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File: 644 KB, 602x475, Screen Shot 2021-05-05 at 14.29.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16056451 No.16056451 [Reply] [Original]

If red meat has been proven to be carcinogenic, why is it still a staple of a regular diet?

>> No.16056452

The only times I've seen people make the claim is because of additives like nitrates

>> No.16056459

Its a work in progress. Bitter clingers will be worn down over the next decade as plant and insect alternatives become more popular. Plus they're mostly poor and rural so they'll be priced out of meat in due time.

>> No.16056471

Because it actually HASNT been proven to be a carcinogen. The who even admits red meat has health benefits in their faqs about their claim that red meat is "possibly" a carcinogen even though their shitty rat studies showed that red meat actually helped prevent colon cancer.

>> No.16056497

>Plus they're mostly poor and rural so they'll be priced out of meat in due time.
This is actually the whole reasoning behind the "eat the bugs goy" meme. It's got nothing to do with sustainability and everything to do with using the population as cattle while real meat is reserved for ""them.""

>> No.16056503

Show me the study.

>> No.16056508

Take your meds

>> No.16056544


I think this is the most famous one, just a small association of a 16% increase risk of colon cancer for eating at least a serving a day. Even if it was a proven cause of that increase, it really isn't that big an issue. Eat with abandon, OP.

Pan A, Sun Q, Bernstein AM, Schulze MB, Manson JE, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, Hu FB. Red meat consumption and mortality: results from 2 prospective cohort studies. Arch Intern Med. 2012 Apr 9;172(7):555-63. doi: 10.1001/archinternmed.2011.2287. Epub 2012 Mar 12. PMID: 22412075; PMCID: PMC3712342.

>> No.16056612


>> No.16056615

I don't give a shit. I'm eating it anyway.

>> No.16056644

>as always, it's a questionnaire that doesn't account for any possible other factors involved.
>it's about as "proven" as proving death to increase person's wealth by comparing dead people to teenagers and finding that the former tend to have a higher peak net worth.
Thank you for posting the source, anon.

>> No.16057053

Post the study, you know the one, there’s only the one and it’s been widely discredited for many years by many people including ethical vegans.

>> No.16058213

Schizophrenics shouldn't be allowed to post here.

>> No.16058232

Every major study on the detrimental health effects of red meat done in the last 2 decades was reviewed by a board of experts from around the world and they concluded that there is little to no evidence to suggest red meat is harmful.

>> No.16058259

[citation needed]

>> No.16058269

>they'll be priced out of meat in due time.
I could buy meat even if it was $400 per lbs.

>> No.16058290

Why do you lie?
>The best evidence comes from a pair of large 2005 studies, one from Europe, the other from the United States. The European research tracked 478,000 men and women who were free of cancer when the study began. During nearly five years of follow-up, 1,329 people were diagnosed with colon cancer. The people who ate the most red meat (about 5 ounces a day or more) were about a third more likely to develop colon cancer than those who ate the least red meat (less than an ounce a day on average). Their consumption of chicken did not influence risk one way or the other, but a high consumption of fish appeared to reduce the risk of colon cancer by about a third. The effects of red meat and fish held up after the results were adjusted for other potential colon cancer risk factors, including body weight, caloric consumption, alcohol consumption, smoking, physical exercise, dietary fiber, and vitamins.

>> No.16058296

>The U.S. study, sponsored by the American Cancer Society, added important information about the effects of long-term meat consumption. The subjects were 148,610 people between the ages of 50 and 74. Each person reported on his or her dietary patterns and health habits when the study began in 1982 and again, 10 to 11 years later. A high consumption of red and processed meats at both dates was linked with a substantial increase in the risk of cancer in the lower colon and rectum. Conversely, the long-term consumption of large amounts of fish and poultry appeared protective.

>> No.16058297

don't care.

>> No.16058301

>These two studies are impressive, and they don't stand alone. A meta-analysis of 29 studies of meat consumption and colon cancer concluded that a high consumption of red meat increases risk by 28%, and a high consumption of processed meat increases risk by 20%.

>> No.16058309

You did care enough to lie apparently.

>> No.16058318

you have me confused with someone else.

>> No.16058324

Correlation does not equal causation.

>> No.16058349

Food frequency questionares are not causation.

Tell me, how many lbs of blueberries did you eat in the last 5 years? Oh you... cant give an accurate answer? Just give it yout best shot.

Also are we factoring in other things like bmi, smoking, exercise, alchohol consumption?

Yeah your studies found correlation, they were paid to, dipshit.

>> No.16058369

Why do people smoke, drink alcohol and use drugs?

>> No.16058372

>Also are we factoring in other things like bmi, smoking, exercise, alchohol consumption?
Not only you lied about the level of evidence but you didn't even bother to read what I posted.
>The effects of red meat and fish held up after the results were adjusted for other potential colon cancer risk factors, including body weight, caloric consumption, alcohol consumption, smoking, physical exercise, dietary fiber, and vitamins.

>> No.16058374

>The effects of red meat and fish held up after the results were adjusted for other potential colon cancer risk factors, including body weight, caloric consumption, alcohol consumption, smoking, physical exercise, dietary fiber, and vitamins.
Another retard that didn't read.

>> No.16058380

jams your ass up and makes your gut fat
jews will feed a bug shit and you a bug, don't eat any of their food

>> No.16058381

If oxidation from the air has been proven to be carcinogenic and a major factor in ageing, why is it still a staple of our biology?

>> No.16058389

As always: in what amounts? Take sassafras for example. To drink enough root beer (made with real sassafras) to cause cancer, you’d die of the sugar long beforehand.

>> No.16058392

>correlation isn't causation xDdd
Love how you retards say this as an epic gotcha as if scientists didn't know about confounding factors or as if scientific studies ever used language like "X food totally causes Y disease", it gives away that you don't read scientific studies.
If food questionnaires are unreliable, feel free to post something better.

