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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 71 KB, 700x400, PBJ700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16025019 No.16025019 [Reply] [Original]

PB&J is so good.
>wheat bread
>crunchy peanut butter
>blackberry preserves
That's my style, what about you

>> No.16025056

>potato bread
>strawberry jelly
>smooth and creamy peanut butter

>> No.16025076

>wheat bread
>smooth PB
>prune jam

>> No.16025102

any bread
any pb
apple jelly or strawberry jam

>> No.16025110

Make your own peanut butter

>> No.16025115

>crunchy peanut butter
>my mouth
That's my style, what about you

>> No.16025197

Light to medium toasted wheat bread
Creamy PB
Blackberry jam or preserves

>> No.16025231

This, but also with a huge glass of ice cold 3% milk.

>> No.16025424

Anyone toast their pbj? I'm thinking about it

>> No.16025425
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Stop remaking this thread every day you homosexual

buttered toast
extra crunchy pb

>> No.16025436

Whole wheat bread
Teddy peanut butter
Blueberry preserves

>> No.16025514
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Stay with me anons cuz I have 2 versions of pb&js I love.

>Potato bread
>Chunky PB
>Layer of Doritos
>Strawberry preserves

#2 way
>Potato bread
>Chunky PB
>4 strips of bacon
>Black berry jam

>> No.16025534

Whole grain toasted
Honey roasted peanut butter, smooth
Currant jelly


>> No.16025547

I do it all the time. Put a piece of cheese in it too

>> No.16025559

>whole grain bread with as many seeds as possible
>Creamy peanut butter, or almond butter if times are good and I can afford it
>Blackberry jam, or blueberry preserves if I can afford it

>> No.16025561



>> No.16025564

Option 2 doesn't seem so bad if you maybe sauteed the bacon in caramelized brown sugar or something

>> No.16025664

Cheese hmm what kind is your fav?
Is that a like brain melting dude or a c'mon man kinda dude?
Tbh the peanut butter is just the right amount of sweet to the savor the bacon brings to the table

>> No.16025670

My ex would actually wake up in the middle of the night craving one and just make me one. That or Doritos and I shit you not vanilla bean ice cream.

>> No.16026506

like a DUDE WEED kind of dude, only stonerfags eat that shit.

>> No.16026539

>Cinnamon bread
>Crunchy Peanut butter
>Pinneapple (Thanks Stamper)
>Strawberry jam

>> No.16026699
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>> No.16026727

>wheat bread
stopped reading right there

>> No.16026751

I’m 31 and I eat PB&J at least 3 times a week. Is that a bad thing?

>> No.16026757

>make a toasted peanut butter sandwich with banana slices in it thinking it taste great
>it’s fucking awful

>> No.16026762

>toasted and buttered italian white
>crunchy pb
>strawberry preserves

>> No.16026763

Sprouted whole grain, gently toasted, cashew butter and apricot preserves.

>> No.16026771
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>white bread
>creamy jiff peanut butter
>rasberry jam
>american cheese
>stuff a shitload a potato chips in it
am I retarded

>> No.16026779

>toasted ciabatta
>natural crunch peanut butter
>organic raspberry preserves

>> No.16026790

No, peanut butter and jelly/jam is a good combo and they're cheap and filling. I'm close to your age and still eat a lot of them just because there's enough variety in various breads, butters and jams that it never wears itself out.

>> No.16026796

>white bread
>creamy PB
>grape jelly

Can’t mess with the classic desu :)

>> No.16026801

its supposed to be peanut butter and honey with banana slices, good if you sprinkle cinnamon onto the honey/banana as well

>> No.16026862
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>frozen wheat bread
>spoon out a modest amount of cold strawberry preserves
>wash said spoon off in the sink
>an heroic spoon full of cold crunchy peanutbutter
>made fast enough to keep ice on the bread for the first bite
Served with a glass of bitter ice coffee with just enough creamer to take the edge off; made waiting and chilling before hand, of course.

>> No.16026893

>potato bread
>crunchy PB
>apple butter
>strawberry preserves

>> No.16026904

Also, glass of whole milk. Perfect post-workout.

>> No.16027253

God I fucking love PBJ, and specifically PB
I eat PB by the spoonful at night while browsing the internet, probably more than 100g at a time
Am I gonna die /ck/?
Maybe it's not that bad since I'm in EU and PB doesn't contain much chemicals

>> No.16027378

>Challah or Cinnamon Bread
>Crunchy or Smooth PB
>Strawberry Jelly

>> No.16027736

are you the devil

>> No.16027750

White Bread
Creamy PB
Grape Jelly
Lays Potato Chips
Squish sandwich down to crunch the chips up a bit then eat

>> No.16027801

strike the apple butter and i'll suck you off

>> No.16027826

>wheat bread
>creamy natural PB
>Currant Jelly
>frosty glass of milk

>> No.16027831

They are just high in calories and sugar. Eating them in moderation is good.

