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File: 145 KB, 600x835, Woman-sitting-alone-in-the-restaurant-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16014002 No.16014002 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like going to restaurants/bars by yourself?

>> No.16014012
File: 63 KB, 960x720, patrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Restaurants sure, bars, no. Why drink in a loud, obnoxious bar, paying $14 for shitty watered down drinks when I can watch the playoffs at home, in peace with my kitty, pouring my own strong drinks.?

>> No.16014019

They say drinking alone is a slippery slope. Having ONLY drank alone for half a decade, you might as well use the drug as intended.

>> No.16014045

I like to eat my food with my earbuds in listening to music so yes. Also i can slurp or get things on my face and it doesnt matter. I don't go to bars alone why would you do that? you can buy a drink at a store and sit somewhere nice.

>> No.16014084

>sportsbars are the only kind of bar

why do catposters always have the most asinine, ill-informed opinions?

>> No.16014088

Alcohol isn't a drug, drugs are illegal and ruin the lives of people and their families

>> No.16014092

you have drunk sex with cat

>> No.16014107
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I used to travel a lot for work. Going to restaurants alone becomes no-big-deal after a few times. I would usually sit at the bar if they had one, but a table worked just fine.

Going to a bar (as in not part of a restaurant) alone is sad. Just buy a bottle and drink it in your hotel room.

Goose is not related

>> No.16014113

He's an alcohol and it's destroying his family.

>> No.16014115

i've read that people who can't usually are not too bright or have problems socialising. i actually don't mind but people who are told not to go by themselves due to disability are often jealous and say very inappropriate things if they ever see me.

>> No.16014119

once I went to a Rax’s by myself and I was sitting in the solarium just enjoying my roast beef sandwich and some little girl waked up to me and said, “Where’s your family?” and I just broke down and started crying right there

Im so lonely bros

>> No.16014136

>Alcohol isn't a drug
It is, and can ruin lives the same way as other drugs do

>> No.16014187
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Restaurants are nice to go by yourself, as long as they aren't crowded to begin with.
I used to go to cafes on weekend mornings, right when they opened so nobody else was around. I'd sip iced coffee and enjoy eggs with toast or a sandwich, just enjoying the quiet atmosphere. I miss those days.

>> No.16014342
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>> No.16014377
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Going to a restaurant alone isn't a big a deal as people make it out to be. Everyone's gotta eat.
Just sit at a bar top if you're real against the idea, they're meant for a single person per spot obviously.
If the restaurant has outdoor seating, it's even better.
Nothing like enjoying your meal with the warm sun beaming down on you.

Bars alone I personally don't see a problem with, depending on the bar.
Dance/club bars it's sad, trendy bars it depends on the day, and sports bars no one cares, as it's usually older men drinking alone watching a game anyhow.
And if it's a bar & grill the restaurant mentality applies again.

>> No.16014384

>Nothing like enjoying your meal with the warm sun beaming down on you.
Don't forget how much car exhaust, pigeons, and bums begging for your food adds to the ambiance.

>> No.16014394

Good thing I don't live in a downtown city and have never been bothered by that, then.

>> No.16014552

>Going to a bar (as in not part of a restaurant) alone is sad. Just buy a bottle and drink it in your hotel room.
Take a lap, tard

>> No.16014563

No, I'm not the type of person other people would want to have around.

>> No.16014568

Love it. One of my favorite local spots pre-pandemic was a chinese buffet that was booming during lunch and dinner, but always had a nice quiet stretch between 2-4. Once or twice a month I'd juggle my work schedule and then grab whatever book I was currently reading and go enjoy a nice, quiet lunch with great food with the murmur of conversation and the clink of utensils as background. Very soothing.

>> No.16014569

nibba, around here restaurant and bars have been closed 11 months out of the last 13th months. I could kill in minecraft for a nice pint and some banter with the boys.

>> No.16014571

I like going to quieter bars in my neighbourhood to read a book or newspaper. I also really like chatting with bartenders and other people who sit at the bar. It's very relaxing for me. I generally get out before the nighttime crowds start to come, though.

>> No.16014575

I go to McDonald's at least once a day and am always alone. It's no different than every other waking hour of my life.

>> No.16014576

eating around others ruins the food for me. i pick things up from restaurants though because delivery services are for chumps and i don't want those people coming to my house. you know exactly what i mean.

>> No.16014579

also i do go to a bar alone but i play arcade cabinets there and talk with some fellows sometimes.