>> No.16058395

Alcohol is vastly more carcinogenic and everyone but Mormons get entirely butthurt if you tell them you don't drink.

Anymore I pop a few phenibut before hand and just tell them I pregamed

>> No.16058820

That makes no sense, only an extremely developed agricultural industry could ever dream of exploiting soil only suitable for cattle for growing insects.

The entire world would have to be rich as shit for something like this to happen, that or have all insects grown in the first world shipped to the rest of the world and all beef grown in the rest of the world shipped to the first world, which would be very inefficient, taking into account that "they" are concerned with efficiency.

>> No.16058902

Too bad there is new research showing that red meat has no effect on overall health. All the lobbyists funded by P&G are getting their panties in a bunch because the Annals of Internal Medicine are challenging their claims. God forbid our ever widening waistlines eat less grains and sugar in favor of a bigger steak.

This demonization of red meat and animal fats has been criticized and silenced over and over again since the invention of crisco. You are super butthurt that the whole world doesn't agree with you. You're such a pissy whiny bitchboy.

>> No.16058921

>angry rant
>no source whatsoever backing his claims
>brings up grains when nobody said anything about grains
>blames grains for him being an obese faggot
>oblivious to the existence of vegetables, everything is either sugar or meat
Embarrassing. Not only you can't even dispute scientific research with a source backing you claims but you ousted yourself as a lardass.

>> No.16058945

Seriously, why did this guy bring up grains and sugar when confronted with research on meat's impact on health?

>> No.16058965


Again, you are a butthurt little girl who can't stand criticism.

>> No.16058980
File: 419 KB, 600x600, 32AD21AB-F23B-492D-8E9D-B2228B68CE25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts an opinion article

>> No.16058987

>a news outlet that doesn't even link to a study
Kek. What's the deal with your obsession with masculinity, fattie? Looking like a hamplanet is not masculine, you know.

>> No.16059070

Kek, into the trash it goes. Give me a meta analysis of clinical trials stating that meat is bad, I'm waiting.

>> No.16059097
File: 74 KB, 447x482, 86947ED0-4A82-4CDA-B72D-75F288BBDA6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pro red meat evidence
Opinion pieces from the low Angeles times
>anti red meat evidence
Study and analysis of the distribution (who, when, and where), patterns and determinants of health and disease conditions in defined populations that anon discounts because they don’t agree with his argument

>> No.16059098

Tell that to the dick you haven't seen in years.

>> No.16059143
File: 127 KB, 1300x866, 83287756-raw-duck-breast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go fag. And remember, humans evolved eating red meat. The first animals we domesticated had red meat. We were able to live in landlocked areas (no fish) because of red meat. You can be a fag and let your cooperate overlords cuck you into a diet of cardboard cafo chicken (not duck because thats scawwy wed meat!) and unsustainably caught/shittily farm raised fish because you want your booty hole perfect for tyrell, but I don't give a shit. Even if these studies didn't exist I would still enjoy my steaks, livers, roasts, jerky, and (GASP) cured/smoked meats.

I'm sorry you were raised by a single mother.

>> No.16059144

vegans and vegetarians are retarded monkeys.

>> No.16059174

>contains every nutrient in their most bioavailable forms
>get's fully digested because it's literally pure nutrition
Anyone who believes that red meat is carcinogenic is braindead. The only reason why it could be carcinogenic is because of other factors such as animal feed not being carcinogenic and not species appropriate, medication or carcinogens created in the cooking process.
Food- and health science has always been heavily influenced by the food and pharma industry. Even smoking was "recommended by doctors" in the 50s. You could say veganism is the new smoking but it's all going to crash down sooner or later when vegan raised children grow up to be underdeveloped and get dementia in their 40s.

>> No.16059195

can you guys argue about grass fed specifically for a few posts

>> No.16059204

>Conclusion: Low- to very-low-certainty evidence suggests that diets restricted in red meat may have little or no effect on major cardiometabolic outcomes and cancer mortality and incidence.

This whole article was arguing that “ low- to very-low-certainty evidence that diets lower in red meat may have little or no effect on total cancer mortality”

Note the word “lower”. Need I pronounce it out for you. L o w e r. Now I know you may lack basic knowledge of basic definitions so I’ll put it in baby language for you. Teensy winsy less than big big thing.

Keep living on those opinion articles you mentally stunted retard

>> No.16059232

Keep projecting. And move out of your moms basement already. She already regrets you enough

>> No.16059241

You're literally a propaganda baby, why should anyone believe you. Probably also a tranny.

>> No.16059244

He probably wishes he was a tranny with how useless his microdick is.

>> No.16059246

Go on, post another opinion article, or better yet a study which doesn’t support your opinion whatsoever, so you can live in your sheltered red meat slobbering bubble

>> No.16059247

>everybody talking manly
>nobody posting timestamped physique
really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.16059259
File: 57 KB, 718x787, 1617243262331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres some white meat for you my boy

>> No.16059271

>Go ahead, post propaganda that outdoes my propaganda
Why, you're already convinced not eating meat will make you morally superior. None of those studies are conclusive enough, and by my own experience meat is a great source of nutrition when paired with other foods. You're stupid.

>> No.16059277

>no u

>> No.16059287

Fucking everything causes cancer, nobody gives a shit except faggots

>> No.16059293

>hamplanets are confronted with evidence
>they sperg out and start ranting about transexuals and interracial sex or just claim research is all a hoax

>> No.16059298

In stupid? Says the one who can’t state a single study in support of red meat yet still mindlessly goes on and on about it’s supposed health benefits >>16059174

I eat chicken and seafood not red meat and there will never be a study conclusive enough for you to prove it’s unhealthy properties in your mind.

>> No.16059301

that pic kek

>> No.16059323
File: 185 KB, 900x484, mountain lion meat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you can eat mountain lion because their meat is light, but you can't eat duck because their meat is red. Also can you eat dark meat fish like wild caught salmon since their meat is red? Does that mean the corn fed farm raised salmon is healthier because the meat is lighter in color?

