like there was some sort of jelly in it.

>> No.16080045

Just remember anon, all those toxins have built up. If you wanna truly cleanse yourself you're going to need to drink more for all the time you lived shitty.

>> No.16080050

Might as well eat tree bark.

>> No.16080170

I'm not worried about toxins.

>> No.16080181

Fibre AND water is great for keeping you regular. If you have the fibre with too little liquid it pretty much turns into cement inside you.

>> No.16080288

You might not be interested in toxins, but toxins are interested in you.

>> No.16080349

Not even sure where you're going with this. Nothing I said had anything related to toxins.

>> No.16080469

real food doesn't have fiber retard

>> No.16080800

That's the toxins anon, the more you resist the bigger the cleansing you'll need.

>> No.16080806

Will this make me poop?

>> No.16080852


>> No.16080860
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>> No.16082233

that is a weird hat

>> No.16082242

To each their own. Shitting a brick just makes me feel powerful.

>> No.16082876

Those should be the best shits you have. A long sausage like shape. No matter how long.

>> No.16082900

my poops are very long and skinny.
makes it seem like i have a tiny anus.
my friends laugh if the see my poops becauae they are not manly ;_;

>> No.16083557

Maybe you have rectal stenosis.

>> No.16083603

Ignore that guy he's trying to get you to plug your butthole up

>> No.16084856

what in heck is that?

>> No.16084876

the duality of man

>> No.16084928

toxins built up in your body, the way alt medicine claims it, its not even a real thing.
there are toxins but the entire concept is misused by new age medicine

>> No.16085138


It's expensive and nowhere near effective as chia seeds

>> No.16085143

I got an anal fissure from misusing psyllium husks. I didn't drink enough water, apparently. I had excrutiating bowl movements for more than year, with blood in the stool every time, but i never got surgery and it eventually healed and now Im pain free.

>> No.16085276
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If you have a functioning liver and kidneys, you don't have to worry about toxins.

>> No.16085293

He needs to try a little harder. Maybe not sound retarded.

>> No.16085307

I remembered when this happened to me. Except I don't think mine ever truly healed. Now I have hemorrhoids.

>> No.16085380


>> No.16086062

i will argue there are certain things the liver and kidneys cannot rid your body of, but then again it's not required to do anything about it unless you're consuming tons of heavy metals.

>> No.16086073
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>functioning liver
Where do you think we are?

>> No.16086099
File: 54 KB, 147x221, Screen Shot 2021-05-10 at 2.52.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psyllium husk POWDER works better. Put a scoop in with my protein shake everyday and it works wonders. I can't imagine drinking it plain though. And holy fuck you better drink it fast because it thickens the drink up immediately.

>> No.16086163

>Put a scoop in with my protein shake everyday and it works wonders.
scoop is too much. watch out. add a teaspoon.

>> No.16086488

Helps me avoid itchy butt after a bad shit.

Save money on toilet paper too.

>> No.16086543 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 302x297, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too much

>> No.16086613

i want to take an unnaturally long shit so i will try this now

>> No.16087355

i am locked up since friday :(

>> No.16087551

you can ingest a bit of epsom salt if you're really worried. just don't make it a habit.
eat more foods like beans and whole wheat breads and carrots and the like. Avoid rice at all cost.

>> No.16087556

that's Metamucil, so no

>> No.16088561

Who the fuck deleted the gold comment? I came back here to tell him off for making me lose control at work.
The tranny jannies on this board are insane.
Wow, a fuckin' poop joke in a fiber supplement thread; heinous shitposter spam right there.

>> No.16089749 [DELETED] 

sorry for making you lose your shit
pls rember 2 take ur're scoopz and dab on trannyjannies

>> No.16089822

can't you drink water then spin around a lot

>> No.16090260

its because of the vegan feminized mods installed by P3TA a few years ago

>> No.16091058

I never noticed any changes after taking it, I just stirred it into water. Was I doing it wrong bros?

>> No.16091209

you have to hold it in for a day