>> No.16014613

yeah its easier to pick up women if i dont bring my wife

>> No.16014615

t. a sad individual

>> No.16014633

>you have drunk sex with cat

>t. chang

>> No.16014706
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I only go to bars alone these days if they have karaoke, restaurants I'll go to by myself anytime

>> No.16014789

>I like going to quieter bars in my neighbourhood to read a book or newspaper. I also really like chatting with bartenders and other people who sit at the bar.
I like to go to my local bar alone but I don't know any of the bartenders or regulars' names and I just look at my phone at the bar.

>> No.16014814

I highly recommend chatting up your bartender. Every bar I've done that, I've gotten free drinks. And one bartender even got me and some friends into a "cool" bar without having to pay cover.

>> No.16015126

Says the guy drinking alone. I've lived that life. Its WAY more sad than drinking alone in public, not giving a fuck about what people think of you.

>> No.16015562

I went to bars alone before gf. Good way to meet new people and occasionally hook up with some slampig but most nights were uneventful. Sometimes I'd run into someone I know and they'd invite me to tag along.

>> No.16016728

it's nice to play darts by yourself for a bit of practice or to just chill and read a book.
also it's the bartender's job to entertain you if you go to a bar alone, so sometimes I like to sit at the bar, get to know the staff etc.
through them you meet the regulars and the locals.

>> No.16016878

I don't drink, and I hate the dine-in experience at restaurants. They never have vanilla coke unless they have one of those fancy touch screen 4 million flavor combination fountains. I hate not being able to get my own refills. I hate having to tip. Even when I'm with other people I wish we could order our shit to go. I often just get pizza or chicken wings for takeout and prefer to cook whenever I'm not in the mood for those.

>> No.16017018

how old are you

>> No.16017050

that's so fucking creepy but that happened to me before too. i live in a third world country and there are a lot of corrupt business owners and employees who take advatange of people and a lot of street beggars walking around asking for free things.

>> No.16017078

>Everyone's gotta eat.
tfw you broke
>Dance/club bars it's sad, trendy bars it depends on the day, and sports bars no one cares
lmao tfw you can't even go out cos u don't have enough money to solo it on a club, not enough nice clothes to show your face at a trendy or expensive bars, not enough money to even go to a sports bar without complaining about having to pay 15 a pint.

>> No.16017086

can't have one nice day... and if i pretend those things don't exist it's like they aren't even a problem... smart....

>> No.16017096

are you homeless in a country you have no legla status in?

>> No.16017137

u pay cover at bars??? :S

>> No.16017155

lmao............................................. wow u think we were dating/???? desperate much???? sleepi n w hookers u meet at where??? a bar????????

>> No.16017172

thts how u end up inprison

>> No.16017340
File: 134 KB, 323x241, 1618270124325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only go to restaurants when someone else suggests it. Left to my own devices I just sit on my couch eating rice and beans.

>> No.16017411

Only the cool ones where hot people go. I rarely bother but sometimes my friends like to.

>> No.16017427
File: 33 KB, 600x288, hell yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I saw her eating alone I'd go up and magnanimously offer to suck her toes, even though she should be ashamed for exposing her feet in public so brazenly.

>> No.16017522
File: 36 KB, 543x412, 1619375605560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have drunk sex with cat

>> No.16018289


>> No.16018292

yes because I am an alcoholic

>> No.16018348

No, I always get sick from dirty restroomraunt cooking my food. My grandpa never ate out. Gross, other people touching my food. Unless its deep fried chips then hell no. Even Pizza I'm like yeck no now. Sickly 2 minute noodle teenagers preparing my FOOD!? I'm adult, I in no way or shape nor form nor height nor depth need some child to prepare me a sandwich when I can make a more yummy sandwich at home

>> No.16019495

Real alcoholics don't get drunk in bars

>> No.16019793

I sit alone at the bar. I hate when people try to talk to me. I just wanna sit there, drink my beer, play on my phone, and look at the cute servers.

>> No.16019807
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I like going to the pub by myself, yeah.

>> No.16019836

Do the guys flirt with you back?

>> No.16019855

Restaurant no, bars yes. One time I got really drunk with a chubby woman and we slept together. It was cool.

>> No.16019890

Twin peaks does not have male servers

>> No.16020797

No. I don't have a mental illness.

>> No.16020998

Not everyone who does it is mentally ill

>> No.16021237
File: 168 KB, 960x960, 1607821968366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking in a room with a bunch of strangers is totally fine, but drinking the comfort of your own home isn't?

>> No.16021243

Ahahaha enjoy the hustle and bustle of the big city faggot

>> No.16021295

>why do *posters have shitty opinions.
May as well ask why the sun shines (for autists: not how).

>> No.16021352

I like being alone anywhere more than enduring the company of others.

>> No.16021393

>Don't forget how much car exhaust, pigeons, and bums begging for your food adds to the ambiance.
I've lived in new york city for a long time and i've never had bums beg or pigeons be persistent with my food