>> No.16059336

isnt it the haem iron that causes ass cancer
so yes in the cases where that is why the meat is red

>> No.16059338

White meats are those that remain white after they're cooked, and they include poultry, like turkey and chicken. Of course, the differences between red and white meat involve more than simply the color of the meat.

Another significant difference between red and white meat is the nutritional and health value of the meat. Red meat is typically higher in saturated fat, and many people regard white meat as healthier.

That is how you distinguish red and white meat

>> No.16059362

But wild caught salmon is lower in fat overall. not to mention duck IS poultry but is a red meat. And duck is also a very fatty meat too.

There is also grass finished beef that is lower in fat. But then there is conventionally raised pork that is injected with weird shit to lower its fat content and make the meat light. So is pork a white meat?

Is rabbit a white meat? It is considered poultry and is so lean that people actually died from "rabbit starvation" when all they could catch and eat was rabbit. If low fat is healthy then wouldnt a lean meat like rabbit not cause people to starve to death on the pure protein meat?

>> No.16059370

You're right, there will never be study that convinces me that red meat is carcinogenic because it's just common sense that it isn't. You might as well tell me breathing fresh air is carcinogenic. You would believe that too if science told you that, wouldn't you?

>> No.16059378

Holy frick, meatchads are humiliating meatlets with actual arguments here.

>> No.16059398

truth will always prevail, as long as there's people fighting for it

>> No.16059415

nobody posting body w/timestamp lol

>> No.16059422

including you coomer

>> No.16059424

I guess you should get a pack of ciggies too I’m sure they don’t damage your lungs. Better yet jump off a cliff I’m sure gravity is just some science hoax
The classifications get tricky since white meat doesn’t strictly match the colour in name. However,
In nutritional studies, white meat includes poultry and fish, but excludes all mammal flesh, which is considered red meat.

>> No.16059426

nice projection

>> No.16059447

so this >>16059323 is red meat and this >>16059143 is white meat.

Got you.

>> No.16059504

Ironically science once told us that smoking was healthy and people still believed it even if it was common sense that it wasn't healthy.

>> No.16059559

Thats because scientific studies need funding. And whoever has the most money funds the studies. For example, the american heart association was a really tiny insignificant organization until proctor and gamble gave them several million dollars back in the 1920s. Do you think they would say anything bad about crisco?

>> No.16059611

red meat doesn't cause cancer, certian byproducts of digestion of amino acids and heme iron cause cancer, and they are very weak causes at that. all food you eat will do the same thing, it's just that read meat usually has a lot of protein and heme.
literally a non-issue.

>> No.16060399

bottom line is no RCT has ever shown that red meat consumption causes cancer or cardiovascular disease these "studies" you cite that are observational epidemiology ONLY show correlation not causation
in fact when the diet heart hypothesis (saturated fat causing heart disease) was finally tested in a large publicly funded well controlled RCT and it came back negative the results were hidden from the public for decades because the researchers didnt like the results and this is not a one off it happened to varying extents with the minnesota coronia study syndey heart study and a few other large expensive rcts
read Big Fat Surprise if youre interested in the history of this

>> No.16060466

and telling people NOT to eat red meat when it is one of the best sources of vitamins in bioavailable forms while more and more people nutritionally defficient due to our poor modern diets is irresponsible and likely causing harm
too lazy to post but somebody could find the studies of underdeveloped children of vegan parents because of b12 and other vitamin defficiencies

>> No.16060720

I'd rather trust the WHO.

>> No.16060746


Because there are health benefits that balance it out. Just don't eat red meat for like every meal.

>> No.16060777

didn't the WHO try to cover up the severity of covid 19 when it first happened because china was paying them to cover it up?

>> No.16061360

>trusting jewish enterprise
good goyim

>> No.16061386

literally yes lol

>> No.16061623

Ok chud. Nice cope. Keep seething. You will never be a man.

>> No.16061628

If the sun is proven to be carcinogenic why don't we live underground like mole people?

>> No.16061650

Water is a likely carcinogen.

>> No.16061654
File: 101 KB, 600x950, blood type map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's only carcinogenic for type As who lack the stomach acid to sufficiently digest it.

>> No.16061750

where do you think we are

>> No.16061767

That's the Jewglobohomo pushing this lie.

>> No.16061790

We’re talking about normal people
4channers are barely human to begin with

>> No.16061793

Interesting how there is so little A and B in mexico and below

>> No.16061795

>Self reports
You trust this? Self reports are the most inaccurate shits of all time
>Plebbit spacing
That explains a lot

>> No.16061852

cooked meat, not red meat in general. anything cooked is carcinogenic.

>> No.16062171

They use "Science" as the priesthood to dictate ethics and how we should live. I'm not even sure anymore if tobacco is actually bad or not.

>> No.16062183

Honestly I just base smoking being bad on anecdotes. I lost family and know people who lost family to lung cancer/disease who were heavy smokers, as well as people who got throat cancer from second hand smoke. Like, a LOT of people.

Meanwhile regardless of red meat consumption I still don't know anyone who has died of colorectal cancer, and the only heart attack deaths I know of were fat sedentary fucks (who also sometimes smoked/drank heavily)

I think if you don't drink/smoke, exercise, don't overeat, and avoid junk food for more whole foods, you can get away with a nice thick juicy steak for dinner a few times a week.

>> No.16062194
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>> No.16062280

Nice red herring, vegtard. You don't "get away" with something that's undeniably healthy like steak from grass-fed cows.

