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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 247 KB, 938x1251, IMG_20210505_161435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16063209 No.16063209 [Reply] [Original]

Okay I made alfredo.
Give me more recipies to impress woman with.

>> No.16063526

That thing could only impress a woman with ageusia. Maybe try with something easier like cereal

>> No.16063538

The only thing that really impresses a woman is a large bank account.

>> No.16063703

would an acocunt in a large bank be enough?

>> No.16063733

Zabaglione, panna cotta, pot de creme
Anything light so she don't poop on your dick when you're having sexxors after. Bonus if it's alcoholic

>> No.16063764

plated like that you might struggle to impress a woman with anything

>> No.16064164

I love the white box to block the reflection of your face from the fork.

>> No.16064207

That looks like shit. Where is the sauce even? Is that fucking orange juice? How old are you? You will never get laid with that kind of cooking

>> No.16064355

Ok chud

>> No.16064401
File: 46 KB, 645x773, 287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeds full lactose alfredo to intolerant girl to get braped on all night

>> No.16064411

Lol missed me with that gay shit stay rekt fagglord

>> No.16064429

What the fuck kinda woman wants to eat 100g dried of almost unsauced pasta?

>> No.16064718

that looks dry as hell OP
next time add cummies for dat creamy feel

>> No.16064769


>> No.16064889


>> No.16064953

Like sperm??

>> No.16065623

I have a small penis

>> No.16065747

This also works with bean and cheese burritos. Hope this helps.

>> No.16065840
File: 2.08 MB, 2448x3264, DEFA550F-A238-4C07-A4A0-AF5AFAC79879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made garlic shrimp Alfredo and garlic bread

>> No.16065886

looks grim mate

>> No.16065887

>frozen shrimp
I wont knock the garlic bread though it looks great

>> No.16065896

>bread and pasta
>niggerball-sponsored 'beetus-in-a-can
mutts lmao

>> No.16065913

Looks good but they'll be wanting more sauce.

>> No.16065926

Pay no attention to people dissing you. Looks like a tasy meal, well done

>> No.16065958

Looks good

>> No.16065983

Women like breaded fried shrimp, too.

>> No.16066027

Mix a pint and a half of chicken stock with a quarter pint of apple juice and a half teaspoon of salt, add three cubed apples (preferably three different types, one of them tart), bring to boil, reduce to simmer, simmer for twenty to thirty minutes (the apple should start to go soft), add a quarter cup of grated carrot towards the end and mix through. Serve with a brioch bun. Women love apple soup, and think you're a magician when they taste it.

>> No.16066053

I think it's the setting, the grandma plate and fork, the table that looks like it's at the end of someone's bed, pressed up against the windowsill, the lone piece of kitchen roll and the can of fat person liquid. The actual food doesn't look too bad.

>> No.16066132

That looks dry as hell

>> No.16066207
File: 136 KB, 489x223, CC77CEDA-E116-44D7-B685-A40B417EF00B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have to hurt me?

>> No.16066634

looks nice, just ditch the sugar water.

>> No.16067070

Why does your fork have snap-off points on the handle, though?

>> No.16067078

Caring about plating is a mental illness. The food is food, what matters is whether or not it tastes good. I couldn't possibly respect a woman who was concerned with plating.

>> No.16067174

>Give me more recipies to impress woman with.
You need to quantify “women” better.
Are you talking college women?
If it’s the former (and she isn’t a wealthy Ivy League girl), you don’t need to waste effort with actual cooking; get a frozen Bertolli skillet meal and some frozen garlic bread, and just unpackage them and put them in another container before she gets there if you’re going to ‘cook’ it after she arrives. Say “I did the prep work earlier because I wanted to spend time with you instead of in the kitchen”.
The effort (or lack of) you put into it is irrelevant as long as your plating is Instagram-worthy, as that’s what she’ll show as “look what Anon cooked for me!”
Also, and this is very important, get a large bottle of Sutter Home white zin, or a similarly cheap white zin, and make sure it’s had enough time in the fridge to be nice and cold. Don’t try to impress her with a nice wine; it will be too acidic or bitter or something else she doesn’t like. White zin is your golden ticket.

>> No.16067208

imagine being such a faggot that you post on an azerbaijanian spearfishing website and photoshop your reflection out of the images you post

>> No.16067223

Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates are divorced so...

>> No.16067277

Plating does matter, a bit, and where you eat. If you want to eat over the sink, fine, but it will taste better if you sit down at an uncluttered table and take your time. If you can control the lighting, so much the better. Plus if you want to impress a future wife, you need to put in some effort.

>> No.16067443

I live in Europe and all the woman I know are yuppies who take care of themselvs.
I'm not sure if what you wrote is optimistic or sad because americans seem to have replaced significant parts of thier vocabulary with brand names, which i fortunately dont know.

>> No.16067463

Wife? Gross, it's my sister I'm trying to impress. All I'm looking for is a bit of casual sex.

>> No.16067469


>> No.16067489

>significant parts
>2 brand names

We get it, you're a retard

>> No.16067736

>mentioning two products relevant to conversation that are common knowledge in America, on an American website.
Using a term like ‘yuppie’ would suggest you’re an American pretending to be European on the internet anyway.

>> No.16067858

You dont live in europe you fucktard, I live in europe, sure the women memexercise and go on fucking bland diets. That meal you made is perfect for women: bland, tasteless, no effort. Women only care about the plating, they literally cant tell the difference, anything they eat will be a meme, anything they do is for clout. Go and cook some egg whites to get a taste of a womans personality, faggot.

>> No.16067998
File: 1.01 MB, 800x600, 1610588535853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy on the left can impress a woman with instant ramen.
The only way to impress a woman is to be a 6'4'' with a chiseled jawline and hunter's eyes.
Everything else is COPE.