>> No.16028073

If you go to the gym no

>> No.16028143

>lightly toasted multi-grain bread
>crunchy peanut butter
>orange marmalade or seeded raspberry jam
>glass of whole milk on the side

>> No.16028144
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wheat bread
Strawberry jam
creamy natural peanut butter
fried in butter

>> No.16028530

why do amerifats like that shit so much? it's in their lunches all the time.

>> No.16028539

based combination

>> No.16028557

I prefer the classic with jif creamy peanut butter, welch's grape jelly, and white bread. Cut diagonally, of course.

>> No.16028748

Yes, careful though, the PB gets runny

>> No.16028756

It sure as shit beats beans on toast.

>> No.16028846

sorry i know how to eat and cook so u eat ur dog food all u want

>> No.16028862

>toasted sourdough
>mamba peanut butter
>fresh homemade strawberry jam
>ripe banana

>> No.16029013

Mine's pretty pleb but it's delicious and easy to make

>15-grain bread (or any high-grains bread)
>creamy PB (nothing special)
>Strawberry jelly
>maybe a drizzle of honey if I'm feeling neato

>> No.16029024

Take the flour tortilla pill. Unlike wheat bread you can preheat in the microwave without turning it gross, and it isn't crumbly like toast.

>> No.16029036


>> No.16029073

remove the cheese and you will get your brain back

>> No.16029602
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>> No.16029721
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but the cheese tastes good

>> No.16029723

>whole wheat bread
>pic related for peanut butter
>homemade blood orange jam
PB&J is my go-to for lunchtime when I don't have any leftovers I feel like eating that day.

>> No.16029728

I'll sometimes toast the bread before putting on the spreads but that's it.

>> No.16029731

It's a great protein source if you work out.

>> No.16029741
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Wierc, pic didn't post

>> No.16029975

Peanut butter is really good for you, especially if it dosen't have any added sugar in it (called "natural" in the US often) you'll live a long life anon, just don't eat enough that it puts you in a calorie surplus and you become obese

>> No.16029986

>whole wheat bread
>natural crunchy peanut butter
>homemade strawberry jam, peach jam, or apple butter
Sometimes, and I know it might be controversal, but I like to sprinkle some nutritional yeast between the peanut butter and preserves

>> No.16029989

bros i tried natural peanut butter, tasted fine but i couldnt deal with how oily it was

>> No.16029994

White, wheat, or black bread with creamy PB and either strawberry, rosehip, or lingonberry jam, or maybe some orange marmalade.
Throw a tall glass of cold, whole milk with it and you're living the good life.

>> No.16029995

>>homemade blood orange jam
You mean marm?

>> No.16029998

i love this stuff but hate that it needs to be refrigerated. shit gets ruined when it's cold and hard to spread like that

>> No.16030001

You have to stir it thoroughly first, anon

>> No.16030007

i did, the texture was still unmanageable

>> No.16030021

Oh yeah another trick is when you throw it in the refrigerator, turn it upside down, the oil will rise to the bottom of the jar and sometimes I find this more convenient than stirring

>> No.16030030

Wait, people refrigerate their peanut butter? Literally why. I've had year old unrefridgerated natural peanut butter and it tasted fine. I don't even refrigerate my butter and I live in a tropical climate.

>> No.16030047

Brioche bread
Crunchy peanut butter
Apricot preserves

With a nice tall glass of milk

>> No.16030168
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I really want to prefer the fancier jams and preserves but desu just grape jelly seems to be the most consistent compliment to the meat of the sandwich: the peanutbutter

>> No.16030247

it goes rancid faster if you don't

>> No.16030253

>any bread but preferably wheat
>crunchy peanut butter
>grape jelly
I toast the bread sometimes before I put the pb&j on but I haven't tried toasting it with the condiments on

>> No.16030444

Well yeah, but I've rarely experienced times where those foods don't get eaten before that happens, even in the sweaty armpit of the world I currently live in.

>> No.16030489

>5 months ago
>go to youtube
>watch man make PB&J from scratch
>go to comments
>post "a Canadian invented peanut butter"
>still getting angry replies from blacks

>> No.16030544
File: 166 KB, 1024x768, A6082E83-7241-4554-B35C-92600D59138F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whole loaf of bread
>entire jar of creamy peanut butter and jelly
>pound of fried bacon
Elvis had great taste, this thing sounds amazing.

>> No.16030712

Thanks anon. I checked my peanut butter and the ingredients are
>toasted peanuts
>sunflower oil
I should be quite safe.

>> No.16030867

> Eats White bread (not wholemeal)
> Eats sugar-filled peanut butter
> Eats sugar-filled concoction called fruit jelly (not actual fruit jam)

Tries to tell people it is "so good".
American food is such shit, it's not even worth laughing about.

>> No.16030872

>glass of bitter ice coffee with just enough creamer to take the edge off

If this doesn't scream homosexuality, I don't know what does.........

>> No.16030892

>t. only drinks big black coffee

>> No.16031150

> french gâche or brioche
> crunchy peanut butter
> raspberry jam