>> No.16062855
File: 62 KB, 440x630, CEEF9797-EF50-469F-B1AC-F4E2481EDA6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus this thread is really something. You will really defend red meat doubtless of how many studies BTFO it and constantly emphasise colorectal cancer and other health issues caused by it. Quite sad that you can’t find a single study, a SINGLE one to support eating red meat and all studies anti red meat are Jewish
Then you go on a rant about personal anecdotes and opinions you just recently pulled out your ass

>> No.16063208

because of the boomers

>> No.16063730

conveniently ignores
and just get triggered by the /pol/tards because the vegans/vegetarians dont have any good data (actual clinical trials not just shitty epidemiology that only show correlation not causation) supporting their claims

>> No.16063758

Take my cows away and I'll start hunting faggots like OP

>> No.16063825

>If red meat has been proven to be carcinogenic,
I'm sure, when that happens conclusively, red meat will be phased out.

>> No.16063859

This has to be the most retarded thread ever.

>> No.16064035
File: 48 KB, 500x488, mfw_i_find_bug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a shit study
>well, what if we roll 30 shit studies into a meta analysis?

>> No.16064044

Never enough to prove is it. Each study after another you'll just block your ears and pretend it isnt there. Sad!

>> No.16064052
File: 349 KB, 1280x1760, LIFE_-_Apr._4,_1955_-_Page_49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You could say veganism is the new smoking
Thats a great analogy, damn

>> No.16064077

There are even studies in places like the UK recently that people stated that they'd rather just die 10-20 years early than not eat meat. Its that good.

>> No.16064116

stop taking your "meds" (HRT) you will never pass.

>> No.16064123

the reason they demonize it is because they want a less manly population because it is easier to control

>> No.16064189

im not afraid of death

>> No.16064202

No, they made recommendations based on the available evidence at the time as protocols suggested. As for China paying them to cover up, this is nothing but a conspiracy theory from schizophrenic far-right blogs.

>> No.16064218

China didn't "pay" to have it covered up
However China is a major contributor to the WHO's budget, and the WHO didn't try very hard to object or press for evidence when china initially downplayed the severity and the spread of covid. They made recommendations based on the available evidence, but did a shit job of collecting evidence.

>> No.16064224

idk I heard about this from a guy who lived in china for a decade and wanted to love china but ultimately found it corrupt. He seems as far from right wing as you can be.

>> No.16064235

You're not manly, fatass.

>> No.16064241

if smoking has been proven to be carcinogenic, why is it still a staple of the American workplace?

>> No.16064243

Covid's severity hasn't been downplayed. If anything, it's the opposite: they've been hyping this meme flu for two years and robbing me of my liberties.

>> No.16064250

We're talking about January 2020 when it was new and countries were getting called racist for shutting their borders.

>> No.16064255

>a 1968-1973 study
>isn't even about meat and cancer risk but about the effects of replacing saturated fat with vegetable oil rich in linoleic to see whether it reduces coronary heart disease and death by lowering serum cholesterol
You're a lying idiot.

>> No.16064259
File: 124 KB, 500x500, girl vs woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the term is "weaker, more docile" Women can also be a huge threat to the elite. Wasn't the womens march on versailles a major turning point for the french revolution?

>> No.16064263

I eat red meat and butter all the time and I feel great.

>> No.16064356

>there are only skellies and fatties
i can tell which one you are lol

>> No.16064373

There's a pretty stark inverse correlation between BMI and testosterone, fattie.
And no, your rotund gut isn't muscular, fattie.

>> No.16064393

19.1 actually

>> No.16064408

IIRC, it's a very weak carcinogen, which is next to no issue unless you are eating kilos of it every day. Pretty much everything kills you if you take too much, including oxygen and water. Stop being so obsessed and afraid of death and just enjoy life.

>> No.16064410

I also eat mcdonalds everyday and I feel fine. I think nutrition is a lot more complex than what these so called "experts" tell us

>> No.16064420

>After adjusting for other risk factors, the researchers calculated that 1 additional serving per day of unprocessed red meat over the course of the study raised the risk of total mortality by 13%.
>Those who consumed the highest levels of both unprocessed and processed red meat had the highest risk of all-cause of mortality, cancer mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality.
Guess you should just enjoy life and start chain smoking cigarettes lmao

>> No.16064421


>> No.16064440

>additional serving
Just eat in moderation, like every sane dietician tells you to.

Wow, 13% whole percent! Who cares? It's like saying married people have 25-50% chance to get divorced, so you might as well be an incel your whole life. That may be fine for you, but I will take my chances.

>> No.16064446

>risk of total mortality by 13%.

>> No.16064691
File: 85 KB, 1125x1586, schaub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is wrong with these people

>> No.16064695

How can you raise a number above 100%?

>> No.16064830

They will be super dead!

>> No.16065020

They're upset that their asshole is riddled with cancer from all the dicks.

>> No.16065204
File: 25 KB, 474x406, 1619374268094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16065324
File: 51 KB, 614x631, rb3uh3jzpz601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a sad way to cope with getting btfo.

>> No.16065342
File: 193 KB, 1280x720, meatmakesufattho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you at least make a new image? It makes me wonder if your iron poor diet has depleted your creativity stores.

>> No.16065365

I'm not the author of that image but why make another one when that one hits a nerve, fattie?

>> No.16065371

everyone knows that /ck/ posters are all sickly pale skeleton men

>> No.16065379

life is carcinogenic

>> No.16065384

Being skinny is attractive and healthy.

>> No.16065386

being fit*

>> No.16065403

post your abs lol

>> No.16065404
File: 261 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being skinny is attractive and healthy.

>> No.16065413

take your time its fine

>> No.16065425
File: 31 KB, 362x360, mongorian.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look bro, the mongols ate red meat, dairy, and yogurt and took over most of Asia as a horde of nomads. I'll go with my gut and choose the diet of warriors and kings, not the meals of slaves and rodents.

>> No.16065453

Mongolia has a life expectancy under 70

>> No.16065461

Did you want to live longer than that?

>> No.16065463

Genghis Khan only lived to 65. Your point?

>> No.16065472

Yes its true zoo humans tend to live longer for the same reason zoo animals live longer.

