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16064106 No.16064106 [Reply] [Original]

Why does white flour even exist ???????

>> No.16064110

>measuring dry goods by volume instead of weight

>> No.16064125

they're both 120g per cup

>> No.16064292

This is beyond retarded. All Whole Wheat flour is white flour just less processed. Its physically impossible for there to be more sugar, carbs and calories in white flour than whole wheat

>> No.16064299

You eat starches for the easily digestible carbohydrates, not the micros/protein dumb fatty

>> No.16064300


>> No.16064302


>> No.16064329 [DELETED] 
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>remove 25% of X from Y
>the same amount of Y now has "more" of other stuff compared to what it initially had

>> No.16064337
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Pardon me, I was drunk.

>> No.16064385

Because it tastes better, lasts longer, is cheaper, and works perfectly in 99% of recipes where whole wheat flour would absolutely fuck things up and provide terrible results

>> No.16064438

>dr vegan

>> No.16064466

>tastes better
>lasts longer
Yeah, that is a real problem with flour, always getting mouldy and what not.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to process it less? It's cheaper because it's used more.

Last point is right that you couldn't use it the same way. But on the other hand you could bake more other kind of stuff that you can't bake with white flour.

>> No.16064479

are you implying they might not be a real doctor

>> No.16064487

>Wouldn't it be cheaper to process it less? It's cheaper because it's used more.
Yes. Basically because it's more desirable for large-scale commercial use, there's more produced and thus it's cheaper. White flour lasts longer because of its lower fat content, nearly twice as long as less processed flour. It's not so much mould, but rather that it just generally decomposes. When you have massive bins full of tonnes of the shit, that decomposition generates a fucktonne of heat, too (similarly why grain silos are always fucking hot). White flour's more desirable because it can sit in transit longer, sit on the storage shelves longer, and generally just not go bad as fast.

>> No.16064703

in the old bygone era, people wanted white flower because if it was white, it wasn't full of fillers or something like that

>> No.16065255

I don't consume enough flour for this to matter
Switching to whole wheat would have a negligible effect on my nutrition with a negative benefit in that it tastes worse

>> No.16065266

Muh Big Yaz Bread

>> No.16065322

Well, actually whole wheat flour has more fiber which is starch that is hard to digest and is eaten by gut bacteria and not your own body and contains the kernel part that shifts a calorie ratio. Our digestive track produces alpha amylase enzyme that transforms easy starch into sugar. Some of the processed flour can turn into sugar. The protein part is sus, but durum that is used for pasta and whole wheat flour is 13g. The cake flour is 9 g. It's kinda misleading to say that it depends only on the terms of processing though, true.

>> No.16065544

Like many things, it was a symbol of wealth back when refining wheat was hard.

>> No.16066047

It's the low-fat option.

>> No.16066111

>why no, I have never made bread nor brioches, how could you tell?

>> No.16066198

Vegans have more imperative to scratch up as much protein as they can since they're starving themselves of it otherwise

>> No.16066705

which type of cup, the 240ml or the 250ml?

>> No.16066715

>Yeah, that is a real problem with flour, always getting mouldy and what not.
ive had some flour for over a year and its not mouldy at all

>> No.16066752

Have you ever tried baking with whole wheat flour? It's not the same, at all. The gluten structure is so much weaker, the strands are so much shorter than in white flour, you have to be incredibly careful when doing a straight replcareful. It's not something you can just compare based on a few numbers like that.

>> No.16066758

what if i just add a teaspoon of concentrated gluten?

>> No.16067008

A lot of whole wheat breads do use straight gluten to give it more structure. Whole wheat bread can come out pretty well without it though as long as you do a long, slow rise.

>> No.16067013

He was being sarcastic, but whole wheat flour like brown rice actually has a little more fat in it which can go rancid.

>> No.16067146

>Why does white flour even exist
because all throughout history humans have strived for white bread, it was once something only rich people could get.

now it's so common it's considered poor people food. ironic.

technically if the bran is removed there is more room for the carbs in similar amounts of flour.

>> No.16067177

More gluten retard

>> No.16067217

>>tastes better
In the days between the dawn of civilization and nutritional analysis becoming a thing, white breads were almost universally the bread of those with money, whereas brown breads were for those of less means.
This was entirely based on taste/texture, since the nutrition was an unknown factor.
Whole wheat breads didn’t become commonly desirable until the health benefits were known.

>> No.16067280

True whole grain flour expires very quickly. What you buy from the store is still sifted to remove parts that go rancid quickly. Same goes for white rice can brown rice. If you have $300 to spend and a desire to learn to cook/bake with only whole grains then you can just mill them fresh at home. Apparently barley flour is great for delicate pastries. It’s something I would like to get into, but for now I’ll stick with store bought whole wheat.

>> No.16067496

You asshole, Where is the caption I'm supposed to read? There was important info there

>> No.16069537
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You understand. People who live in the real world and know about economics, supply chains, warehousing and transit, and the flexibility shelf life gives in volatile markets.
Idiots like OP understand nothing about the real world, probably have a shit education and no job. Things happen for a reason, do you think your idea is original and eureka, everyone else was so stupid for so long, then I came by and fixed it!
You are retarded.

>> No.16070775

I like whole wheat pie crust but with cookies it's garbage

>> No.16070802

Goys dont deserve nutrients, you are cattle after all

>> No.16070835

White flour is more shelf-stable than whole wheat. The fat from the endosperm makes whole wheat flour go rancid if kept at room temperature.

>> No.16070841

White flour has more starch per gram because the other components have been removed. As such, for the same weight of product, you get more carbs and more sugars with white flour than whole wheat.

>> No.16071445

Whats heavier, one kg of lead or one kg of stupid?

>> No.16071455

>dr vegan


Plus white bread is tasty, I eat both white and whole wheat but don't tell me what to do.