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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 37 KB, 267x213, chilli finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16058393 No.16058393 [Reply] [Original]

hey, i bit into a slice of pizza yesterday and there was a hard plastic piece in it. it looked like a cap to sauce or something. i brought it back to the wagie at the pizza counter and she didnt know what to do, looked rather scared like she was gonna get in trouble but at the same time had a sort of face -pretending- that she had no idea how it could have gotten there.

i gave the slice back to her and i asked her for a new slice of pizza and left -THOUGH- i did snap a picture of the bitten pizza and plastic piece on the pizza counter right before i left ... she also used the pizza tongs to dig through the bitten slice of pizza.

i have the reciept and a picture of the plastic item next to the bitten slice of pizza... how should i email a complaint to kroger to get some sort of gift card? should i just blast them on twitter? bonus points, my name is karen!

>> No.16058399

>bonus points, my name is karen!
tits or gtfo

>> No.16058412

if you're not harmed then fuck off and don't act like a member of the tribe trying to extort people for something via courts

>> No.16058413
File: 331 KB, 1280x1707, 99C3AD24-7E66-4B5B-A881-6513CDDDD7A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine living near a Kroger. Should just rangeban the Midwest from this board

>> No.16058436

>if you're not harmed then fuck off and don't act like a member of the tribe trying to extort people for something via courts
i couldve easily broken my front teeth had i bitten hard enough
>dumbass kid and friends playing with a gun in the living room
>gun discharges and misse friend by a few inches.
>no one got shot, no harm no foul.
fuck them, fuck their corporation, gimmie free shit, yall make hella money ripping off boomers and selling diabetes, and draining our water sources with their shitty monoculture'd cheap prices

>> No.16058453

If you're looking for an easy settlement, a gift card loaded with $500-$1000 is a done done at your request.
Finding a plastic cap large enough to be a choking hazard is a pretty serious infringement on HSE policies.

>> No.16058483

how do i proposition this? do i just look up the hse policy, quote it and be like "i want to bring this to your attention, blah blah blah"??

>> No.16058495

Yeah right. I had cardboard in my guacamole and they pressed me for the 10 dollars I wanted. Safeway btw

>> No.16058503
File: 571 KB, 1605x1840, serving-suggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"serving suggestion" is hilarious to me. They write it on everything of course.

>> No.16058532

Damn. It better be as pictured.

Also OP is a faggot I hope you actually lose money pursuing this.

>> No.16058546

>i couldve easily broken my front teeth had i bitten hard enough
But you didn't. Don't be a jew.

>> No.16058834

Neither, you weren't harmed just send a concerned e-mail. Maybe they'll give you a cupon but don't expect a check covering the cost of a dentist that clearly didn't need it.

>> No.16059022

i just want a fat giftcard
or something $100. i should have my sister write this, she is a professional karen. she works for jew corp.

>> No.16059452

As a former feral retard child who'd chew on bits of plastic, nah.
"You" could have cut the inside of your mouth up, which would be annoying and painful for the week it took to heal.
I personally believe you're pretending to be an unpleasant middle aged woman, possibly to cope with a recent experience you've had with one, but I'll humor you and treat the situation posed as a legitimate chain of events.
We've been fooled into thinking that the American consumer can actually affect change with "frivolous lawsuits", mostly through corporate propaganda, but they're actually very powerless against uncaring corporate giants. The unpleasant middle aged woman would be unable to get the kroger cafeteria to change any policy at their deli, and best possible payout would be 20$ giftcard after raging for several hours at wagies 1,2,3, and their manager.
>"Oh boy, twenty free dollars!"
20/ the course of several hours is a massive pittance.

If you are the wagie who fed some lady a bottle cap, don't do that. You probably won't get fired, but try to make life less horrific even for the mean fat boomer bitches who hork down Kroger pizza.

>> No.16059491

>it's an amerilard tries threatening charges against a big coprporation because some wagie fucked up his 2 dollar pizza slice
I welcome you to try

>> No.16059596

God, you have no idea how much I want to eat your taco right now.

In terms of your complaint I’d email the company, stating that you enjoy their products, but were really appalled at the lack of quality control and straight out ask for gift cards as compensation. It’s important to be clear about what you want, else they might end up sending you useless free shit, which puts you in a less advantageous position. Threatening lawsuits should be avoided unless you already are in contact with a lawyer.

>> No.16059608

i never said anything about a lawsuit. i just figured they dont wanna lose a boomer customer who buys tons of overpriced shit

>> No.16059635

Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93_TPLrULNo
No, the multibillion dollar fifth-largest retailer in the world known as Kroger doesn't give a fuck about losing a single customer who will probably end up coming back anyway.

>> No.16060108

if you really are "Karen", understand that most of the forces you perceive as protecting you don't actually exist, and if you come up to a deli counter with some methed-out fuck behind it or a tatted-up squatemalan- actually evaluate the fact that you're putting yourself in the hands of this unwashed goblin you see before you.
I don't fucking get fast food for this very reason- not fucking worth it

>> No.16061081


>I recently bought a slice of pizza from your deli counter and bit into a hard piece of plastic with my two front teeth. This could have broken my teeth and I am really upset this happened. I took the slice to the deli counter and the lady there took the slice and shrugged it off like it was not a big deal. I would really hope you could step up your quality control so nothing like this could happen again. Attached are pictures of the red plastic piece.

>> No.16062084


>> No.16063617

If he really had pictures he'd post one here

>> No.16063864

is this some
sort of
doxxing bait? afaik 4chan removes all image data.

>> No.16063889

>i did snap a picture of the bitten pizza and plastic piece on the pizza counter right before i left ...
Where's the picture, you slimy heeb?

>> No.16064236

A piece of pizza on a shitty paper plate won't identify you LARPing piece of shit.

>> No.16064730

you mean pizza shit