>> No.16065511

>Pan A, Sun Q, Bernstein AM, Schulze MB, Manson JE, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, Hu FB. Red meat consumption and mortality: results from 2 prospective cohort studies. Arch Intern Med. 2012 Apr 9;172(7):555-63. doi: 10.1001/archinternmed.2011.2287. Epub 2012 Mar 12. PMID: 22412075; PMCID: PMC3712342.
What the fuck is this. Post a link I can click on you piece of shit

>> No.16066333

You forgot to mention that the vast majority of the studies specifically done on red meat failed to control for whether it was processed, and you are also forgetting about all of the studies that proved a LACK of correlation between cancer and red meat consumption. I can't post links to any sources because I'm on my phone but I'm hoping that anyone reading this who wants to see if I'm telling the truth will go ahead and look for the studies themselves. From my understanding, the consensus is that unprocessed red meat is in fact healthy in moderation and probably doesn't cause cancer even in large amounts, but does slightly increase your risk of heart disease if you are already at risk.

>> No.16066346

They also drink like four or five times more than the global average so that's actually really impressive

>> No.16066351

>Women can also be a huge threat to the elite.
Not since feminism, they can't.

>> No.16066367

Learn how to use your magic internet handbox for more than Facebook and porn, faggot.

>> No.16066811

guess ill eat more red meat then

>> No.16066825

>A high consumption of red and processed meats at both dates was linked with a substantial increase in the risk of cancer in the lower colon and rectum. Conversely, the long-term consumption of large amounts of fish and poultry appeared protective.

I eat large amounts of all of those so I guess it balances out. Checkmate, vegans.

>> No.16066925

In one of those posts, it says
>A high consumption of red and processed meats at both dates was linked with a substantial increase in the risk of cancer in the lower colon and rectum. Conversely, the long-term consumption of large amounts of fish and poultry appeared protective.
See the "red and processed" bit?

And on another post, it says
>These two studies are impressive, and they don't stand alone. A meta-analysis of 29 studies of meat consumption and colon cancer concluded that a high consumption of red meat increases risk by 28%, and a high consumption of processed meat increases risk by 20%.
Again, a distinction between red and processed meat.

Next time bother reading the posts you reply to.

>> No.16066965

Go back to faggit you retarded soyience faggotnigger

>> No.16066980
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Because it's fucking delicious

>> No.16067119

they used to have to write so much for ads back then

>> No.16067318

No one is making money on real meat. Processed fake meat is a money-maker and people have to be coerced into ingesting it "for their own good."

>> No.16067456

Drink green tea.

>> No.16067523

But the same studies say processed meat is even more carcinogenic than natural red meat

>> No.16068209

I mean, it's shorter than an average modern sponsored article

>> No.16068331
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>the study raised the risk of total mortality by 13%
i love the wording in these jewish articles
do you realize what this means? if we google the general risk of colon cancer
>Overall, the lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer is: about 1 in 23 (4.3%) for men and 1 in 25 (4.0%) for women
we have to multiply this general risk by 1.13. so your new risk factor then is for example for men:
0.043 * 1.13 = 0.04859
so your risk of developing colon cancer if you eat alot of red meat and/or processed meats as a male is 4.9% instead of 4.3% according to this study. this slight increase can even be because of statistical errors and it being a food questionnaire. quite useless. did you know that epidemiological studies that connected smoking with lung cancer had a 3000% increase? it needs to be ATLEAST 100% (a doubling) to be of concern. and then you do ACTUAL research into this, as an epidemiological study is not evidence, but more of an idea to research further into.

>> No.16068342


People who eat nothing but beef with a pinch of salt for every meal are extremely healthy. I don't buy it.

>> No.16068428

change is slow and people like steak

>> No.16068467

>insect alternatives

>> No.16068471

Memetics, infrastructure

>> No.16068483

>1 329 people out of 479 000
>0.027% chance of developing colon cancer
>"a third more likely" isn't actually gonna significantly increase that risk

>> No.16068532

I don't give two shits.
People like you disgust me. I'll make sure to either support meat producers or grow my own if I have to. Start messing with our laws and there'll be pushback.

>> No.16068540

Fuck you. Really. Just fuck you.

>> No.16068545

Red meat is the healthiest thing you can eat. Only a shill that wants you to eat what amounts to gruel like some slave would tell you otherwise. Their "studies" are meaningless paid papers with no actual value, or do you think cigarettes are healthy as well?

>> No.16068609


If cars kill thousands of people a year why do we still drive them?

>> No.16069306

Woah, dude, actual meta-studies btfo.

>> No.16069327

Basically your cope amounts to
>not that many people get colorectal cancer anyway, so a 13% increase still isn't that many people
Good to see you've moved the goalposts after getting caught lying.
Also epidemiological studies > your lac of sources. Keep coping, fattie.

>> No.16069333

Cletus-tier post, no wonder you fell for such obvious bait, hick.

You type like a redditor.

>> No.16069370

People itt started by claiming that meat is healthy and that research backs their claims. The second they got contradicted with evidence, they started all types of coping
>w-who cares? Not that many people get colorectal cancer anyway
>w-who cares? The studies are all (((fake)))
>w-who cares, meat taste good
>w-who cares, self-report studies are not worth it (this without them posting studies backing their claims)
>w-who cares, here's an unrelated study about replacing saturated fat with something else and not about cancer risk
>b-but it's processed meat (while replying to a post that literally makes a distinction between red and processed meat)
>b-but you need to take smoking, BMI, exercise and alcohol into account (this is actually adjusted for)
>w-well u r a tranny xD

>> No.16069391

its delishious

>> No.16069392

Name the fallacy

>> No.16069412

My, I've been rused with arguments people actually make. I don't care if it's bait or not. Fuck. You. I'll gladly play Cletus if it gets the point across.

>> No.16069639

How do you know when someone's a vegan? Because they'll tell you. Kek

>> No.16069666

>food studies
Into the trash. All you need is some common sense.

>> No.16070082

why would I want to live an extra 30 years with fucktards like you? if anything I wish the heart attack I was supposed to enjoy happened over 2 years ago like I was promised by vegan faggots.

>> No.16070411


>> No.16070419

maybe participating in medical studies causes cancer

>> No.16070736

no, he's saying that the amount of increased risk isn't even outside of uncertainty in the measurement. basically, you can't even claim with certainty that the risk is increased.

>> No.16070742

being skinny can be a sign of illness

>> No.16071391

Are you retarded?
It says diets restricted in red meat have little to no effect
As in it doesnt matter how much meat is consumed

>> No.16071591

Short answer, it isn't.
Long answer, do you really think these people care about your health? Of course not. Otherwise the more pressing issue is seed oils or sugar. The most significant study I could find said meat increased cancer by 18%. Even if they actually controlled for all the other variables in the diet of your average meat eater vs vegetarian (which they didn't), it pales in comparison to the increased cancer risk from smoking which is 2500%. I legitimately don't know who is pushing this or why but your health is not their concern.

>> No.16071604

Another liar, even after adjusting for obesity and smoking, the increase in cancer risk still applies, see >16058372

>> No.16071618

>Otherwise the more pressing issue is seed oils or sugar.
According to whom?

>> No.16071639


>> No.16071663

Not an argument. Post proof that sugar is more dangerous than meat.

>> No.16071665

theyre both bad retard

>> No.16071674

How is sugar bad?

>> No.16071677

we're done here

>> No.16071679

It has been proven so (in large quantities) for a long time now. Isn't this shit common knowledge? Just eat it in moderation.

>> No.16071707

Everything else is carcinogenic too

>> No.16071714

both of you need to stop reading women's checkout magazines and thinking it makes you informed

>> No.16071731

red meat is fine i dont give a shit
just trying to see if i could bait him from
>proof that sugar is more dangerous than meat.
>How is sugar bad?

>> No.16071744

You didn't post proof for either of those things and you claimed something about red meat that's contradicted by evidence.

>> No.16071755

suck it nerd

>> No.16072437

where is this "evidence" that red meat is bad i've only seen epidemiological studies posted here which only show correlation not causation, for the latter you'd need a randomized clinical trial testing red meat and ill health effects which to my knowledge does not exist... but the contrary does

>> No.16072474

Btw, you do realize the difficulty in making a randomized controlled trial for cancer incidence, right?

>> No.16072501

here is some of the real evidence testing whether red meat causes cancer in actual RCTs not just shitty epidemiology

8 year study on about ~2k people showing no change in risk for colorectal cancer

~50k women, 8 years, again NO effect on colorectal cancer

>> No.16072506

you'll never figure out what is true with that attitude and above i just posted some RCTs testing that couildnt find the data for the WHI easily but if anybody is interested it shouldnt be too hard

>> No.16072508

So is smoking and anything that releases smoke including candles, incense and even burning gas fuels which don't release visible soot.
I'm mostly vegetarian but the cancer risk isn't much of a consideration unless you're eating red meat everyday, then it could be worth cutting down to once or twice a week like a normal person (looking at you Americans).

>> No.16072518

From the first study you posted.
>The Polyp Prevention Trial (PPT) was a multicenter randomized clinical trial to evaluate the effects of a high-fiber (18 g/1,000 kcal), high-fruit and -vegetable (3.5 servings/1,000 kcal), and low-fat (20% of total energy) diet on the recurrence of adenomatous polyps in the large bowel over a period of 4 years. Although intervention participants reported a significantly reduced intake of dietary fat, and increased fiber, fruit, and vegetable intakes, their risk of recurrent adenomas was not significantly different from that of the controls.

>> No.16072522

The second link doesn't even link to a study.

>> No.16072523

smoking presumably only when you directly draw the smoke into your lungs or significant amounts put into the surrounding air in an enclosed space

as far as the red meat carcinogenicity once again there is no good evidence, clinical trials showing this but if thats how you want to eat and you feel good doing it more power to you

>> No.16072528

You posted only one RCT which doesn't claim what you claim it does.
>This study failed to show any effect of a low-fat, high-fiber, high-fruit and -vegetable eating pattern on adenoma recurrence even with 8 years of follow-up. (Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2007;16(9):1745-52).
Next time bother reading what you post or just don't lie.

>> No.16072554

"Another possibility is that the dietary intervention was inadequate; a reduction in fat intake to ≤15% of calories or a greater intake of fiber or fruits and vegetables might be required to reduce the risk of recurrent adenomas. Moreover, we may not have chosen the optimal set of dietary targets. The 20% reduction in the consumption of red and processed meat among subjects in the PPT intervention group may have been too small to affect the risk of recurrence of adenomas. Since the PPT intervention was a behavior modification trial in which participants self-selected foods to obtain their fat, fiber, and fruit and vegetable goal, the range of intake of specific phytochemicals in foods was enormous. Moreover, in spite of the self-reports of dietary change and the (modest) effects on hard end points such as serum carotenoids and total weight, we cannot rule out the possibility that participants did not in fact make the fairly extensive dietary changes recorded in the dietary assessment instruments."

next time dont just read the abstract but thats not entirely your fault because they want to hide these results

>> No.16072575

is from first study posted in
tl;dr you have to read more than just the abstract because they actively try to conceal their data when it shows red meat does not cause cancer

>> No.16072588

>self-report isn't reliable
>here, look at this study based on self-reports, specially this part where they admit participants may not have made the extensive diet changes in the assessment instruments
Good job.

>> No.16072590

You presume wrongly.

>> No.16072591

Studies show 100% of Cancer patients consumed dihydrogen monoxide chronically, and was a fundamental part in them developing the disease.

>> No.16072596
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What the fuck does any of this shit means anyways? When I die who fucking cares if I was an herbivore or carnivore or just ate fast food or ate whole organic foods or whatever. I'll just be another rotting corpse for scientists and fuckers on this stupid website to squabble over.

I don't even want a cause of death or a cause of my health decline. I just wanna die (preferably my cause of death would be a doctor administered overdose of barbiturates when I become to invalid) and be unembalmed, uncremated, and fed to animals, if not that, buried in a shallow grave in the woods. What the fuck is wrong with all you fucking people? Who fucking gives a shit what he or she or they eat? Really, who gives a S H I T?

>> No.16072601

get fucked braindead retard vegan

>> No.16072606

never fail to move the goal posts i cant say im surprised here is the other study i couldnt find from before
and criticism of self reported data of is warranted but these are at least randomized clinical trials which are a stronger form of evidence than the epidemiology i see posted here showing a link between red meat and cancer that also use self reported data

>> No.16072612

well its a question of shithole cancer innit

>> No.16072622

it's a falacy.
Red meat "increases" cancer risk because it boost a person's metabolism.
and higher metabolism "correlates" to a higher cancer risk.
they want you weak and lethargic.

>> No.16072625

I'll simplify for you anon. Meat, fish and saturated fat are okay. Probably good to eat some green vegetables too and even modest amounts of unprocessed carbohydrate are okay as well just take it easy on the candy and soda. And I care because if you eat well you can live a longer, more healthful life less likely to be riddled with the chronic diseases that are currently in part causing life expectancy to decline and bankrupt the healthcare system. At least in the US rest of the world I can't comment except for the similar prevalence of these diseases; cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, etc...

>> No.16072630

not red meat per se but fat consumption increases energy expenditure, red meat and even moreso organ meats being the most nutritionally dense foods for humans on the planet

>> No.16072639

>specially this part where they admit participants may not have made the extensive diet changes in the assessment instruments
what you are misinterpreting there is actually the researchers attempting to explain why they didn't get the result they were expecting i.e. more red meat more cancer

>> No.16072749

I have an expansive garden I expand every year, eat boatloads of vegetables (though idk how the fuck you are supposed to get 2.5 lbs of salad in every day I eat pretty close to that number even though my garden yeilds lots of greens to where I could get those in during the growing season), I eat homeraised, slaughtered, and butchered poultry and I bought wholesale beef from a local farmer, but next purchase is gonna be from a regenerative farmer who grass finishes. I hate candy and I don't drink soda, not even diet soda. My main vices currently are grains and refined sugar. I want to learn to bake so I can upsell my garden crops at the farmers markets but the practice results in me indulging, so I limit those projects to once or twice a month and try to give away extra and make small batches. I fucking hate carbs.

It's not about health for me, its just about enjoying having a connection with my food.

Honestly, don't worry about what others eat or how they live their lives. It's not worth it. Whenever I see yet another fat fuck drinking 10 gallons of soda a week and their leg rotting off I just shrug it off. It was a twisted combination of financial greed and a fucked up form of empathy that created and continues to perpetuate this sick society. Best to avoid both.

>> No.16072764


>> No.16072787

sounds comfy, where are you?

>> No.16072793

That's sounds like an amazing way to eat and live anon very happy for you. Unfortunately most are not so well informed and even those who try to be tend to be confused or misinformed because of all the mixed messaging. It gets even more difficult due to sugar being surreptitiously added to nearly everything in the grocery store. Consider the fact that continuing these worsening epidemics is a great boon to the food manufacturers who produce the garbage food that is poisoning people yet foot none of the bill. Most doctors, nutritionists, and hospitals will just treat your symptoms with lifelong drug usage that never addresses the actual root cause of these diseases. As well as the fact that the anti dietary and anti saturated fat message has been pushed by all relevant governmental and health authorities for nearly seventy years. Thankfully the ship seems to be slowly turning at this point, yet some would still like to double down on their failed advice so as to not have to admit guilt or mistake...

>> No.16072853

Midwest flyover. Keep saying our food sucks, it keeps the coasties away.

Trust me, I know about all that shit. I've known about it for a LONG time. I have very little trust for doctors even though I ultimately know I will be their bitch in an emergency. As far as nutrition goes I just do what I can. You can try to inform people all they want but most of them are stuck in their ways. The issue really lies in that no one has any connection to their food. You can tell them a chicken is exactly like a human being and people will believe it because no one interacts with chickens anymore. I just don't care what other people do, I just want to take care of myself, and I don't want others taking that away from me.

>> No.16073225

eat the bugs goyim

>> No.16073315
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>external contributing factors? what are those?
Oh, look... another shittily designed (((study))) that can't even articulate the unique properties of red meat that "lead" to the carcinogenic result. Fuck off jew.

>> No.16073342
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>red and processed
>illiterate seething soy
meaning they were lumped together lmao
fuck you're stupid...

>> No.16073350

Literally everything is carcinogenic. If it exists, there's some artificial claiming a study has linked it to cancer. So who cares

>> No.16073366
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>> No.16073368

I've already destroyed my brain with alcohol, the effects meat will have on my body are marginal

>> No.16073376
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>> No.16073389

The human digestive system isn't a fucking series of pipes, retard.

>> No.16073405

It is, though.

>> No.16073407

Take your incels, med.

>> No.16073986

Because the "regular diet" is absolute garbage and unhealthy.

>> No.16074199

Enjoy the moobs lmao

>> No.16074202

Enjoy the bird chest! Lmfao

>> No.16075195

Literally the last paragraph in that post:
>The effects of red meat and fish held up after the results were adjusted for other potential colon cancer risk factors, including body weight, caloric consumption, alcohol consumption, smoking, physical exercise, dietary fiber, and vitamins.

Seriously, it's like the fifth time one of you idiots embarrasses himself like this

>> No.16075210

This. It's like a joke at this point. Lying and claiming that they don't take external factors into account is dishonest as it is but lying like this when the very post they reply to contradicts them is plain embarrassing. And it didn't happen once but multiple times in this thread.

>> No.16075222

If you want to cherrypick to keep stuffing your face with red meat, good for you.

>> No.16075318

>"""""""independent""""""" research
>""""""""""verified"""""""""""" results
Follow the money. Who pays the researchers' income and holds their careers hostage?

>> No.16075349

If your pipes get to the temperature it takes for bacon grease to solidify not only are you dead but you have been dead for a while.

Seriously a healthy human is 98 degrees and will die if they get below like 94-93 except for some freak cases of hypothermia where you are unconscious and close to death.

>> No.16075382
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As soon as an animal dies it goes into rigormortis. You need to wait 24 hours before the muscle fibers relax again. The meat will not oxidize until it is exposed to oxygen, same goes for plant flesh. I have eaten frozen meat wrapped in butchers paper that was almost a year old and it's been just fine and perfectly red because it was frozen after chilling after slaughter (freezing immediately after slaughter will result in tough meat)

>> No.16075844

still only correlation not causation... if you don't have clinical trials then there isn't good enough data also how would red meat cause cancer when it used to be eaten even more then at current rates (think pre 1960s/1970s) yet rates of cancer were lower then they are today

>> No.16076033

It's the Big Broccoli industry.

>> No.16076306
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dont buy meat from costco or other shady suppliers with suspiciously low prices.
nothing but red dye and preservatives in that machine tenderized shit.

buy meat from a trustworthy butcher, not some middle man for china.

>> No.16076547

Life has proven to be terminal, you still you insist on living. Why is that?

>> No.16076600

>plays dumb to the existence of cash crops

>> No.16077364

Vegans are truly embarrassing themselves as per usual itt.

>> No.16078680

you WILL eat the bugs and you WILL love it

>> No.16079060

this is the main reason why these studies are so bad. the difference is so small, it could easily be due to people estimating their intake inaccurately. smoking had huge differences, which were further studied in more controlled environments. not only that, but there needs to be clearer definitions of what constitutes as red meat, claiming that salami is the same as a wild animals fresh meat is just wrong. if you think red meat is bad for you and you don't want to eat it, go ahead. but the problem is that people act like there's undeniable proof that red meat is bad for you, which there is not. I'm not claiming that red meat is healthy, we just don't know if it is or if it isn't. but the studies that have been done so far appear to point to the fact that possible detrimental health effects are nonexistent or at worst barely noticeable

>> No.16079185

>>16068483 <-- is right
Had this conversation with my vegan university flatmate a few years ago when the NHS brought out all this stuff saying red meat was bad. she kept telling me it was awful blah blah she studies biology blah blah le NHS said so.
When i actually looked at the Oxford study or whatever it only really increase the chanced from like 5% to 6% (not actual figures it was probably less), but they worded it as INCREASES CHANCES OF CANCER (incurable death disease you will die) BY A WHOPPING 20.0000%!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile she was always fucking tired (wonder why)
This OTHER super hippy vegan guy i knew fucked his leg up bouldering, to this day it hasnt healed properly and hes not experimenting with red light.

>> No.16079219
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Man all these subsidies going to big wheat oh wait sixty three percent of the U.S. government food subsidies go directly or indirectly to subsidize the meat and dairy industries, less than 1 percent goes to fruit and vegetable cultivation and less than 2 percent goes to nut and legume cultivation.
Can't quote a single study in support of red meat, embarrassing. No wonder Amerifats are so unhealthy when they show this much subservience to burgers and steak

Keep bumping this gem of a thread and keep on that heme iron retards

>> No.16079236

>poor and rural
It's pretty much impossible to be both poor and rural nowadays. To live a rural life you need a car and probably have to own your house, neither of which poor people can afford. They may be rural and stupid, but highly unlikely they are also poor.

>> No.16079254

Everything is cancerous. Red meat tastes delicious though so normal people will keep on eating it. I'm actually finishing off a steak in the oven right now. Can't wait to eat it.

>> No.16079352

Peiple who are more eager to participate in such studies already have a history of family illnesses and do it for the free medical checks.

>> No.16079543

Enjoy the colon cancer and antibiotics. Plus people can only afford such an inefficient source of nutrients because of the huge subsdidies
Mega cope. Red meat is cancerous and big beef serviles like you will always defend it.

>> No.16079628

I'm no science fag but what are the controls? Same cuts and cooking style? Unadulterated(unseasoned)? From a local grocer or a dedicated butcher? Are they counting the 'char' on grilled steaks as a carcinogen?
I am just curious of the qualifiers.

>> No.16079635

Tastes good

>> No.16079639

Look up heme iron
So does chocolate cake

>> No.16079650

Thanks. I did enjoy my steak very much. I might have to buy another for tomorrow's dinner too.

>> No.16079709

Chocolate cake isn't carcinogenic and does no damage to your health if you control your portion size and frequency

>> No.16079726

Does chocolate cake have amino acids that the body needs?

>> No.16079871

>dark chocolate

>> No.16079876
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>> No.16079900

All these meat eaters absolutely btfo itt. They will definitely see my superiority and convert to veganism now. I'm so damn great lol

>> No.16080017

Those fatties would cry if they didn't stuff their faces with sausages every day, the last thing they'd do is become vegan. Instead they'll just do what's said in this post: >>16069370

>> No.16080027

Irrelevant because participants in the studies are being compared to each other, not to those who didn't participate in the study. Try again.

>> No.16080121

So ultimately what is the point of this thread?

>> No.16080182

> less than 5% percent increase
> sunlight and city air will kill you first

>> No.16080313

For vegans to pretend they are better than anyone because they have no social life and no one likes being aorund them.

>> No.16080318

If Corona has been proven to be a flu, why is it still being pushed as a narrative?

>> No.16080780

This is some "I am 13 and just took my first big kid science class" shit

>> No.16082235

Kid got some balls on him, goddamn...

>> No.16082462

I'm going to fukkk you, everyone you know to death.
No matter how long it takes, my basement is large.

>> No.16082466

Assuming you're right (you aren't) nothing will ever be as cancerous as your faggot ass